739 research outputs found

    The effects of menstrual cycle stage and hormonal contraception on alcohol consumption and craving: A pilot investigation

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    Background and aims: Although alcohol research often comments on observed sex differences (i.e. patterns of consumption), there is a lack of investigation into the reasons for these differences. For females, the regular hormonal fluctuations across the menstrual cycle are a potential influencing factor for alcohol consumption. In this pilot we aimed to investigate the relationship between menstrual cycle phase (follicular-phase [FP] and luteal-phase [LP]) and status (naturally-cycling [NC] and hormonal-contraception [HC]) on alcohol consumption and craving of casual drinkers, and identify potential influencing factors in this relationship. Methods: Study One: participants (n ​= ​28; 15 HC, 13 NC) were either NC or HC (between subject factor: hormonal status) and attended two lab-based sessions corresponding with their FP and LP (within factor: cycle phase [NC] or time [HC]). Participants completed a mock alcohol taste-test, in addition to pre- and post-consumption measures of craving, anxiety, stress, and mood. Study Two: participants (n ​= ​262; 144 HC, 118 NC) were either NC or HC (between subject factor) and completed an online study assessing menstrual cycle phase, alcohol use, craving, impulsivity, and stress. Results: Study One: A significant effect of cycle phase was found on alcohol craving (p ​= ​.019): craving was higher during the FP compared to the LP for NC participants, with HC participants showing no difference across sessions. There was no effect of phase or status on alcohol consumption, stress, or mood (ps ​> ​.05). Study Two: Regression analyses showed that age, craving, impulsivity and stress were significantly associated with alcohol consumption for NC participants (ps ​< ​.05), however only age and craving were associated with consumption for the HC participants (ps ​< ​.001). Conclusions: Alcohol craving was higher during the follicular, compared to the luteal, phase for the naturally cycling group, and different factors may be associated with drinking behaviour across women who are NC and those using HC. Future alcohol research should consider the menstrual cycle and contraceptive status for females

    Socioeconomic status, alcohol use and the role of social support and neighbourhood environment among individuals meeting criteria for a mental health problem: a cross-sectional study

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    Purpose Indicators of socioeconomic status (SES), such as education and occupational grade, are known to be associated with alcohol use but this has not been examined among individuals with a mental health problem. This study developed latent classes of SES, their associations with alcohol use, and examined the indirect effect via social support and neighbourhood environment. Methods A secondary analysis of the 2014 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey was conducted among participants with a mental health problem (N = 1,436). SES classes were determined using a range of indicators. Alcohol use was measured using the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test. Social support and neighbourhood neighbourhood environment were measured using validated questionnaires. A latent class analysis was conducted to develop SES classes. Multinomial logistic regression examined associations of SES and alcohol use. Structural equation models tested indirect effects via social support and neighbourhood environment. Results A four-class model of SES was best-fitting; “economically inactive,GCSE-level and lower educated,social renters”, “intermediate/routine occupation,GCSE-level educated,mixed owner/renters”, “retired, no formal education,homeowners”, and “professional occupation,degree-level educated,homeowners”. Compared to “professional occupation,degree-level educated, homeowners”, SES classes were more likely to be non-drinkers; odds were highest for “economically inactive,GCSE-level and lower educated,social renters” (OR = 4.96,95%CI 3.10–7.93). “Retired, no formal education,homeowners” were less likely to be hazardous drinkers (OR = 0.35,95%CI 0.20–0.59). Associations between “economically inactive,GCSE-level and lower educated,social renters” and “retired, no formal education,homeowners” and non- and harmful drinking via social support and neighbourhood environment were significant. Conclusions In contrast to the alcohol harms paradox, among individuals with a mental health problem, lower SES groups were more likely to be non-drinkers while no associations with harmful drinking were found. There is also a need to examine the alcohol harms paradox in the context of the area in which they live

