64 research outputs found

    La gestión de intangibles en la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de la empresa turística familiar

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    La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) puede afectar positivamente a la rentabilidad final de la empresa y generalmente tiene relación con la visión del negocio a largo plazo. Esto afecta de igual forma a la empresa convencional como a la familiar. Teniendo estos aspectos como punto de partida esta investigación se divide en dos grandes bloques, el primero se centra en una recopilación de la información en base al trabajo de campo, a través de la aplicación de entrevistas personales en profundidad. La segunda parte de la investigación trata del análisis y detección de los diferentes intangibles en el sector turístico y comercial identificados por los turistas y visitantes

    Digital marketing strategies in the luxury fashion sector. Interaction and social networks as a necessary tool

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    Las marcas de lujo se reinventan en sus estrategias de marketing y de negocio para adaptarse y acercarse a los mercados emergentes deseosos de consumir moda de lujo, es por ello que el marketing digital se transforma en una herramienta imprescindible para la comunicación de las marcas de lujo líderes en el mercado con sus públicos más jóvenes. La presente investigación pretende conocer cuáles son las estrategias actuales en marketing digital que están llevando a cabo las marcas del sector de la moda de lujo. Se pretenden identificar los aspectos más relevantes en la comunicación de las marcas para con sus públicos en un entorno virtual, para ello se han utilizado técnicas cualitativas, mediante análisis de contenidos y entrevistas en profundidad. Hemos encontrado que, entre otras, el principio de storytelling es una de las estrategias clave en el marketing digital, este principio lo encontramos en estrategias de video marketing, social media, eventos y exhibiciones abiertas al público, las cuale sbuscan interactuar con el público y mostrar su historia.Luxury brands reinvent themselves in their marketing and business strategies to adapt and approach emerging markets eager to consume luxury fashion, which is why digital marketing becomes an essential tool for the communication of luxury brands leaders in the market with their younger audiences. The present research aims to know what are the current strategies in digital marketing that are being carried out by the brands of the luxury fashion sector. The aim is to identify the most relevant aspects in the communication of brands to their audiences in a virtual environment, for which qualitative techniques have been used, through content analysis and in-depth interviews. We have found that, among others, the principle of "storytelling" is one of the key strategies in digital marketing, this principle is found in video marketing strategies, social media, events and exhibitions open to the public, which seek to interact with the public and show your story

    Storytelling and social networking as tools for digital and mobile marketing of luxury fashion brands

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    This research intends to discover what the current strategies in digital marketing that are being carried out by brands in the luxury fashion sector are. It is intended to identify the most relevant aspects in the interaction of brands with their audiences in a digital and mobile environment, for which qualitative techniques have been used, through content analysis and in-depth interviews. We have found that, among others, the principle of "storytelling" is one of the key strategies in digital marketing, this principle is found in video marketing strategies, social media, events and exhibitions open to the public, which seek to interact with public and show its history

    Branded apps in Spain as a means of communicating trends in fashion

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    Apps are of great interest and curiosity for the users of mobile phones, being already highly unloaded and used for the users of smartphones. The fashion mobile applications represent only a fraction of the mobile global applications (almost 0,2 %), nevertheless they are starting to deserve special attention from designers and researchers in this area. Brands want to know about the new trends in the market to be able to continue surprising and impressing their public. In this study, we seek to identify the most relevant aspects of the applications that help to improve the image of the Spanish prêt-à-porter fashion brands such as Zara, Pull and Bear, Stradivarius, Shana, Bimba y Lola,... The study considers the position in the ranking of downloads, the category, the opinions, valuations of the users and the criteria described by Jami Lawrence (2010): amusement, saving of time and / or comfort in the use. Findings: In this analysis, we seek to identify the most relevant aspects of the applications that help to improve the image of the brand, in this particular case of the Spanish prêt-à-porter fashion brands. - It is indispensable that the applications entertain the user, save time and / or comfort, we have observed that they are these characteristics those that are valued by the users. - Another factor that is valued in the applications, is that the application should make sense for the user and to have an added value that doesn't necessarily have to be related with the nature of the brand. - But it is important that applications to be developed have to be coherent with the identity of the brand. As in any other area, the appearance of new mass media, like the mobile, is the introduction of new challenges. – Finally, it is important for the brand to adapt constantly to the new technologies, but we must not forget that a precarious incorporation and badly developed app it can be more harmful than beneficial

    Apps as an additonal possibility for the communication between brand and his audience: An analysis based on the users rating

