299 research outputs found

    Acceleration (Deceleration) Model Supporting Time Delays to Refresh Data

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    This paper proposes a mathematical model to regulate the acceleration (deceleration) applied by self-driving vehicles in car-following situations. A virtual environment is designed to test the model in different circumstances: (1) the followers decelerate in time if the leader decelerates, considering a time delay of up to 5 s to refresh data (vehicles position coordinates) required by the model, (2) with the intention of optimizing space, the vehicles are grouped in platoons, where 3 s of time delay (to update data) is supported if the vehicles have a centre-to-centre spacing of 20 m and a time delay of 1 s is supported at a spacing of 6 m (considering a maximum speed of 20 m/s in both cases), and (3) an algorithm is presented to manage the vehicles’ priority at a traffic intersection, where the model regulates the vehicles’ acceleration (deceleration) and a balance in the number of vehicles passing from each side is achieved.</p

    Igualdad de género percibida en el reparto de cuidados y salud mental: impacto de la crisis sanitaria por COVID-19 en una muestra de mujeres andaluzas

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    The restrictions during COVID-19 seem to have had an unequal impact on the mental health and habits of the population in terms of gender. The literature states that crises such as this have a more negative impact on women. We explored perceived overload due to household chores and informal caregiving in a sample of Andalusian women, their perception of an increase in this overload after the pandemic, and its possible effect on mental health. To do this, we administered an online retrospective questionnaire to explore the perception of 166 women on care economy variables by estimating hours, effort, overload, and sharing of chores at three different times: before the onset of the pandemic, during lockdown, and at the time of data collection (one year after lockdown). We also measured depression, anxiety, stress, and life satisfaction at the time of data collection through validated scales. Results showed that women estimated significantly more time and effort on household chores and caregiving for the lockdown period. The retrospective estimation of the sharing of tasks was similar over the three moments but women perceived that they did more than their heterosexual partners. One in four women perceived an increase in caregiving overload after the pandemic. Women who felt mental overload due to caregiving scored higher in depression than those who felt physical overload. Considering these findings, and despite the limitations of this study, the pandemic may have led to an increase in informal caregiving overload for many women. Furthermore, the relation between depression and overload one year after lockdown was demonstrated. Measures are required to reduce the impact of gender in crises by designing prevention policies and programs that promote co-responsibility.Las restricciones vividas durante la COVID-19 parecen haber causado un impacto diferencial de género en la salud mental y en los hábitos de gran parte de la población. Asimismo, la literatura indica que las situaciones de crisis como la vivida tienen peor impacto en las mujeres. El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar la sobrecarga percibida por las tareas del hogar y cuidados informales en una muestra de mujeres andaluzas, su percepción de un incremento en la misma tras la pandemia, y su posible relación con variables de salud mental. Para ello se administró un cuestionario online para explorar la percepción de 166 mujeres en variables de economía de cuidados estimando retrospectivamente las horas, esfuerzo, sobrecarga y reparto de tareas del hogar para el momento de recogida de datos (un año tras el confinamiento), para el momento previo al inicio de la pandemia y durante el confinamiento. También se administraron instrumentos validados para medir depresión, ansiedad, estrés y satisfacción vital en el momento de recogida de datos. Los resultados mostraron una percepción de mayor dedicación y esfuerzo debido a los cuidados y tareas del hogar estimado para el momento de confinamiento. El reparto de tareas se estimó similar para los tres momentos sobre los que se preguntó, y percibieron que ellas hacían más estas tareas que sus parejas heterosexuales. Una de cada cuatro mujeres percibió un aumento de la sobrecarga debida a cuidados tras la pandemia y los niveles de depresión fueron mayores en mujeres que sentían una sobrecarga mental debida a los cuidados, por encima de quien identificó sobrecarga física. Aun considerando las limitaciones de este trabajo, la pandemia ha podido suponer un incremento en la sobrecarga por los cuidados informales para muchas mujeres y, evidenciada la relación entre depresión y sobrecarga, podría entenderse que esta relación también se diera durante el confinamiento. Se requieren medidas que reduzcan el impacto de género en situaciones de crisis y políticas y programas de prevención que fomenten la corresponsabilidad.This work has been funded by Fundación María Fulmen (Sevilla) within their Third Call for Grants for Projects Aimed at Women Promotion (2021) [III Convocatoria de ayudas 2021 a proyectos dirigidos a la promoción de mujeres]

