299 research outputs found

    Eficacia luminosa en superficies horizontales en la estación de Radiación Solar e Iluminación de alta calidad del IDMP en Madrid

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    En la estación de radiación solar e iluminación de alta calidad del International Daylight Measurement Program (IDMP) en Madrid, ubicada en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (40º 25’ N, 3º 41’ W) se ha realizado un estudio detallado sobre la e-cacia luminosa de la radiación global, difusa y directa en super¬cies horizontales para todo tipo de cielos (despejados, cubiertos y parcialmente cubiertos). La parte experimental ha consistido en tomar medidas durante 5 segundos cada 15 minutos, diariamente, de iluminancias e irradiancias globales y difusas durante 15 meses, a partir de las cuales se han deducido modelos para determinar iluminancias, irradiancias y e¬cacias luminosas de la radiación solar para todo tipo de cielos en función de la altitud solar, considerando pequeños intervalos de 2,5º. El principal resultado obtenido es constatar que es posible deducir un modelo de e¬cacia luminosa a partir de modelos de iluminancia e irradiancia obtenidos previamente, muy útiles para estimar los niveles de iluminación en la edi¬cació

    Effects of laying month and length of the storage period on hatchability of ostrich (Struthio camelus) eggs

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    The effects of laying month and length of the storage period on hatchability of ostrich (Struthio camelus) eggs were studied. A total of 1,740 hatching eggs gathered between April and May from a farm located in the province of Córdoba, Southern Spain, were stored at 17-18.5C and 30% RH for periods varying from 1 to 28 days, and subsequently incubated at 36.4C and 22% RH. It was found that egg weight increased as the laying season progressed, with the eggs laid in April showing lower weights than the eggs laid from May to August (P<0.05). There was also a seasonal effect on hatchability (P<0.001), that peaked in May. It was found an effect of the length of storage period on hatchability (P<0.001). Storage of ostrich eggs up to 12 d did not affect subsequent hatchability under profitable conditions, although a significant decline in hatchability occurred when the eggs were stored for longer periods. This finding has practical implications for successful hatchery management because allows prolonged storage of eggs, while being gathered sufficient-sized batches to be incubated and shipment of long shelf-life hatching eggs at ostrich farms, while maintaining optimum hatchability until further incubation. © 2014 Friends Science Publisher

    Influence of Stress Assessed through Infrared Thermography and Environmental Parameters on the Performance of Fattening Rabbits

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    Rabbits often experience stress when they perceive certain stimuli, such as handling. The physiological response of animals to stress and temperament is associated with feeding efficiency, with those with the least capacity to react to stress showing the highest performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of stress due to heat (temperature-humidity index; THI) or handling, assessed using infrared thermography, on the performance parameters of rabbits of a Spanish Common breed. Thirty-nine rabbits were analyzed during a 38-d fattening period at two times of the year: a cold period and a warm period. The rabbits’ stress due to handling was assessed by the temperature difference taken in the inner ear, before and after being handled. The animals were more productive in the cold season. Temperature-humidity index significantly influenced average daily gain (ADG) and daily feed intake (DFI). Rabbits with higher levels of stress showed higher ADG, DFI and feed conversion ratio (FCR) values. The greater the stress due to handling, the less efficient the animals were. FCR increased with higher THI. It was concluded that changes in animal welfare caused by the rabbits’ reactivity to both climatic and individual factors affect animal productivit

    Estudio de la iluminación natural en la edificación

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    En la estación de radiación solar e iluminación de alta calidad del International Daylight Measurement Program (IDMP) en Madrid ubicada en la terraza norte de la E.T.S. de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (40º 25’ N, 3º 41’ W) se está realizando un estudio conjunto entre profesores de la ETSAM y de la EUATM sobre la iluminación natural en la Edificación. Desde hace más de un año, se están midiendo iluminancias globales en superficies horizontales, en superficies verticales con las cuatro orientaciones (N, S, E y O) y en superficies inclinadas con distintos ángulos de inclinación mediante un domo semiesférico sobre el que se colocan los sensores fotométricos. Todas estas medidas para los tres tipos de cielo (despejado, parcialmente cubierto y cubierto). También se ha construido un modelo a escala de un local de la ETSAM con la finalidad de medir la iluminación natural simultáneamente en el local y en el modelo reducido. Una vez conocida la viabilidad del modelo se ha estudiado la iluminación natural que tendría dicho local, orientado al norte en la realidad, si estuviese orientado hacia el Sur, el Este o el Oeste. Con todo esto se han realizado varios trabajos de fin de máster del Máster en Técnicas y Sistemas de Edificación de la EUATM y se continúan realizando otros

