468 research outputs found

    Chemical abundances in Galactic planetary nebulae with Spitzer spectra

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    We present new low-resolution (R~800) optical spectra of 22 Galactic PNe with Spitzer spectra. These data are combined with recent optical spectroscopic data available in the literature to construct representative samples of compact (and presumably young) Galactic disc and bulge PNe with Spitzer spectra. Attending to the nature of the dust features seen in their Spitzer spectra, Galactic disc and bulge PNe are classified according to four major dust types (oxygen chemistry or OC, carbon chemistry or CC, double chemistry or DC, featureless or F) and subtypes (amorphous and crystalline, and aliphatic and aromatic). Nebular gas abundances of He, N, O, Ne, S, Cl, and Ar, as well as plasma parameters (e.g. Ne, Te) are homogeneously derived and we study the median chemical abundances and nebular properties in Galactic disc and bulge PNe depending on their Spitzer dust types and subtypes. A comparison of the derived median abundance patterns with AGB nucleosynthesis predictions show mainly that i) DC PNe, both with amorphous and crystalline silicates, display high-metallicity (solar/supra-solar) and the highest He abundances and N/O ratios, suggesting relatively massive (~3-5 M_sun) hot bottom burning AGB stars as progenitors; ii) PNe with O-rich and C-rich unevolved dust (amorphous and aliphatic) seem to evolve from subsolar metallicity (z~0.008) and lower mass (<3 M_sun) AGB stars; iii) a few O-rich PNe and a significant fraction of C-rich PNe with more evolved dust (crystalline and aromatic, respectively) display chemical abundances similar to DC PNe, suggesting that they are related objects. A comparison of the derived nebular properties with predictions from models combining the theoretical central star evolution with a simple nebular model is also presented. Finally, a possible link between the Spitzer dust properties, chemical abundances, and evolutionary status is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (45 pages, 17 figures, and 14 tables); final version (language corrected

    Chemical Abundances of Planetary Nebulae in the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy

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    Spectrophotometry and imaging of the two planetary nebulae He2-436 and Wray16-423, recently discovered to be in the Sagittarius dwarf elliptical galaxy, are presented. Wray16-423 is a high excitation planetary nebula (PN) with a hot central star. In contrast He2-436 is a high density PN with a cooler central star and evidence of local dust, the extinction exceeding that for Wray16-423 by E(B-V)=0.28. The extinction to Wray16-423, (E(B-V)=0.14), is consistent with the extinction to the Sagittarius (Sgr) Dwarf. Both PN show Wolf-Rayet features in their spectra, although the lines are weak in Wray16-423. Images in [O III] and H-alpha+[N II], although affected by poor seeing, yield a diameter of 1.2'' for Wray16-423 after deconvolution; He~2-436 was unresolved. He2-436 has a luminosity about twice that of Wray16-423 and its size and high density suggest a younger PN. In order to reconcile the differing luminosity and nebular properties of the two PN with similar age progenitor stars, it is suggested that they are on He burning tracks The abundance pattern is very similar in both nebulae and shows an oxygen depletion of -0.4 dex with respect to the mean O abundance of Galactic PN and [O/H] = -0.6. The Sgr PN progenitor stars are representative of the higher metallicity tail of the Sgr population. The pattern of abundance depletion is similar to that in the only other PN in a dwarf galaxy companion of the Milky Way, that in Fornax, for which new spectra are presented. However the abundances are larger than for Galactic halo PN suggesting a later formation age. The O abundance of the Sgr galaxy deduced from its PN, shows similarities with that of dwarf ellipticals around M31, suggesting that this galaxy was a dwarf elliptical before its interaction with the Milky Way.Comment: 24 pages, Latex (aas2pp4.sty) including 5 postscript figures. To appear in Ap

    Different Pattern of Immunoglobulin Gene Usage by HIV-1 Compared to Non-HIV-1 Antibodies Derived from the Same Infected Subject

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    A biased usage of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes is observed in human anti-HIV-1 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) resulting probably from compensation to reduced usage of the VH3 family genes, while the other alternative suggests that this bias usage is due to antigen requirements. If the antigen structure is responsible for the preferential usage of particular Ig genes, it may have certain implications for HIV vaccine development by the targeting of particular Ig gene-encoded B cell receptors to induce neutralizing anti-HIV-1 antibodies. To address this issue, we have produced HIV-1 specific and non-HIV-1 mAbs from an infected individual and analyzed the Ig gene usage. Green-fluorescence labeled virus-like particles (VLP) expressing HIV-1 envelope (Env) proteins of JRFL and BaL and control VLPs (without Env) were used to select single B cells for the production of 68 recombinant mAbs. Ten of these mAbs were HIV-1 Env specific with neutralizing activity against V3 and the CD4 binding site, as well as non-neutralizing mAbs to gp41. The remaining 58 mAbs were non-HIV-1 Env mAbs with undefined specificities. Analysis revealed that biased usage of Ig genes was restricted only to anti-HIV-1 but not to non-HIV-1 mAbs. The VH1 family genes were dominantly used, followed by VH3, VH4, and VH5 among anti-HIV-1 mAbs, while non-HIV-1 specific mAbs preferentially used VH3 family genes, followed by VH4, VH1 and VH5 families in a pattern identical to Abs derived from healthy individuals. This observation suggests that the biased usage of Ig genes by anti-HIV-1 mAbs is driven by structural requirements of the virus antigens rather than by compensation to any depletion of VH3 B cells due to autoreactive mechanisms, according to the gp120 superantigen hypothesis

