383 research outputs found

    Deterministic cavity quantum electrodynamics with trapped ions

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    We have employed radio-frequency trapping to localize a single 40Ca+-ion in a high-finesse optical cavity. By means of laser Doppler cooling, the position spread of the ion's wavefunction along the cavity axis was reduced to 42 nm, a fraction of the resonance wavelength of ionized calcium (λ = 397 nm). By controlling the position of the ion in the optical field, continuous and completely deterministic coupling of ion and field was realized. The precise three-dimensional location of the ion in the cavity was measured by observing the fluorescent light emitted upon excitation in the cavity field. The single-ion system is ideally suited to implement cavity quantum electrodynamics under cw conditions. To this end we operate the cavity on the D3/2–P1/2 transition of 40Ca+ (λ = 866 nm). Applications include the controlled generation of single-photon pulses with high efficiency and two-ion quantum gates

    Design and characterization of all-cryogenic low phase-noise sapphire K-band oscillator for sattelite communication

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    An all-cryogenic oscillator consisting of a frequency-tunable sapphire resonator, a high-temperature superconducting filter and a pseudomorphic high electron-mobility transistor amplifier was designed for the K-band frequency range and investigated. Due to the high quality factor of the resonator above 1000 000 and the low amplifier phase noise of approximately -133 dBc/Hz at a frequency offset of 1kHz from the carrier, we have achieved oscillator phase-noise values superior to quartz-stabilized oscillators at the same carrier frequency for offset frequencies higher than 100 Hz. In addition to, low phase noise, our prototype oscillator possesses mechanical and electrical frequency tunability. We have implemented a two-step electrical tuning arrangement consisting of a varactor phase shifter integrated within the amplifier circuit (fine tuning by 5'kHz) and a dielectric plunger moved by a piezomechanical transducer inside the resonator housing (course tuning by 50 kHz). This tuning range is sufficient for phase locking and for electronic compensation of temperature drifts occurring during operation of the device employing a miniaturized closed-cycle Stirling-type cryocooler

    The Sasa-Satsuma higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation and its bilinearization and multi-soliton solutions

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    Higher order and multicomponent generalizations of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation are important in various applications, e.g., in optics. One of these equations, the integrable Sasa-Satsuma equation, has particularly interesting soliton solutions. Unfortunately the construction of multi-soliton solutions to this equation presents difficulties due to its complicated bilinearization. We discuss briefly some previous attempts and then give the correct bilinearization based on the interpretation of the Sasa-Satsuma equation as a reduction of the three-component Kadomtsev-Petvishvili hierarchy. In the process we also get bilinearizations and multi-soliton formulae for a two component generalization of the Sasa-Satsuma equation (the Yajima-Oikawa-Tasgal-Potasek model), and for a (2+1)-dimensional generalization.Comment: 13 pages in RevTex, added reference

    Magnetic and transport properties of the new antiferromagnetic Kondo-lattice CeNiBi2

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    We report results of the first studies on the magnetic and transport properties of a new material CeNiBi_2. The magnetic susceptibility exhibits a sharp peak at T_N = 6K, indicating an antiferromagnetic phase transition. This antiferromagnetic order below T_N is confirmed by magnetization measurement, which displays a metamagnetic-like transition at H_m = 5 T. Both low-temperature susceptibility and high-field magnetization are suggestive of strong crystalline-electric-field effect in CeNiBi_2. The electrical resistivity shows the presence of Kondo and crystal-field effects with a sharp drop below TN due to the antiferromagnetic ordering. This sharp drop below T_N in the electrical resistivity is suppressed slightly to higher temperatures by an applied magnetic field to 18 T. With increasing magnetic field, the slope of magnetoresistance changes from positive to negative, being indicative of the transition to a ferromagnetic state.Comment: 11 pages, including 4 figure

