708 research outputs found

    Hybridisation and detection of a hybrid zone between mesic and desert ragworts (Senecio) across an aridity gradient in the eastern Mediterranean

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    Background: Hybrid zones provide excellent opportunities for studying plant adaptation and speciation. Aims: We tested whether two herbaceous species of Senecio, S. vernalis and S. glaucus, hybridise in the eastern Mediterranean region and form a hybrid zone across an aridity gradient in the Jordan Rift Valley. Methods: Allozyme variation surveyed across both species was analysed by the programme STRUCTURE to assign individuals to genetic groups and determine levels of admixture. Populations in the Jordan Rift Valley were subsequently subjected to a cline analysis. Results: STRUCTURE showed that interspecific hybrids were produced at low frequency along the Israeli coastal plain where S. glaucus is represented by ssp. glaucus. In contrast, hybrids were more commonly produced in central populations of the Jordan Rift Valley. Here, the two species form a hybrid zone with S. vernalis occurring in mesic sites to the north and S. glaucus (ssp. coronopifolius) in arid sites to the south. Cline analysis showed that the hybrid zone is centred towards the northern end of the Dead Sea, but the analysis failed to distinguish how it is maintained. Conclusions: Future detailed genetic and ecological analysis of the Senecio hybrid zone should improve our understanding of plant adaptation and speciation across aridity gradients

    Evaluating Bayesian stable isotope mixing models of wild animal diet and the effects of trophic discrimination factors and informative priors

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    1. Ecologists quantify animal diets using direct and indirect methods, including analysis of faeces, pellets, prey items and gut contents. For stable isotope analyses of diet, Bayesian stable isotope mixing models (BSIMMs) are increasingly used to infer the relative importance of food sources to consumers. Although a powerful approach, it has been hard to test BSIMM performance for wild animals because precise, direct dietary data are difficult to collect.2. We evaluated the performance of BSIMMs in quantifying animal diets when using δ13C and δ15N stable isotope ratios from the feathers and red blood cells of common buzzard Buteo buteo chicks. We analysed mixing model outcomes with various trophic discrimination factors (TDFs), with and without informative priors, and compared these to direct observations of prey provisioned to chicks by adults at nests, using remote cameras.3. Although BSIMMs with different TDFs varied markedly in their performance, the statistical package SIDER generated TDFs for both feathers and blood that resulted in model outputs that accorded well with direct observations of prey provisioning. Using feather TDFs derived from captive peregrines Falco peregrinus resulted in estimates of diet composition that were also similar to provisioned prey, although blood TDFs from the same study performed poorly. The inclusion of informative priors, based on conventional analysis of pellet and prey remains, markedly reduced model performance.4. BSIMMs can provide accurate assessments of diet in wild animals. TDF estimates from the SIDER package performed well. The inclusion of informative priors from conventional methods in Bayesian mixing models can transfer biases into model outcomes, leading to erroneous results. <br/

    Spatial Localization and Quantitation of Androgens in Mouse Testis by Mass Spectrometry Imaging

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    Androgens are essential for male development and reproductive function. They are transported to their site of action as blood-borne endocrine hormones but can also be produced within tissues to act in intracrine and paracrine fashions. Because of this, circulating concentrations may not accurately reflect the androgenic influence within specific tissue microenvironments. Mass spectrometry imaging permits regional analysis of small molecular species directly from tissue surfaces. However, due to poor ionization and localized ion suppression, steroid hormones are difficult to detect. Here, derivatization with Girard T reagent was used to charge-tag testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone allowing direct detection of these steroids in mouse testes, in both basal and maximally stimulated states, and in rat prostate. Limits of detection were ∼0.1 pg for testosterone. Exemplary detection of endogenous steroids was achieved by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and either Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance detection (at 150 μm spatial resolution) or quadrupole-time-of-flight detection (at 50 μm spatial resolution). Structural confirmation was achieved by collision induced fragmentation following liquid extraction surface analysis and electrospray ionization. This application broadens the scope for derivatization strategies on tissue surfaces to elucidate local endocrine signaling in health and disease

    A brief introduction to mixed effects modelling and multi-model inference in ecology

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    Acknowledgements This paper is the result of a University of Exeter workshop on best practice for the application of mixed effects models and model selection in ecological studies Funding Xavier A. Harrison was funded by an Institute of Zoology Research Fellowship. David Fisher was funded by NERC studentship NE/H02249X/1. Lynda Donaldson was funded by NERC studentship NE/L501669/1. Beth S. Robinson was funded by the University of Exeter and the Animal and Plant Health Agency as part of ‘Wildlife Research Co-Operative’. Maria Correa-Cano was funded by CONACYT (The Mexican National Council for Science and Technology) and SEP (The Mexican Ministry of Education). Cecily Goodwin was funded by the Forestry Commission and NERC studentship NE/L501669/1. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD