202 research outputs found

    Ultrasonographic assessment of the ovarian response in eCG-treated goats

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of ultrasonographic evaluation of ovulation rate during the early luteal phase of does and to estimate the reliability of ultrasonic scanning to differentiate between the corpus luteum and luteinized follicles. Both ultrasonographic and laparoscopic observations of ovarian structures and radioimmunoassays of progesterone in plasma were performed in 47 goats on day 7 after estrus synchronization using intravaginal FGA sponges and eCG. Ultrasonographic scanning allowed the determination of the presence or absence of ovulation. Total ef®ciency in detecting the occurrence of multiple ovulations was 87.5%. However, accuracy to establish the number of corpora lutea decreased to 23.5% in goats with three or more ovulations, due to an increasing underestimation as the number of corpora lutea in the ovary increased (p<0.001). Ultrasonographic assessment of ovulation rate can be used to determine if a goat has ovulated or if multiple ovulations have occurred, but not to establish the precise number of corpora lutea. Evaluation of the ratio between cavity diameter and total luteal-tissue diameter is useful in distinguishing between corpora lutea and luteinized follicles, since the diameter differed between the two (0.36 0.21 vs. 0.64 0.16, respectively; p<0.005)

    Fertilidad, desarrollo embrionario y prolificidad de conejas nulíparas alimentadas con piensos enriquecidos en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3

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    One hundred and five nulliparous rabbit does were fed ad libitum one month before and during pregnancy with two isofibrous, isoenergetic and isoproteic diets supplemented with two different fat sources: 0.75% lard for control diet (C group: n=53) or 1.5% of a supplement (Optomega-50; Optivite International Ltd., España) containing a 50% of ether extract and 38% of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) for experimental diet (group P n-3; n=52). Fertility after artificial insemination and induction of ovulation with 20 μg of Gonadorelina (Inducel-GnRH, Ovejero) at 4.5 months of age was assessed. At parturition, pregnancy length and prolificacy (number and weight of born alive and number of stillborn) were observed. A total of 8 pregnant does from each experimental group were chosen at random to study embryo and placenta dimensions by means of ultrasonography at 8, 15 and 22 days of pregnancy. PUFA n-3 supplementation did not affect any productive results due the success on reproductive features of nulliparous does which are difficult to improve. Neither, any differences in ultrasonographic meausrements were obtained; nevertheless we have defined useful physiological parameters of rabbit embryo and placenta to future studies in this specie.Un total de 105 conejas nulíparas se alimentaron ad libitum un mes antes y durante su primera gestación con dos piensos isofibrosos, isoenergéticos e isoproteicos suplementados con dos fuentes de grasa diferentes: 0,75% de manteca para la dieta control (grupo C; n=53) ó 1,5% de un suplemento (Optomega-50; Optivite International Ltd., España) que contenía un 50% de extracto etéreo y 38% de ácidos grasos poli-insaturados (AG n-3) para la dieta experimental (grupo P; n=52). A los 4,5 meses de edad se determinó la fertilidad después de ser inseminadas artificialmente y tratadas con 20 μg de Gonadorelina (Inducel-GnRH, Ovejero) para inducirles la ovulación. Al parto se determinó la duración de la gestación, el número y peso de los gazapos nacidos vivos y muertos. Se escogieron 16 conejas al azar, 8 de cada grupo, y se realizaron ecografías a los 8, 15 y 22 días de gestación en las que se determinó las dimensiones del embrión y de los anejos fetales. La suplementación con AG n-3 no afectó a los resultados productivos determinados ya que se trata de parámetros que en nulíparas son difíciles de mejorar y suelen ser altos. Tampoco se observaron diferencias en las determinaciones ecográficas pero se han podido definir medidas fisiológicas de los fetos y anejos placentarios de gran utilidad para futuros estudios en esta especie

