423 research outputs found

    Electronic commerce and logistics: the last mile dilemma reference framework and simulation

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    The electronic commerce companies that are involved in BtoC business and physical goods delivery have to deal with the Last Mile Logistics Dilemma, looking for the most apropriate solutions according to the characteristics of business models and service concepts proposed. To provide some useful suggestions to this dilemma, the article is aimed at: a) highlighting the crucial relationship between such e-commerce aproaches and logistics planning, in which the management of physical flows plays a fundamental role in providing profitability to the business; b) proposing a reference model to underly the relevant costs in the trade off between home delivery and delivery to a shop or pick-up point; c) linking those relevant costs to the main design and management leverages that can be used to define an apropriate and coherent solution to the problem; d)showing the risk of the “e-commerce trap”, that occurs when click and mortar companies have to manage multiple delivery processes and related costs.The work offers an analytical aproach to the last mile logistics design and the implementation of main alternatives. The final section reports a simulation of the final delivery process for “family durable products” showing how the described framework can be put in practice and how the different variables identified can influence the economics of the distribution process.The electronic commerce companies that are involved in BtoC business and physical goods delivery have to deal with the Last Mile Logistics Dilemma, looking for the most apropriate solutions according to the characteristics of business models and service concepts proposed. To provide some useful suggestions to this dilemma, the article is aimed at: a) highlighting the crucial relationship between such e-commerce aproaches and logistics planning, in which the management of physical flows plays a fundamental role in providing profitability to the business; b) proposing a reference model to underly the relevant costs in the trade off between home delivery and delivery to a shop or pick-up point; c) linking those relevant costs to the main design and management leverages that can be used to define an apropriate and coherent solution to the problem; d)showing the risk of the “e-commerce trap”, that occurs when click and mortar companies have to manage multiple delivery processes and related costs.The work offers an analytical aproach to the last mile logistics design and the implementation of main alternatives. The final section reports a simulation of the final delivery process for “family durable products” showing how the described framework can be put in practice and how the different variables identified can influence the economics of the distribution process

    A new diamond biosensor with integrated graphitic microchannels for detecting quantal exocytic events from chromaffin cells

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    The quantal release of catecholamines from neuroendocrine cells is a key mechanism which has been investigated with a broad range of materials and devices, among which carbon-based materials such as carbon fibers, diamond-like carbon, carbon nanotubes and nanocrystalline diamond. In the present work we demonstrate that a MeV-ion-microbeam lithographic technique can be successfully employed for the fabrication of an all-carbon miniaturized cellular bio-sensor based on graphitic micro-channels embedded in a single-crystal diamond matrix. The device was functionally characterized for the in vitro recording of quantal exocytic events from single chromaffin cells, with high sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio, opening promising perspectives for the realization of monolithic all-carbon cellular biosensors

    L'alimentation des autruches en élevage : étude bibliographique

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    L'élevage d'autruches (Struthio camelus) se développe en France. Parmi les différentes contraintes liées au maintien en captivité, l'alimentation est un facteur essentiel, tant pour la santé de ces animaux, que dans le cahier des dépenses. Dans son étude, l'auteur regroupe les données disponibles dans la littérature à partir d'essais expérimentaux et d'observations réalisées sur le terrain. Ce travail présente les notions principales sur la zootechnie des autruches, les bases anatomo-physiologiques relatives à l'alimentation, les recommandations correspondant aux divers besoins nutritionnels des autruches selon leur stade physiologique, la pratique de l'alimentation (matières premières utilisables, distribution de la ration, spécificités liées à des périodes critiques), et enfin, les troubles pathologiques pouvant survenir à la suite d'une mauvaise conduite alimentaire

    Valoración de las condiciones y modificaciones en la cronología de la erupción dentaria en niños escolarizados en relación a su situación cultural, social y económica en la ciudad de Córdoba.