    Density Functional Theory of Bosons in a Trap

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    A time-dependent Kohn-Sham (KS) like theory is presented for N bosons in thre e and lower-dimensional traps. We derive coupled equations, which allow one to calculate the energies of elementary excitations. A rigorous proof is given to show that the KS like equation correctly describes properties of the one-dimensional condensate of impenetrable bosons in a general time-dependent harmonic trap in the larg N limit.Comment: 10 page

    Spin correlated interferometry for polarized and unpolarized photons on a beam splitter

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    Spin interferometry of the 4th order for independent polarized as well as unpolarized photons arriving simultaneously at a beam splitter and exhibiting spin correlation while leaving it, is formulated and discussed in the quantum approach. Beam splitter is recognized as a source of genuine singlet photon states. Also, typical nonclassical beating between photons taking part in the interference of the 4th order is given a polarization dependent explanation.Comment: RevTeX, 19 pages, 1 ps figure, author web page at http://m3k.grad.hr/pavici

    Dilatonic Black Holes in Higher Curvature String Gravity

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    We give analytical arguments and demonstrate numerically the existence of black hole solutions of the 4D4D Effective Superstring Action in the presence of Gauss-Bonnet quadratic curvature terms. The solutions possess non-trivial dilaton hair. The hair, however, is of ``secondary" type", in the sense that the dilaton charge is expressed in terms of the black hole mass. Our solutions are not covered by the assumptions of existing proofs of the ``no-hair" theorem. We also find some alternative solutions with singular metric behaviour, but finite energy. The absence of naked singularities in this system is pointed out.Comment: 22 pages, Latex file, 7 Latex figures already include

    Collective oscillations of a 1D trapped Bose gas

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    Starting from the hydrodynamic equations of superfluids, we calculate the frequencies of the collective oscillations of a harmonically trapped Bose gas for various 1D configurations. These include the mean field regime described by Gross-Pitaevskii theory and the beyond mean field regime at small densities described by Lieb-Liniger theory. The relevant combinations of the physical parameters governing the transition between the different regimes are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Estimating Small Area Income Deprivation: An Iterative Proportional Fitting Approach

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    Small area estimation and in particular the estimation of small area income deprivation has potential value in the development of new or alternative components of multiple deprivation indices. These new approaches enable the development of income distribution threshold based as opposed to benefit count based measures of income deprivation and so enable the alignment of regional and national measures such as the Households Below Average Income with small area measures. This paper briefly reviews a number of approaches to small area estimation before describing in some detail an iterative proportional fitting based spatial microsimulation approach. This approach is then applied to the estimation of small area HBAI rates at the small area level in Wales in 2003-5. The paper discusses the results of this approach, contrasts them with contemporary ‘official’ income deprivation measures for the same areas and describes a range of ways to assess the robustness of the results

    Inflation and initial conditions in the pre-big bang scenario

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    The pre-big bang scenario describes the evolution of the Universe from an initial state approaching the flat, cold, empty, string perturbative vacuum. The choice of such an initial state is suggested by the present state of our Universe if we accept that the cosmological evolution is (at least partially) duality-symmetric. Recently, the initial conditions of the pre-big bang scenario have been criticized as they introduce large dimensionless parameters allowing the Universe to be "exponentially large from the very beginning". We agree that a set of initial parameters (such as the initial homogeneity scale, the initial entropy) larger than those determined by the initial horizon scale, H^{-1}, would be somewhat unnatural to start with. However, in the pre-big bang scenario, the initial parameters are all bounded by the size of the initial horizon. The basic question thus becomes: is a maximal homogeneity scale of order H^{-1} necessarily unnatural if the initial curvature is small and, consequently, H^{-1} is very large in Planck (or string) units? In the impossibility of experimental information one could exclude "a priori", for large horizons, the maximal homogeneity scale H^{-1} as a natural initial condition. In the pre-big bang scenario, however, pre-Planckian initial conditions are not necessarily washed out by inflation and are accessible (in principle) to observational tests, so that their naturalness could be also analyzed with a Bayesan approach, in terms of "a posteriori" probabilities.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, one figure. Many references added. The text has been improved in many points. To appear in Phys. Rev.