61 research outputs found

    Mountains, Kurakas and Mummies: Transformations in Indigenous Andean Sovereignty

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    This essay argues that Andean mountains have not always embodied indigenous sovereignty as they do today. The lordly titles that mountains now bear were, until the second half of the colonial period, held by ancestral mummies and living indigenous political authorities in a previous configuration of power. Case studies show how that earlier regime “returned to the earth”, a development which eventually led to the rise of mountains as sovereign entities. This essay explores the processes by which this complex transition occurred and emphasizes the insurrections of 1780-4, which replaced the earlier regime with a more democratic community-based authority, to which modern mountain lords correspond

    Mountains, kurakas and mummies: Transformations in Indigenous Andean sovereignty

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    This essay argues that Andean mountains have not always embodied indigenous sovereignty as they do today. The lordly titles that mountains now bear were, until the second half of the colonial period, held by ancestral mummies and living indigenous political authorities in a previous configuration of power. Case studies show how that earlier regime "returned to the earth", a development which eventually led to the rise of mountains as sovereign entities. This essay explores the processes by which this complex transition occurred and emphasizes the insurrections of 1780-4, which replaced the earlier regime with a more democratic community-based authority, to which modern mountain lords correspond

    Comentarios y respuesta

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    El artículo “Mountains, Kurakas and Mummies: Transformations in Indigenous Andean Sovereignty” fue debatido entre especialistas de diversas disciplinas, especialistas en la temática. Posteriormente se solicitó la respuesta del autor.

    "Now he walks and walks, as if he didn't have a home where he could eat": food, healing, and hunger in Quechua narratives of madness

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    In the Quechua-speaking peasant communities of southern Peru, mental disorder is understood less as individualized pathology and more as a disturbance in family and social relationships. For many Andeans, food and feeding are ontologically fundamental to such relationships. This paper uses data from interviews and participant observation in a rural province of Cuzco to explore the significance of food and hunger in local discussions of madness. Carers’ narratives, explanatory models, and theories of healing all draw heavily from idioms of food sharing and consumption in making sense of affliction, and these concepts structure understandings of madness that differ significantly from those assumed by formal mental health services. Greater awareness of the salience of these themes could strengthen the input of psychiatric and psychological care with this population and enhance knowledge of the alternative treatments that they use. Moreover, this case provides lessons for the global mental health movement on the importance of openness to the ways in which indigenous cultures may construct health, madness, and sociality. Such local meanings should be considered by mental health workers delivering services in order to provide care that can adjust to the alternative ontologies of sufferers and carers

    Ontologías en disputa: Diálogos entre la antropología y la arqueología para la problematización de paisajes regionals

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    Objetivo/contexto: Hacia finales del siglo XX, el dualismo ontológico con el que antropólogos y arqueólogos nos hemos formado teórica y metodológicamente ha sido cuestionado y puesto en debate. En este contexto, nuestro objetivo es exponer críticamente los trabajos que se están realizando y que contribuyen a problematizar los paisajes enredados de existencias, materialidades, saberes, sentidos o prejuicios pasados y presentes, y con ello a restablecer el diálogo entre la antropología social y la arqueología. Metodología: Exponemos el estado actual de la apertura ontológica en clave latinoamericana. Problematizamos la noción de paisaje como concepto que permite diálogos teórico-metodológicos entre la antropología y la arqueología, así como con otras disciplinas. También presentamos ejes de comunicación y diálogo entre los artículos que forman parte del presente dossier para finalizar con los desafíos por delante en cuanto a traspasar fronteras disciplinarias, temporales y espaciales. Conclusiones: En contextos de históricas relaciones de poder, de profundas crisis socio-ambientales, los principales desafíos de la apertura ontológica serían: 1) generar referentes teóricos permeables a diversas disciplinas y saberes; 2) consolidar metodologías que integren lo etnográfico con lo arqueológico; 3) alentar diálogos constructivos hacia y con otras disciplinas y saberes, y 4) propiciar la comprensión del entramado político actual y la generación de políticas públicas que permitan diversas formas de relacionamiento con el entorno. Originalidad: El restablecimiento de diálogos entre la arqueología y la antropología social desde las aperturas ontológicas tiene el potencial de discutir cómo en determinados contextos se concretan y/o disputan paisajes y modos hegemónicos de habitar en el mundo, así como se problematizan los usos políticos del pasado y las políticas de uso del espacio y el ambiente.Objective/context: Towards the end of the 20th century, the ontological dualism with which anthropologists and archaeologists have trained us theoretically and methodologically has been questioned and debated. In this context, our objective is to critically expose the works that are being carried out and that contribute to problematizing the landscapes entangled with past and present existences, materialities, knowledge, senses or prejudices, and, with it, to re-establish the dialogue between social anthropology and archaeology. Methodology: We expose the current state of the ontological opening in Latin American code. We problematize the notion of landscape as a concept that allows theoretical-methodological dialogues between anthropology and archaeology, as well as with other disciplines. We also present axes of communication and dialogue between the articles that are part of this dossier, to end with the challenges ahead in terms of crossing disciplinary, temporal and spatial borders. Conclusions: In contexts of historical power relations, of deep socio-environmental crises, the main challenges for an ontological opening would be: 1) to generate theoretical referents permeable to various disciplines and fields of knowledge; 2) to consolidate methodologies that integrate the ethnographic with the archaeological; 3) to encourage constructive dialogues towards and with other disciplines and fields of knowledge; and 4) to propitiate the understanding of the current political framework and the generation of public policies that allow for diverse forms of relation with the environment. Originality: The re-establishment of dialogues between archaeology and social anthropology from ontological openings has the potential to discuss how, in certain contexts, landscapes and hegemonic ways of living are concretized and/or disputed, as well as the political uses of the past and the policies of use of space and the environment.Objetivo/contexto: No final do século XX, o dualismo ontológico com o qual antropólogos e arqueólogos se formaram teórica e metodologicamente vem sendo questionado e colocado em debate. Nesse contexto, nosso objetivo é expor criticamente os trabalhos que estão sendo realizados e que contribuem para problematizar as paisagens permeadas de existências, materialidades, saberes, sentidos ou preconceitos passados e presentes, e, com isso, reestabelecer o diálogo entre a antropologia social e a arqueologia. Metodologia: Expomos o estado atual da abertura ontológica no âmbito latino-americano. Problematizamos a noção de paisagem como conceito que permite diálogos teórico-metodológicos entre a antropologia e a arqueologia, assim como outras disciplinas. Também apresentamos eixos de comunicação e diálogo entre os artigos que fazem parte do presente dossiê para finalizar com os desafios que temos adiante sobre ultrapassar fronteiras disciplinares, temporais e espaciais. Conclusões: Em contextos de históricas relações de poder, de profundas crises socioambientais, os principais desafios para uma abertura ontológica seriam: 1) gerar referentes teóricos permeáveis a diversas disciplinas e saberes; 2) consolidar metodologias que integrem o etnográfico com o arqueológico; 3) promover diálogos construtivos com outras disciplinas e saberes; e 4) propiciar a compreensão da estrutura política atual e a geração de políticas públicas que permitam as diversas formas de relacionamentos com o ambiente. Originalidade: O reestabelecimento de diálogos entre a arqueologia e a antropologia social a partir das aberturas ontológicas tem o potencial de discutir como, em determinados contextos, se concretizam e/ou disputam paisagens e modos hegemônicos de habitar, bem como se problematizam os usos políticos do passado e as políticas de uso do espaço e do ambiente.Fil: Saldi, Leticia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Mafferra, Luis Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Barrientos Salinas, J. Alejandro. Universidad Mayor de San Andrés; Bolivi

