31 research outputs found

    Local and remote moisture sources for extreme precipitation: a study of the two catastrophic 1982 western Mediterranean episodes

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    Floods and flash floods are frequent in the south of Europe resulting from heavy rainfall events that often produce more than 200 mm in less than 24 h. Even though the meteorological conditions favourable for these situations have been widely studied, there is a lingering question that still arises: what humidity sources could explain so much precipitation? To answer this question, the regional atmospheric Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with a recently implemented moisture tagging capability has been used to analyse the main moisture sources for two catastrophic flood events that occurred during the autumn of 1982 (October and November) in the western Mediterranean area, which is regularly affected by these types of adverse weather episodes. The procedure consists in selecting a priori potential moisture source regions for the extreme event under consideration, and then performing simulations using the tagging technique to quantify the relative contribution of each selected source to total precipitation. For these events we study the influence of four possible potential sources: (1) evaporation in the western Mediterranean; (2) evaporation in the central Mediterranean; (3) evaporation in the North Atlantic; and (4) advection from the tropical and subtropical Atlantic and Africa. Results show that these four moisture sources explain most of the accumulated precipitation, with the tropical and subtropical input being the most relevant in both cases. In the October event, evaporation in the western and central Mediterranean and in the North Atlantic also had an important contribution. However, in the November episode tropical and subtropical moisture accounted for more than half of the total accumulated rainfall, while evaporation in the western Mediterranean and North Atlantic played a secondary role and the contribution of the central Mediterranean was almost negligible. Therefore, remote sources were crucial: in the October event they played a similar role to local sources, whereas in the November case they were clearly dominant. In both episodes, long-distance moisture transport from the tropics and subtropics mostly occurred in mid-tropospheric layers, via well-defined moisture plumes with maximum mixing ratios at medium levels

    Validation of a new SAFRAN-based gridded precipitation product for Spain and comparisons to Spain02 and ERA-Interim

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    Offline Land-Surface Model (LSM) simulations are useful for studying the continental hydrological cycle. Because of the nonlinearities in the models, the results are very sensitive to the quality of the meteorological forcing; thus, high-quality gridded datasets of screen-level meteorological variables are needed. Precipitation datasets are particularly difficult to produce due to the inherent spatial and temporal heterogeneity of that variable. They do, however, have a large impact on the simulations, and it is thus necessary to carefully evaluate their quality in great detail. This paper reports the quality of two high-resolution precipitation datasets for Spain at the daily time scale: the new SAFRAN-based dataset and Spain02. SAFRAN is a meteorological analysis system that was designed to force LSMs and has recently been extended to the entirety of Spain for a long period of time (1979/80-2013/14). Spain02 is a daily precipitation dataset for Spain and was created mainly to validate Regional Climate Models. In addition, ERA-Interim is included in the comparison to show the differences between local high-resolution and global low-resolution products. The study compares the different precipitation analyses with rain gauge data and assesses their temporal and spatial similarities to the observations. The validation of SAFRAN with independent data shows that this is a robust product. SAFRAN and Spain02 have very similar scores, although the later slightly surpasses the former. The scores are robust with altitude and throughout the year, save perhaps in summer, when a diminished skill is observed. As expected, SAFRAN and Spain02 perform better than ERA-Interim, which has difficulty capturing the effects of the relief on precipitation due to its low resolution. However, ERA-Interim reproduces spells remarkably well, in contrast to the low skill shown by the high-resolution products. The high-resolution gridded products overestimate the number of precipitation days, which is a problem that affects SAFRAN more than Spain02 and is likely caused by the interpolation method. Both SAFRAN and Spain02 underestimate high precipitation events, but SAFRAN does so more than Spain02. The overestimation of low precipitation events and the underestimation of intense episodes will probably have hydrological consequences once the data are used to force a land surface or hydrological model.We are grateful to the French National Centre for Meteorological Research (CNRM UMR3539, Météo-France CNRS) for allowing us to use the code of the SAFRAN analysis system for our studies, the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) for sharing their very valuable observational data with us and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for making their ERA-Interim product openly available. This is a contribution to the FP7 eartH2Observe project (http://www.earth2observer.eu), which received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 603608. This work has been funded by the Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry and the European Regional Development Fund through grant CGL2013-47261-R. This work has been supported by the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona Project (no. 308321; flood evolution in the metropolitan area of Barcelona from a holistic perspective: past, present and future) and the Spanish Project HOPE (CGL2014-52571-R) supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This work is a contribution to the HyMeX program (Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean EXperiment; http://www.hymex.org)

    Climatology and ranking of hazardous precipitation events in the western Mediterranean area

