2,054 research outputs found


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    A  continuación  por  medio  de  dos  métodos  para la implementación  de  redes  neuronales  y  una base  de  datos que presenta    diferentes    características    de pacientes, algunos presentan algún  tipo  de  enfermedad  del  corazón y otros  no.  Se desarrollo  en una  primera  parte redes neuronales  supervisadas, específicamente  se  implementa un perceptrón   multicapa;  la segunda parte plantea  redes  no supervisadas,  implementando una red ART2 (Adaptive resonance theory).: Épocas, número de neuronas, perceptrón multicapa, redes ART, tasa de aprendizaje, tasa de vigilancia

    Estrategias metodológicas para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Ingeniería durante la COVID-19

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    In this paper, an analysis is made of the teaching strategies and methodologies used by some higher education institutions in Colombia in order to continue with some engineering programs during lockdown, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. To carry out the study, a mixed methodological approach was adopted in two phases, in which the instrument used to collect the information was designed, implemented and analyzed. The results show that teachers and students have common views on various aspects including: the duration of synchronous sessions, the preferred use of digital whiteboards, the need for both specialized software and ongoing training, the importance of a careful development of didactic sequences as well as the optimization of work times. Based on the results obtained, engineering teachers could redirect the strategies used in developing their courses in order to continue holding them in times of emergency, according to their own context.En el presente artículo se realiza un análisis de las estrategias y metodologías de enseñanza utilizadas por algunas Instituciones de Educación Superior en Colombia, para continuar con el desarrollo de algunos programas de Ingeniería durante el aislamiento social, producto de la COVID-19. Para realizar el estudio se propone un diseño metodológico con enfoque mixto, estructurado en dos fases, donde se diseña, implementa y analiza el instrumento utilizado para la recolección de la información. Los resultados demuestran que hay correspondencia entre docentes y estudiantes, respecto a la duración de los encuentros síncronos, el uso de la pizarra digital, el manejo de software especializado, la capacitación continua, el desarrollo cuidadoso de secuencia didáctica y optimización de tiempos de trabajo. Con base en los resultados obtenidos, los docentes de Ingeniería podrían redireccionar las estrategias utilizadas en el desarrollo de sus cursos para continuar con ellos en tiempos de emergencia según su propio contexto

    Intrahepatic injection of recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 2 overcomes gender-related differences in liver transduction

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    The liver is an attractive organ for gene therapy because of its important role in many inherited and acquired diseases. Recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAVs) have been shown to be good candidates for liver gene delivery, leading to long-term gene expression. We evaluated the influence of the route of administration on rAAV-mediated liver transduction by comparing levels of luciferase expression in the livers of male and female mice after injection of rAAV serotype 2, using three different routes of administration: intravenous (IV), intraportal (IP), or direct intrahepatic (IH) injection. To determine transgene expression we used a noninvasive optical bioluminescence imaging system that allowed long-term in vivo analysis. After IV injection dramatic differences in liver transgene expression were observed, depending on gender. When IP injection was used the differences were reduced although they were still significant. Interestingly, direct intrahepatic injection of rAAV vectors was associated with the fastest and strongest onset of luciferase expression. Moreover, no gender differences in liver transduction were observed and luciferase expression was confined to the site of injection. Thus, direct intrahepatic injection of rAAV offers specific advantages, which support the potential of this route of administration for future clinical applications

    Effect of ripening on physico-chemical properties and bioactive compounds in papaya pulp, skin and seeds

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    Byproducts generated by the food industry represent an alternative to obtain functional ingredients. Byproducts of tropical fruits, such as papaya skin and seeds, represent a source of bioactive compounds (BC), which could change during fruit ripening. Effect of ripening stage (RS) on BC content and antioxidant properties of edible pulp, skin and seeds of papaya cv. Maradol was determined. Papaya skin showed significantly higher ascorbic acid (~250 mg AAE/100 g) content than seeds (~20 mg/100 g), while pulp had the highest values (~600 mg/100 g). However, papaya skin presented higher total phenolic content (~560 mg GAE/100 g) and flavonoids (~1000 mg QE/100 g) than pulp and seeds. Also, papaya skin showed the highest values followed by pulp and seeds with TEAC, FRAP and DPPH. Papaya skin had higher carotenoids and α-tocopherol (~1500 µg/100 g and ~4000 µg/100 g, respectively) content than pulp and seeds. BC content in each byproduct varied in all RS. Therefore, among the papaya byproducts, skin represents a good source of BC with good antioxidant properties, which may be used to extract them for its incorporation in functional foods depending on RS

    Resistance of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) against Pseudocercospora opuntiae through β‑1,3‑glucanase activity and polyphenolic compounds in cladodes

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    Black spot disease, caused by the hemibiotrophic fungus Pseudocercospora opuntiae, is one of the main phytosanitary problems of cactus (Opuntia spp.). Through mass selection, one cultivar of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. resistant to colonization by P. opuntiae was identified. The ethanolic extract of resistant cladodes showed higher levels of total condensed tannins, flavonoids and polyphenols than those of the susceptible genotypes, generating 93% inhibition of P. opuntiae conidial germination in vitro. The total protein in the resistant genotype showed 300% higher β-1,3-glucanase than the susceptible genotype. This increased activity was able to inhibit germination of conidia by 90%, a similar effect to that of the fungicide Captan® (N‑trichloromethylthio-4-cyclohexene 1,2-dicarboximide). It was shown, for the first time, that the combined action of cactus polyphenols and β-1,3-glucanase contributes significantly to resistance against P. opuntiae. Activity of this enzyme and the phytochemical profile can be used as criteria to predict and detect cactus germplasm with resistance to black spot.Fil: Ochoa, Maria Judith. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Agronomía y Agroindustrias; ArgentinaFil: González Flores, L. M.. Instituto Tecnológico de Tlajomulco; MéxicoFil: Cruz Rubio, J. M.. Instituto Tecnológico de Tlajomulco; MéxicoFil: Rivera López, L. A.. Instituto Tecnológico de Tlajomulco; MéxicoFil: Rodriguez, Sergio A.. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero; ArgentinaFil: Nazareno, Mónica Azucena. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Agronomía y Agroindustrias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Gómez Leyva, J. F.. Instituto Tecnológico de Tlajomulco; Méxic

