405 research outputs found

    Time--Splitting Schemes and Measure Source Terms for a Quasilinear Relaxing System

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    Several singular limits are investigated in the context of a 2×22 \times 2 system arising for instance in the modeling of chromatographic processes. In particular, we focus on the case where the relaxation term and a L2L^2 projection operator are concentrated on a discrete lattice by means of Dirac measures. This formulation allows to study more easily some time-splitting numerical schemes


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    The purposes of this study were to determine whether the concepts of critical swimming speed (CSS) and critical stroke rate (CSR) could be reliable and used by coaches in order to control and monitor endurance performance in competitive swimmers. The results of this study conducted with well-trained swimmers showed that CSS could be determined easily from two common distances and more accurately from 200- and 400-m tests after a correction of minus 1.4 %. Moreover, CSS was well correlated with swimming velocity corresponding to 4 mmol.l-1 of blood lactate concentration and could avoid using lactate testing. Furthermore, the concept of a critical stroke rate defined as ‘the stroke rate value, which can be theoretically maintained continuously indefinitely without exhaustion’ and expressed, as the slope of the regression line between the number of stroke cycles and time seemed to be reliable. Coaches, in order to set not only aerobic training loads but also to control swimming technique, could easily use CSS and CSR


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    ABSTRACT During the mid-Pliocene (Zanclean, ca. ∼ 3.9 Ma), parts of the Canadian High Arctic experienced mean annual temperatures that were 14–22°C warmer than today and supported diverse boreal-type forests. The landscapes of this vegetated polar region left behind a fragmented sedimentary record that crops out across several islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago as the Beaufort Formation and correlative strata. Paleoecological information from these strata provides a high-fidelity window onto Pliocene environments, and prominent fossil sites yield unparalleled insights into Cenozoic mammal evolution. Significantly, many of the strata reveal evidence for life-sediment interactions in a warm-climate Arctic, most notably in the form of extensive woody debris and phytoclast deposits. This paper presents original field data that refines the sedimentological context of plant debris accumulations from the anactualistic High Arctic forests, most notably at the ‘Fyles Leaf Beds' and ‘Beaver Pond' fossil-bearing sites in the ‘high terrace deposits' of central Ellesmere Island. The former is a remarkably well-preserved, leaf-rich deposit that is part of a complex of facies associations representing lacustrine, fluvio-deltaic and mire deposition above a paleotopographic unconformity. The latter yields tooth-marked woody debris within a peat layer that also contains a rich assemblage of vertebrate and plant fossils including abundant remains from the extinct beaver-group Dipoides. Here we present sedimentological data that provide circumstantial evidence that the woody debris deposit at Beaver Pond could record dam-building in the genus, by comparing the facies motif with new data from known Holocene beaver dam facies in England. Across the Pliocene of the High Arctic region, woody debris accumulations are shown to represent an array of biosedimentary deposits and landforms including mires, driftcretions, woody bedforms, and possible beaver dams, which help to contextualize mammal fossil sites, provide facies models for high-latitude forests, and reveal interactions between life and sedimentation in a vanished world that may be an analogue to that of the near-future.</jats:p

    Late Pleistocene-Holocene alluvial stratigraphy of southern Baja California, Mexico

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    A late Pleistocene to Holocene alluvial stratigraphy has been established for the basins of La Paz and San José del Cabo, in the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula, Mexico. Six discrete alluvial units (Qt1 through Qt6) were differentiated across the region using a combination of geomorphologic mapping, sedimentological analysis, and soil development. These criteria were supported using radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence and cosmogenic depth-profile geochronology. Major aggradation started shortly after ∼70 ka (Qt2), and buildup of the main depositional units ended at ∼10 ka (Qt4). After deposition of Qt4, increasing regional incision of older units and the progressive development of a channelized alluvial landscape coincide with deposition of Qt5 and Qt6 units in a second, incisional phase. All units consist of multiple 1–3 m thick alluvial packages deposited as upper-flow stage beds that represent individual storms. Main aggradational units (Qt2-Qt4) occurred across broad (>2 km) channels in the form of sheetflood deposition while incisional stage deposits are confined to channels of ∼0.5–2 km width. Continuous deposition inside the thicker (>10 m) pre-Qt5 units is demonstrated by closely spaced dates in vertical profiles. In a few places, disconformities between these major units are nevertheless evident and indicated by partly eroded buried soils. The described units feature sedimentological traits similar to historical deposits formed by large tropical cyclone events, but also include characteristics of upper-regime flow sedimentation not shown by historical sediments, like long (>10 m) wavelength antidunes and transverse ribs. We interpret the whole sequence as indicating discrete periods during the late Pleistocene and Holocene when climatic conditions allowed larger and more frequent tropical cyclone events than those observed historically. These discrete periods are associated with times when insolation at the tropics was higher than the present-day conditions, determined by precessional cycles, and modulated by the presence of El Niño-like conditions along the tropical and northeastern Pacific. The southern Baja California alluvial record is the first to document a precession-driven alluvial chronology for the region, and it constitutes a strong benchmark for discrimination of direct tropical influence on any other alluvial record in southwestern North America

    Structure preserving schemes for mean-field equations of collective behavior

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    In this paper we consider the development of numerical schemes for mean-field equations describing the collective behavior of a large group of interacting agents. The schemes are based on a generalization of the classical Chang-Cooper approach and are capable to preserve the main structural properties of the systems, namely nonnegativity of the solution, physical conservation laws, entropy dissipation and stationary solutions. In particular, the methods here derived are second order accurate in transient regimes whereas they can reach arbitrary accuracy asymptotically for large times. Several examples are reported to show the generality of the approach.Comment: Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Hyperbolic Problem

