38 research outputs found

    The role of heat treatments and pectin compounds in the occurrence of chilling injury in nectarine fruit (Prunus persica var. nectarina Ait.) during storage

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    Istraživano je djelovanje toplinskih tretmana na sadržaj frakcija pektina (pektini topljivi u vodi, pektini topljivi u amonijevom oksalatu i pektini topljivi u natrijevoj lužini), pojavu ozljeda od niskih temperatura i senzorna svojstva nektarine sorata 'Diamond Ray' i 'Venus' čuvanih dva i četiri tjedna na 0°C u normalnoj atmosferi i pet dana života na polici. Primijenjeni toplinski tretmani bili su potapanje u toplu vodu temperature 48 °C u trajanju šest i 12 minuta (HWD 48 °C 6' i HWD 48 °C 12'), potapanje u toplu vodu temperature 52 °C u trajanju od dvije minute (HWD 52 °C 2') i tretman vrućim zrakom temperature 45 °C u trajanju od 60 minuta uz podizanje temperature za 24°C svakih 60 minuta, sve dok temperatura mezokarpa kraj koštice ne dostigne 45 °C (HAT 45 °C/24). Kod sorte 'Diamond Ray' tretman vrućim zrakom nije smanjio ozljede od niske temperature, ali ih nije ni povećao, dok su vodeni tretmani (HWD 48 °C 6', HWD 48 °C 12' i HWD 52 °C 2') povećali udio plodova s ozljedama od niskih temperatura. Sorta 'Venus' nije pokazala simptome ozljeda od niskih temperatura. Utjecaj je toplinskih tretmana na udjele frakcija pektina različit, ovisno o sorti i duljini čuvanja plodova. Pektini topljivi u amonijevom oksalatu imaju važnu ulogu kod ozljeda od niskih temperatura. Plodovi s većim udjelom pektina topljivih u amonijevom oksalatu imali su niži udio plodova s ozljedama od niskih temperatura. Utvrđena je povezanost omjera pektina topljivih u vodi i pektina topljivih u amonijevom oksalatu intenzitetom ozljeda od niskih temperatura, što ukazuje da bi taj omjer mogao bi biti dobar pokazatelj ozljeda od niskih temperatura. Toplinski tretmani ne narušavaju kakvoću ploda nektarine, ali utječu na senzorna svojstva plodova nakon čuvanja dva i četiri tjedna na 0 °C i pet dana života na polici.The effect of heat treatment on the ratio of the pectin fractions (water soluble pectin, ammonium oxalate soluble pectin and sodium hydroxide soluble pectin), the occurrence of chilling injury and sensory properties nectarine cultivars 'Diamond Ray' and 'Venus' stored 2 and 4 weeks at 0 °C in normal atmosphere and 5 days of shelf life was studied. Heat treatments that were applied were hot water dip treatment at temperature 48 ° C for 6 and 12 minutes (HWD 48 °C 6'and HWD 48 °C 12', respectively), at temperature 52 °C for 2 minutes (HWD 52 °C 2 ') and treatment with hot air at temperature of 45 °C for 60 minutes, followed by raising the temperature to 24° C every 60 minutes until the temperature of the mesocarp at stones reaches 45 °C (HAT 45°C/24). Treatment of hot air did not reduce development of chilling injury of nectarine 'Diamond Ray', but also did not increase, while water treatments (HWD 48 °C 6', HWD 48 °C 12'and HWD 52 °C 2') showed an increase in chilling injury development. Nectarine 'Venus' had no symptoms of chilling injuries. Heat treatment had different effect on the ratio of the different fractions of pectin depending on cultivar and storage. Ammonium oxalate soluble pectin fraction play an important role in chilling injury development. Fruit with higher ratio of ammonium oxalate soluble pectin had lower ratio of chilling injured fruit. It was found good relationship between the ratio of water-soluble pectin and ammonium oxalate soluble pectin with intensity of chilling injuries which shows that this ratio could be a good indicator of chilling injury. Heat treatments do not impair the quality of the nectarine fruit, but affects the sensory properties of fruit after 2 and 4weeks of storage at 0 ° C and 5 days of life on the shelf

    The role of heat treatments and pectin compounds in the occurrence of chilling injury in nectarine fruit (Prunus persica var. nectarina Ait.) during storage

