105 research outputs found

    Deglaciation of the Cordillera Blanca (Peru) through the Schmidt Hammer exposure dating (shed)

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    This study presents the first results on the deglaciation of the Cordillera Blanca (Perú), concretely in the Nevado Hualcán (9º,12 S; ̴77º31’ W; 6122 m), through the Schmidt Hammer Exposure Dating (SHED). Taking as reference geomorphological mapping in detail and chronology (TCN dating) of the glacial forms of the Valley Hualcán, (Úbeda et al., 2019), during the month of July 2018, 67 samples from of moraine boulders gronodioritic lithology were taken under the same environmental conditions. In this work, we consider as valid the average value and the standard deviation of 30 impacts for each sampled site. The most recent moraines M1-LIA are located delimiting the Laguna 513 (4460 m) and the Laguna Rajupakina (4100 m) which give values between R=62.7±1.7 and R=70.3±1.5 respectively. The M2- YD have multiple ridges: the most external (3752-3635 m) R= 54.3±2.2; the largest ridges R= 54.3±2.2; and a frontal ridge over the current pampa (3624-3617 m) R= 58.2±2.5. The M3-OD shows clearly a right moraine ridge that delimits the Sonquil pampa (3685-3643 m) R=48.8±1.8. The M4-LGM delimits the current valley and forms several ridge moraines of great dimensions: the most external (3704-3603 m) R= 41.0±1.9; the most internal (3629-3574 m) R=47.1±1.7. Lastely, the M5-LGC two formations have been identified: the lowest lateral ridge is located in the Valley of Hualcán (3396-3283 m) R= 43,8±2,0; and a series of marginal ridges to the current valley (3901-3859 m) R= 44.6±2.2

    Efecto de la adición de proteínas solubles recuperadas del agua de lavado de surimi de Pacific Whiting sobre las propiedades funcionales y mecánicas de surimi de Alaska pollock grado FA

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    Soluble proteins from surimi wash water (SWW) can be insolubilized by complexing with chitosan-alginate allowing its recovery and the reduction of the organic matter in the processing water discharged from surimi processing plants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of adding soluble proteins recovered from Pacific whiting SWW on the mechanical and functional properties of commercial Alaska Pollock surimi grade FA. Levels evaluated were 0 (control), 10, 30 and 50 g insolubilized SWW solids/kg Alaska Pollock grade FA surimi. The mechanical and functional properties of Alaska Pollock surimi pastes and gels were characterized by texture profile analysis (TPA), puncture test, expressible water (EW) and color attributes. TPA and puncture test parameters increased significantly (P≤0.05) when 10–30 g/kg of soluble proteins from Pacific whiting SWW were added. EW values increased also, indicating a decrease of the water holding capacity. Color parameters showed that all surimi gels increased in redness, an undesirable effect in the production of Alaska Pollock grade FA surimiLas proteínas solubles del agua de lavado del surimi (ALS) pueden ser insolubilizadas por medio de la formación de complejos con quitosano y alginato. Su recuperación por este método permite reducir la materia orgánica en el agua de proceso. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la adición de proteína soluble recuperada del ALS de Pacific whiting sobre las propiedades mecánicas y funcionales de surimi comercial de Alaska Pollock de grado FA. Los niveles de adición evaluados fueron 0 (control), 10, 30 y 50 g sólidos insolubilizados de ALS/kg de surimi de Alaska Pollock de grade FA. Las propiedades mecánicas y funcionales se caracterizaron por medio del análisis de perfil de textura (TPA), prueba de punción, agua extraíble y atributos de color. Los valores de los parámetros de TPA y prueba de punción incrementaron significativamente (P≤0.05) cuando se adicionaron de 10 a 30 g/kg de proteínas solubles de ALS de Pacific whiting. El agua extraíble también se incrementó, indicando un descenso de la capacidad de retención de agua. Los atributos de color indicaron que todos los geles de surimi incrementaron su color rojo, lo cual podría ser desfavorable para la producción de surimi de Alaska Pollock grado FAThis work was partially supported by Grant no. NA 16RG 1039 (Project no. R/SF-29) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to the Sea Grant College Program at Oregon State University, and appropriations made by the Oregon State Legislature. Part of this study was supported by Grant no. TAMPS-2003-C02-14, FOMIXCONACYT, MéxicoS

