136 research outputs found

    The role of the Kaliningrad region in the development of Russian-German relations

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    Germany is one of the principal partners of the Russian Federation. The Kaliningrad region plays a significant role in the development of partnership between the two countries, but the existing opportunities for development are not fully exploited. This article analyses the development, current state and prospects of an increasing role of the region in Russian-German cooperation. The authors emphasize the role of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University as one of the leaders in the development of research and cultural links with German universities and research foundations. This publication is based on the authors' presentation at the round table discussion on the cooperation between Russian and German partner regions held on September 23, 2011 in the framework of the 8th International Conference on Transborder Cooperation: the Russian Federation, the European Union, and Norway (September 22—23, 2011, Kaliningrad). The article considers topical issues of Russian-German economic and cultural relations in the Kaliningrad region, which facilitate the development of Russian strategy for the integration of northwestern constituent entities into the economic and cultural space of the Baltic region

    Application of Tornado-flow Fundamental Hydro- dynamic Theory to the Study of Blood Flow in the Heart -Further Development of Tornado-like Jet Technology

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    ABSTRACT It has been proved previously that the Tornado-like swirling flows have strictly ordered hydrodynamic structure which can be exhaustively described by using the exact solution of non-stationary Navier-Stokes and continuity equations for this class of flows The current study proposes a method of measurement and calculation of the flow structural parameters derived from the exact solution, using LV cavity casts morphometry in humans and dogs and Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) of LV in two patients without severe cardiac pathology. It has been shown that the dynamic expression of intracardiac trabeculae and instant shape of LV cavity within a complete cardiac cycle correspond closely to the stages of single Tornado-like jet evolution. Since the intraventricular trabeculae profile is streamlined continuously by the blood flow, it should determine the hydrodynamic flow structure as an ensemble of guiding vanes. Therefore it has been concluded that the intraventricular flow dynamics can be analyzed and quantified using the exact solution. Application of this analysis to the MSCT visualization of LV cavity dynamics has shown the validity of this approach, which may be used for clinical diagnostic purpose. A realistic mathematical model of intraventricular blood flow has been proposed and evaluated. The results showed a good agreement between the model and known cardiac anatomy and function

    Изучение стабильности плазмы человека для фракционирования по показателю активности фактора VIII при моделировании отклонений в температурном режиме хранения и транспортировки

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    The European Pharmacopoeia requires that the transportation and storage of human plasma for fractionation should be carried out at –20 °C or below, while allowing for some deviations in the temperature regime. The current Russian regulatory documentation requires the transportation and storage of plasma intended for the production of labile protein preparations (blood clotting factors) at  –30 °C or lower. However, acceptable deviations from the temperature regime are not specified, which creates certain difficulties in their assessment by an authorised person during plasma batch release. The main tool in risk assessment is in-process control of factor VIII activity in plasma stored at inadequate temperature, which entails significant financial costs. The aim of the study was to assess stability of factor VIII activity in human plasma for fractionation when modeling deviations in the storage and transportation temperature regime and to assess the possibility of amending the regulatory documentation requirements. Materials and methods: only full individual doses of plasma obtained by apheresis were used in the experiments. The tests were performed under simulated high temperature conditions with accurate continuous recording of temperature by a measuring system. An automatic coagulation analyser was used to determine factor VIII activity. Quantitative evaluation of the results was carried out by comparing factor VIII activity in the plasma before freezing and in the tested plasma. Statistical processing of data was performed by descriptive statistics methods using Microsoft Excel 2007 applications. Results: no significant effect of short-term deviations in the storage temperature on the stability of factor VIII activity in human plasma for fractionation was observed. Conclusions: the obtained data can be used as a rationale for introducing changes in the official requirements for the storage and transportation temperature regime for human plasma for fractionation, as well as for including details of acceptable short-term deviations of the storage and transportation temperature regime in the regulatory documentation.Европейской фармакопеей регламентируется осуществлять транспортировку и хранение плазмы человека для фракционирования при температуре минус 20 °С и ниже, при этом допускается возникновение некоторых отклонений в температурном режиме. В настоящее время согласно требованиям нормативной документации Российской Федерации транспортировка и хранение плазмы, предназначенной для производства препаратов лабильных белков (факторов свертывания крови), должны осуществляться при температуре минус 30 °С и ниже. Возможность наличия отклонений в температурном режиме при этом не оговаривается, что создает определенные трудности в их оценке уполномоченным лицом при выпуске серии плазмы в производство. Основным инструментом в оценке рисков выступает межоперационный контроль активности фактора VIII в плазме с нарушением температурного режима, что влечет значительные финансовые затраты. Цель работы: изучение стабильности плазмы человека для фракционирования по показателю активности фактора VIII при моделировании отклонений в температурном режиме хранения и транспортировки с оценкой возможности внесения изменений в требования нормативной документации. Материалы и методы: в исследованиях использовали только полные индивидуальные дозы плазмы, полученные методом афереза. Испытания проводили в смоделированных условиях повышенной температуры с четкой, непрерывной фиксацией температуры измерительным комплексом. Определение активности фактора VIII проводили на автоматическом коагулометрическом анализаторе. Количественную оценку результатов осуществляли путем сравнения активности фактора VIII в плазме перед заморозкой и плазме, прошедшей испытания. Статистическую обработку данных проводили методом описательной статистики с использованием прикладных программ Microsoft Excel 2007. Результаты: установлено отсутствие значимого влияния краткосрочных отклонений температурного режима хранения на стабильность плазмы человека для фракционирования по показателю активности фактора VIII. Выводы: полученные данные являются основанием для обсуждения вопроса об изменении регламентированного температурного режима хранения и транспортировки плазмы человека для фракционирования, а также внесения в нормативные документы значений допустимых краткосрочных отклонений температурного режима в процессе хранения и транспортировки.

    Effects of autologous gingiva-derived cells with myogenic potential on regeneration of skeletal muscle

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    In our recent studies we found for the first time the ability of human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) derived from alveolar gingiva (alveolar mucosa) to differentiate into myogenic direction. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of autologous gingiva-derived MSCs with myogenic potential on the regeneration of muscular tissue after mechanical damage. The study was conducted on 11 male rabbits. Biopsy of alveolar gingiva was performed at each animal before experiment for autologous MSCs obtainment. Cultures of MSCs were induced in vitro into myogenic direction. To model the damage, the medial heads of the gastrocnemius muscles were intersected on both pelvic limbs of the rabbit. Injection of autologous MSCs was performed on the seventh day after injury into the damaged muscle of one of the extremities, while equal volume of saline (control) was injected into the muscle of the contralateral limb. The animals were sacrificed on 0, 21, and 35 days after the administration of cells. MSCs transplantation led to significant reduction of the area of muscle damage. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed earlier increase in the proportion of MyoD- and myogenin-positive cells, as well as decrease in the expression of Ki-67 in damaged tissue, in experimental group compared to the control. Autologous cells did not significantly affect the composition of muscle fibers. Significant decrease in the proportion of fibrous tissue was also observed in the experimental group. The results indicate the effectiveness of autologous alveolar gingiva-derived MSCs for treatment of mechanical damage of muscle tissue. Local administration of cells accelerated reparative regeneration and prevented fibrosis

    From descriptive to predictive distribution models: a working example with Iberian amphibians and reptiles

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    BACKGROUND: Aim of the study was to identify the conditions under which spatial-environmental models can be used for the improved understanding of species distributions, under the explicit criterion of model predictive performance. I constructed distribution models for 17 amphibian and 21 reptile species in Portugal from atlas data and 13 selected ecological variables with stepwise logistic regression and a geographic information system. Models constructed for Portugal were extrapolated over Spain and tested against range maps and atlas data. RESULTS: Descriptive model precision ranged from 'fair' to 'very good' for 12 species showing a range border inside Portugal ('edge species', kappa (k) 0.35–0.89, average 0.57) and was at best 'moderate' for 26 species with a countrywide Portuguese distribution ('non-edge species', k = 0.03–0.54, average 0.29). The accuracy of the prediction for Spain was significantly related to the precision of the descriptive model for the group of edge species and not for the countrywide species. In the latter group data were consistently better captured with the single variable search-effort than by the panel of environmental data. CONCLUSION: Atlas data in presence-absence format are often inadequate to model the distribution of species if the considered area does not include part of the range border. Conversely, distribution models for edge-species, especially those displaying high precision, may help in the correct identification of parameters underlying the species range and assist with the informed choice of conservation measures

    Trisetum spicatum

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    Wpływ obszarów zielonych na redukcję obciążenia hałasem od autostrady osiedla mieszkaniowego w Briańsku

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    This article discusses the role of green space in reducing the noise level on the example of the park named of honor of Gaidukov in the city of Bryansk. The results of measuring the level of noise in spring and summer, as well as schemes prepared with the application of contour noise were presented.W artykule omówiono rolę zieleni na zmniejszenie poziomu hałasu na przykładzie parku w mieście Briańsk. Pomiary poziomu hałasu wykonano w okresie wiosennym i letnim, przygotowano schemat z zastosowaniem krzywej hałasu