3 research outputs found

    Tracking nanoplastics in freshwater microcosms and their impacts to aquatic organisms

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    In this work, we used palladium-doped polystyrene NPLs (PS-NPLs with a primary size of 286 ± 4 nm) with an irregular surface morphology which allowed for particle tracking and evaluation of their toxicity on two primary producers (cyanobacterium, Anabaena sp. PCC7120 and green algae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) and one primary consumer (crustacean, Daphnia magna). the concentration range for Anabaena and C. reinhardtii was from 0.01 to 1000 mg/L and for D. magna, the range was from 7.5 to 120 mg/L.EC50 s ranged from 49 mg NPLs/L for D. magna (48hEC50 s) to 248 mg NPLs/L (72hEC50 s for C. reinhardtii). PS-NPLs induced dose-dependent reactive oxygen species overproduction, membrane damage and metabolic alterations. To shed light on the environmental fate of PS-NPLs, the short-term distribution of PS-NPLs under static (using lake water and sediments) and stirring (using river water and sediments) conditions was studied at laboratory scale. The results showed that most NPLs remained in the water column over the course of 48 h. The maximum percentage of settled particles (∼ 30 %) was found under stirring conditions in comparison with the ∼ 10 % observed under static ones. Natural organic matter increased the stability of the NPLs under colloidal state while organisms favored their settlement. This study expands the current knowledge of the biological effects and fate of NPLs in freshwater environment

    Microplastic pollution in sublittoral coastal sediments of a North Atlantic island: The case of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain)

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    In this work, the microplastic content of sediments collected in July 2020 between 5 and 7 m depth was studied in four locations of La Palma island (Canary Islands, Spain). At each sampling location, three samples were taken parallel to the shoreline. The microplastic content in each sampling corer was studied every 2.5 cm depth after digestion with a H2O2 solution followed by flotation in a saturated NaCl solution. Visualization of the final filtrates under a stereomicroscope revealed that all the sediment samples evaluated contained mostly microfibers (98.3%) which were mainly white/colorless (86.0%) and blue (9.8%), with an average length of 2423 ± 2235 (SD) mm and an average concentration of 2682 ± 827 items per kg of dry weight, being the total number of items found 1,019. Fourier Transform Infrared microscopy analysis of 13.9% (n = 139) of the microfibers also showed that they were mainly cellulosic (81.3%). No significant differences were found between the depths of the sediment. However, significant differences were found between the number of fibers from the sampling sites at the east and west of the island. Such variability could be driven by the winds and ocean mesoscale dynamics in the area. This study confirms the wide distribution of microfibers in sediments from an oceanic island like La Palma, providing their first report in marine sediments of the Canary Islands.En prensa3,20