    Modelamiento de la respuesta glaciar al cambio climático desde la pequeña edad de hielo deducida de la ela climática: ensayo de los glaciares de la cuenca Parón (Cordillera Blanca, Perú)

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    El parámetro que mejor expresa la sensibilidad de los glaciares tropicales es la ELA (Equilibrium Line Altitude). Aquí se diferencia: ELA geomorfológica (ELAg) deducida de la altitud y forma del glaciar; y ELA climática (ELAc) de variables implicadas en el balance de masa. Su evolución conjunta es un modelo de respuesta de los glaciares al cambio climático, en permanente tendencia con el clima (ELAg=ELAc)

    Evolución de los glaciares desde la Pequeña Edad de Hielo en la cuenca Parón (Cordillera Blanca – Áncash)

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    La dinámica glaciar es un indicador muy sensible a los cambios climáticos. La cuenca Parón (~8º59´S, ~77º40´O) alberga glaciares actuales y evidencias geomorfológicas de avances glaciales en el pasado. Basado en el cartografiado de glaciares actuales (2016) y paleo-glaciares (1962-PEH), esta investigación muestra la variación espacio-temporal de sus áreas (km2), volúmenes (Mm3), paleo-temperaturas (°C) y Altitudes de la Línea de Equilibrio – ELA (m)

    Linking of psoriasis with osteopenia and osteoporosis: A cross‑sectional study

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    Psoriasis is a multisystem disease which has been related to vitamin‑D deficiency through chronic inflammation. This psoriasis‑related inflammatory state and vitamin‑D deficiency may induce bone mineral density loss. The purpose of this study is to assess the relationship of psoriasis with bone mineral density, by comparing psoriatic patients with healthy controls and patients with osteopenia/osteoporosis. Psoriatic patients showed worse hip and lumbar spine bone mineral density levels than healthy controls (P = 0.001) and better levels than osteoporotic patients (P < 0.001). Multivariate analysis demonstrated a negative association of age and a positive association of body mass index in hip bone mineral density in psoriatic patients. Bone mineral density levels in psoriatic patients are situated halfway between healthy controls and patients with osteopenia/osteoporosis. In addition, the higher body mass index in patients with psoriasis appears to confer a protective effect against further development of lower bone mineral density


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    This study was done, in the desert ridge known as the Pico-Johnson, in the state of Sonora, Mexico, which is considered as natural habitat for the desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana). In this work, we evaluate the importance of the relationship, between the bighorn sheep and the topographic component of his habitat, by using use-availability techniques. Topography was divided in four subcomponents (Height, Slope, Aspect and Landform) which at the same time were divided in classes. For this study, the visual location of 20 bighorn sheep's (5 males and 15 females) marked with radiotransmition collars as well as unmarked sheep observations, were registered. It was considered as use the frequency of sheep observation, for one year and a half of monthly visits, registered within each subcomponent class. Availability was defined as the proportion in which the subcomponent classes were found throughout the study area. It was found that, the sheep, do not use, most of the habitat classes, in their exact proportions, that some are preferred (terrain’s higher than 300 meters, slopes higher than 60%, S-SW-W composite aspect and canyon slopes) and the rest of the classes either were avoided or used proportionally. Bedsites, were evaluated using the same technique, encountering very similar patterns. We developed a habitat quality model for the sheep, that emphasized topography, besides topography other habitat components evaluated were: vegetation, free water sources, precipitation, habitat discreteness and range expansion. Habitat quality classes were excellent, good, regular and poor. The model was validated, by using the frequency of sheep observation within the different habitat quality classes and considered as a good habitat quality predictor, on the basis that, 73.0% of the frequency observation, were done on areas classified by the model as excellent and good.Este estudio se llevó a cabo en la sierra desértica conocida como Pico-Johnson, en el Estado de Sonora, considerada como hábitat natural del borrego cimarrón (Ovis canadensis mexicana). En este trabajo, se evalúa la importancia de la relación entre el borrego cimarrón y el componente topográfico de su hábitat, mediante técnicas de uso-disponibilidad. La topografía se dividió en cuatro subcomponentes (Altitud, Pendiente, Orientación y Topoforma) y se consideró como uso a las frecuencias de observación, durante un año y medio de visitas mensuales, de los borregos registrados en cada uno de los diferentes subcomponentes, para este estudio se utilizaron como registros, la localización visual de 20 borregos cimarrones (5 machos y 15 hembras) todos con collar radiotransmisor, así como de animales no marcados. La disponibilidad se definió como la proporción en que cada uno de los subcomponentes se encontraba en el área de estudio. Se encontró que los borregos no utilizan los subcomponentes según su proporción, que algunos son preferidos (altitudes mayores de 300m, pendientes mayores de 60%, orientaciones (S-SW-W) y topoformas de tipo ladera de cañón) y otros son evadidos o utilizados en igual proporción. Igualmente, se evaluaron los sitios donde estos animales duermen y descansan (echaderos), encontrándose patrones muy similares de uso. Haciendo énfasis en las variables topográficas, se implementó un modelo de calidad del hábitat en el cual se evaluaron componentes como la topografía, vegetación, agua libre disponible, precipitación, competencia, uso humano, continuidad y expansión del hábitat. El modelo clasificó la calidad del hábitat en excelente, buena, regular y pobre. El modelo fue validado, mediante el registro de frecuencias de observación de borregos en las diferentes clases de calidad del hábitat, considerándose como bueno ya que el 73.0% de los registros, se ubicaron en las zonas clasificadas como excelentes y buenas