    The effectiveness of exercise interventions for people with Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the article, which has been published in final form at doi: 10.1002/mds.21922.. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder affecting the physical, psychological, social, and functional status of individuals. Exercise programs may be an effective strategy to delay or reverse functional decline for people with PD and a large body of empirical evidence has emerged in recent years. The objective is to systematically review randomized controlled trials (RCTs) reporting on the effectiveness of exercise interventions on outcomes (physical, psychological or social functioning, or quality of life) for people with PD. RCTs meeting the inclusion criteria were identified by systematic searching of electronic databases. Key data were extracted by two independent researchers. A mixed methods approach was undertaken using narrative, vote counting, and random effects meta-analysis methods. Fourteen RCTs were included and the methodological quality of most studies was moderate. Evidence supported exercise as being beneficial with regards to physical functioning, health-related quality of life, strength, balance and gait speed for people with PD. There was insufficient evidence support or refute the value of exercise in reducing falls or depression. This review found evidence of the potential benefits of exercise for people with PD, although further good quality research is needed. Questions remain around the optimal content of exercise interventions (dosing, component exercises) at different stages of the disease.National Institute of Health Researc

    Associations of common mental disorder with alcohol use in the adult general population: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background and Aims: Research has shown that alcohol use and common mental disorders (CMDs) co-occur; however, little is known about how the global prevalence of alcohol use compares across different CMDs. We aimed to (i) report global associations of alcohol use (alcohol use disorder (AUD), binge drinking and consumption) comparing those with and without a CMD, (ii) examine how this differed among those with and without specific types of CMDs and (iii) examine how results may differ by study characteristics. Methods: We used a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cross-sectional, cohort, prospective, longitudinal and case–control studies reporting the prevalence of alcohol use among those with and without a CMD in the general population were identified using PsycINFO, MEDLINE, PsyARTICLES, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science until March 2020. Depression, anxiety and phobia were included as a CMD. Studies were included if they used a standardized measure of alcohol use. A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted to generate pooled prevalence and associations of AUD with CMD with 95% confidence intervals (CI). A narrative review is provided for binge drinking and alcohol consumption. Results: A total of 512 full-texts were reviewed, 51 included in our final review and 17 in our meta-analyses (n = 382 201). Individuals with a CMD had a twofold increase in the odds of reporting an AUD [odds ratio (OR) = 2.02, 95% CI = 1.72–2.36]. The odds of having an AUD were similar when stratified by the type of CMD (mood disorder: OR = 2.00, 95% CI = 1.62–2.47; anxiety/phobic disorder: OR = 1.94, 95% CI = 1.35–2.78). An analysis of study characteristics did not reveal any clear explanations for between-study heterogeneity (I2 > 80%). There were no clear patterns for associations between having a CMD and binge drinking or alcohol consumption, respectively. Conclusions: People with common mental disorders (depression, anxiety, phobia) are twice as likely to report an alcohol use disorder than people without common mental disorders

    Menstrual Cycle Phase, Hormonal Contraception, and Alcohol Consumption in Premenopausal Females: A Systematic Review

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    Women may be particularly vulnerable to alcohol harm, but many current theories fail to acknowledge the unique factors that influence female alcohol use. The biological mechanisms underlying female alcohol consumption have largely been unexplored, although recently the menstrual cycle has been highlighted as a potentially important factor. This systematic review, using a narrative synthesis, examined the association between the menstrual cycle phases on alcohol consumption and aimed to determine whether hormonal contraception influences this association. The review follows PRISMA and SWiM guidelines, registration number: CRD42018112744. Electronic searches were conducted in the relevant databases with keyword (e.g., “menstrua*”; “alcohol”). Thousand six hundred and sixty-two titles were identified, 16 of which were included in the review. Results were inconsistent regarding whether an association between menstrual cycle phase and alcohol consumption was found. Furthermore, there was inconsistency regarding which phase was associated with higher consumption, and different factors were reported to have moderated the direction, e.g., family history of alcohol use disorder (AUD), premenstrual syndrome (PMS). These conflicting results may be partly explained by variability in both study quality and design, and differences in measurement of cycle phase and alcohol consumption. More robust research is needed before conclusions can be drawn with regard to the role of the menstrual cycle and hormonal contraception on female drinking behavior. This review provides recommendations to strengthen research in this area

    Targeting 1.5 degrees with the global carbon footprint of the Australian Capital Territory

