9,921 research outputs found

    Plausible explanation of the Δ5/2+(2000)\Delta_{5/2^{+}}(2000) puzzle

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    From a Faddeev calculation for the π(Δρ)N5/2(1675)\pi-(\Delta\rho)_{N_{5/2^{-}}(1675)} system we show the plausible existence of three dynamically generated I(JP)=3/2(5/2+)I(J^{P})=3/2 (5/2^{+}) baryon states below 2.3 GeV whereas only two resonances, Δ5/2+(1905)()\Delta_{5/2^{+}}(1905)(\ast\ast\ast\ast) and Δ5/2+(2000)(),\Delta_{5/2^{+}}(2000)(\ast\ast), are cataloged in the Particle Data Book Review. Our results give theoretical support to data analyses extracting two distinctive resonances, Δ5/2+(1740)\Delta_{5/2^{+}}(\sim1740) and Δ5/2+(2200),\Delta_{5/2^{+}}(\sim2200), from which the mass of Δ5/2+(2000)()\Delta_{5/2^{+}}(2000)(\ast\ast) is estimated. We propose that these two resonances should be cataloged instead of Δ5/2+(2000).\Delta_{5/2^{+}}(2000). This proposal gets further support from the possible assignment of the other baryon states found in the approach in the I=1/2,3/2I=1/2,3/2 with JP=1/2+,3/2+,5/2+J^{P}=1/2^{+},3/2^{+},5/2^+ sectors to known baryonic resonances. In particular, Δ1/2+(1750)()\Delta_{1/2^{+}}(1750)(\ast) is naturally interpreted as a πN1/2(1650)\pi N_{1/2^{-}}(1650) bound state.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Characterization and optimization of polymer-polymer aqueous two-phase systems for the isolation and purification of CaCo2 cell-derived exosomes

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    Exosomes are cell-derived vesicles that present attractive characteristics such as nano size and unique structure for their use as drug delivery systems for drug therapy, biomarkers for prognostic, diagnostic and personalized treatments. So far, one of the major challenges for therapeutic applications of exosomes is the development of optimized isolation methods. In this context, aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) have been used as an alternative method to isolate biological molecules and particles with promising expectations for exosomes. In this work, fractionation of exosomes obtained from CaCo2 cell line and culture media contaminants were individually performed in 20 polymer-polymer ATPS. The effect of design parameters such as polymer composition, molecular weight, and tie-line length (TLL) on polyethylene glycol (PEG)-Dextran, Dextran-Ficoll and PEG-Ficoll systems was studied. After partition analysis, 4 of the 20 systems presented the best exosome fractionation from contaminants under initial conditions, which were optimized via salt addition (NaCl) to a final concentration of 25 mM, to improve collection efficiency. The PEG 10,000 gmol-1 –Dextran 10,000 gmol-1 system at TLL 25% w/w with NaCl, showed the best potential isolation efficiency. Following this proposed strategy, an exosome purification factor of 2 in the top PEG-rich phase can be expected furtherly demonstrating that ATPS have the potential for the selective recovery of these promising nanovesicles

    Microvillous inclusion disease as a cause of severe congenital diarrhea. Case report

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.Introducción: Las diarreas congénitas son patologías graves de baja frecuencia y alta mortalidad. Se manifiestan durante los primeros días o meses de vida con severa diarrea, generando insuficiencia intestinal y dependencia de nutrición parenteral. Se debe sospechar ante un recién nacido o lactante con pérdidas masivas hidroelectrolíticas, y se diagnostican utilizando parámetros clínicos, endoscópicos, histológicos y eventualmente genéticos. El tratamiento es de soporte, con reposición hidroelectrolítica intensa y nutricional. Objetivo: Presentar un caso de diarrea congénita, identificada como Enfermedad por Inclusión Microvellositaria, de presentación neonatal. Caso clínico: Paciente varón edad actual 3 años, hijo de padres consanguíneos, quien debutó a los 10 días de vida con diarrea secretora severa, requiriendo ingreso a unidad de paciente crítico y nutrición parenteral permanente. Inicialmente además con síndrome de Fanconi, que luego se recupera. Se confirmó la sospecha de Enfermedad de Inclusión Microvellositaria utilizando microscopia óptica, electrónica e inmunohistoquímica. Se obtuvo una favorable evolución utilizando nutrición parenteral total (NPT) a domicilio. Conclusiones: Se presenta el primer caso conocido en Chile de un paciente con diarrea congénita por inclusión microvellositaria manejado y su evolución.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0370-41062017000500015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=es&ORIGINALLANG=e