    Teleconnections between boreal cooling and tropical glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca (Peru)

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    30 samples have been collected for the cosmogenic dating of expanding and shrinking glacial phases southwesternward of Nevado Hualcán (9º, 12'S; 77º, 31'W, 6122 m), in the Cordillera Blanca (Peru).The set includes 28 moraine boulder surface samples and 2 polished bedrock surface samples. The resistivity of 3 samples of moraine boulder surfaces, measured in the AMS facility ASTER, did not allow us to estimate the accumulation of 10Be. Therefore, it was not possible to estimate the exposure age of these samples. However, it was possible to obtain 27 10Be glacial ages: 25 boulder ages from 5 moraine sets (M5-M1) and 2 polished bedrock ages (between M2-M1). 5 boulder ages seem too high, probably because of cosmogenic inheritance. Nevertheless, despite the uncertainties, the remaining 22 ages seem consistent with their geomorphological context. Nowadays, the oldest moraines (M5) are higher than younger moraines, because they define a glacial paleo-valley cut by the current valley in which the other groups of moraines (M4-M1) are becoming younger and younger and in higher altitudes. M5 ages (~132-61 ka) suggest the existence of at least two glacial phases long before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The oldest phase could be traced back to the beginning of the Last Glacial Cycle (LGC). The M4-M1 moraines chronologies seem to correlate with paleolake transgressions in the Bolivian Altiplano. They can be interpreted as a reflection of wetter paleoclimatic phases than the current phase, and are linked to cooling periods in the Northern Hemisphere (Placzek et al., 2013). This link suggests the existence of a boreal/tropical teleconnection through a large shift towards the south of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (Kelly et al., 2012) and/or of the Bolivian High (Martin et al., 2018). The M4 moraines define the maximum glacier advance on the south-west area of Nevado Hualcán. Their ages (~32-24 ka) are consistent with the early LGM, shown by various proof around the world (Clark et al., 2009). The M3 and M2 moraines show smaller and thinner readvances than previous moraines. Their ages (~20-12 ka and ~13-11 ka) are contemporaneous to Tauca (~18-14 ka) and Coipasa transgressions (~13-11 ka; Blard et al., 2011). The deglaciation after M3 could be the results of a weakening of tropical circulation related to boreal heating Bølling-Allerød. In that period (ages ~3-1 ka), the glaciers retreated to above their current limit. The M1 moraines pinpoint the last glacier advances, whose exposure ages without cosmogenic inheritance (~1.0-0.3 ka) are consistent with lichenometry-based dating in nearby valleys (Jomelli et al., 2008) and the ITCZ southward shift during the Little Ice Age (Sachs et al., 2009)