    High-velocity collimated outflows in planetary nebulae: NGC 6337, He 2-186, and K 4-47

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    We have obtained narrow-band images and high-resolution spectra of the planetary nebulae NGC 6337, He 2-186, and K 4-47, with the aim of investigating the relation between their main morphological components and several low-ionization features present in these nebulae. The data suggest that NGC 6337 is a bipolar PN seen almost pole on, with polar velocities higher than 200 km/s. The bright inner ring of the nebula is interpreted to be the "equatorial" density enhancement. It contains a number of low-ionization knots and outward tails that we ascribe to dynamical instabilities leading to fragmentation of the ring or transient density enhancements due to the interaction of the ionization front with previous density fluctuations in the ISM. The lobes show a pronounced point-symmetric morphology and two peculiar low-ionization filaments whose nature remains unclear. The most notable characteristic of He 2-186 is the presence of two high-velocity (higher than 135 km/s) knots from which an S-shaped lane of emission departs toward the central star. K 4-47 is composed of a compact core and two high-velocity, low-ionization blobs. We interpret the substantial broadening of line emission from the blobs as a signature of bow shocks, and using the modeling of Hartigan, Raymond, & Hartman (1987), we derive a shock velocity of 150 km/s and a mild inclination of the outflow on the plane of the sky. We discuss possible scenarios for the formation of these nebulae and their low-ionization features. In particular, the morphology of K 4-47 hardly fits into any of the usually adopted mass-loss geometries for single AGB stars. Finally, we discuss the possibility that point-symmetric morphologies in the lobes of NGC 6337 and the knots of He 2-186 are the result of precessing outflows from the central stars.Comment: 16 pages plus 7 figures, ApJ accepted. Also available at http://www.iac.es/publicaciones/preprints.htm

    Morphology and Composition of the Helix Nebula

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    We present new narrow-band filter imagery in H-alpha and [N II] 6584 along with UV and optical spectrophotometry measurements from 1200 to 9600 Angstroms of NGC 7293, the Helix Nebula, a nearby, photogenic planetary nebula of large diameter and low surface brightness. Detailed models of the observable ionized nebula support the recent claim that the Helix is actually a flattened disk whose thickness is roughly one-third its diameter with an inner region containing hot, highly ionized gas which is generally invisible in narrow-band images. The outer visible ring structure is of lower ionization and temperature and is brighter because of a thickening in the disk. We also confirm a central star effective temperature and luminosity of 120,000K and 100L_sun, and we estimate a lower limit to the nebular mass to be 0.30M_sun. Abundance measurements indicate the following values: He/H=0.12 (+/-0.017), O/H=4.60x10^-4 (+/-0.18), C/O=0.87 (+/-0.12), N/O=0.54 (+/-0.14), Ne/O=0.33 (+/-0.04), S/O=3.22x10^-3 (+/-0.26), and Ar/O=6.74x10^-3 (+/-0.76). Our carbon abundance measurements represent the first of their kind for the Helix Nebula. The S/O ratio which we derive is anomalously low; such values are found in only a few other planetary nebulae. The central star properties, the super-solar values of He/H and N/O, and a solar level of C/O are consistent with a 6.5M_sun progenitor which underwent three phases of dredge-up and hot bottom burning before forming the planetary nebula.Comment: 50-page manuscript plus 11 postscript figures. This revised version corrects a typo in earlier submission. Nothing else has changed. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A New Way to Detect Massive Black Holes in Galaxies: The Stellar Remnants of Tidal Disruption

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    We point out that the tidal disruption of a giant may leave a luminous (10^35-10^39 ergs/s), hot (10-100 eV) stellar core. The ``supersoft'' source detected by Chandra at the center of M31 may be such a core; whether or not it is, the observations have shown that such a core is detectable, even in the center of a galaxy. We therefore explore the range of expected observational signatures and how they may be used to (1) test the hypothesis that the M31 source is a remnant of tidal stripping and (2) discover evidence of black holes and disruption events in other galaxies.Comment: Four pages with 1 figure. Appeared in ApJL (2001, 551, L37

