19 research outputs found

    Exploring Pro-Environmental Behaviour in FMCG Supply Chain

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    This paper aims to define indicators that predict and shape the pro-environmental behaviour of manufacturers, transport companies, wholesalers and retailers as participants in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) supply chain in the Western Balkans region. The main task is to determine the indicators which participants of FMCG supply chain consider as most important for the prediction of the pro-environmental behaviour concept. The findings showed a statistically significant correlation between the green indicators of pro-environmental behaviour, such as reverse logistics, the packaging waste management, energy consumption, ecological awareness, acting in accordance with green moral codes, compliances with legal and statutory ecological norms, interior hygiene and ecological infrastructure. The differences in these indicators are particularly visible among the observed participants in the supply chain and between the places of residence of employees (EU/non-EU countries). The test results served as the basis for defining a model for predicting pro-environmental behaviour. Future research should focus on extending the sample of research to the EU market, in order to make a better comparative analysis between EU and non-EU countries

    Analysis of Indicators of Corporate Responsibility in Road Freight Transport: Results of Transport Companies and FMCG Retailers in Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is the analysis of indicators of corporate responsibility in road freight transport, with special emphasis on freight transport and delivery to Fast Moving Consumers Goods (FMCG) retailers and final consumer. The main task is to rank the importance of corporate responsibility indicators in freight transport from the perspective of the management of transport companies, as well as management of retail stores. In this context, empirical research was conducted on a sample of 124 managers of transport enterprises and 181 managers of FMCG retailers in Serbia. The results showed that the impact of indicators does not depend on the region, transport company and retail store. The indicators show a statistically significant dependence on FMCG type that is being transported. The conducted analysis and achieved results are important in practice as they show to the management of transport companies which indicators should be developed, so that customers (retailers), and thus the users of final products are satisfied. Disadvantages of the existing research and suggestions for future studies are provided in the paper

    Analysis of key indicators that affect the expected benefit of customers when using loyalty cards

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    The aim of this paper is to define the significance of different indicators that affect the expected benefit of customers when using loyalty cards in the purchasing process in the retail sector. As the most important indicators that affect expectations while using loyalty cards, the following was tested: price discounts, more efficient service and rewards, personalized communication, payment option, better information, status symbols and additional benefits. The research was conducted on a sample of 552 holders of loyalty cards of the largest retail chains in selected Central Europe (CE) and South East Europe (SEE) countries. The values of indicators for different categories of customers and different markets can be determined based on the obtained results and conducted tests. The determined values of the indicators are the basis for the formation of a regression model that will serve the chain managers to optimize the loyalty programs in relation to the identified customer expectations

    The Use of Intelligent Packaging in Supply Chain of Food Products

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    The research aims to identify the limitations and expectations of producers, transport companies, distributors and retailers in introducing intelligent packaging into supply chains of food products on the market of the Western Balkans. The limitations and benefits from the use of intelligent packaging have been identified in transportation, storage, operations of physical handling and display of food products at the place of their final purchase. The results have shown that there are significant differences in terms of limitations affecting the implementation of intelligent packaging into business operations of supply chains, bearing in mind the business type, number of employees, available capital and integrated standards into business operations. In contrast to this, the results point that there are no significant differences in terms of benefits that the analysed entities expect from introducing intelligent packaging into their systems. A set of measures and incentives have been defined for the competent institutions and food supply chain management to take, in order to minimize the restrictions and advance the implementation of intelligent packaging. The proposals and suggestions for further research are stated in the paper.</p

    Impact of retail market concentration on differences in retailers' productivity and business results

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    The aim of this paper is to define the degree of the Serbian retail market concentration and to determine the nature of the correlation between market concentration and retailers' business performances. The main task of the research is to indicate how changes in market share affect the development of the retail sector. Based on financial indicators in retail, realized turnover and profit per employee, the null research hypothesis was tested for proving a significant correlation between the size of market share of retail chains and their productivity and business results. The obtained results show the level of deviation in terms of the differences between the size of market share and productivity and the business result. There is also an obvious increase in the market share of large retail chains which has led to a decrease in the total number of small independent retailers, as well as a rise in market concentration levels. The obtained results, the conducted analyses and tests will point to the potential dangers of the concentration of the national market and define the criteria for achieving a higher degree of homogeneity. Suggestions and guidelines for future research are presented in the paper


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    In this paper, the authors point out the differences in the structure of the product assortment of retailers who show their offers on the Web, with the aim of proving that the structure of the assortment may be a factor of marketing channel competitiveness that the consumers recognize and that makes them opt for a certain marketing channel. On the same basis we aim to compare the prices of representative product categories, in order to determine the impact of prices on marketing channel competitiveness, without taking other factors of channel competitiveness into consideration. Based on the conducted research, we can conclude that having a number of categories of products in the assortment presents a competitive advantage for the retailer in the traditional marketing channel since retailers with electronic sales have a more diverse assortment in their retail store than online. Ā Compared to ā€œpure playā€ electronic retailers, the structure of assortment measured in number of categories of products that are on offer in e-stores is not significantly different between ā€œpure playā€ and ā€œbricks and clicksā€ electronic retailers. On the other hand, if we look at the price levels, there is a difference in prices of product categories on websites of ā€œbrick and clickā€ retailers since prices in retail stores are higher than prices in the traditional retail store of the same retailer. However, offers on the website of ā€œpure playā€ electronic retailers are higher compared to ā€œbrick and clickā€ retailers

