16 research outputs found

    Formation of an intelligent control system in the field of electric power industry based on the technological development of power supply components

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    The relevance of the paper is determined by the fact that the digital transformation of the country is recognized as one of the priorities for the economic development of the state. It is necessary to remove barriers for the digital transformation in the most promising areas of production and life by stimulating the introduction of digital technologies and attracting investments, overcoming the digital divide, deepening cooperation between states in the digital sphere and developing the country's digital innovation infrastructure. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the transition to a new level of digital functioning of electric systems is possible in the context of formation of a smart energy supply system and the introduction of modern information technologies. The authors show that the introduction of new energy meters is the basis for creating an innovative infrastructure of the fuel and energy complex of the national economy. The authors believe that this is the basis for the transition to a new level of energy supply and the introduction of new economic mechanisms for demand management and further development of energy markets. This in turn contributes to the integration of energy systems of different countries. The practical significance of the study is determined by the possibilities of stratification of the economic assessment of the energy industry and the formation of a sustainable assessment of the formation of energy supply systems. It is proposed to determine the needs of industry in sustainable energy supply


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    European tourism suffered the greatest crisis on record in 2020-2021 following an unprecedented health, social and economic emergency with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine restrictions. Thus, the aim of the article is to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on international trade in tourism services in Europe, as well as determining the development trends of international trade in tourism services in the regions of Europe and EU countries in the pre- and post-coronavirus period. To achieve the goal of the scientific research a quantitative research method, literature review method, retrospective analysis, statistical analysis has been used. In the study, secondary data of the international tourist arrivals in Europe, export/import of tourism services by European regions and EU in the pre-coronavirus and post-coronavirus period has been analyzed. The following trends have been identified: 1) an undulating trend in tourism exports in Europe in general, and European regions in particular, characterized by regional differentiation; 2) an alternation of peaks and troughs in the volume of imports of tourism services in Europe and a reversal of the main upward downward trend in all regions of Europe in 2020; 3) a differentiation of the response of European regions to the challenges of 2020 - regions with a passive trade balance showed a reduction in the deficit, while regions with an active trade balance, on the contrary, reduced its surplus; 4) a differentiation of the share of import/export of tourism services of total trade in services by regions of Europe with a gradual upward trend and a rapid downward trend break in 2020

    Holocene wildfire regimes in forested peatlands in western Siberia: interaction between peatland moisture conditions and the composition of plant functional types

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    Wildfire is the most common disturbance type inboreal forests and can trigger significant changes in forestcomposition. Waterlogging in peatlands determines the degree of tree cover and the depth of the burnt horizon associated with wildfires. However, interactions between peatland moisture, vegetation composition and flammability, andfire regime in forest and forested peatland in Eurasia remain largely unexplored, despite their huge extent in borealregions. To address this knowledge gap, we reconstructedthe Holocene fire regime, vegetation composition, and peatland hydrology at two sites located in predominantly lighttaiga (Pinus sylvestris Betula) with interspersed dark taigacommunities (Pinus sibirica, Picea obovata, Abies sibirica)in western Siberia in the Tomsk Oblast, Russia. We foundmarked shifts in past water levels over the Holocene. Theprobability of fire occurrence and the intensification of firefrequency and severity increased at times of low water table(drier conditions), enhanced fuel dryness, and an intermediate dark-to-light taiga ratio. High water level, and thus wetpeat surface conditions, prevented fires from spreading onpeatland and surrounding forests. Deciduous trees (i.e. Betula) and Sphagnum were more abundant under wetter peatland conditions, and conifers and denser forests were moreprevalent under drier peatland conditions. On a Holocenescale, severe fires were recorded between 7.5 and 4.5 ka withan increased proportion of dark taiga and fire avoiders (Pinussibirica at Rybnaya and Abies sibirica at Ulukh–Chayakh)in a predominantly light taiga and fire-resister communitycharacterised by Pinus sylvestris and lower local water level.Severe fires also occurred over the last 1.5 kyr and were associated with a declining abundance of dark taiga and fireavoiders, an expansion of fire invaders (Betula), and fluctuating water tables. These findings suggest that frequent,high-severity fires can lead to compositional and structuralchanges in forests when trees fail to reach reproductive maturity between fire events or where extensive forest gaps limitseed dispersal. This study also shows prolonged periods ofsynchronous fire activity across the sites, particularly duringthe early to mid-Holocene, suggesting a regional imprint ofcentennial- to millennial-scale Holocene climate variabilityon wildfire activity. Humans may have affected vegetationand fire from the Neolithic; however, increasing human presence in the region, particularly at the Ulukh–Chayakh Mireover the last 4 centuries, drastically enhanced ignitions compared to natural background levels. Frequent warm and dryspells predicted by climate change scenarios for Siberia inthe future will enhance peatland drying and may convey acompetitive advantage to conifer taxa. However, dry conditions will probably exacerbate the frequency and severityof wildfire, disrupt conifers’ successional pathway, and accelerate shifts towards deciduous broadleaf tree cover. Furthermore, climate–disturbance–fire feedbacks will acceleratechanges in the carbon balance of boreal peatlands and affecttheir overall future resilience to climate chang

