418 research outputs found

    How reliable are the statistics for the Stability and Growth Pact?

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    The aim of this paper is to assess the reliability of the government deficit and debt figures reported to the European Commission by Member States. Reliability is one of the several dimensions of quality in statistics; it refers to the magnitudes of data revisions after the publication of the first outcomes. The measurement of the data reliability and inference about potential future revisions are particularly relevant for fiscal surveillance in the EU since statistical institutes take a long time - usually four years - to provide final data, while the decisions on the Stability and Growth Pact context are taken on the basis of the first estimates available shortly after the end of each year. The paper shows that there are very significant differences in reliability among Member States and indicates the margins of uncertainty in relation to the most recent years' data. It also compares the reliability of deficit and debt figures; checks that the shift from ESA79 to ESA95 did not generally harm the reliability of data and suggests that the size of deficits may have an impact on the way statistical offices revise data.reliability, quality of statistics, Stability and Growth Pact, government deficit, Gordo Mora, Nogueira Martins

    Critical thinking, empathy and problem solving using a modern board game: A learning experience valued by physical therapy students

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    This study aimed at understanding how physical therapy students recognize a modern board game experience as an opportunity to train socioemotional skills. Thirteen physical therapy students participated in a learning experience using the Magic Maze board game and were assessed in terms of critical thinking, empathy, and problem-solving perceived experience. The facilitator’s perceptions were also registered. Students showed to be goal oriented focusing on choosing different solutions and reflecting critically on the most suitable one. Magic Maze was classified as a relevant learning method for other serious purposes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Classification of Satellite Images by means of Fuzzy Rules generated by a Genetic Algorithm

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    The data acquired by Remote Sensing systems allow obtaining thematic maps of the earth's surface, by means of the registered image classification. This implies the identification and categorization of all pixels into land cover classes. Traditionally, methods based on statistical parameters have been widely used, although they show some disadvantages. Nevertheless, some authors indicate that those methods based on artificial intelligence, may be a good alternative. Thus, fuzzy classifiers, which are based on Fuzzy Logic, include additional information in the classification process through based-rule systems. In this work, we propose the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) to select the optimal and minimum set of fuzzy rules to classify remotely sensed images. Input information of GA has been obtained through the training space determined by two uncorrelated spectral bands (2D scatter diagrams), which has been irregularly divided by five linguistic terms defined in each band. The proposed methodology has been applied to Landsat-TM images and it has showed that this set of rules provides a higher accuracy level in the classification proces

    Microstructural development and mechanical properties of iron based cermets processed by pressureless and spark plasma sintering

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    Iron-based cermets are an interesting class of metal-ceramic composites in which properties and the factors influencing them are to be explored. In this work the metal matrix contains Cr, W, Mo and V as alloying elements, and the hard phase is constituted by 50 vol% of titanium carbonitride (TiCN) particles. The work studies the influence of the C content and the processing method on the sinterability, microstructure and hardness of the developed cermet materials. For that purpose, cermet samples with different C content in the matrix (0 wt%, 0.25 wt%, 0.5 wt%, 1.0 wt%) were prepared by conventional pressureless sintering (CPS) and, in order to achieve finer microstructures and to reduce the sintering time, by spark plasma sintering (SPS). The density and hardness (HV30) of the processed materials was evaluated, while their phase composition and microstructure was characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. The equilibrium phase diagram of the composite material was calculated by ThermoCalc software in order to elucidate the influence of the carbon content on the obtained phases and developed microstructures.The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the R&D Project MAT2009-14448-C02 and the Comunidad de Madrid through the program ESTRUMAT-CM (reference S2009/MAT- 1585). K. Vanmeensel thanks the Research Fund Flanders (FWO) for his postdoctoral fellowship.Publicad

    Clonal interference and Muller's ratchet in spatial habitats

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    Competition between independently arising beneficial mutations is enhanced in spatial populations due to the linear rather than exponential growth of clones. Recent theoretical studies have pointed out that the resulting fitness dynamics is analogous to a surface growth process, where new layers nucleate and spread stochastically, leading to the build up of scale-invariant roughness. This scenario differs qualitatively from the standard view of adaptation in that the speed of adaptation becomes independent of population size while the fitness variance does not. Here we exploit recent progress in the understanding of surface growth processes to obtain precise predictions for the universal, non-Gaussian shape of the fitness distribution for one-dimensional habitats, which are verified by simulations. When the mutations are deleterious rather than beneficial the problem becomes a spatial version of Muller's ratchet. In contrast to the case of well-mixed populations, the rate of fitness decline remains finite even in the limit of an infinite habitat, provided the ratio Ud/s2U_d/s^2 between the deleterious mutation rate and the square of the (negative) selection coefficient is sufficiently large. Using again an analogy to surface growth models we show that the transition between the stationary and the moving state of the ratchet is governed by directed percolation

    Sequenciamento do transcriptoma de Pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum) utilizando Plataforma de Sequenciadores de Nova Geração (NGS) - SOLiD System 3 Plus.

