8,950 research outputs found

    Hot-Fire Thruster Testing Approach at University Level

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    Technological advancements in chemical propulsion systems leading to increased interest and new applications for small satellites in recent years has created a need for additional testing resources and targeted workforce development. Generally, chemical propulsion testing requires interactions with hazardous materials and environments, which presents significant challenges in a university setting. The Center for Aerospace Exploration and Technology Research (cSETR) at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) has developed a sustainable hot-fire testing program for chemical thrusters that is operated by undergraduate and graduate students. The program is managed analogous to testing programs in professional settings to enable reliable test results, ensure safety of all participants, and provide appropriate training to student engineers. The day-to-day activities of the test program are managed entirely by the student team. A flow-down mentoring approach is used where graduate students with years of experience in the lab train new students joining the program. Tests are planned and executed using standard industry practices, including approved testing procedures, assigned participant roles, and test readiness reviews. The use of a standardized and systematic approach enhances the repeatability and validity of each test. Safety management is achieved using readily-available, low cost resources to maintain operation within a standard University budget. This program is presented as a working example for other University groups looking to establish or improve in-house chemical testing methods to enable expanded hot-fire chemical propulsion testing capabilities and workforce development

    Inducing a topological transition in graphene nanoribbon superlattices by external strain

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    Armchair graphene nanoribbons, when forming a superlattice, can be classified into different topological phases, with or without edge states. By means of tight-binding and classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we studied the electronic and mechanical properties of some of these superlattices. MD shows that fracture in modulated superlattices is brittle, as for unmodulated ribbons, and occurs at the thinner regions, with staggered superlattices achieving a larger fracture strain than inline superlattices. We found a general mechanism to induce a topological transition with strain, related to the electronic properties of each segment of the superlattice, and by studying the sublattice polarization we were able to characterize the transition and the response of these states to the strain. For the cases studied in detail here, the topological transition occurred at ∼3-5% strain, well below the fracture strain. The topological states of the superlattice - if present - are robust to strain even close to fracture. The topological transition was characterized by means of the sublattice polarization of the states.Fil: Flores Gutierréz, Esteban. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Mella, José D.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Aparicio, Emiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Universidad de Mendoza. Facultad de Ingenieria; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Rafael I.. Universidad Mayor; Chile. Centro para el Desarrollo de la Nanociencia y la Nanotecnología; ChileFil: Parra, C.. Universidad Mayor; ChileFil: Bringa, Eduardo Marcial. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Universidad de Mendoza. Facultad de Ingenieria; Argentina. Universidad Mayor; ChileFil: Munoz, Francisco. Centro para el Desarrollo de la Nanociencia y la Nanotecnología; Chile. Universidad de Chile; Chil

    KELT-17: a chemically peculiar Am star and a hot-Jupiter planet

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    Context. The detection of planets orbiting chemically peculiar stars is very scarcely known in the literature. Aims. To determine the detailed chemical composition of the remarkable planet host star KELT-17. This object hosts a hot-Jupiter planet with 1.31 MJup detected by transits, being one of the more massive and rapidly rotating planet hosts to date. We aimed to derive a complete chemical pattern for this star, in order to compare it with those of chemically peculiar stars. Methods. We carried out a detailed abundance determination in the planet host star KELT-17 via spectral synthesis. Stellar parameters were estimated iteratively by fitting Balmer line profiles and imposing the Fe ionization balance, using the program SYNTHE together with plane-parallel ATLAS12 model atmospheres. Specific opacities for an arbitrary composition and microturbulence velocity vmicro were calculated through the Opacity Sampling (OS) method. The abundances were determined iteratively by fitting synthetic spectra to metallic lines of 16 different chemical species using the program SYNTHE. The complete chemical pattern of KELT-17 was compared to the recently published average pattern of Am stars. We estimated the stellar radius by two methods: a) comparing the synthetic spectral energy distribution with the available photometric data and the Gaia parallax, and b) using a Bayesian estimation of stellar parameters using stellar isochrones. Results. We found overabundances of Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, and Ba, together with subsolar values of Ca and Sc. Notably, the chemical pattern agrees with those recently published of Am stars, being then KELT-17 the first exoplanet host whose complete chemical pattern is unambiguously identified with this class. The stellar radius derived by two different methods agrees to each other and with those previously obtained in the literature.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, A&A accepte

    Abnormalities on 1q and 7q are associated with poor outcome in sporadic Burkitt's lymphoma. A cytogenetic and comparative genomic hybridization study

