289 research outputs found

    Determinacion de las tensiones de crecimiento para arboles en pie de pinus radiata (D. Don), mediante un metodo no destructivo

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    59 p.Generalmente las plantaciones forestales se establecen sobre tierras sin cobertura vegetal o degradada. Este tipo de plantaciones tiene un importante rol en la producción de madera en nuestro país, para lo cual se utilizan especies exóticas como el Pinus radiata entre otras, el cual posee la característica de presentar un rápido crecimiento y una buena calidad en su madera. Este estudio se realizo en el predio "Quivolgo 2", perteneciente a la Empresa Forestal Celco S.A., el cual se encuentra ubicado administrativamente en la VII Región del Maule, comuna de Constitución al Norte del río Maule. y time como objetivo principal el determinar las tensiones de crecimiento de árboles en pie y comparar la variabilidad de las tensiones entre dos familias y dos edades de la misma especie. A través del análisis de varianza se observa que las tensiones de crecimiento no muestran una diferencia significativa_ esta situación se explicaría por la semejanza de los factores ambientales a los cuales están expuestos. Al estudiar las tensiones de crecimiento en árboles en pie. se pueden deducir otros resultados, siendo el mas significativo el relacionado entre las tensiones de crecimiento y la edad, pues mientras aumenta esta ultima las tensiones de crecimiento tienden a disminuir

    Evaluación de riesgos laborales en beneficio de café PICASA, municipio Matagalpa, departamento de Matagalpa, II semestre 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación trata de la evaluación de riesgos laborales empresariales apoyándonos en la Ley No. 618 de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo en el Beneficio de café seco PICASA del municipio de Matagalpa. Con el propósito de evaluar los riesgos laborales en referencia lo establecido por la Ley 618 y normado por el MITRAB. El propósito de este trabajo es para identificar y evaluar los riesgos laborales durante el proceso de la jornada laboral, dicha investigación tiene como objetivo fundamental descubrir la seguridad laboral en el beneficio seco de café PICASA Matagalpa, se tiene como fin detectar problemas que estén ocurriendo o que puedan ocurrir en un futuro y de esta manera beneficiar a los empleados y a la misma empresa, ya que una empresa es competitiva gracias al servicio brindado a sus clientes.La importancia de esta investigación es la identificación de riesgos a los que se exponen los trabajadores, además de la evaluación de estos para tratar de minimizar accidentes que los perjudiquen, así como asegurar la eficacia y eficiencia para una mejor productividad empresarial. Algunos de los resultados de la evaluación de los riesgos son: Presenta señales de prevención de manera visible. El equipo de protección asignado a los trabajadores es el adecuado para las actividades que se realizan en la empresa. Cuenta con oasis para abastecimiento de agua para los trabajadores de patio. De la evaluación de causas y consecuencias de los accidentes laborales se concluyó que: La principal causa de accidentes es el incumplimiento de las normas establecidas en la Ley 618 por parte de los trabajadore

    Gln27Glu polymorphism in the beta2 adrenergic receptor gene and lipid metabolism during exercise in obese women

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    BACKGROUND: The Glu27Glu genotype in the beta-2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) is associated with fat mass, body mass index and obesity in females. In our population, we previously found an association of higher body mass index (BMI) among women who reported more physical activity and carried the Glu27 allele as compared to non carriers with the same level of activity. OBJECTIVE: To examine the lipid metabolism differences, both at rest and during submaximal exercise in ADRB2 Glu27Glu vs Gln27Gln obese women. SUBJECTS: Eight obese women with the Glu27Glu genotype (age, 43±5 y; body mass index (BMI), 31.7±0.9 kg/m2; percentage fat mass, 42.0±1.3; WHR, 0.83±0.02; and VO2max, 21.6±0.9 ml/kg/min) were compared with seven obese women with the Gln27Gln genotype (age, 43±5 y; BMI, 33.9±1.3 kg/m2; percentage fat mass, 41.6±1.2; WHR, 0.83±0.02; and VO2max, 20.6±0.8 ml/kg/min). MEASUREMENTS: The ADRB2 polymorphism was identified by PCR-RFLP. Respiratory quotient was determined by indirect calorimetry at baseline, during 1 h of walking on a treadmill and 1 h after the exercise. Plasma triglycerides, glycerol, FFA, hydroxybutyrate, glucose and lactate were assayed by spectrophotometric methods. Insulin, leptin and progesterone were measured by radioimmunoassay. Adrenaline and noradrenaline were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: The ADRB2 Glu27Glu subjects had lower plasma glycerol (P=0.047) and lower hydroxybutyrate (P=0.001) throughout the study than the Gln27Gln group. Plasma triglycerides (P=0.001), lactate (P<0.05) and serum insulin (P<0.05) remained higher in the Glu27Glu group vs the Gln27Gln group. The respiratory quotient (RQ) was higher in the Glu27Glu obese women along the study (P=0.046), and fat oxidation was significantly lower in this group during the recovery (P=0.048). The other variables did not differ statistically between groups. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that both lipolysis and fat oxidation promoted by an acute submaximal exercise intervention could be blunted in the polymorphic ADRB2 Glu27Glu group of our female obese population