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    A pimenta-do-reino Piper nigrum é um dos principais produtos agrícolas do Parå gerando sustentabilidade para uma porcentagem consideråvel dos agricultores do estado. A Embrapa (PA) desenvolve trabalhos com a espécie como uma coleção de germoplasma. Com o objetivo de conhecer os potenciais recursos genéticos da espécie, foi sequenciado o transcriptoma de P. nigrum. Uma plataforma de sequenciamento de nova geração foi usada para gerar as sequencias dos genes e o trabalho foi analisado com recursos de bioinformåtica. Foram anotados automaticamente uma lista de transcritos da espécie

    Are white storks addicted to junk food? Impacts of landfill use on the movement and behaviour of resident white storks (Ciconia ciconia) from a partially migratory population

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    Background: The migratory patterns of animals are changing in response to global environmental change with many species forming resident populations in areas where they were once migratory. The white stork (Ciconia ciconia) was wholly migratory in Europe but recently guaranteed, year-round food from landfill sites has facilitated the establishment of resident populations in Iberia. In this study 17 resident white storks were fitted with GPS/GSM data loggers (including accelerometer) and tracked for 9.1 ± 3.7 months to quantify the extent and consistency of landfill attendance by individuals during the non-breeding and breeding seasons and to assess the influence of landfill use on daily distances travelled, percentage of GPS fixes spent foraging and non-landfill foraging ranges. Results: Resident white storks used landfill more during non-breeding (20.1 % ± 2.3 of foraging GPS fixes) than during breeding (14.9 % ± 2.2). Landfill attendance declined with increasing distance between nest and landfill in both seasons. During non-breeding a large percentage of GPS fixes occurred on the nest throughout the day (27 % ± 3.0 of fixes) in the majority of tagged storks. This study provides first confirmation of year-round nest use by resident white storks. The percentage of GPS fixes on the nest was not influenced by the distance between nest and the landfill site. Storks travelled up to 48.2 km to visit landfills during non-breeding and a maximum of 28.1 km during breeding, notably further than previous estimates. Storks nesting close to landfill sites used landfill more and had smaller foraging ranges in non-landfill habitat indicating higher reliance on landfill. The majority of non-landfill foraging occurred around the nest and long distance trips were made specifically to visit landfill. Conclusions: The continuous availability of food resources on landfill has facilitated year-round nest use in white storks and is influencing their home ranges and movement behaviour. White storks rely on landfill sites for foraging especially during the non-breeding season when other food resources are scarcer and this artificial food supplementation probably facilitated the establishment of resident populations. The closure of landfills, as required by EU Landfill Directives, will likely cause dramatic impacts on white stork populations

    Sequenciamento dos transcritos de Piper nigrum L. infectada com Fusarium solani f.sp.piperis utilizando Plataforma de nova geração.

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    Neste trabalho nós extraímos o RNA total e isolamos o mRNA de raízes de Piper nigrum L. infectada com o fungo Fusarium solani f.sp. piperis na fase mais severa da infecção, para construção de uma biblioteca de fragmentos utilizando o método RNA-Seq. A biblioteca gerada foi sequenciada utilizando a plataforma de nova geração ?SOLiDTM 3 Plus System? (Applied Biosystems, EUA) produzindo 67.452.415 leituras com 50 pb. As leituras obtidas foram pré-processadas com softwares de Bioinformåtica para obtenção de leituras de alta qualidade. Para avaliar os dados pré-processados estatisticamente, foi utilizado o software FASTQC. Os resultados obtidos foram leituras com alta qualidade que serão usadas no processo de montagem, a fim de obter uma lista de transcritos de Planta expressos em resposta a infecção pelo patógeno

    Image Reassembly Combining Deep Learning and Shortest Path Problem

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    This paper addresses the problem of reassembling images from disjointed fragments. More specifically, given an unordered set of fragments, we aim at reassembling one or several possibly incomplete images. The main contributions of this work are: 1) several deep neural architectures to predict the relative position of image fragments that outperform the previous state of the art; 2) casting the reassembly problem into the shortest path in a graph problem for which we provide several construction algorithms depending on available information; 3) a new dataset of images taken from the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) dedicated to image reassembly for which we provide a clear setup and a strong baseline.Comment: ECCV 201

    Occurrence of bufotenin in the Osteocephalus genus (Anura: Hylidae).

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    Bufotenin (5-hydroxy-N,N-dimetyltryptamine) is a tryptamine alkaloid widely spread among anuran families as a component of their chemical defense system, acting as a potent hallucinogenic factor, showing similar activity to LSD upon interaction with the 5HT2 human receptor. This work demonstrates the presence of bufotenin in the skin secretion of three arboreal amphibian species of the Osteocephalus genus (Osteocephalus taurinus, Osteocephalus oophagus and Osteocephalus langsdorffii) from the Amazon and the Atlantic rain forests using RP-HPLC, ESI-MS/MS, UV, IR and multidimensional NMR techniques. To our knowledge, this is the first description of bufotenin in the Osteocephalus genus, so far