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    La situación actual del mercado y del sector de las nuevas tecnologías genera la necesidad de que las marcas y las empresas, se comuniquen como entes sociales y a través de medios como las aplicaciones móviles. El presente artículo presenta el análisis de 24 marcas que cuentan con aplicaciones móviles (apps). Se ha tomado en cuenta para ello, la valoración que los usuarios dan a las aplicaciones. Específicamente el estudio se centra en herramientas destinadas al dispositivo iPhone. Las apps, representan a las marcas la posibilidad de contar con un soporte más para comunicarse con sus públicos.The actual situation in the new technology market and sector generates the need that companies and also brands communicate like social entities (social communities) via new tools like app’s (applications) for mobile phones. This article presents (outlines) the results of a research that is built of a detailed analyze of 24 brands that are using apps as a tool. In particular the study was focused only on iPhone devices. The unique selection criterion was how the users rated the specific application. For companies and brands apps are an additional opportunity to get in contact (in touch) with their customers

    Apps como una posibilidad más de comunicación entre la marca y su público: un análisis basado en la valoración de los usuarios

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    La situación actual del mercado y del sector de las nuevas tecnologías genera la necesidad de que las marcas y las empresas, se comuniquen como entes sociales y a través de medios como las aplicaciones móviles. El presente artículo presenta el análisis de 24 marcas que cuentan con aplicaciones móviles (apps). Se ha tomado en cuenta para ello, la valoración que los usuarios dan a las aplicaciones. Específicamente el estudio se centra en herramientas destinadas al dispositivo iPhone. Las apps, representan a las marcas la posibilidad de contar con un soporte más para comunicarse con sus públicos

    Convergencia mediática digital : el uso y consumo de los nuevos medios por mujeres catalanas

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    El consumo y la dinámica de las pantallas de comunicación han experimentado en el mundo un marcado aumento en los últimos años y los medios de comunicación tradicionales, con sus gramáticas y mercados perfectamente definidos, han evolucionado como consecuencia del protagonismo de Internet. La convergencia mediática reduce la distancia entre el emisor y el receptor, desapareciendo así la unidireccionalidad y desarrollando una comunicación horizontal que deja la pasividad, ya que el receptor adopta una actitud activa. En este artículo se dibuja el consumo de contenidos que realizan las mujeres en Cataluña, y cuál es el soporte utilizado en el marco de la convergencia mediática digital. Se describen los resultados obtenidos a raíz de combinar 6 grupos de discusión con 6 entrevistas en profundidad en dos grupos segmentados de la población en función de la edad y su formación: grupo infantil y juvenil. Se ha dado prioridad a los colectivos infantil y juvenil porque son los que marcan de forma influyente las tendencias a medio plazo, los que se han socializado con una serie de soportes que no existían anteriormente y los que son más polivalentes en el uso de los diversos soportes disponibles en el mercado. La población adulta no ha sido examinada en el estudio porque posee determinadas barreras de entrada, como la falta de competencias técnicas para el uso de los nuevos dispositivos

    An experimental research on emotional stimuli of consumers: the case of H&M flagship store influence on the millennial customer experience in Barcelona

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    Purpose: The main objective of this exploratory research study was to demonstrate the extent to which customers' approach-avoidance responses to fast fashion flagship stores can be predicted from their emotional states framed according to the PAD (Pleasure, Arousal, and Dominance) model and information rates. Design/methodology/approach: Data was collected through a survey questionnaire from 72 randomly selected millennials visiting H&M flagship store, just after their visit (55% women and 45% men). Data was analysed using exploratory factor analysis to classify the measures and later through regression analysis explaining the predictor variables. Findings: In accordance with the theory and past research on PAD measures, results show PAD as a highly predictable variable over most of the approach-avoidance behaviour in a flagship store environment. Pleasure variable shows highly significant relationship with affect, approach-avoidance (average of all measures of approach-avoidance), and time spent in the store and to an extent significantly relates to purchase intentions. This signifies that in a highly pleasant environment, an individual’s affectionate behaviour, to remain exploring in the store for a longer time, and on an average the approach behaviour to the flagship store will be highly positive. Originality/value: This study is a unique exploration, as very little is known in the literature, on flagship store influences over consumer experiences. Findings suggest interesting advancement in the field of in person shopping effects and encourages future research in flagship store economic investments and marketing impacts, which may extend consumer behavioural scopes as well. This exploratory research may have implications of interest for business strategic decision, brand management, and for marketing as well. As brands seek to recover consumers in their physical stores, offering them a safer and more complete shopping experience, flagship stores can play a key role in encouraging online customers’ visiting stores in-person, which may ultimately increase salesPeer Reviewe