    Improving Optical Qualification of Solar Concentrator by FOCuS Tool

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    AbstractAn improved tool for the shape qualification of parabolic trough mirror modules used in concentrated solar power plants was developed. The tool is based on the fringe reflection theory, in which sinusoidal fringe patterns are projected on a screen and their reflection over a specular surface is recorded by a camera. The observed distortions in the image are related directly to surface deviations from ideal geometry. Relevant aspects of the technique are its high spatial resolution (more than 1 million points per facet), short measurement time and easy setup. The so called FOCuS tool is capable of calculating the mirror slope deviations from its ideal design and the RMS value as a quality factor. Furthermore, the tool generates a file which can be loaded on CENER'S TONATIUH ray tracing software, through a specially developed plug-in, for mirror modeling and intercept factor calculation with several tube absorber geometries

    Evaluation of the small ruminants cystic ovarian disease using transrectal ultrasonography

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    A transrectal ultrasonic method using a 7.5 MHz linear-array transducer was used in 194 ewes and 39 goats to study the characteristc of cystic ovaries. Cystic structures found on the ovaries include follicular cysts and luteinised cysts. Follicular cysts showed up as non-echogenic structures with a 1.5 ± 0.4 cm diameter. The cysts luteinised showed an echogenic rim of tissue, ranging from 2- 3 mm, around the cyst; the central cavity was 1±0.2 cm. In total, 4.1 percent of ewes and 5.1 percent of goats exhibited follicular cysts. Only 1 percent of ewes and 2.6 percent of goats showed luteinised cysts. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that transrectal ultrasonography provides a noninvasive form of visual access to the ovary from small ruminants, to evaluate pathological changes before the aplication of superovulation treatments and embryo transfer.Se ha realizado un estudio de las características ecográficas de estructuras quísticas ováricas en 194 ovejas y 39 cabras de diferentes razas y procedentes de distintas zonas geográficas, con el objeto de valorar la ecografía transrectal con sondas de alta resolución (7,5 MHz) como criterio de selección de animales destinados a programas de superovulación y recogida de embriones. Los quistes foliculares tenían una incidencia de presentación del 4,1 p.100 en las ovejas y del 5,1 p.100 en las cabras, presentándose ecográficamente con una morfología esférica anecoica de 1,5±0,4 cm de diámetro, con paredes finas y generalmente bien definidas. Los quistes luteínicos tuvieron una presentación del 1 p.100 en las ovejas y del 2,6 p.100 en las cabras. Ecográficamente se caracterizaban por presentar una cavidad central anecógena 1±0,2 cm, rodeada por un anillo ecogénico de 2-3 mm de espesor. No había diferencias significativas en la frecuencia de presentación de quistes ováricos entre ambas especies. Los resultados muestran que la ecografía transrectal con sondas de alta resolución permite la realización de un diagnóstico eficaz de la patología quística ovárica en los pequeños rumiantes, siendo recomendable esta metodología en la selección de hembras donantes y receptoras

    Fertilidad, desarrollo embrionaria y prolificidad de conejas nulíparas alimentadas con piensos enriquecidos en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3.

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    Un total de 105 conejas nulíparas se alimentaron ad libitum un mes antes y durante su primera gestación con dos piensos isofibrosos, isoenergéticos e isoproteicos suplementados con dos fuentes de grasa diferentes: 0,75% de manteca para la dieta control (grupo C; n=53) ó 1,5% de un suplemento (Optomega-50; Optivite International Ltd., España) que contenía un 50% de extracto etéreo y 38% de ácidos grasos poli-insaturados (AG n-3) para la dieta experimental (grupo P; n=52). A los 4,5 meses de edad se determinó la fertilidad después de ser inseminadas artificialmente y tratadas con 20 μg de Gonadorelina (Inducel-GnRH, Ovejero) para inducirles la ovulación. Al parto se determinó la duración de la gestación, el número y peso de los gazapos nacidos vivos y muertos. Se escogieron 16 conejas al azar, 8 de cada grupo, y se realizaron ecografías a los 8, 15 y 22 días de gestación en las que se determinó las dimensiones del embrión y de los anejos fetales. La suplementación con AG n-3 no afectó a los resultados productivos determinados ya que se trata de parámetros que en nulíparas son difíciles de mejorar y suelen ser altos. Tampoco se observaron diferencias en las determinaciones ecográficas pero se han podido definir medidas fisiológicas de los fetos y anejos placentarios de gran utilidad para futuros estudios en esta especie