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    Istraživano je djelovanje toplinskih tretmana na sadržaj frakcija pektina (pektini topljivi u vodi, pektini topljivi u amonijevom oksalatu i pektini topljivi u natrijevoj lužini), pojavu ozljeda od niskih temperatura i senzorna svojstva nektarine sorata 'Diamond Ray' i 'Venus' čuvanih dva i četiri tjedna na 0°C u normalnoj atmosferi i pet dana života na polici. Primijenjeni toplinski tretmani bili su potapanje u toplu vodu temperature 48 °C u trajanju šest i 12 minuta (HWD 48 °C 6' i HWD 48 °C 12'), potapanje u toplu vodu temperature 52 °C u trajanju od dvije minute (HWD 52 °C 2') i tretman vrućim zrakom temperature 45 °C u trajanju od 60 minuta uz podizanje temperature za 24°C svakih 60 minuta, sve dok temperatura mezokarpa kraj koštice ne dostigne 45 °C (HAT 45 °C/24). Kod sorte 'Diamond Ray' tretman vrućim zrakom nije smanjio ozljede od niske temperature, ali ih nije ni povećao, dok su vodeni tretmani (HWD 48 °C 6', HWD 48 °C 12' i HWD 52 °C 2') povećali udio plodova s ozljedama od niskih temperatura. Sorta 'Venus' nije pokazala simptome ozljeda od niskih temperatura. Utjecaj je toplinskih tretmana na udjele frakcija pektina različit, ovisno o sorti i duljini čuvanja plodova. Pektini topljivi u amonijevom oksalatu imaju važnu ulogu kod ozljeda od niskih temperatura. Plodovi s većim udjelom pektina topljivih u amonijevom oksalatu imali su niži udio plodova s ozljedama od niskih temperatura. Utvrđena je povezanost omjera pektina topljivih u vodi i pektina topljivih u amonijevom oksalatu intenzitetom ozljeda od niskih temperatura, što ukazuje da bi taj omjer mogao bi biti dobar pokazatelj ozljeda od niskih temperatura. Toplinski tretmani ne narušavaju kakvoću ploda nektarine, ali utječu na senzorna svojstva plodova nakon čuvanja dva i četiri tjedna na 0 °C i pet dana života na polici.The effect of heat treatment on the ratio of the pectin fractions (water soluble pectin, ammonium oxalate soluble pectin and sodium hydroxide soluble pectin), the occurrence of chilling injury and sensory properties nectarine cultivars 'Diamond Ray' and 'Venus' stored 2 and 4 weeks at 0 °C in normal atmosphere and 5 days of shelf life was studied. Heat treatments that were applied were hot water dip treatment at temperature 48 ° C for 6 and 12 minutes (HWD 48 °C 6'and HWD 48 °C 12', respectively), at temperature 52 °C for 2 minutes (HWD 52 °C 2 ') and treatment with hot air at temperature of 45 °C for 60 minutes, followed by raising the temperature to 24° C every 60 minutes until the temperature of the mesocarp at stones reaches 45 °C (HAT 45°C/24). Treatment of hot air did not reduce development of chilling injury of nectarine 'Diamond Ray', but also did not increase, while water treatments (HWD 48 °C 6', HWD 48 °C 12'and HWD 52 °C 2') showed an increase in chilling injury development. Nectarine 'Venus' had no symptoms of chilling injuries. Heat treatment had different effect on the ratio of the different fractions of pectin depending on cultivar and storage. Ammonium oxalate soluble pectin fraction play an important role in chilling injury development. Fruit with higher ratio of ammonium oxalate soluble pectin had lower ratio of chilling injured fruit. It was found good relationship between the ratio of water-soluble pectin and ammonium oxalate soluble pectin with intensity of chilling injuries which shows that this ratio could be a good indicator of chilling injury. Heat treatments do not impair the quality of the nectarine fruit, but affects the sensory properties of fruit after 2 and 4weeks of storage at 0 ° C and 5 days of life on the shelf

    The role of heat treatments and pectin compounds in the occurrence of chilling injury in nectarine fruit (Prunus persica var. nectarina Ait.) during storage

