268 research outputs found

    Manejo perioperatorio del trasplante cardíaco: Influencia de la técnica anestésica

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Cirugía. Fecha de lectura: 20 de febrero, 201

    Mejoramiento barrial en Itaca

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    La propuesta se basa principalmente en dos ejes: la ordenación del territorio de una forma natural, eficiente y ordenada, con una ocupación del espacio y expectativas de mejora progresivas a partir de unos centros de servicios comunes entorno al agua; y el desarrollo y conexión de los centros de producción, tanto los ya existentes en Matola y los previstos en entorno inmediato, como los propuestos en la actuación

    Epigenetic Regulation of B Lymphocyte Differentiation, Transdifferentiation, and Reprogramming

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    B cell development is a multistep process that is tightly regulated at the transcriptional level. In recent years, investigators have shed light on the transcription factor networks involved in all the differentiation steps comprising B lymphopoiesis. The interplay between transcription factors and the epigenetic machinery involved in establishing the correct genomic landscape characteristic of each cellular state is beginning to be dissected. The participation of "epigenetic regulator-transcription factor" complexes is also crucial for directing cells during reprogramming into pluripotency or lineage conversion. In this context, greater knowledge of epigenetic regulation during B cell development, transdifferentiation, and reprogramming will enable us to understand better how epigenetics can control cell lineage commitment and identity. Herein, we review the current knowledge about the epigenetic events that contribute to B cell development and reprogramming

    Behavior patterns in hormonal treatments using fuzzy logic models

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    Assisted reproductive technologies are a combination of medical strategies designed to treat infertility patients. Ideal stimulation treatment has to be individualized, but one of the main challenges which clinicians face in the everyday clinic is how to select the best medical protocol for a patient. This work aims to look for behavior patterns in this kind of treatments, using fuzzy logic models with the objective of helping gynecologists and embryologists to make decisions that could improve the process of in vitro fertilization. For this purpose, a real-world dataset composed of one hundred and twenty-three (123) patients and five hundred and fifty-nine (559) treatments applied in relation to such patients provided by an assisted reproduction clinic, has been used to obtain the fuzzy models. As conclusion, this work corroborates some known clinic experiences, provides some new ones and proposes a set of questions to be solved in future experiments.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956- C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Advances in the Decision Making for Treatments of Chronic Patients Using Fuzzy Logic and Data Mining Techniques

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    Virological events in HIV-infected patients can rise with no apparent reason. Therefore, when they appear, immunologists or medical doctors do not know whether they will produce other future virological events or they will entail relevant clinical consequences. This paper presents the results of applying Prefurge to HIV- infected patients’ clinical data, with the aim of obtaining rules and information about this set of clinical trials data that will relate these kinds of virological events.Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    The Value of Music Therapy in the Expression of Emotions in Children with Cancer

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    Background. Children with cancer are subjected to aggressive tests and treatments that can affect their emotional states. Studies available in the academic literature analyse the effect of music therapy on the emotions of these patients are scarce. Objectives. The objective of this study was to explore and transform the emotional responses that may arise with the application of music therapy (MT) in children with oncological pathology. Methods. The methodology of this study was based on the participatory action research approach. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 27 children with cancer who participated in 65MT sessions. Interviews were also conducted with their families. Results. We conducted a thematic analysis using MAXQDA software. Three main categories emerged from this process as follows: (1) expression: children with cancer stated that MT made it easier for them to express their emotions, with indirect benefits to families; (2) participation: patients showed interest in the sessions; and (3) experiences: MT was valued and created a positive environment. The results of this research demonstrate the positive transformative power MT had on children with cancer in terms of their emotions. Conclusions. Positive results were achieved through MT that encouraged the expression of emotions by children with cancer and favoured and improved their moods. In addition, it also encouraged social interactions in the hospital and helped the children to better cope with their illness through self-awareness. Their families also benefited. Therefore, we encourage healthcare professionals to support the use of MT in paediatric oncology settings

    Estudio de las afinidades genéticas en clones de Manihot esculenta Crantz de importancia económica para Cuba

