1,748 research outputs found

    Composite gaskets are compatible with liquid oxygen, resist compression set

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    Gaskets fabricated by laminating fluorocarbon polymers with fiber glass cloth have a low compression set. Their flexibility is not subject to drastic changes at the temperature of liquid oxygen with which they are used. The fabrication process is controlled so that the fibers are not impregnated with the polymer

    Be who you ought or be who you are? Environmental framing and cognitive dissonance in going paperless

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    This paper explores the potential for environmental information and dissonance-inducing messaging to encourage resourceful behavior. We manipulate message framing to analyze behavioral motivators businesses may consider when encouraging customers—here, those with revealed environmental preferences—from paper to online communications. In a large-scale natural field experiment comprising 38,654 customers of a renewable energy provider, we randomize environmental information and messaging rooted in theories of cognitive dissonance in email communications promoting an active switch to paperless billing. We find that environmental information and imagery is ineffective in inducing behavior change. Interestingly, the dissonance-inducing messaging weakly improves uptake among our main sample but backfires among a subsample of individuals with extensive postgraduate education. Contrary to the majority of the literature on gender and environmental behavior, females in our sample are less likely to switch to paperless billing

    Distribution and Efficiency of Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Bacteria in a Freshwater Reservoir

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    Hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria were identified from three stations on DeGray Reservoir, Arkansas. The organisms were primarily gram-negative rods representing 9 taxa and 37 biotypes Pseudomonas spp. were the most common isolates. The largest populations were found in areas most frequently used by boaters, although seasonal fluctuations were apparent during the spring and fall. The degradation of outboard motor oil by the five most rapidly growing isolates was studied. Each species had a different decomposition profile, and substrate oxidation rates were variable Acinetobacter calcoaceticus var. anitratus was the most efficient decomposer

    The Evolution of Solar Energy Policies in North Carolina and South Carolina

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    This thesis is a research and analysis project that seeks to understand the energy policies in North and South Carolina that have led to different growths of solar energy generation in the two states. When considering the states’ proximity to each other and similar solar resources, they should have similar numbers of installations and capacity. In national rankings of cumulative installed solar electric capacity, however, North Carolina ranks second while South Carolina ranks sixteenth. This suggests policy differences between the two states that have helped North Carolina and hindered South Carolina. This project was examined from the lenses of legislation, utility regulation, and external factors and events. Research was completed through a number of sources including legislative and regulatory policy analysis, literature research, in-person interviews, and archived news articles. These sources suggest that North Carolina’s solar success over the past two decades is due to a few key, favorable policies that have spurred development: historically generous interpretations of the federal Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act, a now-expired renewable energy tax credit of 35%, and a renewable portfolio standard. South Carolina, on the other hand, has only begun to substantially grow its solar industry in the past six or seven years. This has happened through the easing of restrictions that hindered development as well as massive public backlash against utilities and conventional sources of electricity generation due to a failed nuclear power plant. In the future, new policies in both states will likely seek to ensure continued industry growth in the face of concerns about anthropogenic climate change, economic growth, and a transition to renewable and distributed energy

    Gosnell, Katherine - Covid-19 Journal

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    Likes Book

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    Communicating resourcefully: a natural field experiment on environmental framing and cognitive dissonance in going paperless

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    In a large-scale natural field experiment comprising 38,654 customers of a renewable energy supplier in the United Kingdom, we randomize environmental information and dissonance-inducing messaging to promote an active switch from paper to online billing. We find that environmental information and imagery is ineffective in inducing behavior change. Interestingly, the dissonance-inducing messaging weakly improves uptake by 1.2 percentage points among our main sample but backfires among a subsample of individuals with doctoral educations, decreasing uptake by 6.2 percentage points relative to a control group. Contrary to the majority of the literature on gender and environmental behavior, females in our sample are less likely to switch to paperless billing
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