1,489 research outputs found

    Trauma Informed Community Building Evaluation: A Formative Evaluation of the TICB Model and its Implementation in Potrero Hill

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    This formative evaluation of the TICB model and its implementation in the PTA public housing community was conducted between September 2014 and July 2015 by an evaluation team from the HOPE SF Learning Center. This evaluation was designed to support the further development of the TICB model as well as inform efforts to implement the model in Potrero Terrace and Annex and other communities. This evaluation seeks to examine the implementation and impact of the TICB model at PTA in order to: * Understand the impact of ongoing TICB-informed programming through analysis of outputs and outcomes prioritized by stakeholder partners [see Appendix A]. * Identify facilitators and barriers to implementation of the TICB model in community-building work within PTA and the surrounding Potrero Hill neighborhood. * Inform BRIDGE Housing's work to improve programming, and guide future program priorities and structures. * Generate information to better understand the impact of the financial investment in helping to build community with and between public housing residents and residents of the surrounding neighborhood. * Assess implications for replicability/reproducibility at other public housing communities, including the additional HOPE SF sites, and beyond

    Fibronectin signals through integrin α5ÎČ1 to regulate cardiovascular development in a cell type-specific manner.

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    Fibronectin (Fn1) is an evolutionarily conserved extracellular matrix glycoprotein essential for embryonic development. Global deletion of Fn1 leads to mid-gestation lethality from cardiovascular defects. However, severe morphogenetic defects that occur early in embryogenesis in these embryos precluded assigning a direct role for Fn1 in cardiovascular development. We noticed that Fn1 is expressed in strikingly non-uniform patterns during mouse embryogenesis, and that its expression is particularly enriched in the pharyngeal region corresponding with the pharyngeal arches 3, 4, and 6. This region bears a special importance for the developing cardiovascular system, and we hypothesized that the localized enrichment of Fn1 in the pharyngeal region may be essential for cardiovascular morphogenesis. To test this hypothesis, we ablated Fn1 using the Isl1(Cre) knock-in strain of mice. Deletion of Fn1 using the Isl1(Cre) strain resulted in defective formation of the 4th pharyngeal arch arteries (PAAs), aberrant development of the cardiac outflow tract (OFT), and ventricular septum defects. To determine the cell types responding to Fn1 signaling during cardiovascular development, we deleted a major Fn1 receptor, integrin α5 using the Isl1(Cre) strain, and observed the same spectrum of abnormalities seen in the Fn1 conditional mutants. Additional conditional mutagenesis studies designed to ablate integrin α5 in distinct cell types within the Isl1(+) tissues and their derivatives, suggested that the expression of integrin α5 in the pharyngeal arch mesoderm, endothelium, surface ectoderm and the neural crest were not required for PAA formation. Our studies suggest that an (as yet unknown) integrin α5-dependent signal extrinsic to the pharyngeal endothelium mediates the formation of the 4th PAAs

    Structure and Power in Multilateral Negotiations: An Application to French Water Policy

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    Stakeholder negotiation is an increasingly important policymaking tool. However, relatively little is understood about the relationship between the structure of the negotiating process and the effectiveness with which stakeholders can pursue their individual interests. We apply the Rausser- Simon multilateral bargaining model to a specific negotiation process involving water storage capacity and use in the upper Adour Basin in southwestern France. We focus on a coalition of three stakeholder groups with aligned but distinct interests. In addition to the standard indices of bargaining powerÔŽhe distribution of political weights (ÜĄccessĘ© and playersÙ utilities if an agreement is not reached, our analysis identifies other less obvious sources of power. First, a coalition member may benefit when his access is reduced if the redistribution increases the access of another coalition member who has a more favorable Üłtrategic location.Ę Second, the interests of the coalition as a whole will usually, but not always, be advanced if its members cede access to a pokesmanĘ representing their common interests. However, some members may be adversely affected. Third, restricting the extent to which coalition members can make proposals that further their own individual interests at the expense of other coalition members will usually, but not always, harm the coalition as a whole.water, bargaining, negotiations, Environmental Economics and Policy, Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    Structure and bargaining power in multilateral negotiations : Application to water management policies in France

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    Environmental policies are characterized by a growing emphasis on participation, devolution and negotiated decision making. Increasingly, centralized top down decision making systems are being replaced by new forms of local governance. In their strongest versions, these involve delegation of formal authority to local stakeholders who are expected to decide collectively upon the management rules of local common-pool resources. Devolution is particularly important in relation to the allocation and management of scarce water resources. Indeed the French water law of 1992 institutionalised the notion of [...].