    A case of cholesteatoma in a medieval Hispano-Mudejar population (13th-14th centuries AD)

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    The case presented includes a left temporal bone from an individual exhumed from the Hispano-Mudejar necropolis in Uceda (Guadalajara, Spain) dated between the 13th and 14th centuries BC. External examination and computed tomography images show lesions in the external acoustic canal, in the form of diffuse widening, suggestive of a cholesteatoma originating in this canal, with invasion of the middle ear through the tympanic membrane. The difficulties with examining the internal elements of the ear are discussed, which causes the underestimation of these diseases in paleopathology studies

    Perfectionism and affect as determinants of self-perceived motor competence in primary school children

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the primary school students’ perception of their motor competence in the area of Physical Education, with respect to the affective domain and improvement. The sample consisted of 428 primary school students aged between 8 and 12 years (M=10.43; SD=0.837) (Castilla La Mancha, Spain). Perceived motor competence (PMC) was measured by the Perception of Competence Questionnaire (POC); perfectionism was measured by the three subscales of the Child Perfectionism Questionnaire, and, finally, affectivity was assessed by the PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) questionnaire. Positive correlations were obtained between all the dimensions of the PMC and self-improvement (p<.05). Significant gender differences were found in the PMC dimension Peers and Self-Experience, with higher scores in males (p<.05). Differences were also found in the PMC dimension Peers as a function of weight status, being lower in the overweight group (p<.05). Age was related to self-experience being higher the older one was (p<.05). A model was generated that explained 23.7% of PMC with the total dimension of self-improvement and weight status. Three distinct profiles, called high, medium and low self-improvement, were detected. These groups in turn showed an analogy in perceived motor competence, high, medium and low, the result also obtained in the regression analysis (p<.05). These results extend the relationship between perceived motor competence and self-improvement in primary school children and are potentially of interest to the fields of education and psychology

    Rett Syndrome: Treatment with IGF-I, Melatonin, Blackcurrant Extracts, and Rehabilitation

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    (1) This study describes the good evolution of a 6-year-old girl genetically diagnosed (R106X) with Rett syndrome (RTT), after having been treated with IGF-I, melatonin (MT), blackcurrant extracts (BC) and rehabilitated for 6 months. (2) The patient stopped normal development in the first year of age. The patient showed short stature and weight and fulfilled the main criteria for typical RTT. Despite her young age, there was pubic hair (Tanner II), very high plasma testosterone, and low levels of plasma gonadotrophins. There were no adrenal enzymatic deficits, and abdominal ultrasound studies were normal. The treatment consisted of IGF-I (0.04 mg/kg/day, 5 days/week, subcutaneous (sc)) for 3 months and then 15 days of rest, MT (50 mg/day, orally, without interruption) and neurorehabilitation. A new blood test, after 3 months of treatment, was absolutely normal and the pubic hair disappeared (Tanner I). Then, a new treatment was started with IGF-I, MT, and BC for another 3 months. In this period, the degree of pubertal development increased to Tanner III (pubic level), without a known cause. (3) The treatment followed led to clear improvements in most of the initial abnormalities, perhaps due to the neurotrophic effect of IGF-I, the antioxidant effects of MT and BC, and the cerebral increase in the cyclic glycine-proline (cGP) achieved with administration of BC. (4) A continuous treatment with IGF-I, MT, and BC appears to be useful in RTTS