    Phonological Task Enhances the Frequency-Following Response to Deviant Task-Irrelevant Speech Sounds

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    In electroencephalography (EEG) measurements, processing of periodic sounds in the ascending auditory pathway generates the frequency-following response (FFR) phase-locked to the fundamental frequency (F0) and its harmonics of a sound. We measured FFRs to the steady-state (vowel) part of syllables /ba/ and /aw/ occurring in binaural rapid streams of speech sounds as frequently repeating standard syllables or as infrequent (p = 0.2) deviant syllables among standard /wa/ syllables. Our aim was to study whether concurrent active phonological processing affects early processing of irrelevant speech sounds reflected by FFRs to these sounds. To this end, during syllable delivery, our healthy adult participants performed tasks involving written letters delivered on a computer screen in a rapid stream. The stream consisted of vowel letters written in red, infrequently occurring consonant letters written in the same color, and infrequently occurring vowel letters written in blue. In the phonological task, the participants were instructed to press a response key to the consonant letters differing phonologically but not in color from the frequently occurring red vowels, whereas in the non-phonological task, they were instructed to respond to the vowel letters written in blue differing only in color from the frequently occurring red vowels. We observed that the phonological task enhanced responses to deviant /ba/ syllables but not responses to deviant /aw/ syllables. This suggests that active phonological task performance may enhance processing of such small changes in irrelevant speech sounds as the 30-ms difference in the initial formant-transition time between the otherwise identical syllables /ba/ and /wa/ used in the present study.Peer reviewe

    Timing predictability enhances regularity encoding in the human subcortical auditory pathway

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    The encoding of temporal regularities is a critical property of the auditory system, as short-term neural representations of environmental statistics serve to auditory object formation and detection of potentially relevant novel stimuli. A putative neural mechanism underlying regularity encoding is repetition suppression, the reduction of neural activity to repeated stimulation. Although repetitive stimulation per se has shown to reduce auditory neural activity in animal cortical and subcortical levels and in the human cerebral cortex, other factors such as timing may influence the encoding of statistical regularities. This study was set out to investigate whether temporal predictability in the ongoing auditory input modulates repetition suppression in subcortical stages of the auditory processing hierarchy. Human auditory frequency-following responses (FFR) were recorded to a repeating consonant-vowel stimuli (/wa/) delivered in temporally predictable and unpredictable conditions. FFR amplitude was attenuated by repetition independently of temporal predictability, yet we observed an accentuated suppression when the incoming stimulation was temporally predictable. These findings support the view that regularity encoding spans across the auditory hierarchy and point to temporal predictability as a modulatory factor of regularity encoding in early stages of the auditory pathway

    Discovery of α-Linolenic Acid 16(<i>S</i>)-Lipoxygenase: Cucumber (<i>Cucumis sativus</i> L.) Vegetative Lipoxygenase 3

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    The GC-MS profiling of the endogenous oxylipins (Me/TMS) from cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves, flowers, and fruit peels revealed a remarkable abundance of 16-hydroxy-9,12,14-octadecatrienoic acid (16-HOT). Incubations of homogenates from these organs with α-linolenic acid yielded 16(S)-hydroperoxide (16-HPOT) as a predominant product. Targeted proteomic analyses of these tissues revealed the presence of several highly homologous isoforms of the putative “9S-lipoxygenase type 6”. One of these isoenzymes (CsLOX3, an 877 amino acid polypeptide) was prepared by heterologous expression in E. coli and exhibited 16(S)- and 13(S)-lipoxygenase activity toward α-linolenic and linoleic acids, respectively. Furthermore, α-linolenate was a preferred substrate. The molecular structures of 16(S)-HOT and 16(S)-HPOT (Me or Me/TMS) were unequivocally confirmed by the mass spectral data, 1H-NMR, 2D 1H-1H-COSY, TOCSY, HMBC, and HSQC spectra, as well as enantiomeric HPLC analyses. Thus, the vegetative CsLOX3, biosynthesizing 16(S)-HPOT, is the first 16(S)-LOX and ω3-LOX ever discovered. Eicosapentaenoic and hexadecatrienoic acids were also specifically transformed to the corresponding ω3(S)-hydroperoxides by CsLOX3