    Maternal Supplementation with Herbal Antioxidants during Pregnancy in Swine

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    The effects of a combined supplementation with herbal antioxidants during pregnancy on reproductive traits and piglet performance (number of live, dead, and mummified newborns and litter weight at birth and individual body weight at both birth and weaning) were assessed in a total of 1027 sows (504 treated and 523 control females) kept under commercial breeding conditions. The supplementation increased the number of live-born piglets (13.64 ± 0.11 vs. 12.96 ± 0.13 in the controls; p = 0.001) and the total litter weight, decreasing the incidence of low-weight piglets without affecting the number of stillbirths and mummified newborns. Such an effect was modulated by the number of parity and the supplementation, with supplementation increasing significantly the number of living newborns in the first, second, sixth, and seventh parities (0.87, 1.10, 1.49, and 2.51 additional piglets, respectively; p < 0.05). The evaluation of plasma vitamin concentration and biomarkers of oxidative stress (total antioxidant capacity, TAC, and malondialdehyde concentration, MDA) performed in a subset of farrowing sows and their lighter and heavier piglets showed that plasma levels of both vitamins were significantly higher in the piglets than in their mothers (p < 0.05 for vitamin C and p < 0.005 for vitamin E), with antioxidant supplementation increasing significantly such concentrations. Concomitantly, there were no differences in maternal TAC but significantly higher values in piglets from supplemented sows (p < 0.05). On the other hand, supplementation decreased plasma MDA levels both in the sows and their piglets (p < 0.05). Finally, the piglets from supplemented mothers showed a trend for a higher weaning weight (p = 0.066) and, specifically, piglets with birth weights above 1 kg showed a 7.4% higher weaning weight (p = 0.024). Hence, the results of the present study, with high robustness and translational value by offering data from more than 1000 pregnancies under standard breeding conditions, supports that maternal supplementation with herbal antioxidants during pregnancy significantly improves reproductive efficiency, litter traits, and piglet performance

    A Simplified Iohexol-Based Method to Measure Renal Function in Sheep Models of Renal Disease

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    12 Pág.Sheep are highly adequate models for human renal diseases because of their many similarities in the histology and physiology of kidney and pathogenesis of kidney diseases. However, the lack of a simple method to measure glomerular filtration rate (GFR) limits its use as a model of renal diseases. Hence, we aimed to develop a simple method to measure GFR based on the plasma clearance of iohexol by assessing different pharmacokinetic models: (a) CL2: two-compartment (samples from 15 to 420 min; reference method); (b) CL1: one-compartment (samples from 60 to 420 min); (c) CLlf: CL1 adjusted by a correction formula and (d) SM: simplified CL2 (15 to 300 min). Specific statistics of agreement were used to test the models against CL2. The agreement between CL1 and CL2 was low, but both CL1f and SM showed excellent agreement with CL2, as indicated by a total deviation index of ~5-6%, a concordance correlation of 0.98-0.99% and a coverage probability of 99-100%, respectively. Hence, the SM approach is preferable due to a reduced number of samples and shorter duration of the procedure; two points that improve animal management and welfare.This research received no external funding.Peer reviewe

    Ontogeny of sex-related differences in foetal developmental features, lipid availability and fatty acid composition

