951 research outputs found

    A simplified hydrokinetic model for a steady‐state microwave discharge sustained by traveling waves at atmospheric pressure conditions

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    The properties of a microwave‐induced argon plasma produced by traveling surface wave at atmospheric pressure are investigated theoretically. A hydrokinetic model is elaborated to obtain the nonequilibrium one‐dimensional profiles of electron temperature Te (average electron energy), electron density ne, and the first excited state population density n4s, along the axis of a steady‐state discharge. A three‐level atomic structure is assumed for the argon atom. A particle balance is included through the continuity equations for ne and n4s. These equations are coupled with an energy balance equation for the electrons. The effects of different parameters on the properties of the argon discharge are investigated: discharge tube radius, gas flow rate, resonant radiation‐escape factor, and neutral gas temperature.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Gobierno de España-PB91- 0847 y PB94-145

    Peasant Wars in Bolivia

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    Peasant Wars in Bolivia reveals the active political role played by the Cochabamba valley peasants during the 1952-64 revolutionary period in Bolivia from a non-state perspective. Based on contemporary research in social, political, and cultural issues in Latin America it blends sociological and anthropological methods to go beyond recognized contexts of central power and emphasize the revolutionary experience of the peasants themselves. Drawing on archival research, newspapers, interviews, and a wealth of secondary sources, the book argues that the Cochabamba valley mestizo population of rural workers forged their own collective “campesino” identity alongside their revolutionary struggles against regional elites and the state. This newly created identity allowed the campesinos entry into the Bolivian national political arena as dynamic actors, transformed their subjectivities, and changed the existing political culture of Bolivia. It goes on to analyze the historical status of the revolution and the role of the mestizo peasantry within it in the context of academic and political debates of the first two decades of the twenty-first century. Crossing established borders between history, anthropology, and sociology, Peasant Wars in Bolivia is a fascinating, interdisciplinary exploration of the revolutionary campesinos of the Cochabamba valley, of Bolivia’s nationalist revolution, and of the ways it has been interpreted and understood within Bolivian politics and culture

    Teenagers, Families and Groups. How to face the disease?

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    Las intervenciones familiares psicoeducativas impactan positivamente en las familias y reducen las tasas de recaída en las personas con trastornos psicóticos. Serán eficaces en la prevención de recaídas y mejorar el funcionamiento social y ocupacional pero hasta ahora se han utilizado fundamentalmente en adultos. Sin embargo la aparición de los trastornos psicóticos es cada vez más temprana, pero las intervenciones en este grupo de pacientes más jóvenes no tienen una evidencia tan amplia como en los adultos, es ahora cuando comienzan a estar en auge. Además al ser adolescentes, el impacto en las familias será mayor, y no solo les afectará a ellos sino que tienen un papel importante en el sistema de atención de salud y la sociedad. La gran mayoría de los pacientes adolescentes residen con sus familias que asumen de forma automática las responsabilidades de cuidado y pueden encontrar el grupo como un medio para aliviar sus actuales responsabilidades. La adaptación de grupos para adolescentes está diseñado para ayudar a mejorar las vidas de los padres o cuidadores mediante la educación y el apoyo social para ayudar a desestigmatizar la enfermedad mental, engendrar esperanza, reducir la carga familiar, y apoyar su participación activa en el tratamiento de su hijo. En consecuencia, la utilidad puede ser más apropiado con niños y adolescentes y sus familias que los adultos, ya que aborda directamente muchos de los posibles obstáculos.Psychoeducational family interventions positively impact families and reduce relapse rates in people with psychotic disorders. Will be effective in preventing relapses and improve the social and occupational functioning but so far have been mainly used in adults. However the emergence of psychotic disorders is increasingly early time, but interventions in this group of younger patients are not as wide as in adults evidence, only now beginning to be booming. In addition to being teenagers, the impact on families will be higher, and not only affect them but have an important role in the health care system and society. The majority of adolescent patients living with his families automatically assume care responsibilities and can find the group as a means to alleviate their current responsibilities. The adaptation of groups for adolescents is designed to help improve the lives of parents or caregivers through education and social support to help destigmatize mental illness, engender hope, reduce family burden, and support their active participation in treatment your child. Consequently, the utility may be more appropriate with children and adolescents and their families than adults, because it directly addresses many of the obstacles.peerReviewe

    The classroom as a stage of diversity: analysis of teaching practices of pre-primary and primary education teachers

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    En este trabajo analizamos prácticas educativas responsables basadas en la investi-gación reflexiva, prácticas basadas en la comunicación y la participación en clase, y la intervención educativa del profesorado en aulas inclusivas para educar en la diversidad.A continuación presentamos el diseño de una investigación realizada en centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria, cuyo objetivo principal es estudiar la intervención del pro-fesorado en el aula, para ello hemos seguido una metodología de investigación cualitati-va. La discusión sobre los resultados obtenidos y las conclusiones de la investigación se presentan organizadas en torno a cuatro temas de interés para el profesorado: prácticas educativas basadas en la reflexión, responsabilidad, comunicación y participación, edu-cación en la diversidad y la inclusión educativa.In this work, we analyze the responsible educational practices based on reflective re-search, the practices based on the participation and communication in class and the edu-cative intervention of teachers in inclusive classrooms in order to educate in diversity.After this, we present the design of a research carried out in Pre-Primary and Primary Schools, whose main objective is to study the intervention of teachers in the classroom. For this, we have followed a qualitative methodology research. Discussion on the results obtained and the conclusions of the research appear organized around four interesting topics for the teachers: educative practices based on reflection; responsibility, communication and participation; education in diversity and educative inclusion

    Estudio de partes de disciplina durante un curso escolar en el I.E.S San Roque, Badajoz

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    The school must be a place where you can practice and learn coexistence among all participants.There are many regulations at both the national and regional trying to legislate everything related tothe coexistence in schools. Administrations have opted for coexistence, carrying out many programs.To interpret bad living situations we conducted this research, in which I analyzed the conflicts that existbetween teachers and students and I have done through the analysis of class-out portions and sanctions.In this paper we analyze the everyday classroom, continued conflict, disruption and ultimatelythe difficulty many teachers to do their job with dignity and quality.El centro educativo ha de ser un lugar donde se pueda practicar y aprender la convivencia entretodos los participantes.Son muchas las normativas tanto a nivel nacional como autonómico las que intentan legislartodo lo relacionado con la convivencia en los centros. Las administraciones han apostado por laconvivencia, llevando a cabo multitud de Programas.Para interpretar situaciones de mala convivencia hemos llevado a cabo esta investigación, enlas que he analizado los conflictos que se dan entre profesorado y alumnado y lo he hecho a travésdel análisis de los partes de expulsión de clase y de las sanciones impuestas.En este trabajo queremos analizar el día a día en las aulas, los continuos conflictos, disrupcio-nes y en definitiva la dificultad que tienen muchos profesores para poder realizar su trabajo con dig-nidad y calidad