199 research outputs found

    Speech Impairment, Phonation, Writing, Salivation, and Swallowing in Patients with Parkinsonā€™s Disease

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    Introduction Parkinsonā€™s disease (PD) can influence the function of respiration, phonation and articulation, quality of speech, swallowing, salivation, and graphomotor skills

    Primjena informacijskog sustava u održavanju, motrenju i dijagnostici transformatora

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    Informacijska tehnologija je oblik tehnologije kojom se ljudi koriste za upravljanje i obradu informacije. Informacijski sustav je sustav koji prikuplja, pohranjuje, čuva, obrađuje i isporučuje informacije važne za organizaciju, tako da one budu dostupne i upotrebljive svakomu kome su potrebne. Uvođenjem informacijskog sustava u djelatnosti održavanja, motrenja i dijagnostike transformatora uspostavlja se jedinstveni sustav upravljanja tehničkim sustavom u elektrodistribuciji, koji obuhvaća standardizaciju poslovnih procesa planiranja, organizacije, izvrÅ”enja i dokumentiranja svih aktivnosti. Primjenom informacijskog sustava postiže se mogućnost transparentne prezentacije načina upravljanja vlastitom imovinom. Informacijski sustav omogućuje pohranjivanje, razmjenu i koriÅ”tenje podataka, informacija i znanja bitnih za upravljanje elektrodistribucijskim sustavom. Informacijski sustav održavanja, motrenja i dijagnostike pronaÅ”ao je svoju primjenu u elektrodistribucijskim postrojenjima i dokazao svoju važnost u smislu sprječavanja kvara transformatora, zaÅ”titi osoblja i okoliÅ”a, te boljeg gospodarenja transformatorom.Information technology is a form of technology that is used to manage and process information. The information system is a system that collects, stores, keeps, processes and delivers information important to the organization, so that they are accessible and usable to everyone who needs them. Installing the information system into transformer maintenance, monitoring and diagnostics activities will establish a single management technical system in the distribution of electricity, which includes the standardization of planning processes, organization, execution and documentation of all activities. Transparent presentation of managing own assets is achieved by using the information system. The information system allows you to store, exchange and use of data, information and essential knowledge for managing electric distribution system. The information system maintenance, monitoring and diagnostics has found its application in electric distribution system and proved its importance in terms of preventing the transformer malfunction, the protection of personnel and the environment, and better transformer management

    Genetic Association Studies on Prostate Cancer

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    The modern research on molecular basis of prostate cancer (PCa) development includes studies aiming to identify potential genetic markers which could be used in diagnostics and/or monitoring of PCa. Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified over 75 variants associated with PCa risk. One of the major PCa-related regions identified through GWASs is found to be a segment of 8q24. Other important PCa-susceptibility regions are 17q12, 17q24, 10q11, and 19q13. Candidate-gene based approach has also provided evidence of association between PCa risk and genetic variants located in functionally significant genes (both protein-coding and noncoding RNA genes) involved in normal prostatic cell growth, malignant transformation, or in the development of metastases. Nevertheless, the success of these studies is questionable, since numerous candidates for PCa-susceptibility variants were identified, but these results failed to replicate. The main aim of both types of genetic association studies on PCa is the identification of potential PCa genetic markers which could be used for constructing reliable algorithms for evaluating the risk for PCa development and/or PCa progression

    Identification of the CysB-regulated gene, hslJ, related to the Escherichia coli novobiocin resistance phenotype

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    The cysB gene product is a LysR-type regulatory protein required for expression of the cys regulon. cysB mutants of Escherichia coli and Salmonella, along with being auxotrophs for the cysteine, exhibit increased resistance to the antibiotics novobiocin (Nov) and mecillinam. In this work, by using lambdaplacMu9 insertions creating random lacZ fusions, we identify a gene, hslJ, whose expression appeared to be increased in cysB mutants and needed for Nov resistance. Measurements of the hslJ::IacZ gene fusion expression demonstrated that the hslJ gene is negatively regulated by CysB. In addition we observe the negative autogenous control of HslJ. When the control imposed by CysB is lifted in the cysB mutant, the elevation of Nov resistance can be achieved only in the presence of wild-type hslJ allele. A double cysB hslJ mutant restores the sensitivity to Nov. Overexpression of the wild-type HslJ protein either in a cysB(+) or a cys(B-) background increases the level of Nov resistance indicating that hslJ product is indeed involved in accomplishing this phenotype. The hslJ::OmegaKan allele encodes the C-terminaly truncated mutant protein HslJ Q121Ter which is not functional in achieving the Nov resistance but when overexpressed induces the psp operon. Finally, we found that inactivation of hslJ does not affect the increased resistance to mecillinam in cysB mutants

    The LysR-type transcriptional regulator CysB controls the repression of hslJ transcription in Escherichia coli

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    The LysR-type transcriptional regulator (LTTR) CysB is a transcription factor in Escherichia coli cells, where as a homotetramer it binds the target promoter regions and activates the genes involved in sulphur utilization and sulphonate-sulphur metabolism, while negatively autoregulating its own transcription. The hslJ gene was found to be negatively regulated by CysB and directly correlated with novobiocin resistance of the bacterium. cysB mutants showed upregulation of the hslJ:: lacZ gene fusion and exhibited increased novobiocin resistance. In this study the hslJ transcription start point and the corresponding putative sigma(70) promoter were determined. The hslJ promoter region was defined by employing different hslJ-lacZ operon fusions, and transcription of the hslJ gene was shown to be subject to both repression imposed by the CysB regulator and direct or indirect autogenous negative control. These two regulations compete to some extent but they are not mutually exclusive. CysB acts as a direct repressor of hslJ transcription and binds the hslJ promoter region that carries the putative CysB repressor site. This CysB binding, apparently responsible for repression, is enhanced in the presence of the ligand N-acetylserine (NAS), hitherto considered to be a positive cofactor in CysB-mediated gene regulations. Interallelic complementation of characterized CysB mutants I33N and S277Ter partially restored the repression of hslJ transcription and the consequent novobiocin sensitivity, but did not complement the cysteine auxotrophy