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    Sex-related differences in lipid availability and fatty acid composition during swine foetal development were investigated. Plasma cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in the mother were strongly related to the adequacy or inadequacy of foetal development and concomitant activation of protective growth in some organs (brain, heart, liver and spleen). Cholesterol and triglyceride availability was similar in male and female offspring, but female foetuses showed evidence of higher placental transfer of essential fatty acids and synthesis of non-essential fatty acids in muscle and liver. These sex-related differences affected primarily the neutral lipid fraction (triglycerides), which may lead to sex-related postnatal differences in energy partitioning. These results illustrate the strong influence of the maternal lipid profile on foetal development and homeorhesis, and they confirm and extend previous reports that female offspring show better adaptive responses to maternal malnutrition than male offspring. These findings may help guide dietary interventions to ensure adequate fatty acid availability for postnatal development

    Circulating Concentrations of Key Regulators of Nitric Oxide Production in Undernourished Sheep Carrying Single and Multiple Fetuses

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    15 Pág.The aim of this study was to investigate the blood concentrations of L-arginine, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA), and L-homoarginine, which are regulators of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, in single, twin, and triplet pregnancies in ewes undergoing either a dietary energy restriction or receiving 100% of their energy requirements. From day 24 to 100 of pregnancy, the ewes were fed ryegrass hay and two different iso-proteic concentrates fulfilling either 100% of ewes' energy requirements (control group; n = 30, 14 singleton pregnancies, 12 twin pregnancies, and 4 triplet pregnancies) or only 45% (feed-restricted group; n = 29; 11 singleton pregnancies, 15 twin pregnancies, and 3 triplet pregnancies). Blood samples were collected monthly to measure, by capillary electrophoresis, the circulating concentrations of arginine, ADMA, homoarginine, SDMA, and of other amino acids not involved in NO synthesis to rule out possible direct effects of diet restriction on their concentrations. No differences between groups were observed in the circulating concentrations of most of the amino acids investigated. L-homoarginine increased markedly in both groups during pregnancy (p < 0.001). SDMA (p < 0.01), L-arginine, and ADMA concentrations were higher in feed-restricted ewes than in controls. The L-arginine/ADMA ratio, an indicator of NO production by NOS, decreased towards term without differences between groups. The ADMA/SDMA ratio, an index of the ADMA degrading enzyme activity, was higher in controls than in feed-restricted ewes (p < 0.001). Obtained results show that circulating concentrations of L-arginine, of its metabolites, and the ratio between NO synthesis boosters and inhibitors are altered in energy-restricted ewes, and that these alterations are more marked in ewes carrying multiple fetuses.The experimental work was supported by funds from Regione Autonoma della Sardegna—Progetti ricerca fondamentale o di base—L.R. 7/2007—annualità 2013 (CRP 78167).Peer reviewe

    Intake of Spineless Cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica During Late Pregnancy Improves Progeny Performance in Underfed Sheep

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    13 Pág.The present study tested whether feeding ewes during the last third of pregnancy with cladodes of Opuntia (untreated or protein-enriched), as an alternative to alfalfa hay, would improve milk yield as well as the pre- and post-natal growth of their lambs. Sixty mature Rambouillet ewes and their progeny were randomly allocated among three nutritional treatments: (i) Control, fed alfalfa; (ii) Opuntia, fed untreated cladodes; (iii) E-Opuntia, fed protein-enriched cladodes (pre-treated with urea and ammonium sulphate). Birth weight did not differ among treatments (p > 0.05) but Control ewes produced more milk than both groups of Opuntia-fed ewes (p 0.05) because lambs from E-Opuntia-fed ewes grew faster (p < 0.01) and were heavier at weaning (p < 0.05) than lambs from the other two groups. We conclude that Opuntia (with or without protein enrichment) can be used as an alternative to alfalfa hay for feeding ewes during the last third of pregnancy and therefore reduce production costs under extensive conditions in arid and semiarid regions. Moreover, protein-enriched Opuntia appears to improve postnatal lamb growth.The present study was funded by the National Institute for Research in Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock (INIFAP/project-10561934075).Peer reviewe