7,168 research outputs found

    Evidencia científica actual en la prevención nutricional de obesidad, síndrome metabólico y diabetes

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    La adopción de un patrón alimentario «occidentalizado», pobre en fibra y con alta densidad energética (concentración de muchas calorías en pocos gramos de alimento) son los aspectos que más han contribuido al desarrollo de la obesidad. No se puede eximir de responsabilidad al gran consumo de refrescos azucarados que representan la principal fuente de azúcares añadidos en la dieta (el azúcar de una lata de 330 ml de refresco azucarado equivale a 10 terrones de azúcar). Tales calorías están «vacías», sin apenas valor nutricional. El estado líquido de estos carbohidratos tiene una peor compensación calórica (son calorías que luego no se descuentan de la ingesta sólida) y por eso se considera un factor determinante de obesidad. Los cambios en estilos de vida con la incorporación de la mujer al mundo laboral, al no preparar las comidas en casa, con mayor consumo de precocinados y comidas fuera del hogar, también son factores de riesgo de obesidad. Consumir entre comidas (snacking) alimentos altamente energéticos, como bollería industrial, dulces o aperitivos, también se ha identificado como otro factor determinante de obesidad. En cambio, el consumo de yogur, frutos secos, frutas, pan integral y verduras se asociaba significativamente a menor ganancia de peso. Estos hallazgos, siempre que se interpreten como sustituciones (no adiciones), pueden aceptarse porque están apoyados consistentemente también por otras cohortes de menor tamaño, incluyendo una cohorte similar española. También existe suficiente evidencia de que una mala calidad de los carbohidratos que se ingieren se asocia a un mayor riesgo de desarrollar DM2. El porcentaje de calorías en forma de hidratos de carbono no desempeña cuantitativamente un papel claro como factor de riesgo de DM2. Sin embargo, más allá de la cantidad, lo que más importa es la calidad de estos carbohidratos. Más allá alimentos particulares, es preciso insistir en que es de vital importancia, considerar el patrón alimentario global y también mantener el equilibrio calórico (para evitar la obesidad). Para ello no sólo es importante tener en cuenta el tipo de alimentos que se ingieren, sino sobre todo la cantidad total que se ingiere, lo que ayudará a controlar el peso. En estudios observacionales, la ingesta de cereales integrales, fibra y magnesio se ha visto asociada con un menor riesgo de DM2. Una cohorte española (proyecto SUN) encontró que el patrón tradicional de dieta mediterránea se asociaba a una importante reducción del riesgo de desarrollar diabetes Esta misma protección se vio confirmada posteriormente en el ensayo aleatorizado PREDIMEDUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The role of platform quality and publicly owned platforms in the free-to-air broadcasting industry

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    In this study, we consider the role of a publicly owned platform and programme quality in the free-to-air broadcasting industry. We compare the equilibrium levels of advertising under private and mixed duopoly competition, and show that the connection between programme quality and advertising incentives is drastically different in each scenario. We also consider the welfare implications of our analysis and generate policy implications regarding the optimal level of government intervention in the broadcasting industry

    Preexistencias en la ciudad histórica contemporánea: viabilidad y convivencia

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    Dormancy in Deinococcus sp. UDEC-P1 as a survival strategy to escape from deleterious effects of carbon starvation and temperature

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    Dormancy is characterized by low metabolism and absence of protein synthesis and cellular division enabling bacterial cells to survive under stress. The aim was to determine if carbon starvation and low temperature are factors that modify the proportion of dormant/active cells in Deinococcus sp. UDEC-P1. By flow cytometry, RedoxSensor Green (RSG) was used to quantify metabolic activity and Propidium Iodide (PI) to evaluate membrane integrity in order to determine the percentage of dormant cells. Cell size and morphology were determined using scanning electronic microscopy. Under carbon starvation at 30°C, Deinococcus sp. UDEC-P1 increased its proportion of dormant cells from 0.1% to 20%, decreased the count of culturable cells and average cell volume decreased 7.1 times. At 4°C, however, the proportion of dormant cells increased only to 6%, without a change in the count of culturable cells and an average cellular volume decrease of 4.1 times and 3% of the dormant cells were able to be awakened. Results indicate a greater proportion of dormant Deinococcus sp. UDEC-P1 cells at 30ºC and it suggests that carbon starvation is more deleterious condition at 30ºC than 4ºC. For this reason Deinococcus sp. UDEC-P1 cells are more likely to enter into dormancy at higher temperature as a strategy to survive. [Int Microbiol 18(3):189-194 (2015)]Keywords: Deinococcus · dormancy · metabolism · starvation · flow cytometr