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    The Scientific Content Analysis (SCAN) was ā€“ despite its name ā€“ often reproached for not being enough or not at all ā€œscientificā€. Sapir and his followers tried to demonstrate its scientific validity by relying mainly on statistics and psychology. This article proposes a different approach: in the first step epistemologically rethink SCAN through the humanistic science of linguistics as founded by de Saussure and further developed by Jakobson, Derrida and others ā€“ while in the second step enhance it with theoretical psychoanalysis in the variant of Ljubljanaā€™s Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis. All the theoretical work of the first part of this article will be then tested on a case study taken from Slovenian contemporary murder investigations, the so-called ā€œRadan caseā€

    Titan-dioksid kao katalizator u degradaciji teÅ”ko razgradivih organskih jedinjenja u vodi pomoću dielektričnog barijernog pražnjenja

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    Uklanjanje teÅ”ko razgradivih organskih jedinjenja iz vode je neophodan postupak u prečiŔćavanju vode, sa obzirom da broj sintetskih hemikalija svakog dana raste, a mnoge od njih nemarom zavrÅ”e u životnoj sredini. Jedna od tehnika unapređenih oksidacionih procesa je i plazma-tretman, kojim nastaje veliki broj reaktivnih kiseoničnih i azotnih vrsta [1]. U ovom radu je primenjen plazma-tretman u obliku reaktora sa dielektričnim barijernim pražnjenjem, koji radi u protočnom režimu u prisustvu vazduha kao radnog gasa. [2] Kroz ovaj reaktor je viÅ”e puta recirkulisana suspenzija titan-dioksida, a zatim je merena koncentracija generisanih hidroksilnih radikala i H2O2 u uzorcima tretirane suspenzije. Kao heterogeni katalizator koriŔćen je TiO2 (P25, Degusѕa, Japan). Za određivanje C (H2O2) koriŔćen je reagens titanil-sulfat, TiO(SO4)āˆ™H2SO4 (aq), pripremljen modifikovanom metodom [3] i H2O2 (30 %, Carlo Elba, Italija). Za određivanje C (ā€¢OH) koriŔćen je DMSO (99%, ICN Biomedicals, INC. SAD), 2,4-dinitrofenilhidrazin (skr. DNPH, p.a, Radonja, Kemijska industrija, Sisak), formaldehid, CHOH (HACH Company, SAD; ampula, standardni rastvor formaldehida 4000 mg/dm3). Koncentracija H2O2 raste povećanjem broja prolaza suspenzije TiO2 kroz reaktor. Koncentracija H2O2 unekoliko zavisi od primenjene pH, brže raste pri pH 6,55 (1. prolaz), ali maksimalnu vrednost dostiže u kiseloj sredini (5. prolaz, 0,399 mg/dm3). Koncentracija ā€¢OH (slika 2) takođe raste sa povećanjem broja prolaza i to u oba slučaja, sa i bez TiO2, ali u prisustvu TiO2 je C (ā€¢OH) za svaki prolaz veća u odnosu na rastvor DMSO. U DMSO-u raste postepeno, dok je u prisustvu TiO2 rast C (ā€¢OH) nepravilan. TiO2 indukuje dodatno stvaranje ā€¢OH Å”to može uticati na bolju degradaciju organskog zagađenja u vodi. Tretman otpadne vode pomoću DBD-reaktora u prisustvu TiO2 kao heterogenog katalizatora, pri čemu nastaju reakivne oksidativne vrste može poslužiti kao odlična tehnika za uklanjanje teÅ”ko razgradivih organskih jedinjenja u vodi, kao Å”to je navedeno kod [5].Rad je izložen u okviru Å kole za zaÅ”titu životne sredine ā€“ Water Workshop ā€“ Kvalitet voda, Novi Sad, 2017, SEKCIJA B: Značaj studija zaÅ”tite životne sredine u zaÅ”titi voda

    Guidelines for technical regulations and standardization of turbine and hydromechanical equipment during production and exploitation

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    Turbine and hydromechanical equipment at hydro power plant 'Đerdap 1' is subjected to service conditions which lead to degradation of materials and structures. Taking into account the frequency of failure occurrence and experience accumulated through long term testing and determination of state, it can be concluded that basic causes of equipment degradation are: oscillations, fatigue, corrosion, erosion and cavitation. It is the responsibility of manufacturers of turbine and hydromechanical equipment to make sure that all vital parts and supporting structures are made in compliance with technical requirements, suitable standards and european directives that refer to structural integrity. Applicability of Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC and Machinery Directive 98/37/EEC is especially relevant, due to the fact that certain parts and structures of turbine regulation system, lubrication system, turbine runner and measurement system are subject to one of the above mentioned directives. This paper contains the overview and basic parameters of new and general approach to standardization and technical harmonization of hydro power plant equipment that refers to structural integrity
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