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    The genetic affinity were studied between 12 Cassava clones (Manihot esculenta Crantz) after studying the isozymatical systems: Peroxidase, Phenoloxidase and Carbonic Anhidrase. The MAT-GEN program was used for the analyzing results. All the isozymic systems were polymorphous. The dendrogram showed the formation of four groups, according the phylogenetic relations.Key words: cassava, dendrogram, isozymatical systemSe determinaron las afinidades genéticas entre 12 clones de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a partir del estudio de los sistemas isoenzimáticos: Peroxidasas, Polifenoloxidasas y Anhidrasa Carbónica. Se empleó para el análisis de los resultados el programa MAT-GEN. Todos los sistemas enzimáticos estudiados resultaron polimórficos, con el mayor grado para las isoenzimas Anhidrasa Carbónica. El dendrograma mostró la formación de cuatro grupos de acuerdo con las relaciones filogenéticas entre los clones estudiados.Palabras clave: dendrograma, sistemas isoenzimáticos, yuc

    Coping Strategies in Elderly Colorectal Cancer Patients

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    The author(s) disclose the receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: this study was supported by a grant from the Education Ministry (Program FPU16/01437), Madrid, Spanish Government.In Spain, 34,331 new cases of colorectal cancer were diagnosed in 2018 and 15,923 individuals died from this disease in the same year. The highest incidence of colorectal cancer is among individuals aged 65–75 years and the physiological consequences of aging, alongside the effects of the disease and its treatment, can exacerbate their physical deterioration and cognitive impairment and reduce their social relationships. The learning of coping strategies may help to improve the quality of life of patients after cancer diagnosis. To test the hypothesis that the utilization of coping strategies can improve the quality of life of elderly patients with colorectal cancer, PubMed and EBSCO databases were searched, up to 2021, using the following terms: “coping strategies and colorectal cancer” with “anxiety”, “quality of life”, “depression”, “unmet needs”, “optimism”, “intimacy”, “distress”, “self-efficacy” and “self-esteem” with Boolean operators “AND”, “OR”. The literature search retrieved 641 titles/abstracts written in English. After an exhaustive analysis, only 7 studies met the inclusion criteria. Randomized evidence was scant and was reported only in 3/7 of the studies analyzed. Data from available randomized evidence support that patients improved on their depression and quality of life and felt more prepared to deal with their cancer. Coping strategies in patients with colorectal cancer were effective in improving patient adaptation to their new situation. Healthcare professionals working with these patients should receive training in this complementary treatment, to be able to conduct comprehensive care in order to improve the quality of life of these patients.Education Ministry, Madrid, Spanish Government FPU16/0143

    Conductas facilitadoras del apego en las interacciones parento-filiales y función reflexiva parental en familias adoptivas

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    Los procesos de desarrollo que se ponen en juego cuando los niños y niñas adoptados llegan a sus nuevas familias han sido ampliamente estudiados y analizados en la investigación hasta la actualidad. Sin embargo, son pocos los estudios que se han encargado de analizar de manera más concreta y exhaustiva las interacciones que se producen entre padres y madres adoptivos con sus hijos e hijas adoptados. En este estudio, se analizan las interacciones parento-filiales en familias adoptivas y no adoptivas, así como las relaciones entre conductas parentales facilitadoras del apego y con la función reflexiva parental, en las familias adoptivas. Para ello, se evaluó a un total de 88 díadas a través de una tarea conjunta de construcción y una entrevista a las madres y padres. Los datos mostraron que ambos grupos eran semejantes en sus interacciones, aunque en las díadas adoptivas la frecuencia de conductas promotoras del apego fue significativamente mayor. Así mismo, se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre las conductas parentales facilitadoras del apego, observadas durante las interacciones parento-filiales. Finalmente, se observó que un pensamiento reflexivo parental más positivo sobre los menores adoptados y su relación con ellos estaba asociado a un mayor número de conductas promotoras del apego durante la interacción.While research into adopted children and their new families is abundant, studies exploring interactions in their relationship are more uncommon. Few studies have specifically analyzed the interactions between adoptive parents and adopted children. This work studies parent-child interaction in a sample of adoptive and non-adoptive dyads, as well as the relationships between attachment facilitating parental behaviors and parental reflective function in adoptive families. Through a co-construction task and an interview, 88 dyads were assessed. The data showed noteworthy similarities between the two groups and a significantly greater presence of some attachment facilitating behaviors in the adoptive dyads. Also, significant correlations were found between attachment facilitating parental behaviors, observed during parent-child interactions. Finally, a more positive parental reflective thinking about the adopted children and their relationship with them appeared to be associated with a higher number of attachment facilitating behaviors in the interaction.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad SEJ2006-12216Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PSI2010-19287Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad PSI2015-67757-