311 research outputs found

    Creative tourism in Saint Petersburg: the state of the art

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    Tourism development in St. Petersburg, which is a major cultural centre, has improved in terms of tourist flows; both tourism demand and tourist products have become more diverse. These improvements give grounds for a fairly optimistic prognosis for the tourist industry in St. Petersburg. At the same time, there are a number of factors which may endanger sustainable development of tourism in St. Petersburg. The current situation calls for a more flexible and innovative approach to industry development. Among these factors are the pronounced seasonal character of tourism, the short-term visits of most of the tourists, and the rather conservative, academic cultural image of St. Petersburg, which compromises the city’s appeal as a destination for certain tourist segments. Another critical limitation on the development of cultural tourism in general and of creative tourism in particular is the low involvement of the population in cultural and tourist events held in the city. This makes it relevant to look for new approaches for creative tourism development in St. Petersburg as an important tool for the sustainable development of the industry. This article considers the existing and potential competitive advantages of St. Petersburg as a tourist destination on the basis of creative tourism development

    Creative tourism in Saint Petersburg: the state of the art

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    Tourism development in St. Petersburg, which is a major cultural centre, has improved in terms of tourist flows; both tourism demand and tourist products have become more diverse. These improvements give grounds for a fairly optimistic prognosis for the tourist industry in St. Petersburg. At the same time, there are a number of factors which may endanger sustainable development of tourism in St. Petersburg. The current situation calls for a more flexible and innovative approach to industry development. Among these factors are the pronounced seasonal character of tourism, the short-term visits of most of the tourists, and the rather conservative, academic cultural image of St. Petersburg, which compromises the city’s appeal as a destination for certain tourist segments. Another critical limitation on the development of cultural tourism in general and of creative tourism in particular is the low involvement of the population in cultural and tourist events held in the city. This makes it relevant to look for new approaches for creative tourism development in St. Petersburg as an important tool for the sustainable development of the industry. This article considers the existing and potential competitive advantages of St. Petersburg as a tourist destination on the basis of creative tourism development

    Effects of cold-rolling deformation on texture evolution and mechanical properties of Ti-29Nb-9Ta-10Zr alloy

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    International audienceThe crystallographic texture of Ti-29Nb-9Ta-10Zr alloy is studied after cold-rolling with different amounts of thickness reduction, up to 60%. The major texture components developed during cold-rolling were: γ-fibre components: {111}〈View the MathML source〉, {111}〈View the MathML source〉, {111}〈View the MathML source〉 and {111}〈View the MathML source〉; texture component: {112}〈View the MathML source〉 and texture components: {001}〈View the MathML source〉 and {010}〈001〉. Besides crystallographic texture the resulted mechanical properties were studied by nanoindentation. It was showed that the decrease in Young's modulus after different cold-rolling stages is mainly attributed to the stress-induced α″-Ti phase formation. At 60% cold-rolling thickness reduction obtained an elastic modulus close to 45.29±3.81 GPa, coupled with an average Vickers microhardness close to 279.83±4.28 HV

    Quasi-Two-Dimensional Dynamics of Plasmas and Fluids

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    In the lowest order of approximation quasi-twa-dimensional dynamics of planetary atmospheres and of plasmas in a magnetic field can be described by a common convective vortex equation, the Charney and Hasegawa-Mirna (CHM) equation. In contrast to the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation, the CHM equation admits "shielded vortex solutions" in a homogeneous limit and linear waves ("Rossby waves" in the planetary atmosphere and "drift waves" in plasmas) in the presence of inhomogeneity. Because of these properties, the nonlinear dynamics described by the CHM equation provide rich solutions which involve turbulent, coherent and wave behaviors. Bringing in non ideal effects such as resistivity makes the plasma equation significantly different from the atmospheric equation with such new effects as instability of the drift wave driven by the resistivity and density gradient. The model equation deviates from the CHM equation and becomes coupled with Maxwell equations. This article reviews the linear and nonlinear dynamics of the quasi-two-dimensional aspect of plasmas and planetary atmosphere starting from the introduction of the ideal model equation (CHM equation) and extending into the most recent progress in plasma turbulence.U. S. Department of Energy DE-FG05-80ET-53088Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of JapanFusion Research Cente