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    Istraživano je djelovanje toplinskih tretmana na sadržaj frakcija pektina (pektini topljivi u vodi, pektini topljivi u amonijevom oksalatu i pektini topljivi u natrijevoj lužini), pojavu ozljeda od niskih temperatura i senzorna svojstva nektarine sorata 'Diamond Ray' i 'Venus' čuvanih dva i četiri tjedna na 0°C u normalnoj atmosferi i pet dana života na polici. Primijenjeni toplinski tretmani bili su potapanje u toplu vodu temperature 48 °C u trajanju šest i 12 minuta (HWD 48 °C 6' i HWD 48 °C 12'), potapanje u toplu vodu temperature 52 °C u trajanju od dvije minute (HWD 52 °C 2') i tretman vrućim zrakom temperature 45 °C u trajanju od 60 minuta uz podizanje temperature za 24°C svakih 60 minuta, sve dok temperatura mezokarpa kraj koštice ne dostigne 45 °C (HAT 45 °C/24). Kod sorte 'Diamond Ray' tretman vrućim zrakom nije smanjio ozljede od niske temperature, ali ih nije ni povećao, dok su vodeni tretmani (HWD 48 °C 6', HWD 48 °C 12' i HWD 52 °C 2') povećali udio plodova s ozljedama od niskih temperatura. Sorta 'Venus' nije pokazala simptome ozljeda od niskih temperatura. Utjecaj je toplinskih tretmana na udjele frakcija pektina različit, ovisno o sorti i duljini čuvanja plodova. Pektini topljivi u amonijevom oksalatu imaju važnu ulogu kod ozljeda od niskih temperatura. Plodovi s većim udjelom pektina topljivih u amonijevom oksalatu imali su niži udio plodova s ozljedama od niskih temperatura. Utvrđena je povezanost omjera pektina topljivih u vodi i pektina topljivih u amonijevom oksalatu intenzitetom ozljeda od niskih temperatura, što ukazuje da bi taj omjer mogao bi biti dobar pokazatelj ozljeda od niskih temperatura. Toplinski tretmani ne narušavaju kakvoću ploda nektarine, ali utječu na senzorna svojstva plodova nakon čuvanja dva i četiri tjedna na 0 °C i pet dana života na polici.The effect of heat treatment on the ratio of the pectin fractions (water soluble pectin, ammonium oxalate soluble pectin and sodium hydroxide soluble pectin), the occurrence of chilling injury and sensory properties nectarine cultivars 'Diamond Ray' and 'Venus' stored 2 and 4 weeks at 0 °C in normal atmosphere and 5 days of shelf life was studied. Heat treatments that were applied were hot water dip treatment at temperature 48 ° C for 6 and 12 minutes (HWD 48 °C 6'and HWD 48 °C 12', respectively), at temperature 52 °C for 2 minutes (HWD 52 °C 2 ') and treatment with hot air at temperature of 45 °C for 60 minutes, followed by raising the temperature to 24° C every 60 minutes until the temperature of the mesocarp at stones reaches 45 °C (HAT 45°C/24). Treatment of hot air did not reduce development of chilling injury of nectarine 'Diamond Ray', but also did not increase, while water treatments (HWD 48 °C 6', HWD 48 °C 12'and HWD 52 °C 2') showed an increase in chilling injury development. Nectarine 'Venus' had no symptoms of chilling injuries. Heat treatment had different effect on the ratio of the different fractions of pectin depending on cultivar and storage. Ammonium oxalate soluble pectin fraction play an important role in chilling injury development. Fruit with higher ratio of ammonium oxalate soluble pectin had lower ratio of chilling injured fruit. It was found good relationship between the ratio of water-soluble pectin and ammonium oxalate soluble pectin with intensity of chilling injuries which shows that this ratio could be a good indicator of chilling injury. Heat treatments do not impair the quality of the nectarine fruit, but affects the sensory properties of fruit after 2 and 4weeks of storage at 0 ° C and 5 days of life on the shelf

    Biodegradable packaging for storage of fruit and other horticultural products: materials, properties and its effect on fruit quality

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    Uloga ambalažnog materijala je da se sačuvaju prehrambena i senzorička svojstva proizvoda, prema navedenim nutritivnim vrijednostima informira potrošača, olakša skladištenje i manipulativni uvjeti. Danas se za razvoj i komercijalnu proizvodnju biorazgradive ambalaže, osim papira, koriste i materijali iz drugih obnovljivih izvora biljnog porijekla. Daljnji razvoj tržišta biorazgradivih polimernih materijala ovisi o osiguranju stalnog, pouzdanog i jeftinog izvora sirovina. Biorazgradiva ambalaža, osim minimalne kontaminacije okoliša mora održati kakvoću i svježinu voća i povrća. U borbi za svoj dio tržišta biopolimeri imaju jake adute poput proizvodnje iz održivih izvora i biorazgradivosti. U borbi za svoj dio tržišta biopolimeri uživaju veliku potporu politike i zakonodavstva, naročito u Europi.The role of packaging material is to preserve the nutritional and sensory properties of product, inform consumers about the nutritional values, facilitate storage and handling. Today, the development and commercial production of biodegradable packaging materials, other than paper, is focused on materials from other renewable sources of plant origin. Further development of biodegradable polymer market is dependent on securing a permanent, reliable and cheap sources of raw materials. In the battle for their share of the market, biopolymers enjoy strong support from policy and legislation, particularly in Europe. Attractive and efficient packaging contribute to the development of new products, provides an interesting presentation to consumers, lowers production costs, improves the food product and defines the specific ‘’brand’’