    A cross-disease meta-GWAS identifies four new susceptibility loci shared between systemic sclerosis and Crohn’s disease

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified a number of genetic risk loci associated with systemic sclerosis (SSc) and Crohn’s disease (CD), some of which confer susceptibility to both diseases. In order to identify new risk loci shared between these two immune-mediated disorders, we performed a cross-disease meta-analysis including GWAS data from 5,734 SSc patients, 4,588 CD patients and 14,568 controls of European origin. We identified 4 new loci shared between SSc and CD, IL12RB2, IRF1/SLC22A5, STAT3 and an intergenic locus at 6p21.31. Pleiotropic variants within these loci showed opposite allelic effects in the two analysed diseases and all of them showed a significant effect on gene expression. In addition, an enrichment in the IL-12 family and type I interferon signaling pathways was observed among the set of SSc-CD common genetic risk loci. In conclusion, through the first cross-disease meta-analysis of SSc and CD, we identified genetic variants with pleiotropic effects on two clinically distinct immune-mediated disorders. The fact that all these pleiotropic SNPs have opposite allelic effects in SSc and CD reveals the complexity of the molecular mechanisms by which polymorphisms affect diseases

    Optimization of total anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity of a Hibiscus sabdariffa infusion using response surface methodology

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    Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces are underutilized sources of health-promoting anthocyanins. Infusions are the most common way to consume them, but because anthocyanins are thermosensitive, prolonged extraction times at high temperatures may reduce their bioactivities, suggesting the need to identify optimal preparation conditions. Response surface methodology was used to establish calyces-to-water ratio (X1: 1–20 g/100 mL), temperature (X2: 70–100 °C), and time (X3: 1–30 min) that would produce an infusion with optimized total anthocyanin content (TAC) and antioxidant activity. Under optimum conditions (X1=10 g/100 mL, X2=88.7 °C, and X3=15.5 min) TAC was 132.7±7.8 mg cyanidin-3-glucoside equivalents (C3G)/100 mL, and antioxidant activity was 800.6±69.9 (DPPH assay), and 1792.0±153.5 (ABTS assay) μmol Trolox equivalents (TE)/100 mL. Predicted and experimental results were statistically similar. Identifying ideal processing conditions can promote consumption of an H. sabdariffa-based functional beverage with high anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity that exert health-promoting bioactivities on the consumer

    Effects of lng Mutations on LngA Expression, Processing, and CS21 Assembly in Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli E9034A

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    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a major cause of morbidity in children under 5 years of age in low- and middle-income countries and a leading cause of traveler's diarrhea worldwide. The ability of ETEC to colonize the intestinal epithelium is mediated by fimbrial adhesins, such as CS21 (Longus). This adhesin is a type IVb pilus involved in adherence to intestinal cells in vitro and bacterial self-aggregation. Fourteen open reading frames have been proposed to be involved in CS21 assembly, hitherto only the lngA and lngB genes, coding for the major (LngA) and minor (LngB) structural subunit, have been characterized. In this study, we investigated the role of the LngA, LngB, LngC, LngD, LngH, and LngP proteins in the assembly of CS21 in ETEC strain E9034A. The deletion of the lngA, lngB, lngC, lngD, lngH, or lngP genes, abolished CS21 assembly in ETEC strain E9034A and adherence to HT-29 cells was reduced 90%, compared to wild-type strain. Subcellular localization prediction of CS21 proteins was similar to other well-known type IV pili homologues. We showed that LngP is the prepilin peptidase of LngA, and that ETEC strain E9034A has another peptidase capable of processing LngA, although with less efficiency. Additionally, we present immuno-electron microscopy imagens to show that the LngB protein could be localized at the tip of CS21, and probably helps to control CS21 length. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the LngA, LngB, LngC, LngD, LngH, and LngP proteins are essential for CS21 assembly, as well as for bacterial aggregation and adherence to HT-29 cells

    The Landau Pole and ZZ^{\prime} decays in the 331 bilepton model

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    We calculate the decay widths and branching ratios of the extra neutral boson ZZ^{\prime} predicted by the 331 bilepton model in the framework of two different particle contents. These calculations are performed taken into account oblique radiative corrections, and Flavor Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) under the ansatz of Matsuda as a texture for the quark mass matrices. Contributions of the order of 10110210^{-1}-10^{-2} are obtained in the branching ratios, and partial widths about one order of magnitude bigger in relation with other non- and bilepton models are also obtained. A Landau-like pole arise at 3.5 TeV considering the full particle content of the minimal model (MM), where the exotic sector is considered as a degenerated spectrum at 3 TeV scale. The Landau pole problem can be avoid at the TeV scales if a new leptonic content running below the threshold at % 3 TeV is implemented as suggested by other authors.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX2