23 research outputs found

    Відділ квітниково-декоративних рослин: минуле і сучасне

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    The description of collections, analysis of breeding experiments and basic achievements of Department of decorative flower plants of M.M. Gryshko National Botanic Gardens from the time of its foundation are presented. Basic directions of scientific activity at the present stage are given and the prospects of research activity with decorative flower plants in the future are drawn.У статті наведено опис колекційного фонду, аналіз селекційної роботи та основні досягнення відділу квітниково-декоративних рослин Національного ботанічного саду ім. М.М. Гришка НАН України за період його становлення. Відображено основні напрями наукової діяльності на сучасному етапі та накреслено перспективи науково-дослідної роботи з квітниково-декоративними рослинами на майбутнє

    Algorithms for Railway Embedded Control Devices for Safety Manoeuvres

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    This study is dedicated to solve manoeuvres making task while working on the station with no marshalling hump. It is part of the project aimed at the development of intelligent safety and optimal control systems of autonomous electric vehicles and transport in general. The main manoeuvres safety depends on the lack of items and other objects on the rails as well as on the position of turnouts. In most cases rails, occupied with other wagons, as well as the wrong position of turnouts are marked with prohibiting red or blue signals of the traffic light. The authors propose an algorithm for the traffic light recognition by using a convolutional neural network (CNN) and traffic light indicator recognition. However, the situation when the locomotive needs to drive on the rails occupied with other wagons, for example, during the manoeuvres on the railway station can also appear. For this purpose, the authors have developed a CNN algorithm for the wagon recognition on the rails

    Interaction of real and embedded devices for intelligent control of city electric transport

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    The interaction of real and virtual devices is an important point in the design and development of control system. The central part of an embedded control system is a controller and it needs input devices and output sensors for realization of the control. The proposed approach allows using a real controller with its specific programming tools and languages for intelligent software development and virtual measurement and sensor devices realized in a computer environment. Different wireless compounds are necessary for intelligent embedded devices for transport system control. For this reason a wireless communication network is needed to ensure the data transmission between the controller and supervisory control and data acquisition system. The purpose of this paper is to propose an approach for interaction of real, embedded and virtual devices in electric transport control systems. The main tasks are: to analyze objects and functional dependencies of an electric transportation control system, to develop a control algorithm with the interaction of real and virtual devices, to ensure a wireless connection for the data transfer from the controller to the supervisory control and data acquisition system, to define the method of transmitted data processing. Computer and practical experiments, with real and embedded devices, and the results analysis will be described the paper

    Algorithms for Railway Embedded Control Devices for Safety Maneuvres

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    This study is dedicated to solve maneuvers making task while working on the station with no marshalling hump. It is a part of the project aimed at the development of intelligent safety and optimal control systems of autonomous electric vehicles and transport in general. The main maneuvers safety depends on the lack of items and other objects on the rails as well as position of turnouts. In most cases rails, occupied with other wagons, as well as wrong position of turnouts are marked with prohibiting red or blue signals of the traffic light. Authors propose an algorithm for the traffic light recognition by using Convolutional neural network (CNN) and traffic lights indicators recognition. However the situation, when locomotive needs to drive on the rails, occupied with other wagons, for example, during the manoeuvers on the railway station, can also appear. For this purpose authors have developed a CNN algorithm for the wagons recognition on the rails

    Intelligent electronic embedded systems for the protection of railway transport from accidents

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    The paper considers an intelligent electronic embedded system for the protection of railway transport from accidents, its compatibility with the existing railway control system, principles of its components interoperation and control algorithms. The paper gives the definitions of the functions performed by the system considered and its mathematical description applied to the realization of the control algorithm. The process of the device prototype testing is described with the obtained results, advantages and further prospect

    Efficient TM-pass multilayer planar optical waveguide polariser

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    A novel TM-pass polariser using the form birefringence of a stratified periodic medium is proposed. The mode-filter properties of a planar waveguiding structure with form birefringent buffer layer on a lossy substrate are investigated numerically. A structure with TM0-mode attenuation of less than 3 dB/cm at λ0 = 633 nm and TE-mode losses exceeding 300 dB/cm has been demonstrated experimentally. © 1991, The Institution of Electrical Engineers. All rights reserved