    Spatial linear global instability analysis of the HIFiRE-5 elliptic cone model flow

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    The linear instability of the three-dimensional boundary-layer over the HIFiRE-5 flight test geometry, i.e. a rounded-tip 2:1 elliptic cone, at Mach 7, has been analyzed through spatial BiGlobal analysis, in a effort to understand transition and accurately predict local heat loads on next-generation ight vehicles. The results at an intermediate axial section of the cone, Re x = 8x10 5, show three different families of spatially amplied linear global modes, the attachment-line and cross- ow modes known from earlier analyses, and a new global mode, peaking in the vicinity of the minor axis of the cone, termed \center-line mode". We discover that a sequence of symmetric and anti-symmetric centerline modes exist and, for the basic ow at hand, are maximally amplied around F* = 130kHz. The wavenumbers and spatial distribution of amplitude functions of the centerline modes are documente

    Numerical Investigation on Charring Ablator Geometric Effects: Study of Stardust Sample Return Capsule Heat Shield

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    Sample geometry is very influential in small charring ablative articles where 1D assumption might not be accurate. In heat shield design, 1D is often assumed since the nose radius is much larger than the thickness of charring. Whether the 1D assumption is valid for the heat shield is unknown. Therefore, the geometric effects of Stardust sample return capsule heat shield are numerically studied using a material response program. The developed computer program models material charring, conductive heat transfer, surface energy balance, pyrolysis gas transport and orthotropic material properties in 3D Cartesian coordinates. Simulation results show that the centerline temperatures predicted by 3D model are quite close to 1D model at the surface, but not the case inside the material. The pyrolysis surface gas blowing behaviors are quite similar but differences are observed at later time. Orthotropic model predicted a very different heat shield response to both the isotropic model and the 1D model

    Correlation functions quantify super-resolution images and estimate apparent clustering due to over-counting

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    We present an analytical method to quantify clustering in super-resolution localization images of static surfaces in two dimensions. The method also describes how over-counting of labeled molecules contributes to apparent self-clustering and how the effective lateral resolution of an image can be determined. This treatment applies to clustering of proteins and lipids in membranes, where there is significant interest in using super-resolution localization techniques to probe membrane heterogeneity. When images are quantified using pair correlation functions, the magnitude of apparent clustering due to over-counting will vary inversely with the surface density of labeled molecules and does not depend on the number of times an average molecule is counted. Over-counting does not yield apparent co-clustering in double label experiments when pair cross-correlation functions are measured. We apply our analytical method to quantify the distribution of the IgE receptor (Fc{\epsilon}RI) on the plasma membranes of chemically fixed RBL-2H3 mast cells from images acquired using stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We find that apparent clustering of labeled IgE bound to Fc{\epsilon}RI detected with both methods arises from over-counting of individual complexes. Thus our results indicate that these receptors are randomly distributed within the resolution and sensitivity limits of these experiments.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Whole Genome Sequencing and Metabolomic Study of Cave Streptomyces Isolates ICC1 and ICC4

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    The terrestrial subsurface microbiome has gained considerable amount of interests in the recent years because of its rich potential resource for biomining novel genes coding for metabolites possessing antimicrobial activities. In our previous study, we identified two Streptomyces isolates, designated as ICC1 and ICC4, from the Iron Curtain Cave, Chilliwack, Canada that exhibited antagonistic activities against the multidrug resistant strains of Escherichia coli. In this study, the genomes of these two isolates were sequenced by Illumina MiSeq, assembled and annotated. The genes associated with secondary metabolite production were identified and annotated using the bioinformatics platforms antiSMASH and BAGEL. ICC1 and ICC4 were then cultivated and ICC1 metabolome characterized by UHPLC-ESI-HRMS. The Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking was used to identify metabolites based on the MS/MS spectral data. ICC1 and ICC4 showed a high level of sequence identity with the terrestrial bacteria Streptomyces lavendulae; however, they possess a greater secondary metabolite potential as estimated by the total number of identified biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs). In particular, ICC1 and ICC4 had a greater number of polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide BGCs. The most frequently detected BGCs were those predicted to generate terpenes, small and low complexity dipeptides and lipids. Spectral analysis clearly identified a number of diketopiperazine products through matched reference spectra for cyclo (Leu-Pro), cyclo (Pro-Val) and cyclo [(4-hydroxyPro)-Leu]. One of the terpenes gene clusters predicted by antiSMASH possesses a seven-gene pathway consistent with diazepinomicin biosynthesis. This molecule contains a very rare core structure and its BGC, to date, has only been identified from a single bacterial genome. The tetrapeptide siderophore coelichelin BGC was unambiguously identified in the genome, however, the metabolite could not be identified from the culture extracts. Two type III polyketides, 2′, 5′ – dimethoxyflavone and nordentatin, were identified from the UHPLC-HRMS data of the aqueous and n-butanolic fractions of Streptomyces sp. ICC1, respectively. A BGC likely encoding these metabolites was predicted in both genomes. The predicted similarities in molecule production and genome shared by these two strains could be an indicative of a cooperative mode of living in extreme habitats instead of a competitive one. This secondary metabolite potential may contribute to the fitness of ICC1 and ICC4 in the Iron Curtain Cave