    Healthcare design revisited ā€“ new approaches to user ā€“ centric, efficient an effective design

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    The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the paradigm change and different experiences of using the healthcare design guidelines in the last 3 decades, through the case study of the Belgradeā€™s Military Medical Academy (VMA). Designed in 1973 after a large national competition, when architects Osojnik and Nikolić won the first prize, an extraordinary leaf shaped volume was raised in 1982 as the biggest healthcare center in former Yugoslavia. The 14-story building is covering 180.000 square meters of space on 21 hectares of land of Belgrade quarter of Banjica, divided in 60 different technical-technological entities. It represents still today one of the landmark and recognizable mega-architectural structure of the City of Belgrade. The most contemporary ā€œstate of the artā€ healthcare design guidelines were incorporated along with the most unusual interior design conceived as an U boat. More than thirty years after, its functional organization has been over passed and needs rethinking and upgrading. Its voluminosity and compactness represent major obstacles that need to be rethinked. This paper presents an assessment of the healthcare design of the MMA. The paper has two parts. In the first part a specific set of criteria is defined based on theoretical research of strategies and documents, todayā€™s healthcare standards and norms. The second part provides a set of analysis through examining 3 types of users: patients, medical staff and experts: architects and engineers. Some conclusions and ideas in form of guidelines for regeneration and improvement will be presented at the end of the paper

    Employee Welfare in the Western Balkans Retail Sector: How to Improve It through Socio-organizational Variables

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    Posljednjih godina zemlje Zapadnog Balkana suočavaju se s egzodusom radne snage, Å”to je složen socijalni problem. S obzirom da se većina zaposlenika bavi uslužnom djelatnoŔću, a posebno maloprodajnim sektorom, gdje radi oko 10% radno sposobnog stanovniÅ”tva, potrebno je definirati pokazatelje koji otežavaju dobrobit zaposlenika i predložiti skup mjera za njihovo smanjivanje. S tim u vezi, cilj rada je identificiranje varijabli koje utječu na dobrobit zaposlenika u maloprodajnom sektoru Zapadnog Balkana, s posebnim naglaskom na razlike između malih i srednjih poduzeća i maloprodajnih lanaca. Empirijska studija provedena je na uzorku od 325 zaposlenika u trgovačkim poduzećima. Ispitana je povezanost između varijabli dobrobiti zaposlenika i socijalno-organizacijskih varijabli kao Å”to su zadovoljstvo poslom, iznos mjesečne zarade, radno okruženje, mogućnost napredovanja, socijalna podrÅ”ka, upotreba moderne tehnologije, poslovna kultura, rotacija posla i sigurnost posla. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su značajnu povezanost socijalno-organizacijskih varijabli s dobrobiti zaposlenika. Razlike su posebno naglaÅ”ene između malih i srednjih poduzeća i maloprodajnih lanaca. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata predložen je niz mjera i postupaka koje relevantne institucije i tvorci politike zapoÅ”ljavanja moraju poduzeti kako bi se neutralizirale različitosti. U radu su izneseni prijedlozi budućih istraživanja.In recent years the countries of the Western Balkans region have been facing an exodus of labour, which represents a complex social problem. Given the fact that the largest number of employees is engaged in the service industry, especially in the retail sector where 10% of all working population is employed, it is necessary to define the indicators which impede employee welfare and to recommend a set of measures for their minimization. In this regard, this paper aims to identify variables which impact employee welfare in the retail sector of the Western Balkans with a particular retrospect to the differences between SMEs and retail chains. Empirical research has been conducted on a sample of 325 employees of retail companies. Correlation between employee welfare and socio-organizational variables, such as job contentment, social support, monthly salary, work environment, promotion opportunity, the use of modern technology, business culture, job rotation and job security have been tested. The results of the research have shown a significant correlation between socio-organizational variables and employee welfare. Differences are especially prominent between SMEs and retail chains. Based on the obtained results, a set of measures and procedures which competent institutions and employment policymakers should undertake to neutralize those differences has been proposed. Suggestions for future research are provided

