3,146 research outputs found

    Logistics outsourcing and its impact on businesses: a study into the changing trends in the 3PL market

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    This research addresses the question, what are the challenges for 3PL providers to fulfil shippers’ expectations in outsourcing logistic functions and what are the trends from 2012 to 2020 in the 3PL industry globally. 3PL global and domestic markets are constantly changing. As a consequence of this, it is absolutely necessary for both users and providers of 3PL services to ensure that they are well-prepared in terms of the strategies, procedures, and technologies available to them. This can be accomplished in part by bridging the gap between what the shippers desire and what service providers offer. Hence, this paper attempts to broadly identify and categorize the challenges faced by 3PL companies and discover potential gaps for future research. This research explores the findings of The Annual Third-Party Logistics Study reports from 2012 to 2020 as secondary data published by 3PLStudy website which aims to determine trends in shipper’s expectations for 3PL services and to identify critical shipper and 3PL viewpoints on the utilisation and provision of logistics services. Furthermore, an in-deep interview by senior manager is conducted to support the study. The documents were examined through a NVivo software. This research reports findings that the use of 3PLs allows the shippers to concentrate on its core capabilities. The study shows that the majority of shippers and 3PL providers have a positive relationship. They agreed that their relationships generally have been successful. The study also reports activities that are more transactional, repetitive, and operational in nature tend to be the ones that are outsourced the most frequently. The activities such as domestic transportation, international transportation, warehousing, freight forwarding, and customs brokerage are the most common ones to be contracted out to a third party. However, an IT gap has grown significantly. Shippers in general are looking to their third-party logistics providers for needed IT technologies. Shippers and their 3PL providers are increasingly forming significant partnerships and collaborating to achieve supply chain objectives. It would appear that both sides have a much-heightened awareness of the objectives they are working toward, as well as the ways in which the accessibility of data and the application of technology might assist them in achieving those objectives

    Acción colectiva en la gestión de recursos hídricos y adaptación al cambio climático en la Microcuenca Apalilí en el año 2012

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo caracterizar la acción colectiva en la gestión del recurso hídrico frente a las variaciones climáticas en la Microcuenca Apalilí ubicada en la Subcuenca Waswalí. El tipo de estudio fue descriptivo, de diseño transversal o transeccional, con enfoque cuali-cuantitativo. Las comunidades estudiadas fueron: Sitio Viejo, Ocotal Espeso, Fuente Pura, Palsila y Los Calpules. Las variables medidas fueron acción colectiva para la gestión del recurso hídrico de consumo humano/alimento, uso doméstico, agricultura/regadío, agroindustria y ganadería así mismo, el capital social vinculado a la acción colectiva sobre el medio ambiente; de manera que se pueda visualizar las formas de cooperación, organización y participación que existe en las comunidades de estudio. Para la obtención de la muestra se utilizó el método Finite Population Correction (FPC), el cual fue de 77 viviendas encuestadas a los jefes de hogares. Para recopilar los datos se aplicaron entrevistas a los líderes comunitarios y encuestas a los jefes de hogares. El procesamiento de la información se realizó en las hojas Excel. La metodología utilizada fue: revisión bibliográfica e información secundaria, fotografías y la observación directa en campo. Los resultados indican que la acción colectiva para la gestión del agua en los distintos usos, ha tenido mayor relevancia en el de consumo/alimento y doméstico a diferencia de los usos de agricultura/regadío, agroindustria y ganadería, donde las acciones en conjunto han sido minoritarias, por tanto no existe un manejo a nivel de microcuenca y la organización de los CAPS, solo se limita al manejo para consumo humano/alimento. Ante los efectos del cambio climático el uso que más ha afectado es el de consumo humano/alimento y la principal medida tomada por la población es la búsqueda de fuentes alternativas realizándolas de manera aislad

    Social class and university graduates’ overqualification: testing two mediated relationships

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    [EN] University graduates’ overqualification (i.e., having more education, qualification and/or skills than one’s job requires) has important negative consequences. However, much less is known about its antecedents. This represents an important gap in the literature. In order to fill this gap, the goal of this study is to test a mediational model on the antecedents of university graduates’ overqualification (OQ). We posit that social class is negatively related to OQ through two mediational links: a) via social capital, and b) via social capital and tolerance towards OQ. The results obtained in a sample of 144 university graduates provided support for the second mediational link, so that social class was positively related to social capital, which in turn was negatively related to tolerance towards OQ, which in turn was positively related to graduates’ OQ. The results obtained uncover some of the antecedents of OQ and suggest that increasing social capital may be a way to decrease graduates’ OQ.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Spanish Research Agency [PSI2013-47195-R]http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Gonzalez-Roma, V.; Hernandez, A.; Gamboa, J.; Tomas, I. (2018). Social class and university graduates’ overqualification: testing two mediated relationships. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.80351563857

    Flow Percolation in non homogeneous Hele-Shaw flows

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    The wetting front zone where water invades and advances into an initially dry porous material plays a crucial role in solute transport through many environmental flows, such as the unsaturated zone. The leaching of chemicals by wetting fronts seems influenced by two major factors, namely: the irregularity of the fronts and the heterogeneity in the distribution of chemicals, both of which have been described using fractal techniques. This works presents an experimental and theoretical framework for studying the physical interplay between a stationary wetting front of fractal dimension D with different porous materials. Simple wetting experiments are easy to compare with theoretical studies defining the physical interations between a stationary wetting front of maximum fractal dimension D and a multifractal distribution of chemicals around it with a singularity spectrum f( ). If D1 is the entropy dimension of the distribution and 0 is the point where f() attains its maximum value, then, as revealed by mathematical analysis, the fractal curve must have a fractal dimension D equal to or greater than the entropy dimension D1 of the distribution for a positive amount of mass to be accommodated inside it. Also, 0 D constitutes a scaling exponent for the likely mass inside an " -covering of the curve reflecting the potential for leaching on the sole basis of the physical interplay between the wetting front and the surrounding chemical molecules. Different shapes of the multifractal D(c) curves are compare