    Nitric oxide produces HLA-G nitration and induces metalloprotease-dependent shedding creating a tolerogenic milieu

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    Human leucocyte antigen G (HLA-G) is a tolerogenic molecule that protects the fetus from maternal immune attack, may favour tumoral immunoescape and is up-regulated in viral and inflammatory diseases. The aim of this work was to discover if nitric oxide (NO) could affect HLA-G expression or function because NO is an important modulator of innate and adaptive immunity. For this purpose HLA-G expression and function were analysed following treatment with a NO donor or a peroxynitrite donor in various cell lines expressing HLA-G either spontaneously or upon transfection. Results showed NO-dependent nitration of both cellular and soluble HLA-G protein, but not all HLA-G moieties underwent nitration. Endogenous biosynthesis of NO by both U-937-HLA-G1 and M8-HLA-G5 stable transfectants also caused HLA-G nitration. The NO decreased total HLA-G cellular protein content and expression on the cell surface, while increasing HLA-G shedding into the culture medium. This effect was post-transcriptional and the result of metalloprotease activity. By contrast, NO pretreatment did not affect HLA-G capability to suppress NK cytotoxicity and lymphocyte proliferation. Our studies show that NO regulates the availability of HLA-G molecules without modifying their biological activities

    Exosomes in lung cancer: actors and heralds of tumor development

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    Simple Summary Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide and in most cases, detection is usually late and treatment resistance is frequent. For that reason, it is necessary to find biomarkers that could improve the diagnosis and disease management. Exosomes are a type of microvesicles secreted by tumor cells to the medium, with important functions in tumor development. Their analysis can be of utility in diagnosis, including early diagnosis, prognosis, treatment election or follow-up. However, isolation and analysis are cumbersome and can affect the subsequent data information. In this review, we will discuss the recent advances in the role of exosomes in lung cancer and their utility as liquid biopsy, with special attention to isolating methods. Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide and in most cases, diagnosis is reached when the tumor has already spread and prognosis is quite poor. For that reason, the research for new biomarkers that could improve early diagnosis and its management is essential. Exosomes are microvesicles actively secreted by cells, especially by tumor cells, hauling molecules that mimic molecules of the producing cells. There are multiple methods for exosome isolation and analysis, although not standardized, and cancer exosomes from biological fluids are especially difficult to study. Exosomes' cargo proteins, RNA, and DNA participate in the communication between cells, favoring lung cancer development by delivering signals for growth, metastasis, epithelial mesenchymal transition, angiogenesis, immunosuppression and even drug resistance. Exosome analysis can be useful as a type of liquid biopsy in the diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of lung cancer. In this review, we will discuss recent advances in the role of exosomes in lung cancer and their utility as liquid biopsy, with special attention to isolating methods

    Relationship between lactose digestion, gastrointestinal transit time and symptoms in lactose malabsorbers after dairy consumption

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    Background: The relationship of symptoms with objective measurements, as well as some of the mechanisms involved in lactose tolerance after yoghurt consumption, remain unclear. Methods: The trial had a double-blind design in which 22 lactose malabsorbers received 25 g daily lactose in fresh (living bacteria > 108 cfu/g) yoghurt or heated (< 102 cfu/g) yoghurt for 15 days, followed by a crossover (15 days) after a wash-out period (14 days). The lactose digestion was determined by the breath H2 test, the gastric emptying (GE) with a 13C-acetate breath test and the revealed transit time (OCTT) by 15N-lactoseureide test. Subjects reported their gastrointestinal symptoms (GIS) in a validated questionnaire. Results: Breath H2 test indicated more effective lactose digestion after fresh yoghurt intake. The OCTT was shorter after heated yoghurt ingestion as compared with the fresh. There was lower severity of GIS (P < 0.05) after fresh yoghurt intake, and this showed an inverse correlation with OCTT (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Delayed orocoecal transit time was associated with fewer gastrointestinal symptoms. The improved lactose digestion and tolerance of fresh yoghurt should be mainly attributed to the presence of living bacteria