    Waste management - business of the future

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    Gospodarenje otpadom predstavlja specifičnu djelatnost koja zahvaća sve gospodarske grane. Potrebe za novim tehnologijama i drugačijim načinama postupanja s otpadom su nužne. Kako bi sustav gospodarenje otpadom povećao količine selektivno odvojenog otpada, te kako bi se smanjile količina koje se odlažu na deponijima. Inovativne tvrtke poput ZenRobotics, Enevo, Trinov, Sensoneo, EcoMobile i Plantics specijalizirale su svoja poslovanja na industriju otpada te ponudile na tržiÅ”te svoje proizvode i usluge koje kada ih se implementira u sustav povećavaju ostvarene učinke. KoriÅ”tenje umjetne inteligencije unutar pojedinog sustava za gospodarenje otpadom joÅ” uvijek nije zastupljeno toliko da bi roboti zamijenili ljudski rad. Naznake pomaka industrije na obavljanje zadataka uz pomoć robotskih ruku koje odvajaju frakcije prema vrstama, raznih senzora koji omogućuju efikasnije sakupljanje otpada, razvijenih sustava koji se implementiraju u poduzeća kako bi se dobila sirovina uskoro bi mogli ponuditi nove načine obavljanja djelatnosti uz povećanje produktivnosti i smanjenje troÅ”kova tvrtkama koje obavljaju djelatnost gospodarenja otpadom. Situacija u sustavu gospodarenja otpadom RH takva je da se joÅ” uvijek nije postiglo granične pragove da bi norme zadane od Europske komisije bile zadovoljene. Uslijed potrebnih promjena u pristupu djelatosti, potrebno će biti ulagati napore kako bi se građani educirali, te kako bi usvojili pravila kako bi se efikasnije gospodarilo otpadom u RH.Waste management is a specific activity that affects all industries. The need for new technologies and different ways of dealing with waste is necessary. In order for the waste management system to increase the quantities of selectively separated waste, and to reduce the quantities disposed of in landfills. Innovative companies such as ZenRobotics, Enevo, Trinov, Sensoneo, EcoMobile and Plantics specialize their business in the waste industry and offer their products and services to the market, which when implemented in the system increase the achieved effects. The use of artificial intelligence within a particular waste management system is still not so prevalent that robots would replace human labor. Indications of the industry's shift to performing tasks with the help of robotic arms that separate fractions by type, various sensors that enable more efficient waste collection, developed systems implemented in companies to obtain raw materials could soon offer new ways of doing business with increased productivity and reduced costs companies performing waste management activities. The situation in the waste management system of the Republic of Croatia is such that the thresholds have not yet been reached for the standards set by the European Commission to be met. Due to the necessary changes in the approach to business, it will be necessary to make efforts to educate citizens and to adopt rules to more efficiently manage waste in the Republic of Croatia

    Waste management - business of the future

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    Gospodarenje otpadom predstavlja specifičnu djelatnost koja zahvaća sve gospodarske grane. Potrebe za novim tehnologijama i drugačijim načinama postupanja s otpadom su nužne. Kako bi sustav gospodarenje otpadom povećao količine selektivno odvojenog otpada, te kako bi se smanjile količina koje se odlažu na deponijima. Inovativne tvrtke poput ZenRobotics, Enevo, Trinov, Sensoneo, EcoMobile i Plantics specijalizirale su svoja poslovanja na industriju otpada te ponudile na tržiÅ”te svoje proizvode i usluge koje kada ih se implementira u sustav povećavaju ostvarene učinke. KoriÅ”tenje umjetne inteligencije unutar pojedinog sustava za gospodarenje otpadom joÅ” uvijek nije zastupljeno toliko da bi roboti zamijenili ljudski rad. Naznake pomaka industrije na obavljanje zadataka uz pomoć robotskih ruku koje odvajaju frakcije prema vrstama, raznih senzora koji omogućuju efikasnije sakupljanje otpada, razvijenih sustava koji se implementiraju u poduzeća kako bi se dobila sirovina uskoro bi mogli ponuditi nove načine obavljanja djelatnosti uz povećanje produktivnosti i smanjenje troÅ”kova tvrtkama koje obavljaju djelatnost gospodarenja otpadom. Situacija u sustavu gospodarenja otpadom RH takva je da se joÅ” uvijek nije postiglo granične pragove da bi norme zadane od Europske komisije bile zadovoljene. Uslijed potrebnih promjena u pristupu djelatosti, potrebno će biti ulagati napore kako bi se građani educirali, te kako bi usvojili pravila kako bi se efikasnije gospodarilo otpadom u RH.Waste management is a specific activity that affects all industries. The need for new technologies and different ways of dealing with waste is necessary. In order for the waste management system to increase the quantities of selectively separated waste, and to reduce the quantities disposed of in landfills. Innovative companies such as ZenRobotics, Enevo, Trinov, Sensoneo, EcoMobile and Plantics specialize their business in the waste industry and offer their products and services to the market, which when implemented in the system increase the achieved effects. The use of artificial intelligence within a particular waste management system is still not so prevalent that robots would replace human labor. Indications of the industry's shift to performing tasks with the help of robotic arms that separate fractions by type, various sensors that enable more efficient waste collection, developed systems implemented in companies to obtain raw materials could soon offer new ways of doing business with increased productivity and reduced costs companies performing waste management activities. The situation in the waste management system of the Republic of Croatia is such that the thresholds have not yet been reached for the standards set by the European Commission to be met. Due to the necessary changes in the approach to business, it will be necessary to make efforts to educate citizens and to adopt rules to more efficiently manage waste in the Republic of Croatia