180 research outputs found

    Transfer of Cs-134 and Cs-137 from soils to plants in cultivated and uncultivated soils in different regions of Yugoslavia

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    10th international congress of the International Radiation Protection Association; May 14-19, 2000; Hiroshima, Japa


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    Fruit germplasm plays an important role in the global agrobiodiversity and is a source for both a direct use of fruit genetic resources as well for fruit breeding programme. The ex-situ field collection is still the main way to successfully conserve fruit germplasm. Thirty pear accessions from Bosnia and Herzegovina were characterized during three years in the ex situ collection maintained by the Institute of Genetic Resources of the University of Banja Luka. The following characteristics were determined: flowering time, harvest maturity time and global tree architecture. The obtained results showed that 53.3% of pear accessions flowered during all three years, 40% of them during two years and 6.7% of them during only one year. The most present tree architecture form was upright. According to the harvest maturity time, extremely early accessions were the most represented, than early, medium and very early pear accessions. Conserved pear germplasm in this ex situ collection represents a valuable material for direct use and future breeding programmes

    Genetic Diversity of Wild Apples and Pears in the Forest Park of Starčevica, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The increasing fragmentation and degradation of forest habitats and the hybridization with cultivated varieties potentially threaten the genetic integrity of wild apple (Malus sylvestris /L./ Mill) and wild pear (Pyrus communis L.). Wild apple and wild pear have been included in the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme ā€“ EUFORGEN priority lists for development of conservation strategies. Researches are required into the genetic diversity and the structure of local populations to determine the most suitable conservation policies for these species at different scales. In this study, the RAPD markers were used in order to evaluate interspecies genetic similarity of wild apple trees and wild pear trees from the Starčevica Forest Park, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Primers OPA-05, OPA-07, OPA-09, OPA- 10, OPG-03, OPG-11, OPG-12, OPG-13 and OPAC-03 were used to analyse genetic similarity of wild apple trees, while OPA-01, OPA-03, OPA-05, OPA-07, OPA-08, OPD-04, OPD-14, OPG-03 and OPG-06 were used to analyse genetic similarity of wild pear trees. There was a high level of polymorphism among the analysed wild apple trees, as well as among the wild pear trees, demonstrating a considerable richness in terms of wild apple and wild pear genetic resources in the Starčevica Forest Park. The significant genetic diversity of wild apples and wild pears is present between different test polygones, while when it comes to diversity within the test polygons, it can be concluded that very similar genotypes of wild apples and wild pears generally prevail within a polygon

    A new fuzzy risk management model for production supply chain economic and social sustainability

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    The issues of operational, organisational and process risk assessment in supply chains (SCs) are the most usually analysed, while other risk groups (like economic and social risks) are not taken into account, even though they have a critical effect on the competitive advantage and SCs sustainability over long time periods. The determination of risk value that may arise due to the materialisation of each defined risk factor (RF) is based on the assessment of the severity of RF consequences and frequency of RF occurrence. These judgments are obtained by decision makers and modelled by using fuzzy set theory. The relative importance of RFs are stated by fuzzy pair-wise comparison matrices in compliance with fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP). The risk level of SCs could be obtained in an exact way by applying fuzzy logic. The proposed model, to be presented in this paper, provides a possibility to easily and simply determine risk level from the automotive industry SC and to propose appropriate management initiatives that should lead to a reduction or elimination of RF influenc

    Korijenov sistem podloga M9, M26 i MM106 u pseudogleju

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    Uradusu prikazane karakteristike korijenovog sistemavegetativnihpodloga jabuke M9, M26 iMM106, u voćnjaku u periodupunogplodononoÅ”nja u uslovima ravničarskogpseudogleja.Prethodnimistraživanjima u ovom voćnjaku utvrđeno jenaizmjeničnoprisustvodvijemikrolokacije: tipičniusloviravničarskogpseudoglejaiuslovimikrodepresija. Uuslovima mikrodepresijautvrđena jepovećanaiproduženavlažnosttokomgodineuodnosunatipičneusloveravničarskogpseudogleja. Korijenov sistem ispitivanih podloga analiziran je u uslovima obe mikrolokacije. Analiza obrastajućeg korijena izvrÅ”ena je metodom monolita. Struktura i dubina prodiranja korijenovog sistema utvrđena je metodom profila. OpÅ”ti izgled korijenovog sistema utvrđen je nakon iskopavanja model stabala. HistoloÅ”ke analize izvrÅ”ene su na obrastajućem provodnom korijenju, parafinskom tehnikom, bojenjem Delafildovim hematoksilinom i diferencijalnim bojenjem po Gerlach-u. Utvrđenjeznačajanuticajmikrolokacije na sva analizirana svojstva korijenovog sistema ispitivanih podloga. Najbolju aktivnost u obe mikrolokacije pseudogleja ima korijenov sistem podloga M9 i MM106, dok korijenov sistem podloge M26 ima najslabiju aktivnost u obe mikrolokacije

    Morphological Characterization of Buds Being Donors of Apex for Molecular Confirmation of Differentiation of Meristem into Permanent Tissues of Stone Fruit Trees (Prunus sp.)