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    Several studies have revealed a variety of mechanisms of invasion of alien plant species. However, little is known on howthose mechanisms and their associated effects on native species change across different life-cycle stages. Under controlledconditions, we assessed the interactions between the alien invasive species Centaurea solstitialis L. (Asteraceae) and twopioneer native species to the Chilean matorral; Baccharis linearis (Ruiz et Pav.) Pers. and B. paniculata DC. (Asteraceae).Competitive effects of the invader on natives were evaluated by combining different life-cycle stages: seed-seed, plantseed, and plant-plant. Seed germination of C. solstitialis was explosive and much faster than that of the native species.The presence of C. solstitialis (individuals or seeds) did not affect negatively the seed germination of the two Baccharisspecies. However, the presence of C. solstitialis plants significantly decreased the total biomass of Baccharis plants.Thus, the effect of C. solstitialis on Baccharis species depended on the life-cycle stage at which the interactions occurred.In the Chilean matorral, the early emergence of C. solstitialis could be an important invasion mechanism, enablingestablished plants to competitively displace late emerging seedlings of Baccharis species. The huge abundance of C.solstitialis in some disturbed matorrals suggests that seedling establishment of these two pioneer species could be limited.Varios estudios han revelado una variedad de mecanismos de invasión en las plantas alóctonas. Sin embargo, aún se conocepoco sobre cómo tales mecanismos y sus efectos asociados cambian a través de diferentes estados del ciclo vida. En esteestudio evaluamos, bajo condiciones controladas, el resultado de las interacciones competitivas entre la especie invasoraCentaurea solstitialis L. (Asteraceae) y dos especies pioneras nativas del matorral chileno; Baccharis linearis (Ruiz etPav.) Pers. y B. paniculata DC. (Asteraceae). Estas interacciones fueron evaluadas combinando diferentes estados delciclo de vida: semilla-semilla, planta-semilla y planta-planta. La germinación de C. solstitialis fue explosiva, siendo muchomás rápida que la de las especies nativas. La presencia de C. solstitialis (plantas o semillas) no disminuyó la germinaciónde las especies nativas de Baccharis. Sin embargo, la presencia de plantas establecidas de C. solstitialis disminuyósignificativamente la biomasa de las plantas de Baccharis. Entonces, el efecto de C. solstitialis sobre las especies deBaccharis varió en función del estado del ciclo de vida en el cual las interacciones ocurrieron. En el matorral chileno, laemergencia temprana y explosiva de C. solstitialis podría ser un importante mecanismo de invasión, ya que aquellasplantas prontamente establecidas podrían desplazar competitivamente a las plántulas de Baccharis que emergen mástarde. La enorme abundancia de C. solstitialis en algunas zonas de matorral sugiere que el establecimiento de plántulas deestas dos especies pioneras podría estar siendo limitado

    Manejo prostodóntico convencional de una paciente con síndrome de CREST. Reporte de caso

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    ResumenEl síndrome de CREST se caracteriza por calcinosis, síndrome de Raynaud, dismotilidad esofágica, esclerodactilia y telangiectasia. Presenta signos y síntomas en el sistema estomatognático que merecen consideración en un tratamiento. El objetivo del presente artículo fue reportar las manifestaciones orales de un caso de síndrome de CREST y describir su tratamiento protésico realizado en el Departamento de Rehabilitación Oral de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Se reporta una paciente mujer de 42 años, con diagnóstico de síndrome de CREST por su médico tratante, que acude a la facultad de odontología para un tratamiento restaurador. El manejo prostodóntico incluyó coronas, prótesis parcial fija metal-cerámicas y prótesis parcial removible. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten recomendar las alternativas restaurativas convencionales similares a las usadas en un paciente sin esta condición sistémica, pero manteniendo un control estricto.AbstractThe CREST syndrome is characterized by calcinosis, Raynaud's syndrome, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia. It has signs and symptoms in the stomatognathic system that deserve consideration in its treatment. The objective of this paper is to report the oral manifestations of a case of CREST syndrome and describe the prosthetic treatment performed in the Department of Oral Rehabilitation in the National University of Colombia. The case is presented of a patient female aged 42 years, diagnosed with CREST syndrome by the treating doctor. She came to the Faculty of Dentistry for restorative treatment. The prosthodontic management included metal-ceramic crowns, fixed partial denture, and removable partial denture. The results demonstrate that conventional restorative alternatives, similar to that used in a patient without this systemic condition, while maintaining strict control of it, can be recommended

    Delta rho pi interaction leading to N* and Delta* resonances

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    We have performed a calculation for the three body Δρπ\Delta \rho \pi system by using the fixed center approximation to Faddeev equations, taking the interaction between Δ\Delta and ρ\rho, Δ\Delta andπ\pi, and ρ\rho and π\pi from the chiral unitary approach. We find several peaks in the modulus squared of the three-body scattering amplitude, indicating the existence of resonances, which can be associated to known I=1/2,3/2I=1/2, 3/2 and JP=1/2+,3/2+J^P=1/2^+, 3/2^+ and 5/2+5/2^+ baryon states.Comment: Presented at the 21st European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Salamanca, Spain, 30 August - 3 September 201