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    In 2019 the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government stated an ambition to prioritise reduction of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, the size of which had not been fully quantified previously. This study calculated the total carbon footprint of the ACT in 2018, including Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and modelled scenarios to reduce all emissions in line with a 1.5 °C target approach. This is the first time a multi-scale analysis of local, sub-national and international supply chains has been undertaken for a city, using a nested and trade-adjusted global multi-region input-output model. This allowed for the quantification of global origins and destinations of emissions, which showed that the 2018 carbon footprint for the ACT was approximately 34.7 t CO2-eq/cap, with 83% attributed to Scope 3. Main contributions came from transport, electricity, manufacturing and public administration and safety, with emissions generated primarily in Australian States and Territories. Modelling in accordance with a 1.5 °C warming scenario showed a plausible reduction to 5.2 t CO2-eq/cap by 2045 (excluding offsets or carbon dioxide removal technologies), with remaining emissions predominantly embodied in international supply chains. This study demonstrates the radical changes required by a wealthy Australian city to achieve 1.5 °C compliance and identifies sectors and supply chains for prioritising policies to best achieve this outcome

    Global parameter search reveals design principles of the mammalian circadian clock

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    Background: Virtually all living organisms have evolved a circadian (~24 hour) clock that controls physiological and behavioural processes with exquisite precision throughout the day/night cycle. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which generates these ~24 h rhythms in mammals, consists of several thousand neurons. Each neuron contains a gene-regulatory network generating molecular oscillations, and the individual neuron oscillations are synchronised by intercellular coupling, presumably via neurotransmitters. Although this basic mechanism is currently accepted and has been recapitulated in mathematical models, several fundamental questions about the design principles of the SCN remain little understood. For example, a remarkable property of the SCN is that the phase of the SCN rhythm resets rapidly after a 'jet lag' type experiment, i.e. when the light/ dark (LD) cycle is abruptly advanced or delayed by several hours. Results: Here, we describe an extensive parameter optimization of a previously constructed simplified model of the SCN in order to further understand its design principles. By examining the top 50 solutions from the parameter optimization, we show that the neurotransmitters' role in generating the molecular circadian rhythms is extremely important. In addition, we show that when a neurotransmitter drives the rhythm of a system of coupled damped oscillators, it exhibits very robust synchronization and is much more easily entrained to light/dark cycles. We were also able to recreate in our simulations the fast rhythm resetting seen after a 'jet lag' type experiment. Conclusion: Our work shows that a careful exploration of parameter space for even an extremely simplified model of the mammalian clock can reveal unexpected behaviours and non-trivial predictions. Our results suggest that the neurotransmitter feedback loop plays a crucial role in the robustness and phase resetting properties of the mammalian clock, even at the single neuron level

    “Drinkers Like Me”: A Thematic Analysis of Comments Responding to an Online Article About Moderating Alcohol Consumption

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    Background: There has been media coverage surrounding the dangers of heavy drinking and benefits of moderation, with TV and radio presenter, Adrian Chiles, documenting his experience of moderating alcohol consumption in an online article for the Guardian. By analysing the comments in response to Chiles’ article, this study aimed to explore (i) posters’ (someone who has posted a comment in response to the article) attitudes or beliefs toward moderating alcohol and (ii) posters’ experiences of moderating or abstaining from alcohol. Method: A secondary qualitative analysis of online comments in response to an article about moderating alcohol consumption. Main outcome measures: Comments (n = 784) in response to a United Kingdom online news article about moderating alcohol consumption were extracted and inductive thematic analysis was used. Results: For aim one, two themes were developed; “general attitudes toward drinking” and “general attitudes toward reducing consumption”. These themes reflect negative perceptions of alcohol and issues around changing attitudes. For aim two, three themes were developed: “moderation vs. abstention”, “reflection on past drinking behaviours”, and “current drinking behaviours”. These themes represent posters’ experiences and implications changing their drinking habits. Conclusion: Our analysis provides a novel insight into perceptions and experiences of moderating or abstaining from alcohol. Alcohol is embedded within United Kingdom culture, creating difficulties for those who choose to moderate or abstain from alcohol. Our analysis highlights the need for public health to focus on shifting the current drinking culture, through clearer drinking guidelines and a wider availability of alcohol-free alternatives
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