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    Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) studies have demonstrated a high incidence of chromosomal imbalances in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. However, the information on the genomic imbalances in Burkitt's Lymphoma (BL) is scanty. Conventional cytogenetics was performed in 34 cases, and long-distance PCR for t(8;14) was performed in 18 cases. A total of 170 changes were present with a median of four changes per case (range 1-22). Gains of chromosomal material (143) were more frequent than amplifications (5) or losses (22). The most frequent aberrations were gains on chromosomes 12q (26%), Xq (22%), 22q (20%), 20q (17%) and 9q (15%). Losses predominantly involved chromosomes 13q (17%) and 4q (9%). High-level amplifications were present in the regions 1q23-31 (three cases), 6p12-p25 and 8p22-p23. Upon comparing BL vs Burkitt's cell leukemia (BCL), the latter had more changes (mean 4.3 +/- 2.2) than BL (mean 2.7 +/- 3.2). In addition, BCL cases showed more frequently gains on 8q, 9q, 14q, 20q, and 20q, 9q, 8q and 14q, as well as losses on 13q and 4q. Concerning outcome, the presence of abnormalities on 1q (ascertained either by cytogenetics or by CGH), and imbalances on 7q (P=0.01) were associated with a short survival

    Non-L\'evy mobility patterns of Mexican Me'Phaa peasants searching for fuelwood

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    We measured mobility patterns that describe walking trajectories of individual Me'Phaa peasants searching and collecting fuelwood in the forests of "La Monta\~na de Guerrero" in Mexico. These one-day excursions typically follow a mixed pattern of nearly-constant steps when individuals displace from their homes towards potential collecting sites and a mixed pattern of steps of different lengths when actually searching for fallen wood in the forest. Displacements in the searching phase seem not to be compatible with L\'evy flights described by power-laws with optimal scaling exponents. These findings however can be interpreted in the light of deterministic searching on heavily degraded landscapes where the interaction of the individuals with their scarce environment produces alternative searching strategies than the expected L\'evy flights. These results have important implications for future management and restoration of degraded forests and the improvement of the ecological services they may provide to their inhabitants.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. First version submitted to Human Ecology. The final publication will be available at http://www.springerlink.co

    A new perspective of the Alboran Upwelling System reconstruction during the Marine Isotope Stage 11: A high-resolution coccolithophore record

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    A high-resolution study of the MIS 12/MIS 11 transition and the MIS 11 (430–376 kyr) coccolithophore assemblages at Ocean Drilling Program Site 977 was conducted to reconstruct the palaeoceanographic and climatic changes in the Alboran Sea from the variability in surface water conditions. The nannofossil record was integrated with the planktonic oxygen and carbon stable isotopes, as well as the Uk'37 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) at the studied site during the investigated interval. The coccolithophore primary productivity, reconstructed from the PPP (primary productivity proxy = absolute values of Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica + small Gephyrocapsa group) revealed pronounced fluctuations, that were strongly associated with variations in the intensity of the regional Alboran Upwelling System. The comparison of the nannoplankton record with opal phytolith content for the studied site and the already available pollen record at the nearby Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1385, suggests an association of the upwelling dynamics with the variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation-like (NAO-like) phase. High PPP during positive (+) NAO-like phases is the result of intensified upwelling, owing to the complete development of the surface hydrological structures at the Alboran Sea. This scenario was identified during the MIS 12/MIS 11 transition (428-422 kyr), the late MIS 11c (405-397 kyr), and MIS11 b to MIS 11a (397-376 kyr). Two short-term minima in the PPP and SST were observed during MIS 11 b and were coeval with the North Atlantic Heinrich-type (Ht) events Ht3 (∼390 kyr) and Ht2 (∼384 kyr). Increased abundance of the subpolar Coccolithus pelagicus subsp. pelagicus and Gephyrocapsa muellerae was consistent with the inflow of cold surface waters into the Mediterranean Sea during the Ht events. Lowered PPP during negative (−) NAO-like phases is the result of moderate upwelling by the incomplete development of surface hydrological structures at the Alboran Sea. This scenario is expressed during the early MIS 11c (422-405 kyr). Overall, the results of our study provide evidence of the important role of atmospheric circulation patterns in the North Atlantic region for controlling phytoplankton primary production and oceanographic circulation dynamics in the Western Mediterranean during MIS 11

    Operando tracking of oxidation-state changes by coupling electrochemistry with time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy demonstrated for water oxidation by a cobalt-based catalyst film

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    Transition metal oxides are promising electrocatalysts for water oxidation, i.e., the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), which is critical in electrochemical production of non-fossil fuels. The involvement of oxidation state changes of the metal in OER electrocatalysis is increasingly recognized in the literature. Tracing these oxidation states under operation conditions could provide relevant information for performance optimization and development of durable catalysts, but further methodical developments are needed. Here, we propose a strategy to use single-energy X-ray absorption spectroscopy for monitoring metal oxidation-state changes during OER operation with millisecond time resolution. The procedure to obtain time-resolved oxidation state values, using two calibration curves, is explained in detail. We demonstrate the significance of this approach as well as possible sources of data misinterpretation. We conclude that the combination of X-ray absorption spectroscopy with electrochemical techniques allows us to investigate the kinetics of redox transitions and to distinguish the catalytic current from the redox current. Tracking of the oxidation state changes of Co ions in electrodeposited oxide films during cyclic voltammetry in neutral pH electrolyte serves as a proof of principle