835 research outputs found

    Dret a decidir sobre la pròpia vida i mort digna

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Educació Social, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-2016, Tutor: Antonio Ruiz Bueno[cat] En el present treball es tractarà el debat sobre l’eutanàsia, que està marcat pels esdeveniments del segle XX que van protagonitzar els nazis, amb l’objectiu de l’eliminació en massa d’aquelles persones que l’Estat considerava com a no desitjades. Al llarg de la història del pensament hi ha diferents filòsofs que es troben a favor de deixar que la vida acabi de forma natural o pel contrari aquells pensadors que creuen que la vida ha d’acabar quan aquesta provoca un patiment insuportable. Actualment, el debat sobre el suïcidi assistit, eutanàsia i dret a morir dignament, torna a estar obert. Els avenços científics en medicina han permès allargar l’esperança de vida de la població, però no sempre és possible mantenir-la amb una mínima qualitat de vida digna. Aquesta investigació té com a principal objectiu “Conèixer la percepció que es té sobre el dret a decidir la vida i la mort digna”, aquest objectiu s’ha assolit mitjançant enquestes i entrevistes. Les enquestes han estat dutes a terme a la població en general i les entrevistes a un professional en el camp de la psiquiatria i a una noia que pateix una malaltia irreversible. A l’utilitzar dos tipus de mètodes, també s’han emprat dos tipus de metodologies: la quantitativa i la qualitativa. A partir de les entrevistes i les enquestes s’han obtingut uns resultats que mostren com la gran majoria de la població es troba en un posicionament favorable al dret a decidir la mort digna. Aquest anàlisi s’ha mirat principalment des de tres perspectives: l’edat, la religió i la ideologia política.[spa] En el presente trabajo se tratará el debate sobre la eutanasia, que está marcado por los acontecimientos del siglo XX que fueron protagonizados por los nazis, con el objetivo de la eliminación en masa de aquellas personas que el Estado consideraba como no deseadas. A lo largo de la historia del pensamiento, hay diferentes filósofos que se encuentran a favor de dejar que la vida termine de forma natural o por el contrario aquellos pensadores que creen que la vida debe terminar cuando esta provoca un sufrimiento insoportable. Actualmente, el debate sobre el suicidio asistido, eutanasia y derecho a morir dignamente, vuelve a estar abierto. Los avances en medicina han permitido alargar la esperanza de vida de la población, pero no siempre es posible mantenerla con una mínima calidad de vida digna. Esta investigación tiene como principal objetivo “Conocer la percepción que se tiene sobre el derecho a decidir la vida y la muerte digna”, este objetivo se ha conseguido mediante encuestas y entrevistas. Las encuestas han estado llevadas a cabo en la población general y las entrevistas a un profesional en el campo de la psiquiatría y a una chica que padece una enfermedad irreversible. Al haber usado dos tipos de métodos, también se ha utilizado dos tipos de metodología: la cuantitativa y la cualitativa. A raíz de las entrevistas y las encuestas se han obtenido unos resultados que muestran como la gran mayoría de la población se encuentra en un posicionamiento favorable al derecho a decidir la muerte digna. Este análisis se ha observado principalmente desde tres perspectivas: la edad, la religión i la ideología política.[eng] In this paper we will deal with the debate of euthanasia, which is marked by the events of the 20th century featured by the Nazis, with the aim of mass culling people who the State considered as undesirable. Throughout the History of Thought there are different philosophers who are in favour of letting life end naturally, or on the contrary those thinkers who believe that life should end when this causes an unbearable suffering. Currently, the debate about assisted suicide, euthanasia and the right to die with dignity is open once again. Scientific advances in the medicine field have allowed to extend the life expectancy of the population, but it is not always possible to keep it with a decent minimum of living standard. This research has as its main objective getting to "Know the perception on the right to decide about life and dignified death", this goal has been achieved through surveys and interviews. Surveys have been carried out in the general population, and interviews have been carried out with a professional on the field of psychiatry and with a girl who suffers an irreversible disease. As we have used two kinds of methods, we have also used two types of methodologies, quantitative and qualitative ones. Results, based on interviews and surveys, show how the vast majority of the population is in a favourable position towards the right to choose a dignified death. This analysis was considered mainly from three perspectives: age, religion and political ideology

    Basic Income with Digital Community Currency: Digital Platforms for Public Policies Implementation During Pandemic Crisis

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    This short paper presents a research-in-progress that discusses how basic income policies can be implemented using digital currency platforms and the implications of this approach in the context of the pandemic. We analyze the case of Banco Mumbuca, a non-profit organization that uses a community currency on a digital payment platform, E-Dinheiro, to deliver the basic income program of the Brazilian town of Maricá. This city program became one of the largest in the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, considering both the amount of money transferred to municipal beneficiaries and the adoption rate of a community currency by citizens and the local commerce. We adopt the Design Science Research (DSR) approach to analyze the case, considering this implementation as two entangled sub-artifacts: the public policy and the digital community currency. These sub-artifacts will be analyzed from the perspective of the problems they intend to solve, the particular aspects of the designed solution, the evaluation of the solution by actors involved, and the discussion of the achieved outcomes. This study intends to contribute to the basic income discussion that emerged as a solution for economic recovery from the COVID-19, the strategies for scaling up community currencies, and the DSR as a strategy for producing impactful research in the ICT4D field

