9,652 research outputs found

    Incidencia de la actividad física en el adulto mayor

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    El trabajo esta orientado a la tercera edad, profesores de educación física y entrenadores; La actividad física se reduce con la edad y constituye un indicador de salud. La reducción del repertorio motor, junto a la lentitud de los reflejos y descenso del tono muscular en reposo, entre otros factores, provocan descoordinación motriz. La inmovilidad e inactividad es el mejor agravante del envejecimiento y la incapacidad de tal forma que, lo que deja de realizarse, fruto del envejecimiento pronto será imposible realizar. El adulto mayor presenta varios problemas a resolver: como el biológico, el financiero. el sexual, las relaciones sociales y el problema lúdico: es un punto importante ya que los individuos no saben como ocupar el tiempo libre que antes ocupaban con el trabajo; no saben cómo recrearse, ni que actividades físicas realizar. El objetivo del trabajo es ¿analizar la incidencia de la actividad física en el adulto mayor, como vía asequible para mejorar la calidad de vida¿. Atendiendo a los resultados, consideramos que un programa de ejercicios puede producir la involución cardiovascular previniendo la arteriosclerosis, la involución respiratoria y la endocrina (especialmente de las suprarrenales con la consiguiente mejoría de la adaptación y resistencia al estrés), Facilita la actividad articular y previene la osteoporosis y fracturas óseas. Se incrementa la absorción de calcio y potasio, Reduce niveles plasmáticos de colesterol y triglicéridos, Mejora el aspecto estético, la calidad y el disfrute de la vida

    AIP and MEN1 mutations and AIP immunohistochemistry in pituitary adenomas in a tertiary referral center.

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    Background: Pituitary adenomas have a high disease burden due to tumor growth/ invasion and disordered hormonal secretion. Germline mutations in genes such as MEN1 and AIP are associated with early onset of aggressive pituitary adenomas that can be resistant to medical therapy. Aims: We performed a retrospective screening study using published risk criteria to assess the frequency of AIP and MEN1 mutations in pituitary adenoma patients in a tertiary referral center. Methods: Pituitary adenoma patients with pediatric/adolescent onset, macroadenomas occurring ≤30 years of age, familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA) kindreds and acromegaly or prolactinoma cases that were uncontrolled by medical therapy were studied genetically. We also assessed whether immunohistochemical staining for AIP (AIP-IHC) in somatotropinomas was associated with somatostatin analogs (SSA) response. Results: Fifty-five patients met the study criteria and underwent genetic screening for AIP/MEN1 mutations. No mutations were identified and large deletions/duplications were ruled out using MLPA. In a cohort of sporadic somatotropinomas, low AIP-IHC tumors were significantly larger (P = 0.002) and were more frequently sparsely granulated (P = 0.046) than high AIP-IHC tumors. No significant relationship between AIP-IHC and SSA responses was seen. Conclusions: Germline mutations in AIP/MEN1 in pituitary adenoma patients are rare and the use of general risk criteria did not identify cases in a large tertiary-referral setting. In acromegaly, low AIP-IHC was related to larger tumor size and more frequent sparsely granulated subtype but no relationship with SSA responsiveness was seen. The genetics of pituitary adenomas remains largely unexplained and AIP screening criteria could be significantly refined to focus on large, aggressive tumors in young patients

    Effectiveness of a video-feedback and questioning programme to develop cognitive expertise in sport

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    The importance within sport expertise of cognitive factors has been emphasised in many research studies. Adaptations that take place in athletes’ long-term memories are going to condition their decision-making and performance, and training programmes must be developed that improve these adaptations. In our study, we provide a tactical-cognitive training programme based on video-feedback and questioning in order to improve tactical knowledge in tennis players and verify its effect when transferred to athletes’ decision-making. 11 intermediate tennis players participated in this study (12.960.7 years old), distributed into two groups (experimental, n = 5; control, n = 6). Tactical knowledge was measured by problem representation and strategy planning with a verbal protocol. Decision-making was measured by a systematic observation instrument. Results confirm the effectiveness of a combination of video-feedback and questioning on cognitive expertise, developing adaptations in long-term memory that produce an improvement in the quality of tactical knowledge (content, sophistication and structure). This, in turn, is transferred to the athletes’ decision-making capacity, leading to a higher percentage of successful decisions made during game play. Finally, we emphasise the need to develop effective programmes to develop cognitive expertise and improve athletes’ performance, and include it in athletes’ formative stages

    Identification of the water stress level in olive trees during pit hardening using the trunk growth rate indicator.

