21 research outputs found


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    Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic relapsing erythematous scaly skin disease with an estimated prevalence of 1% to 3% in the general population. Some studies linked seborrheic dermatitis to neuroleptic induced parkinsonism. We conducted a one-month observational study of the incidence of seborrheic dermatitis in 54 psychiatric inpatients treated with both typical and atypical antipsychotics. Seven patients manifested seborrheic dermatitis. One patient was hospitalized for the first time and had never been treated with antipsychotics prior to this hospitalization. The majority of patients with seborrheic dermatitis were treated with clozapine. Our observational study confirmed a higher prevalence of seborrheic dermatitis in psychiatric inpatients. We recommend additional research in dermatological adverse effects of antipsychotics, especially seborrheic dermatitis

    Tussive syncope: case report

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    Tusigena sinkopa ili osjećaj prijeteće nesvjestice za vrijeme kašljanja, najčešće se javlja kod sredovječnih, umjereno pretilih muškaraca koji puše ili su bivši pušači. Razlozi zbog kojih muški spol i pretilost utječu na sklonost tusigenoj sinkopi nisu poznati. Većina pacijenata također pati od suhog kašlja, epizoda teškog kašlja, a prisutni su i znaci opstrukcijske plućne bolesti. Postoji niz mogućih mehanizama. Prvi mehanizam objašnjava da, kada osoba kašlje, dolazi do porasta intratorakalnog tlaka, koji ima za posljedicu akutni pad otjecanja venske krvi i krvnoga tlaka. Posljedično, dolazi do usporavanja moždanog krvotoka, što u konačnici dovodi do gubitka svijesti. Drugi mogući mehanizam podrazumijeva slabljenje moždane perfuzije, kao posljedice rasta tlaka likvora. Uz ove procese, sinkopu nalazimo i kod pacijenata sa sindromom hipersenzitivnog karotidnog sinusa, gastroezofagealne refluksne bolesti, itd. Tusigena sinkopa spada u skupinu situacijskih sinkopa koje se manifestiraju nakon određenih događaja: npr. defekacije, mikcije, gutanja ili kašljanja. Ovdje prikazujemo dijagnostičke smjernice na slučaju 45-godišnjeg pacijenta koji pati od tusigene sinkope i liječi se u Klinici za plućne bolesti Kliničke bolnice Split.Tussive syncope, or cough syncope, is most often found in middle-aged, moderately obese men, who smoke or have stopped smoking. The reason why the male gender and obesity are predisposing factors for cough syncope is unknown. The majority of patients also suffer from chronic cough, episodes of severe cough, and clinical evidence of obstructive pulmonary disease. There are several proposed mechanisms. The first is that when a person coughs, intrathoracic pressure rises and obstructs venous outflow, which results in an acute decrease of cardiac output and blood pressure. As a result, the cerebral flow also decreases, which finally causes loss of consciousness. A second possible mechanism is the decrease of cerebral perfusion, as a consequence of increased pressure of the cerebrospinal liquor. Besides these mechanisms, tussive syncope is also found in patients with hypersensitive carotid sinus syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux, etc. Tussive syncope is considered as one of the situational syncopes, which take place after certain processes: e.g. defecation, micturition, swallowing and coughing. We will present the diagnostic guidelines through the case of a 45 year-old patient with tussive syncope, treated at the Split University Hospital Department for Pulmonary Diseases

    Osteogenesis imperfecta - pamidronate treatment in Split Clinical Hospital Centre

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) ili bolest krhkih kostiju je klinički, biokemijski i genski heterogena bolest veziva. Glavna osobina bolesti su lomljive i osteoporotične kosti. Indikacija za početak liječenja postavlja se u djece nakon dva koštana loma. Od 2002.-2010. godine u KBC Split praćeno je i liječeno 7 djevojčica i 6 dječaka u kojih je temeljem kliničke slike postavljena dijagnoza OI. U osmero djece OI tip I, u dvoje tip III, i u po jednomu djetetu tip V, VI i VII. U svrhu dijagnosticiranja bolesti, te tijekom i nakon provedenoga liječenja praćene su vrijednosti mineralne gustoće kostiju. Osmero je djece liječeno intravenskom primjenom pamidronata. Liječenje je poboljšalo mineralnu gustoću kostiju, što je doprinijelo prestanku lomova kostiju u šestero liječene djece. Svim oboljelim osobama preporučeno je i uzimanje hrane bogate kalcijem i vitaminima. Fizikalnu terapiju koristilo je 10-ero djece. Kirurški zahvati zbog ispravljanja deformiteta provedeni su u troje djece. Zaključno, liječenje pamidronatom dokinulo je pojavu prijeloma kostiju i smanjenje bolova u kostima u sve liječene djece, uz istovremeno povećanje vrijednosti mineralne gustoće kostiju, a bez nuspojava uzrokovanih uzimanjem lijeka. U liječenju OI od iznimne je važnosti multidisciplinarni pristup oboljelom djetetu, uz suradnju pedijatra – genetičara s dječjim kirurgom, specijalistom fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije, i ostalim specijalistima. U KBC-u Split se osobita pozornost poklanja praćenju djece, edukaciji djeteta i roditelja o naravi bolesti, te adekvatnoj rehabilitaciji nakon prijeloma.Osteogenesis imperfecta or brittle bone disease is a clinical, biochemical and genetical heterogeneous disorder of the connective tissue. Fragile and osteoporotic bones are its main feature. From 2002-2010 seven girls and six boys were treated at CHC Split. Based on clinical symptoms, they all had OI, eight of them had type I, two type III and the rest type V, VI and VII respectively. Eight of them were treated with intravenous application of pamidronate. This treatment increased bone density and reduced the incidence of fractures. To all of them we strongly recommended food rich in calcium and vitamins. Ten children undertook physical therapy and three had surgical procedures to correct their deformities. Pamidronate treatment abolished the occurrence of bone fractures and reduced pain in all treated children, along with the increase of bone mineral density, but without side effects caused by the drugs. In this treatment of OI, a multidisciplinary approach is crucial. The cooperation of pediatricians – geneticists with children\u27s surgeons, specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation, and other specialists is very important. At CHC Split, special attention is needed for monitoring and educating children and parents on the nature of the disease and adequate rehabilitation after fracture


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    Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic relapsing erythematous scaly skin disease with an estimated prevalence of 1% to 3% in the general population. Some studies linked seborrheic dermatitis to neuroleptic induced parkinsonism. We conducted a one-month observational study of the incidence of seborrheic dermatitis in 54 psychiatric inpatients treated with both typical and atypical antipsychotics. Seven patients manifested seborrheic dermatitis. One patient was hospitalized for the first time and had never been treated with antipsychotics prior to this hospitalization. The majority of patients with seborrheic dermatitis were treated with clozapine. Our observational study confirmed a higher prevalence of seborrheic dermatitis in psychiatric inpatients. We recommend additional research in dermatological adverse effects of antipsychotics, especially seborrheic dermatitis

    Publication Ethics in Biomedical Journals from Countries in Central and Eastern Europe

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    Publication ethics is an important aspect of both the research and publication enterprises. It is particularly important in the field of biomedical science because published data may directly affect human health. In this article, we examine publication ethics policies in biomedical journals published in Central and Eastern Europe. We were interested in possible differences between East European countries that are members of the European Union (Eastern EU) and South-East European countries (South-East Europe) that are not members of the European Union.The most common ethical issues addressed by all journals in the region were redundant publication, peer review process, and copyright or licensing details. Image manipulation, editors’ conflicts of interest and registration of clinical trialswere the least common ethical policies. Three aspects were significantly morecommon in journals published outside the EU: statements on the endorsement of international editorial standards, contributorship policy, and image manipulation.On the other hand, copyright or licensing information were more prevalent in journals published in the Eastern EU. The existence of significant differences amongbiomedical journals’ ethical policies calls for further research and active measuresto harmonize policies across journals. On the other hand, copyright or licensing information were more prevalent in journals published in the Eastern EU. The existence of significant differences among biomedical journals’ ethical policies calls for further research and active measures to harmonize policies across journals

    Additional file 2: Table S2. of Research in disaster settings: a systematic qualitative review of ethical guidelines

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    The categories and subcategories within the core theme “Vulnerability”. The analysis identified two core themes, one being Vulnerability. This table lists the four categories identified within this theme, and the subcategories within each of these categories. (DOCX 23 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Research in disaster settings: a systematic qualitative review of ethical guidelines

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    List of Disaster Research Ethics Guidelines. A list of the 14 research ethics guidelines included in this review providing their year of issue, issuing organization, reference, reach and scope. (DOCX 27 kb