    V605 Aql: The Older Twin of Sakurai's Object

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    New optical spectra have been obtained with VLT/FORS2 of the final helium shell flash (FF) star, V605 Aql, which peaked in brightness in 1919. New models suggest that this star is experiencing a very late thermal pulse. The evolution to a cool luminous giant and then back to a compact hot star takes place in only a few years. V605 Aql, the central star of the Planetary Nebula (PN), A58, has evolved from Teff∼_{eff}\sim5000 K in 1921 to ∼\sim95,000 K today. There are indications that the new FF star, Sakurai's Object (V4334 Sgr), which appeared in 1996, is evolving along a similar path. The abundances of Sakurai's Object today and V605 Aql 80 years ago mimic the hydrogen deficient R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars with 98% He and 1% C. The new spectra show that V605 Aql has stellar abundances similar to those seen in Wolf-Rayet [WC] central stars of PNe with ~55% He, and ~40% C. The stellar spectrum of V605 Aql can be seen even though the star is not directly detected. Therefore, we may be seeing the spectrum in light scattered around the edge of a thick torus of dust seen edge-on. In the present state of evolution of V605 Aql, we may be seeing the not too distant future of Sakurai's Object.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, ApJ Letters in pres

    Discrimination between the superconducting gap and the pseudo-gap in Bi2212 from intrinsic tunneling spectroscopy in magnetic field

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    Intrinsic tunneling spectroscopy in high magnetic field (HH) is used for a direct test of superconducting features in a quasiparticle density of states of high-TcT_c superconductors. We were able to distinguish with a great clarity two co-existing gaps: (i) the superconducting gap, which closes as H→Hc2(T)H \to H_{c2}(T) and T→Tc(H)T\to T_c(H), and (ii) the cc-axis pseudo-gap, which does not change neither with HH, nor TT. Strikingly different magnetic field dependencies, together with previously observed different temperature dependencies of the two gaps ~\cite{Krasnov}, speak against the superconducting origin of the pseudo-gap.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figure

    Pre-Clinical Evaluation of a 213Bi-Labeled 2556 Antibody to HIV-1 gp41 Glycoprotein in HIV-1 Mouse Models as a Reagent for HIV Eradication

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    Any strategy for curing HIV infection must include a method to eliminate viral-infected cells. Based on our earlier proof-of-principle results targeting HIV-1 infected cells with radiolabeled antibody (mAb) to gp41 viral antigen, we embarked on identifying a suitable candidate mAb for preclinical development.Among the several human mAbs to gp41 tested, mAb 2556 was found to have high affinity, reactivity with multimeric forms of gp41 present on both the surface of virus particles and cells expressing HIV-1 Env, and recognition of a highly conserved epitope of gp41 shared by all HIV-1 subtypes. Also, mAb 2556 was the best in competition with HIV-1+ serum antibodies, which is an extremely important consideration for efficacy in the treatment of HIV patients. When radiolabeled with alpha-emitting radionuclide 213-Bismuth ((213)Bi) - (213)Bi-2556 efficiently and specifically killed ACH-2 human lymphocytes chronically infected with HIV-1, and HIV-1 infected human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (hPBMCs). The number of binding sites for (213)Bi-2556 on the surface of the infected cells was >10(6). The in vivo experiments were performed in two HIV-1 mouse models--splenic and intraperitoneal. In both models, the decrease in HIV-1 infected hPBMCs from the spleens and peritoneum, respectively, was dose-dependent with the most pronounced killing of hPBMCs observed in the 100 µCi (213)Bi-2556 group (P = 0.01). Measurement of the blood platelet counts and gross pathology of the treated mice demonstrated the lack of toxicity for (213)Bi-2556.We describe the preclinical development of a novel radiolabeled mAb reagent that could potentially be part of an HIV eradication strategy that is ready for translation into the clinic as the next step in its development. As viral antigens are very different from "self" human antigens - this approach promises high selectivity, increased efficacy and low toxicity, especially in comparison to immunotoxins

    Influence of spin fluctuations on the superconducting transition temperature and resistivity in the t-J model at large N

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    Spin fluctuations enter the calculation of the superconducting transition temperature Tc_c only in the next-to-leading order (i.e., in O(1/N2^2) of the 1/N expansion of the t-J model. We have calculated these terms and show that they have only little influence on the value of Tc_c obtained in the leading order O(1/N) in the optimal and overdoped region, i.e., for dopings larger than the instability towards a flux phase. This result disagrees with recent spin-fluctuation mediated pairing theories. The discrepancies can be traced back to the fact that in our case the coupling between electrons and spins is determined by the t-J model and not adjusted and that the spin susceptibility is rather broad and structureless and not strongly peaked at low energies as in spin-fluctuation models. Relating Tc_c and transport we show that the effective interactions in the particle-particle and particle-hole channels are not simply related within the 1/N expansion by different Fermi surface averages of the same interactin as in the case of phonons or spin fluctuations. As a result, we find that large values for Tc_c and rather small scattering rates in the normal state as found in the experiments can easily be reconciled with each other. We also show that correlation effects heavily suppress transport relaxation rates relative to quasiparticle relaxation rates in the case of phonons but not in the case of spin fluctuations.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, will appear in Phys. Rev.
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