    The impact of turbulence and phytoplankton dynamics on foam formation, seawater viscosity and chlorophyll concentration in the eastern English Channel

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    The space-time dynamics of chlorophyll a concentration and seawater excess viscosity has been investigated in the hydrographically contrasting inshore and offshore water masses of the eastern English Channel. This was done during the phytoplankton spring bloom dominated by Phaeocystis globosa before and after the very large-scale formation of foam induced by an increase in wind-driven turbulence and the related wave breakings. The results suggest that the dynamics of chlorophyll a concentration and seawater excess viscosity are differentially controlled by the formation of foam through the intensity of the spring bloom and wind-generated turbulence

    Identifying features associated with higher-quality hospital care and shorter length of admission for people with dementia : a mixed-methods study

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    Background: Concerns have repeatedly been expressed about the quality of inpatient care that people with dementia receive. Policies and practices have been introduced that aim to improve this, but their impact is unclear. Aims: To identify which aspects of the organisation and delivery of acute inpatient services for people with dementia are associated with higher-quality care and shorter length of stay. Design: Mixed-methods study combining a secondary analysis of data from the third National Audit of Dementia (2016/17) and a nested qualitative exploration of the context, mechanism and outcomes of acute care for people with dementia. Setting: Quantitative data from 200 general hospitals in England and Wales and qualitative data from six general hospitals in England that were purposively selected based on their performance in the audit. Participants: Quantitative data from clinical records of 10,106 people with dementia who had an admission to hospital lasting ≄ 72 hours and 4688 carers who took part in a cross-sectional survey of carer experience. Qualitative data from interviews with 56 hospital staff and seven carers of people with dementia. Main outcome measures: Length of stay, quality of assessment and carer-rated experience. Results: People with dementia spent less time in hospital when discharge planning was initiated within 24 hours of admission. This is a challenging task when patients have complex needs, and requires named staff to take responsibility for co-ordinating the discharge and effective systems for escalating concerns when obstacles arise. When trust boards review delayed discharges, they can identify recurring problems and work with local stakeholders to try to resolve them. Carers of people with dementia play an important role in helping to ensure that hospital staff are aware of patient needs. When carers are present on the ward, they can reassure patients and help make sure that they eat and drink well, and adhere to treatment and care plans. Clear communication between staff and family carers can help ensure that they have realistic expectations about what the hospital staff can and cannot provide. Dementia-specific training can promote the delivery of person-centred care when it is made available to a wide range of staff and accompanied by ‘hands-on’ support from senior staff. Limitations: The quantitative component of this research relied on audit data of variable quality. We relied on carers of people with dementia to explore aspects of service quality, rather than directly interviewing people with dementia. Conclusions: If effective support is provided by senior managers, appropriately trained staff can work with carers of people with dementia to help ensure that patients receive timely and person-centred treatment, and that the amount of time they spend in hospital is minimised. Future work: Future research could examine new ways to work with carers to co-produce aspects of inpatient care, and to explore the relationship between ethnicity and quality of care in patients with dementia. Funding: This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Services and Delivery Research programme and will be published in full in Health Services and Delivery Research; Vol. 8, No. 22. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information

    Law, Lawyers, and Legal Practice in Silicon Valley: A Preliminary Report

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    The Growth of Large Law Firms and Its Effect on the Legal Profession and Legal Education, Symposiu

    Building Climate Resilient Communities: Living Within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity

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    This Knowledge Synthesis examines how Canadian communities can proactively advance climate resilience to effectively reduce the risk from climate change impacts. Our synthesis reveals that some communities have prepared high level adaptation plans, but very few have a detailed implementation strategy with established funding frameworks. Most actions to build community resilience in Canada are unplanned and take place in recovery following an extreme loss event. Indigenous communities are at the forefront of climate change adaptation in Canada. Self-determination and adaptive capacity building through community-led risk assessments, planning, and disaster recovery organizations, while addressing the broader context of reconciliation gaps and opportunities for integration, are important for climate resiliency. Combining Western and Indigenous ways of knowing for effective knowledge translation is necessary for adaptation. Indigenous collaborations that promote nature-based solutions and conservation are critical to global GHG sequestration and resilience. Local scale urban warming experienced by Canadian communities adds to the heat burden in the warm season and further exacerbates social, health and economic impacts. More research is needed to document and predict the occurrence of heatwaves and to develop heat adaptation strategies for Canadian cities. There are physical and mental health impacts of heatwaves and climate change. To address the climate crisis, a more ambitious, strategic and collaborative approach to adaptation is required. Proven tools exist to proactively improve climate resilience. A major issue is lack of funding and direction for governments and indigenous communities to address climate resilience. The executive summary of the full report provides key messages
