285 research outputs found

    Two-echelon freight transport optimisation: unifying concepts via a systematic review

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    Multi-echelon distribution schemes are one of the most common strategies adopted by the transport companies in an aim of cost reduction, but their identification in scientific literature is not always easy due to a lack of unification. This paper presents the main concepts of two-echelon distribution via a systematic review, in the specific a meta-narrative analysis, in order to identify and unify the main concepts, issues and methods that can be helpful for scientists and transport practitioners. The problem of system cost optimisation in two-echelon freight transport systems is defined. Moreover, the main variants are synthetically presented and discussed. Finally, future research directions are proposed.location-routing problems, multi-echelon distribution, cross-docking, combinatorial optimisation, systematic review.

    Freight distribution systems with cross-docking: a multidisciplinary analysis

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    Freight transport constitutes one of the main activities that influences economy and society, as it assures a vital link between suppliers and customers and it represents a major source of employment. Multi-echelon distribution is one of the most common strategies adopted by the transport companies in an aim of cost reduction. This paper presents the main concepts of multi-echelon distribution with cross-docks through a multidisciplinary analysis that includes an optimisation study (using both exact and heuristic methods), a geographic approach (based on the concept of accessibility) and a socio-economic analysis. a conceptual framework for logistics and transport pooling systems, as well as a simulation method for strategic planning optimisation.Freight transport systems, cross-docking, simulation, collaboration, socio-economic issues

    Sustainable supply chain management in city logistics solutions: an experience's comeback from Cityporto Padua (Italy)

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    The sustainable logistics and transportation studies constitute a primordial research axis in the enterprises' governance. In the last years, many reflections and developments in logistics research have studied the economic and the environmental questions related to supply chain management, but only few of them consider sustainability in its totality. Moreover, in practice, city logistics systems conception and planning is currently following a sustainable approach. The aim of this paper is to start a reflection about the three dimensions of sustainable supply chain management (economic, environmental and social), and illustrate these concepts by the results of an experience's comeback from a city logistics system, Cityporto (Padua, Italy).Sustainable Supply Chain Management; experience's comeback; urban freight distribution

    Sharing services for freight distribution: concepts, stakes and experience comebacks

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    La mutualisation logistique est un sujet très à la mode mais peu étudié dans la littérature scientifique. Ce document propose les concepts de base de la mutualisation logistique pour la distribution de marchandises, énonçant les principes de base et proposant deux modèles pour la conception et l'analyses de systèmes de distribution de marchandises avec une mutualisation de plusieurs opérations.Mutualisation logistique; supply chain management; aide aux décisions de groupe; logistique urbaine

    Are City Logistics Solutions Sustainable? The Cityporto case

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    Urban logistics is a field that studies the best solutions for urban freight distribution with high environmental objectives. However, most actions are started by public authorities without taking into account the impacts of the new organizational schemas in the existing distribution enterprises' organization. This paper sets out to show that urban logistics approaches are currently important with reference to the noise and pollution in city center. To this end, we present the success experience of Cityporto (Padoua) in Italy. Cityporto is a service which makes deliveries in city centre by using GPL and electric lorries. So, the service is considered as less polluting as a conventional approach. In this context, it allows a delivery at any time of the day, also in the Limited Traffic Zone which is closed at certain hours of the day. This is based on the findings from an exploratory qualitative approach. Documentary analysis several interviews have be made. These concern three internal stakeholders of Interporto di Padova (the company which manages the intermodal platform of Padova, in charge of Cityporto) and one member of Padova's Municipality (which promote the project). The results of this case study show that environmental aspect is one of the foundations of the project, but the economic continuity has to be first ensured. Indeed, the preservation of this service on the long term is subjected to its solvency. Moreover, its success is associated to the recognition by employees, and also customers. With regard to the collected information, it is possible to propose a balanced scorecard, where three axes emerged in connexion with economic, environmental and social dimensions. The paper makes a contribution to the evaluation and measurement of city urban logistics using a success story that has been developed from the practitioner perspective. This experience could provide a basis for further practices in Italy and other European countries. In conclusion, the proposed case study is presented for its academic, policy and managerial implications. This experience conceptualises city logistics in relation with the Sustainable Development, setting the main objectives and steps of urban planning for freight distribution and logistics issues. But above all, it provides an understanding of the key success factors in a green transport organisation which can become a pivotal position in the upstream supply chain. De facto, the study should facilitate the implementation of green urban logistics taking into account the importance of the project's economic continuity.City logistics, sustainability, case study, qualitative research, management

    Two-echelon freight transport optimisation: unifying concepts via a systematic review

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    Multi-echelon distribution schemes are one of the most common strategies adopted by the transport companies in an aim of cost reduction, but their identification in scientific literature is not always easy due to a lack of unification. This paper presents the main concepts of two-echelon distribution via a systematic review, in the specific a meta-narrative analysis, in order to identify and unify the main concepts, issues and methods that can be helpful for scientists and transport practitioners. The problem of system cost optimisation in two-echelon freight transport systems is defined. Moreover, the main variants are synthetically presented and discussed. Finally, future research directions are proposed

    New trends on urban goods movement: Modelling and simulation of e-commerce distribution

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    In this paper, a modelling framework to complete the recent scientific works on urban goods modelling is proposed. More precisely, we introduce a substitution procedure that estimates the number of trips and the corresponding travelled distances for shopping drive, home delivery and reception points' strategies. Moreover, an appraisal of scenarios is proposed in order to study how these three new forms of proximity delivery services impact on the overall urban goods movement distribution. Starting from four extreme situations, we introduce more realistic scenarios in order to find a suitable combination of delivery strategies. All the scenarios are simulated using the proposed framework, and the main traffic issues related to e-commerce distribution channel are discussed. The best realistic combination promotes the joint usage of home deliveries and proximity reception points and allows a reduction of about 13% of the road occupancy rates in urban areas.urban goods movement, modelling, shopping trips, e-commerce

    Simulation and optimization methods for logistics pooling in the outbound supply chain

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    Logistics pooling and collaborative transportation systems are relatively new concepts in logistics research, but are very popular in practice. This communication proposes a conceptual framework for logistics and transportation pooling systems, as well as a simulation method for strategic planning optimization. This method is based on a twostep constructive heuristic in order to estimate for big instances the transportation and storage costs at a macroscopic level. Four possible scenarios are explored and commented. Finally, a socio-economic analysis based on 20 semi-directive interviews is presented to propose the limitations and obstacles of logistics poolingLogistics pooling, supply chain management, optimization, group reasoning, simulation

    The last food mile concept as a city logistics solution for perishable products: The case of Parma's Food Urban Distribution Center

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    This paper analyzes last mile logistics for fresh food products and the food deliveries schemes to urban food outlets, i.e. corporate retail chains, independent retailers and hotel, restaurants and catering (Ho.Re.Ca.) sector. We present two concepts: that of food hub and that of last food mils, as well as an analysis framework to understand food last mile distribution. To illustrate it, two experiences of urban food distribution are compared to a reference situation using the proposed framework.Cet article analyse la logistique du dernier kilomètre pour les produits frais, dans les différents secteurs impliqués, i.e. grande distribution organisée, commerces indépendants et secteur de la restauration. Nous présentons deux concepts : celui du pole alimentaire et celui du dernier kilomètre alimentaire, ainsi qu'un cadre d'analyse pour comprendre la distribution alimentaire en ville. Pour l'illustrer, deux expériences de logistique alimentaire urbaine sont comparés à une situation de référence, en utilisant la méthode proposée
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