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    El proceso de enseñanza en la comunidad médica se involucra con el aprendizaje de reglas exclusivas de la práctica, fundamentadas por el uso y aplicación de dos tipos de conocimiento: el proveniente de saber cotidiano y el obtenido de la investigación científica. En medida que el docente interactúa con el alumno, valida o retroalimenta su desempeño, es como se va construyendo una base sólida de conocimiento y, a su vez, configura los elementos necesarios para desempeñarse como un profesional de la medicina. El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar la interacción discursiva de alumnos de primer semestre de la licenciatura en Médico Cirujano para obtener las estrategias docentes que contribuyen a la comprensión de su práctica y a la construcción de su identidad como futuros profesionales. Para cumplir el objetivo se realizó un análisis del discurso utilizando tres categorías obtenidas de las estrategias discursivas más relevantes para el estudio, en cuya conclusión se resalta la importancia de la consideración de referencias sociales, curriculares y de corrección, ya que le permite alumno co-construirse como miembro de la comunidad al experimentarse a sí mismos de una forma particular. &nbsp; Palabras clave: Análisis cualitativo, Discurso, Enseñanza superior, Proceso de interacción educativo, Relación profesor-alumno. &nbsp; Abstract: The process of teaching in the medical community is involved with learning the exclusive rules of practice, is based on the use and application of types of knowledge: first, obtained of them experience and second, the result of scientific research. At the same time the students will learn a solid knowledge base, they will recognize the configuration of the elements necessary to play a role as a medical professional. The objective of the research was to analyze the discursive interaction of students of the first semester of the degree in Medical Surgeon to obtain the teaching strategies that relate to the understanding of their practice and the construction of their identity as future professionals. The final deductions were the students need social and curricular references, and explicit corrections to be fulfilled and co-construct as a member of the community while experimenting themselves in a particular way. &nbsp; Keywords: Discourse, Educational interaction process, Higher education, Qualitative análisis, Teacher student relationshi

    Durum and Bread Wheat Flours. Preliminary Mineral Characterization and Its Potential Health Claims

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    Wheat is one of the most important cereals in terms of its role in the human diet. The distribution of the nutrients in wheat grains depends largely on their morphology, the bran fraction being the richest in minerals, thus developing important functions related to human health. The main purpose of this study was to point out the potential nutritional and health claims related to the mineral composition based on the current European legislation in order to valorize the interesting wheat varieties traditionally consumed in Spain. The mineral composition (microelements: Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn; and macrolements: Ca, Mg, Na, and K) were evaluated in different milling fractions (white flour, whole grain flour, and bran fraction) of 4 wheat varieties of durum (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum Linnaeus) and bread (Triticum aestivum Linnaeus) wheat. As expected, the mineral concentration was higher in the case of bran and whole grain flour, K and Mg being the principal minerals found. A difference between wheat genotype and harvesting year have been found. Moreover, regarding these preliminary results, some samples analysed in the present study met the conditions of use of different approved health claims that could support the possibility to consider wheat flours, especially whole grain flour and bran fraction as functional foods, but some did not.Depto. de Nutrición y Ciencia de los AlimentosFac. de FarmaciaTRUESpanish Ministry of Science and Technology (project reference AGL2012-38345)ALIMNOVA research group (UCM 252/2017)pu

    The family and the construction of work positioning in women. An analysis from Social Work

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    This contribution is an initial analysis of a study aimed at forming a theoretical conceptual reference of the category of work positioning. It is part of understanding that work positioning is an observable fact as a result of a reflexive process of social subjects, from the constraint of structure and action, as a result of their own agency strategies that have allowed them to be visible in a space such as the labor market. It is proposed that the process of motivation, intention and reflection made by three women participants in this study, from their family circumstances, were a platform for the construction of their work positioning. As a method discursive analysis constitutes an approach that, from Social Work and gender, allows the understanding of the family dynamics as experiences that dynamize actions in the social subjects and for this case in the women as agents that, in the private areas and public, manage to transform tax roles and ideas of inequality in the pursuit of their realization and well-being from the work positioning