54 research outputs found

    From museum documentation to the determination of cultural property status: key standards and principles

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    Cilj ovog rada je pružiti pregled ključnih smjernica, standarda te načela vezanih uz muzejsku dokumentaciju, a koji se odnose na uži kontekst registracije zbirki kao kulturnog dobra. U radu se problematizira i mogućnost jednorazinske (pojedinačne i skupne) i višerazinske obrade za grupe muzejskih predmeta. Osim relevantnih teorijskih i stručnih promišljanja ovaj rad bi trebao poslužiti i kao podloga za buduće praktične smjernice i priručnike.The purpose of this paper is to provide a survey of key guidelines, standards and principles related to museum documentation in the context of registration of collections of cultural properties. The paper also examines the possibility of singlelevel (individual and group) and multi-level description of groups of museum objects. In addition to theoretical and professional considerations, this paper should also serve as a foundation of future practical guidelines and manuals

    Cooperative National Project of Digitisation of Archival, Library and Museum holdings "Croatian Cultural Heritage"

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    The cooperative national project of digitisation of archival, library and museum holdings “Croatian cultural heritage” is geared at promoting and assisting the systematic and standardized approach to the digitisation of material in cultural institutions, forming and offering cultural content and services by way of digital copies and use of information technologies in the protection, processing and use of materials. The development of comprehensive widely accessible content in digital form is one of the key assumptions for the protection and evaluation of cultural heritage, for networking and presentation of Croatian cultural heritage in European, regional and other cultural networks, for the preservation of cultural diversity and use of cultural contents in education, tourism and other service industries. The project is aimed at formulating the long-term policy of digitisation and promotion of institutional, technological, professional and organisational capacities and infrastructure considered necessary for developing comprehensive, usable and sustainable cultural contents and services in a digital environment


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    Tematski broj časopisa Muzeologija posvećen je digitalizaciji te izlazi ususret izazovima koje projekt e-Kultura donosi u cilju da se dobije uvid u postojeće projekte i dobre prakse, a sve kako bi se potaknula veća aktivnost u digitalizaciji, suradnja te prijenos znanja i iskustava

    Crowdsourcing Digital Cultural Heritage

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    With the turn towards the digital age, a growing number of institutions in the GLAM (Galleries, Archives, Museums and Libraries) sector started to identify a need for digitising their different collections placing them online with goals to preserve and exhibit them in the digital environment. After the initial efforts to develop policies, methodologies and best practices in transferring the collections into the online environment, researchers and practitioners have started to investigate possibilities of communicating those digitised collections with the public and seizing the opportunities that arise from digitisation. One of the approaches that cultural heritage institutions started to explore in order to involve the general public in their activities on the Web is crowdsourcing - taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined community in the form of an open call. In the heritage sector this means inviting members of the public, (“the crowd”), to tag and classify, transcribe, organize, and otherwise add value to digital cultural heritage collection content. In this paper we provide an overview of approaches in using the collective intelligence in the cultural heritage domain. Key terms, concepts and corresponding case studies are discussed, providing the framework for crowdsourcing projects within the heritage sector

    Possibilities of establishing interoperability among metadata schemas in museum environment