    The role of the food banks in saving freshwater resources through reducing food waste: the case of the food bank of Navarra, Spain

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    In the year 2011, the FAO estimated that food loss and waste reached one third of the total food produced worldwide. Since then, numerous studies have been published characterizing this problem and reflecting on its repercussions, not only social, but also environmental. Food wastage triggers unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation or loss of biodiversity. This study aims to quantify the water-related benefits associated with food loss and waste reduction by studying the Food Bank of Navarra (FBN). For this purpose, the water footprint assessment manual has been followed. First, the water footprint of the activities of the FBN has been analysed for the year 2018 (scenario with the FBN). A comparative analysis has been carried out between the scenario with the FBN and a theoretical scenario without the action of the FBN. This has allowed us to highlight the benefits associated with the activity of this entity. The FBN not only avoided the waste of 2.7 thousand tons of food suitable for consumption in 2018, but also avoided the unnecessary use of more than 3.2 million m3 of freshwater. As a result of the present investigation, it can be stated that promoting food banks, which avoid food waste, would be an effective way to contribute to the protection and conservation of water resources.The project leading to these results has received funding from ‘la Caixa’ and Caja Navarra Foundation, under agreement LCF/PR/PR13/51080004. The project was awarded with a Research Initiation Grant of the Public University of Navarra, for its collaboration with the Institute for Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain (ISFOOD)

    MIRACLE’s Naive Approach to Medical Images Annotation

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    One of the proposed tasks of the ImageCLEF 2005 campaign has been an Automatic Annotation Task. The objective is to provide the classification of a given set of 1,000 previously unseen medical (radiological) images according to 57 predefined categories covering different medical pathologies. 9,000 classified training images are given which can be used in any way to train a classifier. The Automatic Annotation task uses no textual information, but image-content information only. This paper describes our participation in the automatic annotation task of ImageCLEF 2005

    Registro y análisis vibratorio de un eje ferroviario a escala para defectología

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    El presente proyecto está basado en el análisis vibratorio de dos ejes ferroviarios, a los cuales se les aplicara varios niveles de defecto, concretamente los niveles van a ser 0%, 16%, 33%, 50%, todos ellos respecto del diámetro del eje. Aparte las medidas de vibraciones se realizaran para diferentes velocidades de rotación, 20Hz, 40Hz y 60Hz en un banco de ensayos llamado Rotokit. Por otro lado, el estudio de vibraciones consistirá, en primer lugar, en la captación de señales en el dominio del tiempo, para posteriormente pasarlas al dominio de la frecuencia. Finalmente para filtrar los datos de las señales de vibración, se realizaran promediados de los mismos, y se aplicara la técnica de bandas de frecuencia a dichas señales. Esto será posible gracias a la utilización de programas editados en Matlab. Tras el procesamiento de la señal de vibración se representaran conjuntamente en una misma gráfica, en el dominio de la frecuencia, y frente a la PSD acumulada, cuatro señales de vibración correspondientes a cada uno de los posibles niveles de defecto del eje, para una misma velocidad de giro. A través de estas graficas se identificaran patrones repetitivos de conducta de la señal, para un rango determinado de frecuencia.This project is based on vibration analysis of two rail axes, to which are applied several defect levels, specifically the levels will be 0%, 16%, 33%, 50%, all over the shaft diameter. Other measures will be carried out for different vibration speeds, 20Hz, 40Hz and 60Hz on a test bench called Rotokit. Moreover, the study of vibrations consists, firstly, in the signal acquisition in the time domain, and later transforms them to the frequency domain. Finally, to filtering the vibration signals, there will be averaged thereof, and applies the technique of frequency bands to these signals. This will be possible thanks to the use of edited programs in Matlab. After processing of the vibration signal are plotted together on the same graph, in the frequency domain, and compared to the accumulated PSD, four vibration signals corresponding to each possible defect levels shaft speed for a given of rotation. Through these graphs will identify repetitive patterns of behavior of the signal, for a specific frequency rang.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    MIRACLE Retrieval Experiments with East Asian Languages

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    This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE in NTCIR 2005 CLIR task. Although our group has a strong background and long expertise in Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval applied to European languages and using Latin and Cyrillic alphabets, this was our first attempt on East Asian languages. Our main goal was to study the particularities and distinctive characteristics of Japanese, Chinese and Korean, specially focusing on the similarities and differences with European languages, and carry out research on CLIR tasks which include those languages. The basic idea behind our participation in NTCIR is to test if the same familiar linguisticbased techniques may also applicable to East Asian languages, and study the necessary adaptations