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    Molecular confirmation of the process of differentiation of meristematic tissue of plants is primarily based on histomorphological characterization of the tissues carrying these processes. For perennial plants ā€“ fruit trees, the knowledge of these processes is important to define runtime type and pomotechnical treatments but also to identify the genes responsible for determination of the apices into a generative phase of differentiation. Which apex extraction techniques will be applied depends on the structure of buds, i.e. whether an apex differentiates only into generative elements ā€“ pure flower buds, or the differentiation goes into two directions: differentiation of leaf primordium with axillar meristematic dome and differentiation of generative elements of flowers in the peak or lateral zone of an apex ā€“ mixed buds. The fruit trees of the genus Prunus have purely flower buds and for this purpose the whole apex is taken, between protection ā€“ cover leaves, on lateral positions of all collateral buds at shoot nodes. The moment of initiation of determination and the dynamics of differentiation of generative buds are different at different type of shoots on a tree. It is therefore necessary to know the shoots growth cessation time which is in correlation with apex determination. Fruit trees of the genus Prunus are ending the growth of shoots by rejection of shoot peaks, and the cast away time depends on the type, length and the position of shoots

    Traces of biologically significant radionuclides in milk and their share in total milk radiological load

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    Neophodnost mlijeka u ishrani neminovno zahtijeva stalnu kontrolu kvaliteta u okviru koje posebno mjesto i značaj ima radijacijsko-higijenska ekspertiza. Stoga su u ovom radu prikazani rezultati koji se odnose na nivoe aktivnosti prirodnih i proizvedenih radionuklida u mlijeku iz podrinjsko-kolubarskog regiona i njihovi komparativni faktori.Continual milk quality control has become necessary due to the inidispensability of this food product in human nutrition, with special attention being paid to the radiological expertize of milk. This investigation, therefore, has been carried out to determine natural and produced radionuclide (K-40, Cs-137, Sr-90) levels and their comparative factors in the milk from the Podrinje-Kolubara region


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    Održanje i kontrola genetske čistoće, odnosno genetskog identiteta, jedan je od krajnjih ciljeva sjemenarstva nakon priznavanja neke sorte pÅ”enice. Primjena pozitivne i negativne selekcije, na razini fenotipa pri sortnoj reprodukciji pÅ”enice, omogućila je sortnu čistoću od 99 i 100% u usjevima svih sjemenskih kategorija. U cilju ispitivanja genetske identičnosti, u ovom su radu analizirane rezervne bjelačevine pÅ”enice ā€“ glijadini, koji su metodom poliakrilne gel elektroforeze razdvojeni na veliki broj frakcija koje pokazuju visoku heterogenost. Od analiziranih sorti pÅ”enice jedino je sorta PKB Rodika imala genetsku čistoću od 100% za sve kategorije sjemena. Sorta PKB Kristina je imala genetsku čistoću od 99% za kategoriju predosnovno sjeme, a sorta BG Merkur 99% genetske čistoće za kategoriju ā€“ sjeme prve generacije C1. Elektroforeza bjelančevina pokazala je da postoji divergentnost između ispitivanih sorti pÅ”enice po sastavu komponenti glijadinske frakcije, dok unutar sorti postoji ujednačenost.Maintenance and control of genetic purity and genetic identity is one of the ultimate goals in seed production after the recognition of some varieties of wheat. The application of positive and negative selection at the phenotypic level in varietal reproduction of wheat, enabled 99 and 100% of varietal purity in crops of all seed categories. In order to study the genetic identity, in this paper the reserve proteins of wheat ā€“ gliadins were analyzed. They were separated by polyacrylic gel electrophoresis into numerous components that showed great heterogeneity. Of all the analyzed wheat varieties, only PKB Rodika variety had the genetic purity of 100% in all categories of seed. PKB Kristina had the genetic purity of 99% in the pre-basic seed category and the variety BG Merkur had genetic purity of 99% in the seed of first generation ā€“ C1. Protein electrophoresis showed there was the divergence among the varieties of wheat in its composition of gliadin fractions, while there was uniformity among defferent varietal reproductions within each variety

    Fractals applications on fractured archeological samples reconstruction

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    The civil engineering materials in the whole existing civilization have many characteristics which do not depend of past historical period, but, there is forever and everywhere fractal characteristic of structures morphology. Many archeological sources which are very rich with samples from prehistorical periods, ancient Greece, Roman and Vestian period, Slovenes and later, are existing in Balkan and South-East Europe. These sources and samples are very important for our civilization evaluation. Sometimes or even often, we fined archeological samples which are fractured and damaged. In such situation, it is very important to reconstruct some of these parts. We developed quite new method based on fractals analysis and characterization which is an excellent tool for reconstruction the archeological and heritage samples. In these paper, we successfully presented this application and opened new perspectives for research in this area

    Pomological Identification of Hazel Cultivars (Corylus avellana L.) in Plantations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The paper presents the results of the analysis of pomological-technological characteristics of 13 hazel cultivars present in production plantations in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). Through previous analysis of pomological characteristics of fruit in several hazel plantations it was noted that there was a possibility of erroneous cultivar denomination. These fruits are sold at the domestic market as hazels for consumption, as well as for confectionary and cosmetic industry. Due to the increasing interest of producers in BIH for hazel cultivation and the uncontrolled spread of seedlings by producers through the offshoots from the existing production plantations, a possibility has been created to establish a plantation with erroneous assortment and thus an inadequate cultivar composition, particularly in terms of pollination and fertilization. Therefore, a comparison was carried out of pomological characteristics of fruit and the content of oil in the kernel of 13 hazel cultivars from older plantations in BIH with cultivars from the Collection of Nuts in Maribor owned by the Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana. Based on the analysis conducted, a deviation of fruit characteristics of some cultivars was determined, compared to the standard features of cultivars by which names they were labelled. Cultivars labelled by the producer during the collection of samples as: ā€˜Istrian Roundā€™, ā€˜Tonda di Giffoni 2ā€™, ā€˜HallĀ“s Giantā€™ and ā€˜N.N.1ā€™ were identified and they fully corresponded with their characteristics to the following cultivars: ā€˜Istrian Longā€™, ā€˜Mortarelaā€™, ā€˜Fertile de Coutardā€™ and ā€˜HallĀ“s Giantā€™. The research also showed that the fruits of the examined cultivars in BIH according to their pomological properties are as good as the fruits of cultivars grown in other areas
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