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    Potaknut činjenicom da u suvremenom umreženom svijetu raste broj korisnika informacija koje nastaju u muzejskom i širem baštinskom okruženju, kao i činjenicom da je otežano pretraživanje i pronalaženje tih informacija jer su one heterogene po strukturi i sadržaju, autor u disertaciji istražuje i analizira mogućnosti uspostavljanja interoperabilnosti među različitim postojećim shemama metapodataka na kojima se temelji muzejska i njoj srodna dokumentacija. Uspostavljanje interoperabilnosti neophodno je za omogućavanje i implementacije konverzija i razmjene metapodataka te omogućavanje združenih pretraživanje, pobiranja metapodataka i pronalaženje informacijskih resursa kulturne baštine u globalnom informacijskom okruženju. Kako u digitalnom i mrežnom okruženju dolazi do promjena značenja i uloga mnogih temeljnih koncepata informacijskih znanosti i muzejske dokumentacije, prvo je poglavlje posvećeno toj problematici, a posebice promjenama vezanim uz ulogu i značenje medija kao nositelja muzejske dokumentacije. U nastavku je predstavljen i kritički preispitan pojam metapodataka. Identificirane su poteškoće unutar postupaka modeliranja i razvoja shema metapodataka u segmentu prepoznavanja i odabira bitnih elemenata koji će reprezentirati potrebne entitete i odnose iz stvarnog svijeta u informacijskom sustavu. Rasprava je pokazala kako je moguće unaprijediti to zahtjevno modeliranje odnosa i pravila iz domene kulturne baštine, ponajprije sustavnim istraživanjem korisničkih potreba te analizom postojećih dokumentacijskih oblika i metoda. U narednom poglavlju prikazani su različiti pristupi i strategije uspostavljanja interoperabilnosti. Pristupi su vrednovani pomoću stvorenog metodološkog okvira, razmotrene su njihove slabosti i jakosti te njihova moguća primjena u muzejskom okruženju. Predložene strategije i metode uspostavljanja interoperabilnosti, omogućuju virtualno povezivanje informacija i u širem baštinskom okruženju, uz istovremeno očuvanje informacijske raznolikosti i vrijednosti podataka. Na tim temeljima autor predlaže višerazinski model te odgovarajuće postupke uspostavljanja interoperabilnosti u globalnom informacijskom okruženju. Ti su postupci usklađeni s mogućnostima suvremenih tehnoloških rješenja, ali i potrebama korisnika, čemu je ovaj rad posvetio posebno poglavlje. Na kraju autor iznosi rezultate komparativne analize istraživanja strukture kataloških jedinica u publiciranim muzejskim katalozima, čime je dan doprinos pronalaženju mogućeg zajedničkog minimalnog skupa podatkovnih elemenata u muzejskoj zajednici te uvažavanju informacijskih specifičnosti pojedinih znanstvenih disciplina u muzejskom okruženju. U ovoj disertaciji uspostavljanje interoperabilnosti muzejske dokumentacije uvijek se promatra i u širem baštinskom te globalnom okruženju, s posebnim naglaskom na mogućnost sudjelovanja muzejskih informacija u globalnom semantičkom webu kulture.In the global networked environment, the number of users that needs information from museum and broader heritage context has increased; and in the same time discovery of cultural information resources is seriously hindered because cultural heritage information is heterogeneous in structure and content. That was the motivation for author to explore and analyse possibilities of achieving interoperability among existing metadata schemas in museum documentation and related information systems. Establishing interoperability is necessary for facilitating and implementing of conversion and exchange of metadata and enabling federated searches, metadata harvesting and cross-domain discovery of cultural information resources in the global information environment. Digital and networked environment causes changes in meaning and function of many concepts basic to information science and museum documentation, therefore first chapter deals with this subject, with special focus on changes related to concept of medium as content carrier in museum documentation. Subsequently, concept of metadata is introduced and critically examined. Problems in modelling and developing metadata schemas, are identified within segment of recognition and selection of important elements which will represent entities and relations from real word in information systems. Discussion shows possibilities of improvement in modelling relationships and rules from domain of cultural heritage, firstly by systematic research user needs and then by analysis of existing documentation forms and methods. Next chapter contains an analysis of methods used for establishing or improving interoperability among metadata schemas and information systems. Existing methodological framework, developed by Zeng and Chan, which considers implementing interoperability at different levels of operation - schema level, record level, and repository level, is extended with new level – global level of establishing interoperability which includes formal ontologies and global infrastructure of metadata schemas, application profiles and ontology registers. By integrating multiple approaches, author develops the multi-level model of establishing interoperability in global information environment. All this strategies and methods are harmonised with contemporary developments in information technology and with consideration of user requirements. Finally, author presents the results of comparative analysis of the research on structure of museum object information published in the museum catalogues. Those results improve findings in establishing common minimal metadata element set in museum information environment with special concern on preserving information diversity of specific scientific discipline approaches. In this dissertation, establishing interoperability of museum documentation, is always considered in broader heritage and global context, with special concern of possibilities of museum information participation in a global semantic web of culture

    Uloga Muzejskog dokumentacijskog centra u informatizaciji i digitalnoj transformaciji muzeja u Hrvatskoj

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    Za provođenje informatizacije i općenito uvođenje novih tehnologija i inovativnih praksi ključna je stalna izobrazba. MDC se postavio kao središnje mjesto prijenosa informacija, znanja i vještina o informatizaciji muzeja putem brojnih predavanja, radionica, seminara i stručno-znanstvenih skupova s jedne strane, a s druge strane s pomoću svojih zbirki i fondova te mrežnih stranica koje zajedno tvore potrebnu stručnu, znanstvenu i istraživačku informacijsku infrastrukturu. U vezi s užom temom ovog rada od svih zbirki i fondova MDC-a potrebno je izdvojiti Registar muzeja, galerija i zbirki RH, na koji se naslanjaju brojne usluge i samo mrežno sjedište MDC-a, te knjižnicu MDC-a kao jedinstvenu specijaliziranu knjižnicu ovakvog oblika u Hrvatskoj, a i šire

    Digital visual documentation in museums

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    U radu se govori o muzejskoj vizualnoj dokumentaciji u digitalnom obliku, njezinoj ulozi u sklopu cjelokupne muzejske dokumentacije te o mogućnostima njezine primjene u muzejima i akademskoj zajednici, s ciljem opisivanja sadanjeg stanja, upozoravanja na postojeće probleme te naznačivanja smjernica budućeg razvoja.Digital visual documentation in museums will is discussed here, as well as its function within museum documentation and the possibility of usage in museums and by scholarship community. The purpose is to describe present situation, in order to point to existing problems and to mark the direction of future development