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    The western Mediterranean region often suffers from the devastating effects of flooding, caused by enormous rain accumulations that sometimes resemble the values produced by tropical systems. Despite the climatic and social relevancy of this type of episodes, there are some fundamental questions that would still be difficult to answer today, for example: where within the region are more cases recorded? or, which were the most potentially dangerous episodes? In this study, we identify, and then gather and unify information from, all the daily events occurred from 1980 to 2015. Using the MESCAN high-resolution gridded rainfall dataset, events are detected and for each case, the date and affected regions are recorded. Subsequently, events are ranked according to their magnitude and classified by weather type. In addition, flood data from the FLOODHYMEX and EM-DAT databases are used to check whether the precipitation episodes resulted in flooding. All this information is collected into a publicly available single database. Results show that the highest number of events per year is recorded in the Languedoc-Roussillon region (France) and in the Valencian Community (Spain). The cases of greatest magnitude, which are associated with a larger number of floods, present a very marked seasonality, with about 80% of them occurring in September, October and November. Finally, we show that only four weather types are present in most of the days with hazardous rainfall in the western Mediterranean. The most hazardous situation is characterized by a low-pressure area at all tropospheric levels in the eastern Atlantic, forming a block pattern with an anticyclonic ridge that tends to extend from the Central Mediterranean to Central Europe. About 40% of the most extraordinary cases are associated with this configuration. As an example, the infamous Piedmont (Italy) 1994 episode, in the top 10 of the ranking, was produced by an atmospheric pattern of this typeFunding comes from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad OPERMO (CGL2017-89859-R to GMM and DIC), CLICES (CGL2017-83866-C3-2-R to MLC) and M-CostAdapt (CTM2017-83655-C2-2-R to MCLL) projects, the European Union Interreg V POCTEFA project (EFA210/16 PIRAGUA to MCLL) and the CRETUS strategic partnership (AGRUP2015/02 to GMM and DIC). All these programs are co-funded by the European Union ERDF. DIC and MLC were awarded a pre-doctoral FPI (PRE2018-084425) and FPU (FPU2017/02166) grant, respectively, both from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesS

    A realistic meteorological assessment of perennial biofuel crop deployment: a Southern Great Plains perspective

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    Utility of perennial bioenergy crops (e.g., switchgrass and miscanthus) offers unique opportunities to transition toward a more sustainable energy pathway due to their reduced carbon footprint, averted competition with food crops, and ability to grow on abandoned and degraded farmlands. Studies that have examined biogeophysical impacts of these crops noted a positive feedback between near-surface cooling and enhanced evapotranspiration (ET), but also potential unintended consequences of soil moisture and groundwater depletion. To better understand hydrometeorological effects of perennial bioenergy crop expansion, this study conducted high-resolution (2-km grid spacing) simulations with a state-of-the-art atmospheric model (Weather Research and Forecasting system) dynamically coupled to a land surface model. We applied the modeling system over the Southern Plains of the United States during a normal precipitation year (2007) and a drought year (2011). By focusing the deployment of bioenergy cropping systems on marginal and abandoned farmland areas (to reduce the potential conflict with food systems), the research presented here is the first realistic examination of hydrometeorological impacts associated with perennial bioenergy crop expansion. Our results illustrate that the deployment of perennial bioenergy crops leads to widespread cooling (1–2 °C) that is largely driven by an enhanced reflection of shortwave radiation and, secondarily, due to an enhanced ET. Bioenergy crop deployment was shown to reduce the impacts of drought through simultaneous moistening and cooling of the near-surface environment. However, simulated impacts on near-surface cooling and ET were reduced during the drought relative to a normal precipitation year, revealing differential effects based on background environmental conditions. This study serves as a key step toward the assessment of hydroclimatic sustainability associated with perennial bioenergy crop expansion under diverse hydrometeorological conditions by highlighting the driving mechanisms and processes associated with this energy pathway.This work was funded by NSF Grant EAR-1204774S

    A unifying modelling of multiple land degradation pathways in Europe

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    Land degradation is a complex socio-environmental threat, which generally occurs as multiple concurrent pathways that remain largely unexplored in Europe. Here we present an unprecedented analysis of land multi-degradation in 40 continental countries, using twelve dataset-based processes that were modelled as land degradation convergence and combination pathways in Europe’s agricultural (and arable) environments. Using a Land Multi-degradation Index, we find that up to 27%, 35% and 22% of continental agricultural (~2 million km2) and arable (~1.1 million km2) lands are currently threatened by one, two, and three drivers of degradation, while 10–11% of pan-European agricultural/arable landscapes are cumulatively affected by four and at least five concurrent processes. We also explore the complex pattern of spatially interacting processes, emphasizing the major combinations of land degradation pathways across continental and national boundaries. Our results will enable policymakers to develop knowledge-based strategies for land degradation mitigation and other critical European sustainable development goals