    Érase una vez…la ciencia. Los relatos como nexo de unión entre enseñar ciencia y aprender soñando

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    Este proyecto se basa en la confección de relatos breves que involucren contenidos científicos de aprendizaje. Los autores de los relatos fueron los alumnos de la Facultad de Educación

    Relationship between rectal temperature measured with a conventional thermometer and the temperature of several body regions measured by infrared thermography in fattening rabbits. Influence of different environmental factors

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    [EN] In clinical examination of rabbits, the temperature is usually recorded with a digital thermometer introduced rectally, an invasive procedure that could cause handling stress. The aim of this study was to assess body temperature using infrared thermography (IRT) in four areas of the rabbit’s anatomy: eye (ETT), outer ear (OETT), inner ear (IETT) and nose (NTT), and then validate it as an alternative measure to rectal temperature (RT) assessed with a conventional thermometer. Temperature samples were taken twice a week from 48 weaned rabbits of Spanish Common Rabbit breed during a 38-d fattening period. The factors considered were: doe from which the rabbits came (8 does), weeks of fattening period (4 to 5 wk), batch (3 periods of the year: April-May, June-July and January-February) and group size (cages with 1 to 7 rabbits). On average, the results were an RT of 38.48±0.02 °C; ETT of 37.31±0.05 °C; OETT of 29.09±0.26°C; IETT of 30.53±0.251 °C, and NTT of 33.29±0.11 °C (mean±se). Moderate, statistically significant positive correlations (P&lt;0.001) were observed between RT and temperatures measured with infrared thermography (IETT, OETT, ETT and NTT), both in general (0.39 to 0.49) and intraclass (0.36 to 0.39), based on the batch, group size, week of fattening period and doe. The thermographic measurements which showed the highest correlation with RT were OETT and IETT. We also studied the effects that could influence the temperature variables evaluated by IRT and RT within each batch: for each week of the fattening period, for the group size and for the doe effect. We found significant differences (P&lt;0.001) between weeks within the batch, with a tendency for the temperature of the rabbits to increase as the fattening period progressed. The doe effect (within the batch) did not show, on the whole, any statistically significant differences within batches. On the other hand, we did observe a trend towards higher temperatures as the group size increased. In conclusion, infrared thermography is an effective tool for body temperature assessment and correlates closely with RT, with IETT appearing as the best reference point for taking body temperature in fattening rabbits. Infrared thermography appeared as a suitable alternative to RT for body temperature assessment in rabbits, thus avoiding handling stress.Jaén-Téllez, JA.; Bartolomé, E.; Sánchez-Guerrero, MJ.; Valera, M.; González-Redondo, P. (2021). Relationship between rectal temperature measured with a conventional thermometer and the temperature of several body regions measured by infrared thermography in fattening rabbits. Influence of different environmental factors. World Rabbit Science. 29(4):263-273. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2021.15556OJS263273294Ardiaca M., Brotóns N.J., Montesinos A. 2010. Aproximación a las urgencias y cuidados intensivos en conejos, psitácidas y reptiles. Clín. Vet. Peq. Anim., 30: 5-14.Arduini A., Redaelli V., Luzi F., Dall'Olio S., Pace V., Nanni Costa L. 2017. Relationship between deck level, body surface temperature and carcass damages in Italian heavy pigs after short journeys at different unloading environmental conditions. Animals, 7: 10. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani7020010Bartolomé E., Sánchez M.J., Molina A., Schaefer A.L., Cervantes I., Valera M. 2013. Using eye temperature and heart rate for stress assessment in young horses competing in jumping competitions and its possible influence on sport performance. Animal, 7: 2044-2053. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731113001626Burn C.C., Shields P. 2020. Do rabbits need each other? 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    Caracterización y optimización de materiales magnéticos para la edificación