    Problem of domestic violence: international scope and national perspectives on legislative resolution

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    The authors seek to form a theoretical basis for the Russian legislator creating legislation against domestic violence by comparing the theoretical and legislative ideas implemented in different countries in creating such special legislation. The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian theoretical resource on the problem of intrafamily violence to identify the “missing links” in the doctrinal study of the problem and dogmatic qualification of relations arising in such violence. In an attempt to change the existing trajectory of this type of substantive research, the authors address domestic violence prevention using interdisciplinary and systemic approaches involving the methods of analysis, generalization, formal logic, hermeneutics, and comparison. Based on the study results, the authors conclude that conceptual problems of domestic violence do not fit into the thematic framework of family law science. To develop an adequate law concept on the prevention of domestic violence and the protection of its victims, the system of source studies must include not only the views of representatives of family law science but also the surrounding sciences

    Modelling of Climate Change’s Impact on <i>Prunus armeniaca</i> L.’s Flowering Time

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    This study presents the results of the development of numerical models for predicting the timing of apricot flowering, including using experimental data on the emergence of plants from a state of deep dormancy. The best results of approximation of the process of accumulation of the necessary cooling in the autumn–winter period were obtained using the sigmoidal function. Models that take into account the combined effect of temperature and photoperiod on the processes of spring development showed a high accuracy of the process of accumulation of thermal units. Based on the results of testing, two models were selected with an accuracy of 3.0 days for the start of flowering and the absence of a systematic bias, which can be considered a good quality assessment These models describe well the interannual variability of apricot flowering dates and can be used to predict these dates. The discrepancy is no more than 2–4 days in 87–89% of cases. Estimates of the timing of flowering and the end of deep dormancy are very important for increasing the profitability of fruit production in the South of Russia without incurring additional costs, by minimizing the risks associated with irrational crop placement and the selection of varieties without taking into account the specifics of climate change. When constructing a system of protective measures and dates of treatments, it is also necessary to take into account the calendar dates of the shift in the development of plants

    Changes in tree growth synchrony and resilience in Siberian Pinus sylvestris forests are modulated by fire dynamics and ecohydrological conditions

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    Wildfires are the main disturbance of boreal ecosystems, one of the largest reservoirs of terrestrial carbon. Two-thirds of boreal forests are in Siberia, where peatlands commonly appear mixed with mineral soils. Siberian forests are currently facing a dual shift in environmental conditions regarding climate change and increased fire activity. Therefore, assessing growth patterns of trees subjected to different disturbance regimes is essential to understand the impact of ongoing environmental changes on forest functioning. Following a dendroecological approach, we aimed at analyzing spatial synchrony (âC) patterns of trees subjected to different ecohydrological and fire disturbance conditions in forests of Pinus sylvestris of south-western Siberia. Furthermore, we assessed growth suppression as a proxy for fire occurrence based on tree-ring width chronologies after removing climate signals. Our results endorsed climate as the main driver of âC, which showed different trends depending on substrate type. A release of temperature constraints in the more temperature-limited peat soils led to decreasing âC from mid-1960s onwards, while the opposite pattern was found in mineral soils where stronger reliance on summer precipitation progressively increased âC. However, frequently burned stands suffered a sharp reduction in âC since 1980s likely due to the decoupling of growth from climate as a result of an increase in fire activity. Strong replication of growth suppressions supported by historical and palaeoecological records pointed to 1915, 1952, 1977, 1983, 2003 and 2012 as potential fire years. Post-fire legacies on tree growth after such fire events lasted from one to five years, although differences were modulated by soil type, fire event, growth rate prior fire and tree age. This study highlights the usefulness of addressing spatial synchrony in tree growth and past growth suppressions to disentangle the impacts of climate change and increased fire occurrence on boreal forests