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    La erupción dentaria es un evento fisiológico influenciado por factores endógenos y exógenos, asociado al crecimiento por el cual el diente se desplaza desde su posición original en el maxilar hasta su posición final en la cavidad bucal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir la condición socio-cultural-económica de niños en edad escolar primaria; y relacionar estos factores con la cronología de erupción en dentición permanente. Se determinó la cronología y secuencia de erupción de dientes permanentes, mediante un estudio de tipo transversal sobre una muestra aleatoria (n240) de niños en vulnerabilidad social pertenecientes a la escuela primaria de Villa Libertador ciudad de Córdoba de 6 a12 años de edad, comparado con niños no vulnerables que asisten a escuelas primarias privadas pertenecientes al gremio UEPC (Unión de Educadores de la Provincia de Córdoba). La erupción dentaria de dientes permanentes presentes en el examen es definida como la capacidad de los órganos dentarios para atravesar la mucosa gingival y ponerse en contacto con su antagonista donde se clasifico según procedimiento descripto por Mejia y Bojanini (1965) en: 0 = no presencia del órgano dental en boca, o sin haber atravesado el tejido gingival; 1 = presencia del borde incisal o borde cuspídeo en contacto con saliva hasta un tercio de la corona; 2 = presencia del órgano dentario hasta la mitad de la corona; y 3 = presencia del órgano dentario en oclusión. Los resultados demuestran que la edad de erupción dentaria es más temprana en los niños vulnerables que en los niños no vulnerables, e igualmente que los dientes de la arcada inferior erupcionaron más temprano que los de la arcada superior; Con excepción de los caninos superiores, en todos los demás elementos dentarios, las edades eruptivas correspondientes a la población estudiada, fueron inferiores a las de Shour y Masler. Se identificaron en los niños vulnerables, bajo índice de extracciones prematuras, índice de exfoliación fisiológica, amamantamiento prolongado y consumo de alimentos sólidos a temprana edad, relacionados con sus condiciones socio-cultural-económicas

    All-carbon multi-electrode array for real-time in vitro measurements of oxidizable neurotransmitters

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    We report on the ion beam fabrication of all-carbon multi electrode arrays (MEAs) based on 16 graphitic micro-channels embedded in single-crystal diamond (SCD) substrates. The fabricated SCD-MEAs are systematically employed for the in vitro simultaneous amperometric detection of the secretory activity from populations of chromaffin cells, demonstrating a new sensing approach with respect to standard techniques. The biochemical stability and biocompatibility of the SCD-based device combined with the parallel recording of multi-electrodes array allow: i) a significant time saving in data collection during drug screening and/or pharmacological tests over a large number of cells, ii) the possibility of comparing altered cell functionality among cell populations, and iii) the repeatition of acquisition runs over many cycles with a fully non-toxic and chemically robust bio-sensitive substrate.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Common genetic variants underlying cognitive ability

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    Boomsma, D.I. [Promotor]Heutink, P. [Promotor]Posthuma, D. [Copromotor

    Deciphering large-scale superposed fold systems at shallow crustal levels in collision zones: insights from the Marguareis Massif (southwestern Alps)

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    We present and discuss the results of a field-based approach including accurate geological mapping and micro- to map-scale structural analysis to highlight the finite strain pattern recorded in Marguareis Unit, a massif deformed at shallow crustal levels at the boundary between Maritime and Ligurian Alps. We describe superposed tectonic structures developed under low-grade metamorphic conditions during the Alpine collision and nowadays exceptionally well recorded in the area of interest. We demonstrate that the structural frame of the Marguareis Unit results from superposition of fourfold systems, later segmented, but without significant displacements, by brittle faults

    electronic commerce and logistics the last mile dilemma reference framework and simulation

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    The electronic commerce companies that are involved in BtoC business and physical goods delivery have to deal with the Last Mile Logistics Dilemma, looking for the most apropriate solutions according to the characteristics of business models and service concepts proposed. To provide some useful suggestions to this dilemma, the article is aimed at: a) highlighting the crucial relationship between such e-commerce aproaches and logistics planning, in which the management of physical flows plays a fundamental role in providing profitability to the business; b) proposing a reference model to underly the relevant costs in the trade off between home delivery and delivery to a shop or pick-up point; c) linking those relevant costs to the main design and management leverages that can be used to define an apropriate and coherent solution to the problem; d)showing the risk of the "e-commerce trap", that occurs when click and mortar companies have to manage multiple delivery processes and related costs.The work offers an analytical aproach to the last mile logistics design and the implementation of main alternatives. The final section reports a simulation of the final delivery process for "family durable products" showing how the described framework can be put in practice and how the different variables identified can influence the economics of the distribution process

    A Hippocratic Oath for geologists?

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    We argue here that the introduction of an ethical code of conduct that follows the example of the Hippocratic Oath of physicians will help geologists to acquire binding awareness of their professional and social responsibilities. The ethical behavior and obligations of modern geologists involve, but are not limited to, the following issues: correct land/ environment use and management; respect of truth and science; and protection of the Earth systems, on both the local and global scales, and therefore, of our well-being. We believe that for geoligists, the explicit acceptance of an ethical code will help to promote: (i) an awareness of their social role, expertise and sense of belonging to a professional community; (ii) an understanding of the expectations of citizens and society; and (iii) cultural growth, with better use of research and implementation of scientific and professional skills. All this should enhance the public recognition of the social mission of geologists, which is essential for the well-being of society. Therefore, we suggest that like in the majority of medical schools, ethical training should be a part of the university curriculum for students in geology