1,055 research outputs found

    Los procesos de subjetivaciĂłn de las nuevas Ă©lites culturales. Itinerarios de autonomĂ­a e (in)dependencia emocional de mujeres de clase media

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    En este artículo se analizan los relatos de vida de dos mujeres de clase media nacidas a finales de los años sesenta en España. En un primer momento se presenta el contexto familiar, a modo de panoråmica de la posición social de partida, para ilustrar, seguidamente, la importancia de la educación y de las pråcticas de socialización en las trayectorias vitales y afectivas de estas dos informantes, denominadas aquí Alba y Elsa. Este primer momento narrativo, mås próximo a las declaraciones de las protagonistas, darå paso a la interpretación de los relatos de vida en un contexto sociológico mås amplio. Sus trayectorias vitales y emocionales responden, en parte, a posicionamientos familiares de partida distintos, si bien algunas de sus características comunes se forjan al amparo de un escenario social, con grandes cambios políticos y culturales, en el que coexisten códigos de género, percepciones del mundo y sistemas de valores distintos.In this article we analyze two life accounts of middle-class women born in the late sixties in Spain. We begin by outlining their family background with a view to providing an overall sociodemographic and then illustrate the influence of education and other socialization practices in the emotional and political routes of these two informants to whom we shall refer to as Alba and Elsa. This first narrative moment, which runs closer to the statements and accounts of our protagonists, is followed by the interpretation of their life stories in a broader sociological context. We argue that their emotional and life trajectories partly respond to different starting family positionings. We also suggest that some of their common features are forged under a social scenario which underwent large social changes and where different gender codes, worldviews and value systems coexisted

    An Efficient Approximate kNN Graph Method for Diffusion on Image Retrieval

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    The application of the diffusion in many computer vision and artificial intelligence projects has been shown to give excellent improvements in performance. One of the main bottlenecks of this technique is the quadratic growth of the kNN graph size due to the high-quantity of new connections between nodes in the graph, resulting in long computation times. Several strategies have been proposed to address this, but none are effective and efficient. Our novel technique, based on LSH projections, obtains the same performance as the exact kNN graph after diffusion, but in less time (approximately 18 times faster on a dataset of a hundred thousand images). The proposed method was validated and compared with other state-of-the-art on several public image datasets, including Oxford5k, Paris6k, and Oxford105k

    Did Germinal Centers evolve under differential effects of diversity vs affinity?

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    The classical view on the process of mutation and affinity maturation that occurs in GCs assumes that their major role is to generate high affinity levels of serum Abs, as well as a dominant pool of high affinity memory B cells, through a very efficient selection process. Here we present a model that considers different types of structures where a mutation selection process occurs, with the aim at discussing the evolution of Germinal Center reactions. Based on the results of this model, we suggest that in addition to affinity maturation, the diversity generated during the GC reaction may have also been important in the evolution towards the presently observed highly organized structure of GC in higher vertebrates

    “On the city®s public Works”: Interdisciplinary research on civic architecture in Sixteenth-century Castile

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    El siglo XVI fue particularmente relevante para el tema de los equipamientos e infraestructuras municipales en la Corona de Castilla. En 1922 Vicente LampĂ©rez y Romea acometĂ­a la proeza de estudiar el inmenso repertorio de obras, incluidas las edificaciones pĂșblicas, que configuran La arquitectura civil española de los siglos I al XVIII. Tras los pasos y el legado de tan eminente maestro, iniciamos una investigaciĂłn doctoral de carĂĄcter interdisciplinar destinada a sistematizar y actualizar un capĂ­tulo concreto de tan extenso repertorio arquitectĂłnico, las obras municipales del Renacimiento castellano. Con motivo de la celebraciĂłn del II Encuentro Complutense de “JĂłvenes Investigadores de Historia del Arte” tuvimos la oportunidad de exponer las principales cuestiones abordadas en dicho trabajo, los objetivos planteados y la metodologĂ­a empleada. Temas de los que aquĂ­ ofrecemos una breve sĂ­ntesis.The sixteenth century was particularly relevant to the topic of civic architecture in the Crown of Castile. In 1922, Vicente LampĂ©rez y Romea studied the vast repertoire of works, including public buildings, which make up La arquitectura civil española de los siglos I al XVIII. Following the steps and the legacy of this eminent architect, we began an interdisciplinary doctoral research intended to systematize and update a particular chapter of that extensive architectural repertoire: the municipal architecture in Castilian Renaissance. On the occasion of the II Encuentro Complutense de “JĂłvenes Investigadores de Historia del Arte”, we had the opportunity to outline the main topics addressed in this research, the objectives and methodology. Here is a brief synopsis of these ideas

