50 research outputs found

    Full Newton-Step Interior-Point Method for Linear Complementarity Problems

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    In this paper we consider an Infeasible Full Newton-step Interior-Point Method (IFNS-IPM) for monotone Linear Complementarity Problems (LCP). The method does not require a strictly feasible starting point. In addition, the method avoids calculation of the step size and instead takes full Newton-steps at each iteration. Iterates are kept close to the central path by suitable choice of parameters. The algorithm is globally convergent and the iteration bound matches the best known iteration bound for these types of methods

    Theoretical investigation of interaction of hydrogen and intermetallic compound YCo5

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    Stability, magnetic properties, electric field gradients and hyperfine fields of YCo5Hx compounds were investigated by using DFT based calculations. Two computational approaches were employed employed in the study-ultrasoft pseudopotentials with plane waves and all-electron FP(L)APW + lo method. It was found that H atoms prefer off-centered or centered octahedral sites. Enthalpies of formation for Ī±ā†’Ī² transition were calculated. Satisfactory agreement was found between theoretical results and previous experimental value of the enthalpy of formation. It was also found that inclusion of spin-polarization reduces stability of the hydrides. Comparison of theoretical and experimental spin magnetic moments of different YCo5Hx compounds resulted in a reasonable agreement betwen present theoretical results and previous experimental and theoretical data. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) was calculated for intermetallic compound YCo5. Reasonable agreement was found between MAE obtained in the present study and the corresponding theoretical and experimental values obtained in earlier studies

    Successful treatment of polymedicamentous poisoning with metoprolol, diltiazem and cilazapril

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    Introduction. Poisoning caused by drugs with cardiodepressive effects is an urgent condition in medicine which is associated with high mortality rate regardless of modern therapeutic methods. Accidental or intentional poisoning whit these drugs produces heart activity depression and cardiovascular collapse as consequences. Current therapy for severe poisoning caused by beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers includes both unspecific and specific antidote therapy whit glucagon, as well as application of adrenergic drugs, calcium, phosphodiesterase inhibitors and hyperinsulinemia/euglycemia therapy. However, even whit the application of these drugs, prompt measures of unspecific detoxication therapy and cardiopulmonary reanimation are crucial for survival of patients with severe poisoning. Case report. A 28-year-old female patient was hospitalized for cardiogenic shock and altered state of conscioussnes (Glasgow coma score = 4), caused by acute poisoning with 2 g of metoprolol (PresololĀ®), 1.8 g of diltiazem (CortiazemĀ®) and 50 mg of cilazapril (ZoboxĀ®). Prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation was applied during the first 16 hours of hospitalization, including administration of crystaline solutions (8 L), 17 mg of adrenaline, 4 mg of atropine, 4 mg of glucagone and 1.6 g of dopamine, with electro-stimulation by temporary pacemaker and mechanical ventilation. In a defined time period, normalized state of consciousness was registered, mechanical ventilation was stopped and normal heart activity and hemodynamic stability were accomplished. During hospitalization the patient was treated for mild pneumonia and after ten days, completely recovered, was released and sent to home treatment. Conclusion. Prompt measures of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and multidisciplinary treatment in intensive care units significantly increase the chances of complete recovery of a patient with severe poisoning caused by drugs with cardiodepressive efects

    Procjena Å”umskih resursa na temelju Sentinel-2 snimki ā€“ studija slučaja Derventa, BiH (Katastarska općina Brezici)

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    SummaryThe management of forest resources is complicated due to the complete lack of maintenance and disorganization of the land administration and survey that are decades old. Modern, unconventional monitoring systems are used with the aim of improving the existing records systems and creating a clearer insight into the state of forest resources. This study provides an example of the use of one such system, Sentinel-2. Using the R programming language, the multispectral Sentinel-2 images were classified by the Random Forest classification algorithm. Following the completion of the classifications, the accuracy of the classification was evaluated using the error matrix and the Kappa value. An analysis of forest resources for one cadastral municipality was accomplished using classified rasters and data from the Real Estate Cadastre Database. Based on the data analysis, major changes are visible in terms of the abandonment of agricultural land and its conversion into a certain form of forest vegetation. Furthermore, based on these data, the study demonstrates changes that can be monitored in shorter time intervals. Sentinel-2 images can be used to determine forest expansion, based on the aforementioned analyses, resulting in a clearer and better representation of existing forest resources that are unknown due to outdated and unreliable land administration systems.SažetakGospodarenje Å”umskim resurima otežano je u uvjetima potpune neažurnosti i neuređenosti desetljećima starog sustava evidencije i izmjere. U svrhu poboljÅ”anja postojećih evidencijskih sustava i stvaranja jasnijeg uvida u stanje Å”umskog bogatstva koriste se nekonvencionalni, suvremeni sustavi praćenja. KoriÅ”tenje daljinskog istraživanja za procjenu Å”umskog bogatstva je važno, jer se inženjeri Å”umarstva i Å”umarske ustanove ne mogu pouzdati u postojeće evidencije preuzete iz katastra nekretnina kako bi utvrdili opseg Å”umskog bogatstva.Za demonstraciju koriÅ”tenja daljinskog istraživanja u svrhu utvrđivanja opsega Å”umskog bogatstva preuzete su satelitske snimke Sentinel-2 za 2017. i 2022. godinu, kao i podaci iz baze podataka katastra nekretnina k.o. (katastarske općine) Brezici, slika 1. Preuzete multispektralne Sentinel-2 slike klasificirane su na temelju Random Forest klasifikacijskog algoritma, koriÅ”tenjem programskog jezika R. Tijek procesa obrade podataka prikazan je na slici 2. Nakon zavrÅ”enih klasifikacija, točnost klasifikacije procijenjena je na temelju matrice pogreÅ”aka i Kappa vrijednosti. Parametri točnosti za klasificirane snimke prikazani su u tablici 1. U prvom dijelu analize rezultata obavljeno je vizualno i numeričko preklapanje klasificiranih Sentinel-2 rastera iz 2017. i 2022. godine. Analiza je provedena s ciljem prikazivanja promjena koje se događaju na ograničenim područjima u kratkim vremenskim intervalima, slika 3. Drugi dio analize odnosi se na usporedbu podataka katastra nekretnina za k.o. Brezici nastalih na temelju izmjere i Sentinel-2 snimki iz 2022. godine, slika 4. i tablica 2. Cilj ovog dijela rada je pokazati razliku između stvarnog i katastarskog stanja. Na slici 5. i tablici 3. prikazane su razlike u načinu koriÅ”tenja između katastra i Sentinel-2 snimki, Å”to ukazuje na promjene nastale napuÅ”tanjem poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta i njegovom prenamjenom u određeni oblik Å”umske vegetacije. Prema bazi podataka katastra nekretnina, 26% ukupnog teritorija k.o. Brezici prekriveno je Å”umom, dok je zahvaljujući snimkama Sentinel-2 69% teritorija izdvojeno pod nekim oblikom visoke vegetacije, tablica 4. Analize pokazuju da se Sentinel-2 snimke mogu uspjeÅ”no koristiti za utvrđivanje obuhvata Å”uma s ciljem boljeg i kvalitetnijeg prikaza postojećih Å”umskih resursa koji su nepoznati zbog zastarjelih i nepouzdanih sustava evidencije


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    In this paper we consider an Infeasible Full Newton-step Interior-Point Method (IFNS-IPM) for monotone Linear Complementarity Problems (LCP). The method does not require a strictly feasible starting point. In addition, the method avoids calculation of the step size and instead takes full Newton-steps at each iteration. Iterates are kept close to the central path by suitable choice of parameters. The algorithm is globally convergent and the iteration bound matches the best known iteration bound for these types of methods

    Ultrasound contrast cystography with contrast enhanced software in the diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux

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    Razvojem tehnologije specifičnog softvera osjetljivog na kontrast i uvođenjem ultrazvučnog kontrastnog sredstva mikcijska ultrazvučna cistografija postala je rutinska metoda u dijagnostici vezikoureteralnog refluksa u dječjoj dobi. Mnoge studije pokazuju da je osjetljivost ove metode veća u usporedbi s mikcijskom cistouretrografijom, a vrlo bitna prednost je izostanak koriÅ”tenja ionizirajućeg zračenja. Posljednjih je godina sve viÅ”a svijest o potencijalnim Å”tetnim učincima izloženosti ionizirajućem zračenju kod nekih dijagnostičkih slikovnih postupaka u dječjoj dobi. U članku prikazujemo način izvođenja i karakteristike mikcijske ultrazvučne cistografije uz upotrebu softvera osjetljivog na kontrast te analiziramo prednosti i nedostatke u odnosu na druge dijagnostičke metode koje se koriste u dijagnostici vezikoureteralnog refluksa.Ultrasound contrast cystography has become a routine method in the diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux in children due to the development of contrast-specific software technology and the introduction of second generation ultrasound contrast. Many studies have shown that this method is more sensitive than voiding cystourethrography but the most important advantage is the lack of use of ionizing radiation. In recent years there is higher awareness of the potential harmful effects of exposure to ionizing radiation in certain diagnostic imaging procedures in children. This article explains characteristics of ultrasound contrast cystography and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages compared to other diagnostic methods used in the diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux

    Mechanochemical Reactions from Individual Impacts to Global Transformation Kinetics

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    Typically induced by the mechanical processing of powders in ball mills, mechanochemical transformations are considered to result from the application of mechanical force to solid reactants. However, the undeniable deep connection between the dynamic compaction of powders during impacts and the overall transformation degree has yet to be disclosed. In the present work, we show that the square planar bis(dibenzoylmethanato)Ni-II coordination compound undergoes trimerization when its powder experiences even a single ball impact. Based on systematic experiments with individual ball impacts and analysis by Raman spectroscopy, we provide here quantitative mapping of the transformation in the powder compact and deduce bulk reaction kinetics from multiple individual impacts