5,807 research outputs found

    Evaluating the effect of age and area of residence in the metal and metalloid contents in human hair and urban topsoils

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Monitoring the levels of trace elements in hair can allow estimating the effects of the geographical location and also can provide a notion of the metal body burden. However, the use of human hair is controversial due to the different confounding factors that could affect the presence of trace elements in hair. As a result, a comprehensive monitoring study was performed in Alcalá de Henares, one of the major cities in the Madrid region, Spain. Trace elements have been monitored in urban topsoils and in human hair of two well-defined and healthy groups of population: children (6–9 years) and adolescents (13–16 years). The city was divided into four areas or zones with different characteristics to assess the possible effect of area of residence and age in the presence of Al, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Pb, Sn, Ti, Tl and Zn in soils and hair. There is no current hypothesis that explains the possible effect of the area of monitoring in the distribution of Be, Cr, Ni, Sn and Ti found in these urban soils, maybe because urban soils receive high disturbance, and there are many factors involved. The presence of most of the trace elements monitored was significantly higher in the hair of the children population, except for Sn and Zn. This could be attributed mainly to dietary habits. Other factors influencing metal content in hair such as environmental factors would have had a minimal effect in the population groups here studied. Finally, none of the levels of trace elements studied in hair were significantly correlated with levels measured in the topsoils of public parks in Alcalá de Henares, with the exception of Pb in adolescent participants

    New VR magnification ratios of QSO 0957+561

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    We present VR magnification ratios of QSO 0957+561, which are inferred from the GLITP light curves of Q0957+561A and new frames taken with the 2.56m Nordic Optical Telescope about 14 months after the GLITP monitoring. From two photometric approaches and a reasonable range for the time delay in the system (415-430 days), we do not obtain achromatic optical continuum ratios, but ratios depending on the wavelength. These new measurements are consistent with differential extinction in the lens galaxy, the Lyman limit system, the damped Ly-alpha system, or the host galaxy of the QSO. The possible values for the differential extinction and the ratio of total to selective extinction in the V band are reasonable. Moreover, crude probability arguments suggest that the ray paths of the two components cross a similar dusty environment, including a network of compact dust clouds and compact dust voids. As an alternative (in fact, the usual interpretation of the old ratios), we also try to explain the new ratios as caused by gravitational microlensing in the deflector. From magnification maps for each of the gravitationally lensed images, using different fractions of the surface mass density represented by the microlenses, as well as different sizes and profiles of the V-band and R-band sources, several synthetic distributions of V-band and R-band ratios are derived. In some gravitational scenarios, there is an apparent disagreement between the observed pair of ratios and the simulated distributions. However, several microlensing pictures work well. To decide between either extinction, or microlensing, or a mixed scenario (extinction + microlensing), new observational and interpretation efforts are required.Comment: PS and PDF versions are created from the LaTeX file and 5 EPS figures, two additional figues (Figs. 6 and 7) in JPEG format, scheduled for the ApJ 20 January 2005 issu

    Discovery of faint double-peak Halpha emission in the halo of low redshift galaxies

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    Aiming at the detection of cosmological gas being accreted onto galaxies of the local Universe, we examined the Halpha emission in the halo of 164 galaxies in the field of view of the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer Wide survey (\musew ) with observable Halpha (redshift < 0.42). An exhaustive screening of the corresponding Halpha images led us to select 118 reliable Halpha emitting gas clouds. The signals are faint, with a surface brightness of 10**(-17.3 pm 0.3) erg/s/cm2/arcsec2. Through statistical tests and other arguments, we ruled out that they are created by instrumental artifacts, telluric line residuals, or high redshift interlopers. Around 38% of the time, the Halpha line profile shows a double peak with the drop in intensity at the rest-frame of the central galaxy, and with a typical peak-to-peak separation of the order of pm 200 km/s. Most line emission clumps are spatially unresolved. The mass of emitting gas is estimated to be between one and 10**(-3) times the stellar mass of the central galaxy. The signals are not isotropically distributed; their azimuth tends to be aligned with the major axis of the corresponding galaxy. The distances to the central galaxies are not random either. The counts drop at a distance > 50 galaxy radii, which roughly corresponds to the virial radius of the central galaxy. We explore several physical scenarios to explain this Halpha emission, among which accretion disks around rogue intermediate mass black holes fit the observations best.Comment: pay attention to the last sentence of the abstract! Accepted for publication in Ap

    A Verilog-A Based Fractional Frequency Synthesizer Model for Fast and Accurate Noise Assessment

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    This paper presents a new strategy to simulate fractional frequency synthesizer behavioral models with better performance and reduced simulation time. The models are described in Verilog-A with accurate phase noise predictions and they are based on a time jitter to power spectral density transformation of the principal noise sources in a synthesizer. The results of a fractional frequency synthesizer simulation is compared with state of the art Verilog-A descriptions showing a reduction of nearly 20 times. In addition, experimental results of a fractional frequency synthesizer are compared to the simulation results to validate the proposed model