    Contentores, corpos e topologias: Uma análise integral da coleção arqueológica de Pampa Grande (Salta, Argentina)

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    A partir del análisis de la colección arqueológica de Pampa Grande (Salta, Argentina) se indagan diversos contenedores (animales, cerámicos, vegetales) en tanto cuerpos, junto a las operaciones topológicas que dan sentido a los mismos en contextos funerarios. Metodología: análisis de la colección arqueológica y documentación asociada junto a antecedentes bibliográficos. Conclusiones: se proponen otros vínculos y efectividades epistémicas para los contenedores lógicos de Pampa Grande a partir de movimientos (romper, voltear, combinar, asentar, envolver) que habilitan nuevos aspectos topo-lógicos tras o hacia la muerte, alterando sus capacidades afectivas y potencialidades.Originalidad: este artículo pretende aportar una nueva mirada sobre diversos elementos que conforman una colección arqueológica y que suelen ordenarse según la especialidad del investigador, antes que seguir las conexiones que el material mismo sugiere. Así, este trabajo aporta una red relacional alternativa que vincula diversos cuerpos contenedores desde un abordaje topológico que permite ir más allá de nuestra usual mirada académica sobre los mismos.From the analysis of the archaeological collection at Pampa Grande (Salta, Argentina) different containers (animals, ceramics, vegetables) are explored as bodies, together with the topological operations that confer meaning to them in funerary contexts. Methodology: Analysis of the archaeological collection and associated documentation together with bibliographical background. Conclusions: Other links and epistemic effectivities are proposed for the logical containers of Pampa Grande based on movements (breaking, turning, combining, settling, wrapping) that enable new topological aspects after or towards death, altering their affective capacities and potentialities. Originality: This article aims to provide a new look at the various elements that make up an archaeological collection and that are usually ordered according to the specialty of the researcher, rather than following the connections that the material itself suggests. Thus, this work provides an alternative relational network that links different container bodies from a topological approach that allows us to go beyond our usual academic view of them.A partir da análise da coleção arqueológica de Pampa Grande (Salta, Argentina), são questionados diversos contentores (animais, cerâmicos, vegetais) de corpos, junto às operações topológicas que lhes dão sentido em contextos funerários. Metodologia: análise da coleção arqueológica e documentação associada junto a antecedentes bibliográficos. Conclusões: propõem-se outros vínculos e efetividades epistêmicas para os contentores lógicos de Pampa Grande a partir de movimentos (quebrar, virar, combinar, assentar, envolver) que permitem novos aspectos topológicos após a morte ou em direção a ela, alterando suas capacidades afetivas e potencialidades. Originalidade: este artigo pretende contribuir com uma nova visão sobre diversos elementos que conformam uma coleção arqueológica e que costumam ser organizados segundo a especialidade do pesquisador, antes que seguir as conexões que o material em si sugere. Assim, este trabalho contribui com uma rede relacional alternativa que vincula diversos corpos contentores a partir de uma abordagem topológica que possibilita ir mais além da nosso usual olhar acadêmico sobre eles.Fil: Lema, Veronica Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba; Argentin

    Mountains, Kurakas and Mummies: Transformations in Indigenous Andean Sovereignty

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    This essay argues that Andean mountains have not always embodied indigenous sovereignty as they do today. The lordly titles that mountains nowbear were, until the second half of the colonial period, held by ancestralmummies and living indigenous political authorities in a previousconfiguration of power. Case studies show how that earlier regime “returnedto the earth”, a development which eventually led to the rise of mountains assovereign entities. This essay explores the processes by which this complextransition occurred and emphasizes the insurrections of 1780-4, whichreplaced the earlier regime with a more democratic community-basedauthority, to which modern mountain lords correspond

    Aguas mortíferas y cerros hambrientos : rito agrario y formación de clases en un pueblo andino

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