    “Идя ко святому Иакову”: древнерусское граффито XII в. в Аквитании

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    In 2015 in Pons, in the former province of Saintonge, an Old Russian pilgrim graffito was found on the wall of the parish church of St. Vivien, a monument of the mid-12th century. It is the second graffito found in France after the one discovered at St. Gilles Abbey. The town of Pons is located on the westernmost route of Santiago de Compostela (via Turonensis) and is noteworthy because of the preserved pilgrim almshouse of the latter half of the 12th century. On the walls of its long archway are horseshoe drawings made by medieval pilgrims, the latest of which, dating from the 16th–17th centuries, bends around a name that is also apparently written in Cyrillic script. The earlier inscription, which appears at the base of the northern end wall of the original façade of the St. Vivien church, is made in the name of one Ivan Zavidovich: “Ivano ps[а]lo Zavi|doviche ida ko | svętomu Ię|kovu” (= ‘Ivan Zavidovich wrote this when going to Saint James’). The most probable palaeographic dating is in the 1160s–1180s. As suggested by birch bark manuscripts, the name of Ivan’s father, Zavid, was popular among Novgorod boyars. Novgorod is also the place with the greatest indirect evidence of the occurrence in Old Russia of the western cult of St. James. This well preserved inscription is an important epigraphic discovery, but its main value lies in the direct evidence of pilgrimages by Russians to the shrine of St. James in Galicia.В 2015 г. в городе Понсе, в бывшей провинции Сентонж, на стене приходской церкви Сен-Вивьен, памятника середины XII в., было обнаружено древнерусское паломническое граффито. Это вторая после граффито из аббатства Сен-Жиль подобная находка во Франции. Стоящий на самом западном пути в Сантьяго-де-Компостела (via Turonensis) г. Понс интересен сохранившимся в нем паломническим госпиталем второй половины XII в. На стенах его длинной проходной арки — вырезанные средневековыми пилигримами подковы, наиболее поздняя из которых обрамляет имя, очевидно, также написанное кириллицей (XVI–XVII вв.). Надпись в основании северного торца первоначального фасада церкви Сен-Вивьен сделана от лица некоего Ивана Завидовича: “Ивано ѱ҃ло Зави\довиче ида ко\ свѧтомоу Иѧ\ковоу”. Ее наиболее вероятная палеографическая датировка — 1160–80-е гг. По данным берестяных грамот и летописей имя отца Ивана Завид было популярно в среде новгородского боярства. С Новгородом же связано и наибольшее число косвенных свидетельств проникновения на Русь западного культа апостола Иакова Старшего. Хорошая сохранность надписи делает ее важной эпиграфической находкой, однако главная ее ценность состоит в прямом документальном доказательстве факта хождения древнерусских паломников к мощам святого Иакова в Галисию

    Canonical description of ideal magnetohydrodynamic flows and integrals of motion

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    In the framework of the variational principle the canonical variables describing ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows of general type (i.e., with spatially varying entropy and nonzero values of all topological invariants) are introduced. The corresponding complete velocity representation enables us not only to describe the general type flows in terms of single-valued functions, but also to solve the intriguing problem of the ``missing'' MHD integrals of motion. The set of hitherto known MHD local invariants and integrals of motion appears to be incomplete: for the vanishing magnetic field it does not reduce to the set of the conventional hydrodynamic invariants. And if the MHD analogs of the vorticity and helicity were discussed earlier for the particular cases, the analog of Ertel invariant has been so far unknown. It is found that on the basis of the new invariants introduced a wide set of high-order invariants can be constructed. The new invariants are relevant both for the deeper insight into the problem of the topological structure of the MHD flows as a whole and for the examination of the stability problems. The additional advantage of the proposed approach is that it enables one to deal with discontinuous flows, including all types of possible breaks.Comment: 16 page

    Efeito do ácido giberélico e da nutrição mineral no crescimento de mudas florestais nativas.

