68 research outputs found

    Methodology of optimization of data flow effects based on integration structural systems analysis and risk

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    У докторској дисертацији истраживан је проблем оптимизације ефеката протока података код информационих система и развој методологије за ефикасно управљања процесима протока података. Методолошки процес за оптимизацију ефеката протока података чине: идентификација процеса протока података, структурна декомпозиција процеса протока података, идентификација индикатора за праћење ефеката протока, јединице мере индикатора ефеката протока, идентификација ограничења индикатора ефеката протока података, идентификација ризика ефеката протока података и утврђивање акционих мера за митигацију ризика ефеката протока података. Елементи од посебног значаја за предложену методологију за оптимизацију ефеката протока података су: итеративни софтверски процес, структурна системска анализа, ефекти протока података, имплементација надгледања система, хибридни приступ у анализи ризика у фази одржавања софтвера и CASE алати. Посматрајући првенствено трансакционе информационе системе предложена је нова методологија оптимизације ефеката протока података са интеграцијом ССА и анализе ризика у облику хибридне модификоване FMEA методе. Предложена методологија подразумева итеративни и инкрементални модел софтверског процеса као основу за успешну примену у пракси. Модификована хибридна FMEA метода која се посматрано у контексту софтверског процеса доменског софтвера, налази позиционирана у фази одржавања, као свој резултат даје списак мера које се примењују као активности модификације и наставка развоја софтверског решења. Неке од тако дефинисаних активности налазе се у фази дизајна, неке у фази имплементације дизајна, неке могу да се простиру на више фаза активности, али у сваком случају налазе се у ранијим фазама софтверског процеса, следећег циклуса. С друге стране, као улаз и предуслов за реализацију овакве предложене методологије, користе се елементи, посебно хијерархија декомпонованих процеса, спроведене ССА из ранијих фаза софтверског процеа из преходних итерација. Ова дуална међузависност, започиње условом иницијално спроведене структурне системске анализе...In the doctoral dissertation, the problem of optimizing the effects of data flow in information systems and the development of a methodology for efficient management of data flow processes was researched. The methodological process for optimizing the effects of data flow consists of: identification of data flow processes, structural decomposition of data flow processes, identification of indicators for monitoring flow effects, units of measure of flow effect indicators, identification of data flow effect limiters, identification of data flow risk effects and determination of action measures for risk mitigation of data flow effects. Elements of special importance for the proposed methodology for optimizing the effects of data flow are: iterative software process, structural system analysis, data flow effects, implementation of system monitoring, hybrid approach in risk analysis in the software maintenance phase and CASE tools. Observing primarily transactional information systems, a new methodology for optimizing the effects of data flow with the integration of SSA and risk analysis in the form of a hybrid modified FMEA method has been proposed. The proposed methodology implies an iterative and incremental model of the software process as a basis for successful application in practice. The modified hybrid FMEA method, which observed in the context of the software process of domain software, is positioned in the maintenance phase, as its result provides a list of measures that are applied as modification activities and extension of the development of the software solution. Some of the activities thus defined are in the design phase, some in the design implementation phase, some may extend to more phases of activity, but in any case they are in the earlier stages of the software process, of the next cycle. On the other hand, as an input and a precondition for the realization of such a proposed methodology, elements are used, especially the hierarchy of decomposed processes, implemented SSA from earlier phases of the software process from the previous iterations. This dual interdependence begins with the condition of the initially conducted structural system analysis..

    Developing self-modifying code model

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    This paper presents the technology of constructing and linearization of binary program utilized for program generation, analysis and transformation into a self-modifying code. An example model of the self-modifying software system and its experimental application in vehicle control have been presented in this paper. The module responsible for vehicle control comprising two subsystems has been created within the simulation software. The first subsystem has emerged through the classical software process developed by a human-programmer. The second subsystem has been created as a result of a separate piece of software substituting the part of a programmer in a software process part. The result of this approach is software creation in conjunction with natural and Artificial Intel- ligence in addition to experimental integration into the vehicle control system

    Developing self-modifying code model

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    This paper presents the technology of constructing and linearization of binary program utilized for program generation, analysis and transformation into a self-modifying code. An example model of the self-modifying software system and its experimental application in vehicle control have been presented in this paper. The module responsible for vehicle control comprising two subsystems has been created within the simulation software. The first subsystem has emerged through the classical software process developed by a human-programmer. The second subsystem has been created as a result of a separate piece of software substituting the part of a programmer in a software process part. The result of this approach is software creation in conjunction with natural and Artificial Intel- ligence in addition to experimental integration into the vehicle control system

    Projektovanje informacionog sistema studentske službe

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    U ovom radu se prikazuje deo projekta informacionog sistema studentske službe fakulteta i primena štedljivog modela korišćenja resursa. Racionalizacijom poslovnih procesa informacionog sistema ostvaren je napredak u štedljivom korišćenju resursa. Smanjenje rasipanja resursa kao što su: vreme, ljudi, energija i novac, a bez smanjivanja funkcionalnosti informacionog sistema ostvaruje se postupnim i konstantnim razvojem sistema uz povećanje produktivnosti korisnika. Primer ovakvog pristupa koji je prikazan u ovom radu je unapređenje procesa "Upis godine" koji je deo složenih procesa u Studentskoj službi fakulteta

    Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Wechsler adult intelligence scale: Fourth edition (WAIS-IV)