    Instructional factors and over-education of university graduates

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    [EN] The aim of this study is to test the role of the level of generic competences developed during University studies and the professional and practice orientation of instruction (PPOI) in the prediction of graduates’ initial vertical fit and change in vertical fit over an 8-year period. The study sample comprised 334 graduates who finished their degrees two years before they were interviewed for the first time (Time 1). Four and eight years later they were interviewed again (Times 2 and 3, respectively). All of them were employed at Times 1, 2 and 3. Hypotheses were tested by means of Latent Growth Curve Analysis. The results showed that only PPOI was positively and significantly related to graduates’ rate of change in vertical fit over time, meaning that the rate of change of graduates who received a more professional and practice-oriented instruction was faster than the rate of change of graduates who received a less professional and practice-oriented instruction.Gonzalez-Roma, V.; Hernandez, A.; Gamboa, J. (2015). Instructional factors and over-education of university graduates. En 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD' 15). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 57-60. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd15.2015.423OCS576

    Death receptor 5 expression is inversely correlated with prostate cancer progression.

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    Prostate carcinoma (PCa) is one of the most common cancers in men. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) has been widely used to predict the outcome of PCa and screening with PSA has resulted in a decline in mortality. However, PSA is not an optimal prognostic tool as its sensitivity may be too low to reduce morbidity and mortality. Consequently, there is a demand for additional robust biomarkers for prostate cancer. Death receptor 5 (DR5) has been implicated in the prognosis of several cancers and it has been previously shown that it is negatively regulated by Yin Yang 1 (YY1) in prostate cancer cell lines. The present study investigated the clinical significance of DR5 expression in a prostate cancer patient cohort and its correlation with YY1 expression. Immunohistochemical analysis of protein expression distribution was performed using tissue microarray constructs from 54 primary PCa and 39 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) specimens. DR5 expression was dramatically reduced as a function of higher tumor grade. By contrast, YY1 expression was elevated in PCa tumors as compared with that in PIN, and was increased with higher tumor grade. DR5 had an inverse correlation with YY1 expression. Bioinformatic analyses corroborated these data. The present findings suggested that DR5 and YY1 expression levels may serve as progression biomarkers for prostate cancer

    Phytotoxic and dissuasive activity of Chihuahua desert plants

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    With the purpose of finding plant compounds with the potential use as herbicides and insecticides, a research was realized with the objective of evaluate the phytotoxic and dissuasive activity of four Chihuahua desert plants. The phytotoxic activity evaluation was tested on Lactuca sativa and Lolium perenne, while the dissuasive activity was realized on three species of phytophagous insects: Myzus persicae, Rhopalosiphum padi and Spodoptera littoralis. Raw extracts were used, the solvents hexane, methanol and ethanol of different plants’ organs (root, steam, leaf and flower) of four species: Fouquieria splendens (ocotillo), Larrea tridentate (governor), Astragalus mollissimus (wild grass) and Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum (echo), by the establishment of in vitro bioassays at a concentration of 10 mg/ml extract/solvent. In the toxicity bioassay, the percentage of germination, root and leaf length were measured. The results showed that the leaf extract of L. tridentata had phytotoxic activity for L. sativa, while for L. perenne the phytotoxicity was observed within the ocotillo, governor and echo extracts. In the dissuasive bioassay, each treatment had 20 repetitions with 10 adult insects per repetition. The methanolic extracts of F. splendens leaf and root, ethanolic extract of A. mollisimus sheet and the ethanolic extract of P. pecten-aboriginum stems showed moderate dissuasive response of feeding against M. persicae, presenting a settlement inhibition index of 53.53, 54.35, 60.00 and 48.84% respectively. Nevertheless, the results indicated that none of the 10 extracts tested on S. littoralis showed significant dissuasive properties for this Lepidoptera, while for R. padi all the tested extracts presented dissuasive properties. The treatments of the four vegetable species evaluated showed defensive or dissuasive properties of moderate to strong feeding against the insects M. persicae and R. padi, presenting interesting potential for being used as insecticides, while the tested extracts that presented phytotoxicity for both lettuce and ryegrass present possibilities for the realization of herbicides

    Migración internacional, territorios y sujetos migrantes del Estado de México (pdf)

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    Compilación sobre migración mexiquense a los Estado Unidos, origen rural y urbano, genero, complejidad del proceso y condiciones laborales.La migración internacional se ha incrementado en términos absolutos, esto quizá no resulta sorprendente, sin embargo, llama la atención que las migraciones modernas aumentaran en climas sociales tan hostiles. Hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial las inmigraciones masivas ocurrieron “sin restricciones” (visas, cuotas o barreras de seguridad); después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial esto cambió y, donde antes predominaban las acciones de reclutamiento y bienvenida a los recién llegados, ahora reinan el control y la restricción. En la actualidad, los países receptores mantienen posturas restrictivas y selectivas de la fuerza de trabajo que conviene “dejar” entrar a su territorio. Hay una generalización de políticas de control de flujos, restricciones sistemáticas a entradas y permanencias, de hecho para muchos gobiernos, este control se erige como preocupación preeminente.UAE