    Postharvest Quality and Sensory Characteristics of ‘Granny Smith’ Apple Treated with SmartFresh™ (1—MCP)

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    Apple fruit of cv ‘Granny Smith’ was treated with 0.625 μl/L SmartFresh™ (1-MCP) and stored in NA (90% RH, 1 °C) for 16 weeks. After storage, fruits were left for four days at room temperature to simulate market display period (SMP) before analysis. Fruit treated with 1-MCP retained firmness on values very similar to harvest, while control fruit had significantly lower values. No significant differences were observed in the amount of soluble solid concentration (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and maturity index (SSC/TA). Fruit colour was significantly affected with SmartFresh™ (1-MCP treatment). After storage, b value and Chroma were significantly lower in SmartFresh™ (1-MCP) treated fruit. After SMP, significance of differences in b and Chroma values increased to as high as P≤0.001 and differences in L and Hue values became significant. Colour differences (ΔEab and ΔHab) between storage and SMP were not significant, but difference in L value (ΔL) was significantly higher in control fruit. Control fruit had scald index of 2.27, while SmartFresh™ (1-MCP) treated fruit had scald index of only 0.27. Female panelist scores showed the lower quality of control sample in all characteristics, except aroma, while male panelists noticed difference only in colour. The results showed that SmartFresh™ (1-MCP) treatment significantly affects fruit quality of apple cv. ‘Granny Smith’. Subtle changes in sensory characteristics caused by this treatment are more easily recognized by female panelists

    Postharvest Quality and Sensory Characteristics of ‘Granny Smith’ Apple Treated with SmartFresh™ (1—MCP)

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    Apple fruit of cv ‘Granny Smith’ was treated with 0.625 μl/L SmartFresh™ (1-MCP) and stored in NA (90% RH, 1 °C) for 16 weeks. After storage, fruits were left for four days at room temperature to simulate market display period (SMP) before analysis. Fruit treated with 1-MCP retained firmness on values very similar to harvest, while control fruit had significantly lower values. No significant differences were observed in the amount of soluble solid concentration (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and maturity index (SSC/TA). Fruit colour was significantly affected with SmartFresh™ (1-MCP treatment). After storage, b value and Chroma were significantly lower in SmartFresh™ (1-MCP) treated fruit. After SMP, significance of differences in b and Chroma values increased to as high as P≤0.001 and differences in L and Hue values became significant. Colour differences (ΔEab and ΔHab) between storage and SMP were not significant, but difference in L value (ΔL) was significantly higher in control fruit. Control fruit had scald index of 2.27, while SmartFresh™ (1-MCP) treated fruit had scald index of only 0.27. Female panelist scores showed the lower quality of control sample in all characteristics, except aroma, while male panelists noticed difference only in colour. The results showed that SmartFresh™ (1-MCP) treatment significantly affects fruit quality of apple cv. ‘Granny Smith’. Subtle changes in sensory characteristics caused by this treatment are more easily recognized by female panelists

    Postharvest Quality of Nectarine cv. ‘Venus’ as Affected by Hot Water Dips and Length of Storage

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    The effect of hot water dip (48° C) duration (6 or 12 minutes) (HWD 48° C 6' and HWD 48° C 12') and length of storage at 0° C in normal atmosphere (two or four weeks) on chemical and sensory quality of nectarine (Prunus persica var. nectarina cv. 'Venus') was studied. After two weeks of storage, HWD-treated fruits had significantly lower weight loss and SSC compared to control. There was no significant difference between HWD 48 °C 6' and HWD 48 °C 12' – treated fruit. HWD 48 °C 12' - treated fruit maintained sensory quality after two weeks of storage. After four weeks of storage, control fruit received higher scores compared to HWD – treated fruit for all traits, except for aroma which was still higher for HWD 48 °C 12' - treated fruit. Duration of hot water dip is significant factor for maintaining postharvest quality of nectarine fruit