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    A demanda florestal do estado, compreende a uma área anual de colheita de 15 mil ha/ano, e uma área de plantio de cerca de 100 mil ha/ano. Crescente desde 2005, impulsionada pela criação de um pólo florestal mantido por empresas consumidoras de celulose, necessita de alta produção de mudas de qualidade em tempo hábil, havendo contudo, interesse em espécies nativas do cerrado. Gastos com mudas representam 30% do custo de implantação de um reflorestamento, isso se deve ao longo tempo que estas permanecem em viveiro, recebendo tratos culturais específicos e onerosos. As árvores nativas têm sido exploradas recentemente, porém um dos desafios é a produção de mudas de qualidade em menor tempo. O uso de uma fertilização adequada à cada espécie, bem como fitormônios que aceleram seu crescimento podem reduzir o tempo de produção e, consequentemente, seu custo, permitindo assim que o plantio de florestas torne-se cada vez mais acessível. Neste experimento objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da aplicação de diferentes soluções nutritivas e giberelina (GA3) no crescimento e desenvolvimento de mudas de cumbarú (Dipterix alata) e canafístula (Peltophorum dubium), visando acelerar o crescimento e agregar valor às mudas de forma que apresentassem melhor adaptação as condições de campo. As sementes foram germinadas em câmara de germinação tipo B.O.D. a 20°C. Posteriormente, as plântulas foram transplantadas para tubetes com substrato PLANTMAX. As mudas serão avaliadas nas características de altura e diâmetro de colo, peso fresco e peso seco da parte aérea e da raiz. Adotou-se delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, com 10 tratamentos e 8 repetições, para cada espécie. Os resultados serão submetidos à análise de variância por meio do programa computacional Estat

    Climatization, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection

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    It is known that approximately 15% of the energy consumed in Ecuador is used for the operation of climate conditioning equipment and, on the other hand, most of the existing technology operates on the basis of the use of refrigerant gases Are invasive to the ozone layer. In the work, a case study is shown that allows the identification of a relevant result linked to an action of technological innovation based on the conversion of the R-22 gas by the R-290 gas, thus reducing the consumption of electric energy and reducing the Environmental inventory of the institution, achieving a better performance of the technology

    Design of a nitrogen-implanted titanium-based superelastic alloy with optimized properties for biomedical applications

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    International audienceIn this study, a superelastic Ni-free Ti-based biomedical alloy was treated in surface by the implantation of nitrogen ions for the first time. The N-implanted surface was characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and secondary ion mass spectroscopy, and the superficial mechanical properties were evaluated by nano-indentation and by ball-on-disk tribological tests. To investigate the biocompatibility, the corrosion resistance of the N-implanted Ti alloy was evaluated in simulated body fluids (SBF) complemented by in-vitro cytocompatibility tests on human fetal osteoblasts. After implantation, surface analysis methods revealed the formation of a titanium-based nitride on the substrate surface. Consequently, an increase in superficial hardness and a significant reduction of friction coefficient were observed compared to the non-implanted sample. Also, a better corrosion resistance and a significant decrease in ion release rates have been obtained. Cell culture experiments indicated that the cytocompatibility of the N-implanted Ti alloy was superior to that of the corresponding non-treated sample. Thus, this new functional N-implanted titanium-based superelastic alloy presents the optimized properties that are required for various medical devices: superelasticity, high superficial mechanical properties, high corrosion resistance and excellent cytocompatibility


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    The title compound, C12H8Cl2N4O, is non-planar, the dihedral angle formed between the pendant pyrazine and benzene rings being 12.55 (11)°. An intra­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bond occurs. The amide groups self-associate via N—H⋯O hydrogen bonding, forming supra­molecular chains with base vector [101], which are stabilized by C—H⋯O contacts. C—H⋯N inter­actions are formed orthogonal to the chains