    Data activism versus algorithmic control. New governance models, old asymmetries

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    El artĂ­culo discute la nociĂłn de gobernanza algorĂ­tmica y de activismo de datos con ejemplos que ilustran la apariciĂłn de nuevos modelos de gobernanza en diferentes paĂ­ses. La selecciĂłn y el anĂĄlisis sucinto del discurso de proyectos especĂ­ficos pretende ofrecer un panorama amplio que apoye y fomente la investigaciĂłn y el debate sobre cĂłmo se reposicionan las viejas asimetrĂ­as ligadas al ejercicio de la ciudadanĂ­a en la «era de los algoritmos».This paper discusses the notion of algorithmic governance and data activism with examples that illustrate the emergence of new governance models in different countries. With the selection and brief analysis of the discourse of specific projects, the aim is to offer an overview that supports and encourages research and debate on how old asymmetries linked to the exercise of citizenship have repositioned themselves in the ‘Age of Algorithms’

    Muller's ratchet in random graphs and scale free networks

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    Muller's ratchet is an evolutionary process that has been implicated in the extinction of asexual species, the evolution of mitochondria, the degeneration of the Y chromosome, the evolution of sex and recombination and the evolution of microbes. Here we study the speed of Muller's ratchet in a population subdivided into many small subpopulations connected by migration, and distributed on a network. We compare the speed of the ratchet in two distinct types of topologies: scale free networks and random graphs. The difference between the topologies is noticeable when the average connectivity of the network and the migration rate is large. In this situation we observe that the ratchet clicks faster in scale free networks than in random graphs. So contrary to intuition, scale free networks are more prone to loss of genetic information than random graphs. On the other hand, we show that scale free networks are more robust to the random extinction than random graphs. Since these complex networks have been shown to describe well real-life systems, our results open a framework for studying the evolution of microbes and disease epidemics

    Clonal interference and Muller's ratchet in spatial habitats

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    Competition between independently arising beneficial mutations is enhanced in spatial populations due to the linear rather than exponential growth of clones. Recent theoretical studies have pointed out that the resulting fitness dynamics is analogous to a surface growth process, where new layers nucleate and spread stochastically, leading to the build up of scale-invariant roughness. This scenario differs qualitatively from the standard view of adaptation in that the speed of adaptation becomes independent of population size while the fitness variance does not. Here we exploit recent progress in the understanding of surface growth processes to obtain precise predictions for the universal, non-Gaussian shape of the fitness distribution for one-dimensional habitats, which are verified by simulations. When the mutations are deleterious rather than beneficial the problem becomes a spatial version of Muller's ratchet. In contrast to the case of well-mixed populations, the rate of fitness decline remains finite even in the limit of an infinite habitat, provided the ratio Ud/s2U_d/s^2 between the deleterious mutation rate and the square of the (negative) selection coefficient is sufficiently large. Using again an analogy to surface growth models we show that the transition between the stationary and the moving state of the ratchet is governed by directed percolation

    Fiscal policy shocks in the euro area and the US: an empirical assessment

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    We analyse the impact of fiscal policy shocks in the euro area as a whole, using a newly available quarterly dataset of fiscal variables for the period 1981-2007. To allow for comparability with previous results on euro area countries and the US, we use a standard structural VAR framework, and study the impact of aggregated and disaggregated government spending and net taxes shocks. In addition, to frame euro area results, we apply the same methodology for the same sample period to US data. We also explore the sensitivity of the provided results to the inclusion of variables aiming at measuring “financial stress” (increases in risk) and “fiscal stress” (sustainability concerns). Analysing US and euro area data with a common methodology provides some interesting insights on the interpretation of fiscal policy shocks. JEL Classification: E62, H30euro area, Fiscal multipliers, Fiscal shocks, SVAR