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    Četvrta revizija Vekslerove skale za procenu inteligencije kod odraslih (WAIS-IV) je klinički instrument koji se zadaje individualno i koji je konstruisan za procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti adolescenata i odraslih. WAIS-IV se sastoji od 15 suptestova (10 sržnih i 5 dopunskih) koji procenjuju kognitivno funkcionisanje u četiri domena - verbalno razumevanje (eng. verbal comprehension - VCI), perceptivno rezonovanje (eng. perceptual reasoning - PRI), radna memorija (eng. working memory - WMI) i brzina procesiranja (eng. processing speed - PSI), kao i opštu intelektualnu sposobnost (eng. Full-Scale IQ - FSIQ). WAIS-IV je zadat uzorku od 262 ispitanika: 104 ispitanika iz uzorka koji je reprezentativan za širu oblast Beograda, 62 ispitanika sa dijagnozom shizofrenije, 63 sa dijagnozom depresije i 33 ispitanika sa intelektualnim teškoćama. Psihometrijske karakteristike WAIS-IV suptestova su analizirane u okvirima teorije stavskog odgovora (eng. IRT) i klasične testne teorije (eng. CTT). Rezultati su pokazali da se IRT pouzdanost kreće od .86 (Razumevanje i Dopune) do .95 (Precrtavanje), dok je IRT pouzdanost FSIQ bila .94. Sveukupno, svi suptestovi dobro diskriminišu ispitanike duž celog kontinuuma intelektualnih sposobnosti. WAIS-IV omogućava visoko pouzdanu procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti na srpskoj populaciji.The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) is an individually administered clinical instrument designed for assessment of intellectual abilities of adolescents and adults. The WAIS-IV consists of 15 subtests (10 core and 5 supplemental) reflecting the efficacy of cognitive functioning in four domains (verbal comprehension-VCI, perceptual reasoning-PRI, working memory-WMI, and processing speed-PSI), and general intellectual ability (Full-Scale IQ-FSIQ). The WAIS-IV was administered to a sample of 262 respondents - specifically, 104 respondents from sample representative for the wider Belgrade area, 62 schizophrenic, 63 depressive, and 33 patients with intellectual disability. Psychometric properties of WAIS-IV subtests were analysed within the frameworks Item Response Theory (IRT) and Classical Test Theory (CTT). Results show that IRT reliability of subtests ranges from .86 (Comprehension and Picture Completion) to .95 (Cancellation), while the IRT reliability of the FSIQ is .94. Overall, all subtests discriminate participants well along the whole continuum of intellectual abilities. The WAIS-IV enables highly reliable assessment of intellectual abilities on Serbian population

    A new fuzzy risk management model for production supply chain economic and social sustainability

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    The issues of operational, organisational and process risk assessment in supply chains (SCs) are the most usually analysed, while other risk groups (like economic and social risks) are not taken into account, even though they have a critical effect on the competitive advantage and SCs sustainability over long time periods. The determination of risk value that may arise due to the materialisation of each defined risk factor (RF) is based on the assessment of the severity of RF consequences and frequency of RF occurrence. These judgments are obtained by decision makers and modelled by using fuzzy set theory. The relative importance of RFs are stated by fuzzy pair-wise comparison matrices in compliance with fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP). The risk level of SCs could be obtained in an exact way by applying fuzzy logic. The proposed model, to be presented in this paper, provides a possibility to easily and simply determine risk level from the automotive industry SC and to propose appropriate management initiatives that should lead to a reduction or elimination of RF influenc

    Evaluation and Selection of the Quality Methods for Manufacturing Process Reliability Improvement-Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Genetic Algorithm Approach

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    The aim of this research is to propose a hybrid decision-making model for evaluation and selection of quality methods whose application leads to improved reliability of manufacturing in the process industry. Evaluation of failures and determination of their priorities are based on failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), which is a widely used framework in practice combining with triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (TIFNs). The all-existing uncertainties in the relative importance of the risk factors (RFs), their values, applicability of the quality methods, as well as implementation costs are described by pre-defined linguistic terms which are modeled by the TIFNs. The selection of quality methods is stated as the rubber knapsack problem which is decomposed into subproblems with a certain number of solution elements. The solution of this problem is found by using genetic algorithm (GA). The model is verified through the case study with the real-life data originating from a significant number of organizations from one region. It is shown that the proposed model is highly suitable as a decision-making tool for improving the manufacturing process reliability in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of process industry

    Evaluation and Selection of the Quality Methods for Manufacturing Process Reliability Improvement-Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Genetic Algorithm Approach

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    The aim of this research is to propose a hybrid decision-making model for evaluation and selection of quality methods whose application leads to improved reliability of manufacturing in the process industry. Evaluation of failures and determination of their priorities are based on failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), which is a widely used framework in practice combining with triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (TIFNs). The all-existing uncertainties in the relative importance of the risk factors (RFs), their values, applicability of the quality methods, as well as implementation costs are described by pre-defined linguistic terms which are modeled by the TIFNs. The selection of quality methods is stated as the rubber knapsack problem which is decomposed into subproblems with a certain number of solution elements. The solution of this problem is found by using genetic algorithm (GA). The model is verified through the case study with the real-life data originating from a significant number of organizations from one region. It is shown that the proposed model is highly suitable as a decision-making tool for improving the manufacturing process reliability in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of process industry

    The Allocation of Business Model Components under Presence of Uncertainties by the Branch-and-Bound Method

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    As the only constant in business is change, business transformation is essential for adopting new perspectives and business trends. One of the keys to performing successful business transformation is to be fully aware of the current components of the business model. This research aims to allocate the business model components (BMCs) to defined business model components groups (BMCGs) by developing a new approach that integrates fuzzy sets and heuristic algorithms. The allocation results enable a comprehensive analysis of business model frameworks and give a good connection to research in the domain of strategic management and business process modeling. For allocation, the decision-makers (DMs) are employing the linguistic terms modeled by the fuzzy sets theory. The considered problem is stated as an integer programming model where the optimal solution is given by a B&B algorithm. The model is tested on a sample of forty experts from four different economic sectors