    Impacts of a Groundwater Scheme on Hydroclimatological Conditions over Southern South America

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    A sensitivity study of the impact of a groundwater scheme on hydrometeorological variables in coupled land atmosphere simulations over southern South America is presented. It is found that shallow water tables in the groundwater scheme lead to reduced drainage and even upward capillary fluxes over parts of the central and southern La Plata basin. This leads to an increase in the simulated moisture in the root zone, which in turn produces an increase in evapotranspiration (ET) over the southern part of the domain, where ET is water limited. There is also a decrease in the near-surface temperature, in the range 0.5-1.0 degrees C. During the dry season, the increases in ET and relative humidity over the central La Plata coincide with an increase in precipitation downstream. Including groundwater leads to an increase in precipitation over parts of the central and southern La Plata basin during the early rainy season (October December). The overall increase in ET and precipitation over the southern La Plata basin during the early rainy season is 13% and 10%, respectively. The additional precipitation comes from both an increase in the availability of atmospheric moisture when the groundwater scheme is used and its effect on the atmospheric instability. In the La Plata basin, including a representation of groundwater increases simulated precipitation and partially alleviates a warm and dry bias present in simulations without realistic subsurface hydrology.NSF [AGS 1454089, 1045260]; European CommissionPublished Online: 29 November 2016; 6 Month Embargo.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Impacts of a Groundwater Scheme on Hydroclimatological Conditions over Southern South America

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    A sensitivity study of the impact of a groundwater scheme on hydrometeorological variables in coupled land atmosphere simulations over southern South America is presented. It is found that shallow water tables in the groundwater scheme lead to reduced drainage and even upward capillary fluxes over parts of the central and southern La Plata basin. This leads to an increase in the simulated moisture in the root zone, which in turn produces an increase in evapotranspiration (ET) over the southern part of the domain, where ET is water limited. There is also a decrease in the near-surface temperature, in the range 0.5-1.0 degrees C. During the dry season, the increases in ET and relative humidity over the central La Plata coincide with an increase in precipitation downstream. Including groundwater leads to an increase in precipitation over parts of the central and southern La Plata basin during the early rainy season (October December). The overall increase in ET and precipitation over the southern La Plata basin during the early rainy season is 13% and 10%, respectively. The additional precipitation comes from both an increase in the availability of atmospheric moisture when the groundwater scheme is used and its effect on the atmospheric instability. In the La Plata basin, including a representation of groundwater increases simulated precipitation and partially alleviates a warm and dry bias present in simulations without realistic subsurface hydrology.NSF [AGS 1454089, 1045260]; European CommissionPublished Online: 29 November 2016; 6 Month Embargo.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Towards an atmosphere more favourable to firestorm development in Europe

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    Deep pyroconvection associated with the development of firestorms, can significantly alter wildfire spread, causing severe socioeconomic and environmental impacts, and even posing a threat to human’s lives. However, the limited number of observations hinders our understanding of this type of events. Here, we identify the environmental conditions that favour firestorm development using a coupled fire–atmosphere numerical model. From climate model projections for the 21st century, we show that the number of days with deep pyroconvection risk will increase significantly in southern Europe, especially in the western Mediterranean region, where it will go from between 10 and 20 days per year at present to between 30 and 50 days per year by the end of the century. Our results also suggest fuel reduction as an effective landscape management strategy to mitigate firestorm risks in the future

    2005: Regional climate simulations over North America: Interaction of local processes with improved large-scale flow

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    ABSTRACT The reasons for biases in regional climate simulations were investigated in an attempt to discern whether they arise from deficiencies in the model parameterizations or are due to dynamical problems. Using the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) forced by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis, the detailed climate over North America at 50-km resolution for June 2000 was simulated. First, the RAMS equations were modified to make them applicable to a large region, and its turbulence parameterization was corrected. The initial simulations showed large biases in the location of precipitation patterns and surface air temperatures. By implementing higher-resolution soil data, soil moisture and soil temperature initialization, and corrections to the KainFritch convective scheme, the temperature biases and precipitation amount errors could be removed, but the precipitation location errors remained. The precipitation location biases could only be improved by implementing spectral nudging of the large-scale (wavelength of 2500 km) dynamics in RAMS. This corrected for circulation errors produced by interactions and reflection of the internal domain dynamics with the lateral boundaries where the model was forced by the reanalysis