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    Water scarcity is generating an increasing interest in deficit irrigation scheduling. The trunk diameter fluctuations are daily cycles that have been suggested as tools for irrigation scheduling. The trunk growth rate (TGR) was suggested as the best indicator for olive trees during pit hardening. The aim of this work is to clarify how the TGR could be used to identify water stress levels. The experiment was performed during the 2017 season, in a commercial, super-high-density orchard in Carmona (Seville, Spain). Four different irrigation treatments were performed according to midday stem water potential values and TGR. The data obtained were very variable and both indicators presented a wide range of water status throughout the season. The maximum trunk diameter data clearly showed the pattern of the trees water status but the comparison between treatments and the identification of the water stress level was not possible. The average TGR was linked to the midday stem water potential, but with a minimum amount of data. Irrigation scheduling based on the average TGR was difficult because of the great increases in some daily TGR values. For clarity, the pool of data was grouped by midday stem water potential. These water stress levels were characterized using the weekly frequency of TGR values. The increase of water stress reduced the frequency of values between -0.1 and 0.3mm day-1 from 60% to less than 25%. Moderate water stress levels increased the percentage of values lower than -0.3mm day-1 from 7% to 37%. The most severe water stress conditions increased the TGR values between -0.3 and -0.1mm day-1 from 16% up to 22%.IRNASINSTITUTO DE LA GRASACSI

    Variables predictors of the set in the defence complex in volleyball

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer las variables predictoras de la eficacia de colocación en el complejo de defensa (KII), en ambos géneros, en categorías de formación. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 2.404 acciones de juego, 1.104 en género masculino y 1.300 en género femenino, desarrolladas por los 34 equipos participantes en el Campeonato de España Under 16. La variable dependiente fue la eficacia de colocación. Las variables independientes se agruparon en: variables de defensa, de colocación en KII y de bloqueo. Los resultados determinaron que, en ambos géneros, la eficacia de defensa, la técnica de colocación y la participación en bloqueo predecían la eficacia de la colocación; en género masculino, zona de defensa y tiempo de colocación; ninguna variable fue predictora únicamente en género femenino. Esta información puede ser relevante para el desarrollo del proceso de entrenamiento en voleibolThe objective of the research was to analyse the variables predictors of the setting efficacy in the defence complex (KII), in youth athlete, in both genders. The study sample was comprised of 2404 game actions, 1104 in the male gender and 1300 in the female gender. The actions were carried out by the 34 teams that participated in the Spanish Under-16 Championship. The dependant variable was the setting efficacy. The results determined that, in both genders, the dig efficacy, setting technique and the participation in block predicted the setting efficacy; in male gender, the defence zone and tempo of set; no predictor variables were exclusive to the female gender. This information may be relevant when developing training processes in volleyballEste estudio se ha realizado gracias a la aportación de la Consejería de Economía e Infraestructuras de la Junta de Extremadura a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Scattering of surface plasmon polaritons by one-dimensional inhomogeneities

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    The scattering of surface plasmons polaritons by a one-dimensional defect of the surface is theoretically studied, by means of both Rayleigh and modal expansions. The considered defects are either relief perturbations or variations in the permittivity of the metal. The dependence of transmission, reflection and out-of-plane scattering on parameters defining the defect is presented. We find that the radiated energy is forwardly directed (with respect to the surface plasmon propagation) in the case of an impedance defect. However, for relief defects, the radiated energy may be directed into backward or forward (or both) directions, depending on the defect width.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, corrected typos, some minor modifications in figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev.