2,881 research outputs found
Governance in Southeast Asia: Issues and Options
This paper attempts to analyze governance systems in Southeast Asia and proposes some policy suggestions that can improve governance practices in the region. It also discusses the links between governance and official development assistance (ODA) and the role of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation. To put the discussion on governance systems in a proper context, the paper discusses the governance and growth nexus in Southeast Asia; describes the operating governance systems in Southeast Asia; analyzes economic governance, more specifically in the areas of economic management and growth, revenue generation, social spending, access to services, cost of doing business, and corporate governance; and examines political governance, focusing on the rule of law and judicial independence, conflict management, and voice participation.governance, development program, corruption
Governance in Southeast Asia: Issues and Options
This paper attempts to analyze governance systems in Southeast Asia and proposes some policy suggestions that can improve governance practices in the region. To put the discussion on governance systems in a proper context, the paper discusses the governance and growth nexus in Southeast Asia; describes the operating governance systems in Southeast Asia; analyzes economic governance, more specifically in the areas of economic management and growth, revenue generation, social spending, access to services, cost of doing business, and corporate governance; and examines political governance focusing on the rule of law and judicial independence, conflict management, and voice participation.governance, development program, corruption
Governance in Southeast Asia: Issues and Options
This paper attempts to analyze governance systems in Southeast Asia and proposes some policy suggestions that can improve governance practices in the region. To put the discussion on governance systems in a proper context, the paper discusses the governance and growth nexus in Southeast Asia; describes the operating governance systems in Southeast Asia; analyzes economic governance, more specifically in the areas of economic management and growth, revenue generation, social spending, access to services, cost of doing business, and corporate governance; and examines political governance focusing on the rule of law and judicial independence, conflict management, and voice participation.governance, development program, corruption
Behavioral Patterns of children Involved in bullying episodes
Articulo escrito en colaboración con un investigador de la UNAM SNI IIThis study applied a systematic observation strategy to identify coercive behavioral patterns in school environments. The aim was to describe stability and change in the behavioral patterns of children identified as victims of bullying. To this end, the following specific objectives were defined: (1) to identify episodes of bullying based on the frequency of negative behaviors received and power imbalances between bully and victim; (2) to describe stability and behavioral changes in student victims based on their social and academic conduct and the aggression they receive from peers and teachers; and (3) to describe the functional mechanisms responsible for the process of social organization (i.e., the Social Effectiveness, Social Responsiveness, and Social Reciprocity Indexes). The sample consisted of nine children identified as victims, nine classified as bullies, and nine matched controls, all elementary school students from the study developed at the National Autonomous University of Mexico files. A multidimensional/idiographic/follow-up observational design was used. Observational data describes asymmetry between victims and bullies based on microanalyses of the reciprocity of their behavioral exchanges. In addition, the behavioral patterns of victimized children were identified in relation to their academic activity and social relationships with peers. A model of coercive reciprocity accurately describes the asymmetry found among bullies, victims, and controls. A reduction in victimization was found to be related to: (1) responsiveness to the initiation of social interactions by peers and teachers; and (2) the time allocated to academic behavior during the study
Modélisation CFD de la formation de nanoparticules dans un réacteur de synthèse à plasma
La production de particules dans des réacteurs à plasma thermique revêt un grand intérêt dans la synthèse de poudres. Une vaste gamme de poudres céramiques et métalliques a été pro duite en utilisant des réacteurs à plasma. La taille de ces poudres est habituellement de l'ordre du micromètre et parfois au dessous de 0.1 micromètre. Il y a un très grand intérêt pour les méthodes de production de poudres avec une taille moyenne plus petite que 0.1 micromètre. Ces poudres peuvent être utilisées pour créer des matériaux nanophasiques. L'utilisation des réacteurs à plasma thermique permet d'obtenir un taux de génération élevé et des produits de bonne qualité. Les réactifs peuvent être injectés dans le réacteur plasma sous forme de poudres, de liquide pulvérisé ou de gaz. Si les réactifs sont injectés à l'état solide ou liquide, ils complètent leur évaporation dans la zone chaude du plasma. Les espèces gazeuses sont par la suite considérablement dissociées. Le gaz est ensuite refroidi en quittant la zone chaude. Finalement la nucléation et la croissance de particules auront lieu. Cette étude présente la simulation de la formation de poudres métalliques dans un réacteur plasma à induction couplée (ICP). Un gaz porteur transporte les poudres métalliques dans le réacteur où elles sont transformées en gaz. Les produits sont récupérés après un procédé de refroidissement. Le modèle considère la formation de particules par nucléation et la croissance par condensation et coagulation brownienne. Le transport des particules est du à la convection, à la thermophorèse et à la diffusion brownienne. La diffusion axiale et radiale des particules a été considérée. Le code commercial de CFD(Computational Fluids Dyanmics) FLUENT© 6.0 a été utilisé pour les calculs de la mécanique des fluides et pour la croissance des particules. Ce code est couplé avec le modèle mathématique pour la dynamique des aérosols en utilisant les trois premiers moments de la distribution de tailles des particules. La simulation est appliquée à la production de poudres de fer ultrafines. Les résultats montrent le début de la formation de particules dans le réacteur et l'évolution de la taille des particules. Les champs des propriétés macroscopiques de la population d'aérosol et la contribution des différents mécanismes (nucléation, condensation, coagulation) sont analysés pour différentes combinaisons des paramètres d'opération. Une partie des résultats sont partiellement validés avec ceux de Bilodeau.Abstract: The present work reports on the simulation of metal powder formation in a Inductively Coupled Plasma reactor. A carrier gas transports the metal powder into the reactor in where it attains the vapor phase. The products are recovered after a quenching process. The model accounts for particle formation by nucleation and growth by condensation and brownian coagulation. Transport of particles occurs by convection, thermophoresis, and brownian diffusion. Axial and radial diffusion of particles are considered. The commercially computational fluid dynamics code FLUENT Ã 6.0, is used for the detailed calculation of the turbulent fluid flow and particle growth. This code is then completed with a model for aerosol dynamics using the first three moments of the particle size distribution. The simulation is applied for the production of ultrafine iron powders. The fields of the macroscopic properties of the aerosol population and the contribution of the different mechanisms are analyzed under various conditions. The effect of different operating parameters on the properties of the powder generated is studied."--Résumé abrégé par UMI
Avances en Sistemas y Computación
Después de dos décadas de publicación masiva de contenidos digitales en la Web, ahora la comunidad científica se enfrenta al reto de aprovechar de forma fácil y eficiente toda la información valiosa disponible. Para ello entre otras estrategias se ha centralizado la producción académica en repositorios abiertos, los cuales representan la fuente de información de mejor calidad para el desarrollo de la educación y de la investigación científica pues en ellos se almacena todo tipo de documentos académicos sobre cualquier tema del conocimiento humano. En este trabajo se describe el software de licencia libre que permite la implementación de estos repositorios, haciendo un análisis comparativo de las herramientas de desarrollo disponibles, posteriormente se describe la situación actual de los repositorios abiertos en el mundo y finalmente se describe la situación de estos repositorios en Méxic
Combining community-based research and local knowledge to confront asthma and subsistence-fishing hazards in Greenpoint/Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York.
Activists in the environmental justice movement are challenging expert-driven scientific research by taking the research process into their own hands and speaking for themselves by defining, analyzing, and prescribing solutions for the environmental health hazards confronting communities of the poor and people of color. I highlight the work of El Puente and The Watchperson Project--two community-based organizations in the Greenpoint/Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, that have engaged in community-based participatory research (CBPR) to address asthma and risks from subsistence-fish diets. The CBPR process aims to engage community members as equal partners alongside scientists in problem definition, information collection, and data analysis--all geared toward locally relevant action for social change. In the first case I highlight how El Puente has organized residents to conduct a series of asthma health surveys and tapped into local knowledge of the Latino population to understand potential asthma triggers and to devise culturally relevant health interventions. In a second case I follow The Watchperson Project and their work surveying subsistence anglers and note how the community-gathered information contributed key data inputs for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Cumulative Exposure Project in the neighborhood. In each case I review the processes each organization used to conduct CBPR, some of their findings, and the local knowledge they gathered, all of which were crucial for understanding and addressing local environmental health issues. I conclude with some observations about the benefits and limits of CBPR for helping scientists and communities pursue environmental justice
Impactos socioculturales del turismo en el Centro Integralmente Planeado Loreto, Baja California Sur, México. Percepción de los residentes locales
Con el argumento de que una actitud favorable depende de la percepción positiva del turismo, se presenta un reporte de investigación en el que se identificaron los impactos positivos (o beneficios) y los negativos (o costos) ocasionados por el turismo, según la percepción de los residentes del Centro Integralmente Planeado (cip) Loreto, en Baja California, México. Con una combinación de técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas se comprobó que los habitantes del cip Loreto perciben más beneficios que costos, sobre todo en las oportunidades de empleo generadas y en la implementación de más y mejor infraestructura y servicios que, si bien son realizados para los turistas, también son disfrutados por los residentes. Por el volumen de turistas, los efectos negativos aún no son patentes para la mayoría, pero algunos prestadores de servicios turísticos perciben como “desleal” la competencia que representan los turistas de segunda residencia en el lugar
Governance in Southeast Asia: Issues and Options
This paper attempts to analyze governance systems in Southeast Asia and proposes some policy suggestions that can improve governance practices in the region. It also discusses the links between governance and official development assistance and the role of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation. To put the discussion on governance systems in a proper context, the paper discusses the governance and growth nexus in Southeast Asia; describes the operating governance systems in Southeast Asia; analyzes economic governance, more specifically in the areas of economic management and growth, revenue generation, social spending, access to services, cost of doing business, and corporate governance; and examines political governance, focusing on the rule of law and judicial independence, conflict management, and voice participation. Regardless of level of development, Southeast Asian countries need to establish and strengthen their transparency and accountability structures, both in the public and private sectors, in order to continue the momentum for broad-based growth. It is also necessary to strengthen the fiscal autonomy of their sub-national units, and provide more room for participation by civil society groups. More responsive and simplified regulatory structures are needed, and so are strong law enforcement mechanisms. The rise of ethnic tensions argues for better peace-building institutions to narrow the gap between groups. In all these, the ultimate challenge lies in seeking allies and building constituencies for reform. To make ODA better managed and more effective, donors must work in partnership (that is, have a common basket) rather than in competition. Donors can also enhance the value of aid by increasingly providing ideas and not just goods, untying aid and allowing recipient countries to take ownership and greater flexibility in the use of aid. For Japanese development assistance, in particular, Japanese aid agencies must adopt a strategic approach to assisting poverty reduction in the poorer countries of Southeast Asia, while extending their concessional window to middle-income countries. Japan can do well in providing ideas aid based on the Japanese experience. Japanese ODA can have higher leverage if an increasing part of the aid is used for institution building and reforms in governance
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