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    En este trabajo se presentan las líneas de investigación, y resultados, de Materiales Amorfos, Tratamiento y Caracterización de materiales y Simulación de Procesos del Grupo de Sensores y Actuadores. Estas líneas de investigación están orientadas al desarrollo y aplicación de tecnologías, dentro del ámbito de la edificación, enfocadas a la mejora de la eficiencia energética. Se llevan a cabo, principalmente, en la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura técnica, y para ello se dispone de los medios asociados al Grupo de Sensores y Actuadores y situados en el laboratorio de Automatismos de la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura técnica

    Sensores, actuadores y dispositivos electrónicos para la edificación

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    En este trabajo se presentan las líneas de investigación, y resultados, de Sensores y actuadores y Dispositivos electrónicos del Grupo de Sensores y Actuadores. Estas líneas de investigación están orientadas al desarrollo y aplicación de tecnologías, dentro del ámbito de la edificación, enfocadas a la mejora de la eficiencia energética. Se llevan a cabo, principalmente, en la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura técnica, y para ello se dispone de los medios asociados al Grupo de Sensores y Actuadores y situados en el laboratorio de Automatismos de la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura técnic

    Optimización de las condiciones de electrodeposición para la obtención de núcleos sensores

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    Mostraremos los resultados obtenidos en la búsqueda de las condiciones de crecimiento óptimas para que las propiedades magnéticas de aleaciones de CoP sean las adecuadas para utilizarlas como núcleos de sensores. Demostraremos que utilizando una densidad de corriente adecuada en el proceso de electrodeposición, es posible obtener aleaciones formadas por capas ferromagnéticas de distinta composición que presentan anisotropía en el plano y un campo coercitivo comparable al de las aleaciones producidas por enfriamiento ultrarrápido. Como ánodos empleamos láminas de cobalto de 1 mm de espesor y una pureza del 99.95%. Como sustratos utilizamos tanto láminas de Cu como sustratos fabricados por sputtering. Durante la electrodeposición se ha utilizado la agitación del electrolito y la vibración del cátodo para facilitar el desprendimiento de las burbujas de H2 que se generan durante el proceso. De esta forma se han obtenido las monocapas controlando los dos parámetros siguientes: la densidad de corriente y el tiempo de aplicación de la misma. Por otro lado, para las multicapas se han aplicado pulsos de corriente donde se han tenido que controlar la duración de los pulsos y la intensidad de los mismos

    Acute stress assessment using infrared thermography in fattening rabbits reacting to handling under winter and summer conditions

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    Aim of study: This study assesses acute stress by measuring, through infrared thermography in summer and winter, the temperature of the eye, outer ear, inner ear and nose in 40 fattening rabbits before and after handling.Area of study: Seville (Spain).Material and methods: Body thermographic temperatures were recorded during a 38-day fattening period twice weekly and twice a day, before and after the handler held the rabbits in their arms for one minute. Ambient temperature and relative humidity were also recorded, and their influence on body temperatures was assessed. For each anatomical part, the variation of the temperature between the handled and undisturbed rabbit, and the differential temperature between the anatomical part in the undisturbed rabbit and the ambient temperature were calculated.Main results: The variation in temperatures between handled and undisturbed rabbits ranged from 0.25±0.041 ºC for eye to 3.09±0.221 ºC for outer ear in summer and -0.41±0.182 ºC for nose to 2.09±0.178 ºC for outer ear in winter. The day of the fattening period influenced all the temperature traits during summer and winter, except for the inner ear in winter. In summer, unlike winter, the temperature variation at the end of fattening period between handled and undisturbed rabbits was lower than at weaning (-0.04 to 1.94 ºC vs. 0.54 to 5.52 ºC, respectively). The temperatures in undisturbed rabbits were correlated with ambient temperature.Research highlights: Measuring body temperature with infrared thermography is a useful tool to evaluate acute stress in handled rabbits, with the inner ear and eye the most reliable body parts for measuring it