    Effect of Perioperative Blood Transfusions and Infectious Complications on Inflammatory Activation and Long-Term Survival Following Gastric Cancer Resection

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    Both postoperative complications and perioperative blood transfusions have been separately related to worse prognosis after gastrectomy for patients with gastric cancer. This multicenter cohort study aims to evaluate their synergic effect on inflammatory activation and prognosis. Patients were classified into four groups based on their perioperative course: one, no blood transfusion and no infectious complication; two, blood transfusion; three, infectious complication; four, both transfusion and infectious complication. The analysis shows that perioperative blood transfusion and infectious complications have a synergic effect creating a pro-inflammatory activation that favors tumor recurrence. These findings reinforce the need of promoting restrictive policies of transfusion for patients undergoing gastrectomies implementing patients blood management programs. Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of perioperative blood transfusion and infectious complications on postoperative changes of inflammatory markers, as well as on disease-free survival (DFS) in patients undergoing curative gastric cancer resection. Methods: Multicenter cohort study in all patients undergoing gastric cancer resection with curative intent. Patients were classified into four groups based on their perioperative course: one, no blood transfusion and no infectious complication; two, blood transfusion; three, infectious complication; four, both transfusion and infectious complication. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) was determined at diagnosis, immediately before surgery, and 10 days after surgery. A multivariate Cox regression model was used to analyze the relationship of perioperative group and dynamic changes of NLR with disease-free survival. Results: 282 patients were included, 181 in group one, 23 in group two, 55 in group three, and 23 in group four. Postoperative NLR changes showed progressive increase in the four groups. Univariate analysis showed that NLR change 2.6 had a significant association with DFS (HR 1.55; 95% CI 1.06-2.26; p = 0.025), which was maintained in multivariate analysis (HR 1.67; 95% CI 1.14-2.46; p = 0.009). Perioperative classification was an independent predictor of DFS, with a progressive difference from group one: group two, HR 0.80 (95% CI: 0.40-1.61; p = 0.540); group three, HR 1.42 (95% CI: 0.88-2.30; p = 0.148), group four, HR 2.85 (95% CI: 1.64-4.95; p = 0.046). Conclusions: Combination of perioperative blood transfusion and infectious complications following gastric cancer surgery was related to greater NLR increase and poorer DFS. These findings suggest that perioperative blood transfusion and infectious complications may have a synergic effect creating a pro-inflammatory activation that favors tumor recurrence

    Evidencias paleo-geográficas y de paleotemperaturas desde el Último Máximo Glacial, deducidas de la geomorfología, en la vertiente sur del nevado Hualcán (Cordillera Blanca, Ancash)

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    El parámetro que mejor expresa la relación de los glaciares con el clima es la ELA (Equilibrium Line Altitude), que es la altitud de la línea que separa la zona de acumulación de un glaciar (donde predominan los procesos físicos que favorecen la ganancia de masa), de la zona de ablación (donde prevalecen los fenómenos que provocan pérdida de masa). Se han establecido relaciones entre la precipitación y la temperatura con la ELA (Ahlmann, 1924, 1948, Loewe, 1971, Kotlyakov y Krenke, 1982, Braithwaite, 1985, 2008, Ohmura et al., 1992), lo que permite determinar uno de los dos parámetros siempre que se conozca el otro (normalmente la temperatura) (Pellitero et al., 2015). Por lo tanto, a través del cálculo de la ELA y paleo-ELA, se puede estimar los cambios en el clima. Este trabajo, presenta la reconstrucción paleo-glaciar en la vertiente sur del nevado Hualcán

    Ensayo de métodos para reconstruir el volumen de los glaciares, en 2016, 1962 y la Pequeña Edad del Hielo, en el valle Suiricocha, Cordillera Pariacaca, Perú

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    Este trabajo presenta una metodología que permite estimar los espesores del hielo actual (2016) en función al modelamiento de la topografía subglaciar aplicando la herramienta Glaciar Reconstruction (GLABTOP). Así mismo, se complementa el desarrollo de Glacier Reconstruction (GLARE) que consiste en reconstruir los paleoglaciares (1962 y PEH), esta última a través de morrenas dejadas por los glaciares en el pasado