    Glycolytic and Non-glycolytic Functions of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate Aldolase, an Essential Enzyme Produced by Replicating and Non-replicating Bacilli

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    The search for antituberculosis drugs active against persistent bacilli has led to our interest in metallodependent class II fructose- 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA-tb), a key enzyme of gluconeogenesis absent from mammalian cells. Knock-out experiments at the fba-tb locus indicated that this gene is required for the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on gluconeogenetic substrates and in glucose-containing medium. Surface labeling and enzymatic activity measurements revealed that this enzyme was exported to the cell surface of M. tuberculosis and produced under various axenic growth conditions including oxygen depletion and hence by non-replicating bacilli. Importantly, FBA-tb was also produced in vivo in the lungs of infected guinea pigs and mice. FBA-tb bound human plasmin(ogen) and protected FBA-tb-bound plasmin from regulation by α 2-antiplasmin, suggestive of an involvement of this enzyme in host/pathogen interactions. The crystal structures of FBA-tb in the native form and in complex with a hydroxamate substrate analog were determined to 2.35- and 1.9-Å resolution, respectively. Whereas inhibitor attachment had no effect on the plasminogen binding activity of FBA-tb, it competed with the natural substrate of the enzyme, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, and substantiated a previously unknown reaction mechanism associated with metallodependent aldolases involving recruitment of the catalytic zinc ion by the substrate upon active site binding. Altogether, our results highlight the potential of FBA-tb as a novel therapeutic target against both replicating and non-replicating bacilli.Fil: Santangelo, María de la Paz. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados Unidos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gest, Petra M.. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados UnidosFil: Guerin, Marcelo E.. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Coinçon, Mathieu. University of Montreal; CanadáFil: Pham, Ha. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados UnidosFil: Ryan, Gavin. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados UnidosFil: Puckett, Susan E.. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Spencer, John S.. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados UnidosFil: Gonzalez Juarrero, Mercedes. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados UnidosFil: Daher, Racha. Universite de Paris XI. Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay; FranciaFil: Lenaerts, Anne J.. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados UnidosFil: Schnappinger, Dirk. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Therisod, Michel. Universite de Paris XI. Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay; FranciaFil: Ehrt, Sabine. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Sygusch, Jurgen. University of Montreal; CanadáFil: Jackson, Mary. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados Unido

    Local Constraints on the Oscillating G Model

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    We analyze the observational constraints on the effective Brans-Dicke parameter and on the temporal variation of the effective gravitational constant within the context of the oscillating G model, a cosmological model based on a massive scalar field non-minimally coupled to gravity. We show that these local constraints cannot be satisfied simultaneously once the values of the free parameters entering the model become fixed by the global attributes of our Universe. In particular, we show that the lower observational bound for the effective Brans-Dicke parameter and the upper bound of the variation of the effective gravitational constant lead to a specific value of the oscillation amplitude which lies well below the value required to explain the periodicity of 128 Mpc h^{-1} in the galaxy distribution observed in the pencil beam surveys.Comment: PRD, subm., 12 pages, 1 figur

    Neutrinos Angra experiment: commissioning and first operational measurements

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    The Neutrinos Angra Experiment has completed a major step by finishing the comissioning of the detector and the data acquisition system at the experimental site located in the Angra dos Reis nuclear power plant. The experiment consists of a water-based detector and associated electronics, both designed with the goal of detecting the electron antineutrinos produced by the nuclear reactor. The detection is possible due to the Inverse Beta Decay, where the final products in the water are photons in the UV-to-visible range of the spectrum. The assembled detector comprises three active volumes filled with water: (i) a cubic target detector for electron antineutrinos, covered by 32 8-inches PMTs, (ii) a lateral layer surrounding the target (veto) equipped with 4 PMTs and (iii) a third volume covering the top of both, also equipped with 4~PMTs. In the present document the main features of the detector assembly as well as the integration of the readout electronics on-site are reported. Finally, some operational characteristics are shown based on straightforward analysis of the first measurements performed during the last months with the fully working detector

    Trypanosoma cruzi Immune Response Modulation Decreases Microbiota in Rhodnius prolixus Gut and Is Crucial for Parasite Survival and Development

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    Trypanosoma cruzi in order to complete its development in the digestive tract of Rhodnius prolixus needs to overcome the immune reactions and microbiota trypanolytic activity of the gut. We demonstrate that in R. prolixus following infection with epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi clone Dm28c and, in comparison with uninfected control insects, the midgut contained (i) fewer bacteria, (ii) higher parasite numbers, and (iii) reduced nitrite and nitrate production and increased phenoloxidase and antibacterial activities. In addition, in insects pre-treated with antibiotic and then infected with Dm28c, there were also reduced bacteria numbers and a higher parasite load compared with insects solely infected with parasites. Furthermore, and in contrast to insects infected with Dm28c, infection with T. cruzi Y strain resulted in a slight decreased numbers of gut bacteria but not sufficient to mediate a successful parasite infection. We conclude that infection of R. prolixus with the T. cruzi Dm28c clone modifies the host gut immune responses to decrease the microbiota population and these changes are crucial for the parasite development in the insect gut
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