    Interfacial Self-Assembly to Spatially Organize Graphene Oxide Into Hierarchical and Bioactive Structures

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    Multicomponent self-assembly holds great promise for the generation of complex and functional biomaterials with hierarchical microstructure. Here, we describe the use of supramolecular co-assembly between an elastin-like recombinamer (ELR5) and a peptide amphiphile (PA) to organise graphene oxide (GO) flakes into bioactive structures across multiple scales. The process takes advantage of a reaction – diffusion mechanism to enable the incorporation and spatial organization of GO within multiple ELR5/PA layers. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and ImageJ software were used to demonstrate the hierarchical organisation of GO flakes within the ELR5/PA layers and the distribution profiles of GO throughout the ELR5/PA membranes. Furthermore,atomic force microscopy (AFM) revealed improved Young’s moduli of the ELR5/PA/GOmembranes compared to the ELR5/PA membranes. Lastly, we investigated biocompatibility of the ELR5/PA/GO membrane via various cell culture methods

    Co-expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase and arginases in different human monocyte subsets. Apoptosis regulated by endogenous NO

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    Human monocyte subsets, isolated from cultures of mononuclear cells, or freshly obtained from patients with multiple sclerosis, Graves' disease or pemphigus vulgaris, differed in phenotype, apoptotic features, mRNA levels of arginase II (A-II) and the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Liver-type arginase I mRNA was present in all subsets. Apoptosis was followed by the expression of T cell intracellular antigen (TIA) and the simultaneous detection of DNA stainability by propidium iodine and annexin V binding. Apoptosis was practically absent both in activated CD14(++)CD33(++)DR(++)CD25(++)CD69(++)CD71(++/+) CD16(-) cells, expressing A-II mRNA and having arginase activity, but not iNOS mRNA, and in not fully mature large CD14(++)CD16(+)CD23(+)DR(++) monocytes, expressing simultaneously both mRNAs and having both enzyme activities. However, differentiated small CD14(+/++)CD16(+)CD69(+)CD25(+/-)CD71(++)CD23(+) DR(++) monocytes, expressing high levels of iNOS mRNA, exhibited apoptotic signs. Amounts of NO synthesised by monocytes co-expressing iNOS and arginase changed with the addition of arginine or an iNOS inhibitor; in that case a correlation of NO production and apoptotic features was observed. Data suggest a regulatory role for endogenous NO in apoptosis of stimulated and differentiated monocytes, and also that iNOS and A-II, when simultaneously present, could control the production of NO as a consequence of their competition for arginine

    Linking Two Immuno-Suppressive Molecules: Indoleamine 2,3 Dioxygenase Can Modify HLA-G Cell-Surface Expression1

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    Nonclassical human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecule HLA-G and indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase (INDO) in humans and mice, respectively, have been shown to play crucial immunosuppressive roles in fetal-maternal tolerance. HLA-G inhibits natural killer and T cell function by high-affinity interaction with inhibitory receptors, and INDO acts by depleting the surrounding microenvironment of the essential amino acid tryptophan, thus inhibiting T cell proliferation. We investigated whether HLA-G expression and INDO function were linked. Working with antigen-presenting cell (APC) lines and monocytes, we found that functional inhibition of INDO by 1-methyl-tryptophan induced cell surface expression of HLA-G1 by HLA-G1- negative APCs that were originally cell-surface negative, and that in reverse, the functional boost of INDO by high concentrations of tryptophan induced a complete loss of HLA-G1 cell surface expression by APCs that were originally cell-surface HLA-G1-positive. This mechanism was shown to be posttranslational because HLA-G protein cell contents remained unaffected by the treatments used. Furthermore, HLA-G cell surface expression regulation by INDO seems to relate to INDO function, but not to tryptophan catabolism itself. Potentia