147 research outputs found

    Testing the middle response categories 'Not sure', 'In between' and '?' in polytomous items

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    The first aim of this study is to test two assumptions of integer scoring (the assumption of ordered response categories, and the assumption of ordered thresholds). We tested these assumptions using a set of items extracted from the social boldness scale of the 16PF questionnaire that were presented with three different middle response categories: «Not sure», «In between» and «?». The second aim was to compare a 3-point response scale with a dichotomous response scale in terms of the information function and correlations with external criteria. The sample was composed of 816 undergraduate students. The results obtained showed that both assumptions were met only when the middle response category was «In between». The results also revealed that a 3-point response scale including «In between» provided more information than a dichotomous response scale. Both scales showed similar correlations with the considered external criteria. Análisis de las categorías de respuesta central «No estoy seguro», «Término medio» y «?» en ítems politómicos. El primer objetivo de este estudio fue poner a prueba dos supuestos del procedimiento de puntuación de ítems politómicos mediante asignación de números enteros: a) el supuesto de categorías de respuesta ordenadas, y b) el supuesto de umbrales ordenados. Se utilizó un conjunto de ítems de la escala de atrevimiento social del test 16PF que fueron presentados con tres categorías de respuesta intermedia diferentes: «No estoy seguro», «Término medio» y «?». El segundo objetivo fue comparar una escala de respuesta politómica de tres alternativas con una dicotómica en términos de información y correlaciones con criterios externos. La muestra se componía de 816 estudiantes universitarios. Los dos supuestos sólo se cumplieron cuando la categoría central fue «Término medio». La escala de tres alternativas de respuesta con «Término medio» como la categoría central, ofreció más información que una escala dicotómica. Las correlaciones de ambas escalas con los criterios externos considerados fueron similares

    A influência da diferenciação das relações líder-membro no comprometimento com a unidade de trabalho: o papel mediador do clima de apoio

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    We investigated whether the influence of LMX differentiation (the extent to which the quality of the leader-member relationships within a work unit varies) on work unit commitment is mediated by support climate. We tested this mediated relationship in a sample composed of 30 health care units. The results obtained showed that LMX differentiation measured at Time 1 was negatively related to work unit support climate measured one year later (Time 2), which in turn was positively related to work unit commitment measured at Time 2. The negative indirect effect of LMX differentiation on work unit commitment through support climate was statistically significant. Our study contributes to having a better understanding of the role of LMX differentiation in work unit functioning.Investigámos se a influência da diferenciação de LMX (o quanto a qualidade das relações de líder-membro dentro de uma unidade de trabalho varia) no comprometimento com a unidade de trabalho é mediada pelo clima de apoio. Testámos essa relação mediada em uma amostra composta por 30 unidades de saúde. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a diferenciação da LMX medida no Tempo 1 foi negativamente relacionada ao clima de suporte da unidade de trabalho medido um ano depois (Tempo 2), que por sua vez foi positivamente relacionado ao comprometimento com a unidade de trabalho medido no Tempo 2. O efeito indireto negativo da diferenciação da LMX no comprometimento com a unidade de trabalho por meio do clima de apoio foi estatisticamente significativo. O nosso estudo contribui para uma melhor compreensão do papel da diferenciação do LMX no funcionamento da unidade de trabalho

    Análisis y comparación de las propiedades psicométricas de una medida monoítem de la tensión laboral

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    En la literatura no se encuentran estudios que comparen las propiedades psicométricas de medidas monoítem y multiítem de un mismo constructo. Esto puede ser debido a que prevalece el criterio razonable de que es siempre más adecuado utilizar medidas multiítem. Por ello, el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar y comparar las propiedades psicométricas de una medida monoítem y tres medidas multiítem de la tensión laboral: el Job Related Tension Index de Kahn et al. (1964), el Anxiety Stress Questionnaire de House y Rizzo (1972) y el Cuestionario de Tensión T3/15, elaborado por Meliá et al. (1987) en nuestro contexto cultural. Se ha estudiado la validez convergente y de constructo de la medida monoítem, y se ha realizado un análisis factorial confirmatorio de las cuatro medidas de tensión mediante el programa LISREL VII, para comprobar el grado en que la varianza observada en cada una de ellas se debe a variabilidad en el constructo tensión laboral. La medida monoítem se ha revelado como una medida de la tensión que presenta una buena validez convergente y de constructo, al mismo tiempo que ha mostrado una alta fiabilidad, mayor incluso que la de otras medidas empleadas con frecuencia por los investigadores en el ámbito organizacional. This study replicates Espejo's (1993) research on the Job Anxiety Questionnaire's factorial structure in a multioccupational sample (n=142). Moreover, the psychometric properties of the hypothesized subscales have been studied. On the one hand, the results show that, in the current study, the hypothesized factor structure presents a lightly worse fit, to the observed data (RMSR = 0.114). On the other hand, the factor loadings in both studies show that the behavioral items are the most unstable. Finally, the results about internal consistency and construct validity are consistent with those reparted by Espejo (1993). Whereas internal consistency for the cognitive and physiological subscales is satisfactory in both studies, internal consistency for the behavioral subscale is moderate. Finally the correlation pattern found between the three subscales and some job-related variables as role conflict, role clarity and job satisfaction, is very similar to that obtained by Espejo. In all, these correlational results provide empirical support for the construct validity of the subscales

    Personal Employability and employment outcomes in a university sample: a study before and after COVID-19

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    [EN] Labour market uncertainty makes difficult to get (and keep) a high-quality job even for graduate students. Moreover, this situation has been worsened due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study is to test the influence that personal employability has on maintaining (or being able to find a new) high-quality job in a sample of young university graduates that faced the job market crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We focus on the four personal employability dimensions of Fugate et al.’s (2004) model: career identity, personal adaptability, human capital, and social capital. Our hypotheses state that the four dimensions of employability are positively related with employment status and with job quality indicators (salary, horizontal fit, job satisfaction). The results obtained in a sample of 136 university graduates show that social capital contributes to being employed after several months of job market uncertainty caused by COVID-19. Moreover, career identity positively predicts horizontal fit and job satisfaction. The study shows the importance of social capital and career identity under uncertain job market situations to foster positive employment outcomes.This work was supported by research grants provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [Ref. PSI2017-86882-R].Hernández, A.; Tomás, I.; Davcheva, M.; González-Romá, V. (2021). Personal Employability and employment outcomes in a university sample: a study before and after COVID-19. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1303-1311. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.13131OCS1303131