12 research outputs found
Women exhibiting the components of metabolic syndrome before the pregnancy have a high risk of fetal
placental dysfunction, even fetal death. Moreover, glucotoxicity has been linked to birth defects. These issues have motivated
checking the possible association between a metabolic syndrome and morphological damages in the conception product.
In this paper, morphological alterations produced on the fetus by the metabolic syndrome of progenitors were determined
in an experimental model. The bio-model was developed in Wistar rats by supplying them with 35 % sucrose from the
intrauterine stage up to eighteen weeks of age. Subsequently, the crossing was performed, the pregnancy was confirmed, and
blood pressure was checked. Two groups of pregnancy were formed; metabolic syndrome and healthy control. Cesarean
section was performed on day twenty of gestation, in order to make the corresponding first segment studies of reproductive
toxicity. Maternal parameters such as body and organ weight were assessed. Weight, crown-rump length, and the total number
of fetuses by group, as well as the skeletal and soft tissue of the fetuses were recorded. The hematoma was the main external
change found, as well as there was a significant decrease in fetuses’ weight of metabolic syndrome parents’ group. In these
fetuses, the absence of Xiphoid and Sterne brae was reported as the principal developmental delays in bone tissue and no
noticeable damage was observed in a soft one. These results suggest that metabolic syndrome morphologically affects
the conception product
Efecto antiinflamatorio in vivo de fracción enriquecida de saponinas de Agave brittoniana Trel subespecie brachypus
Introduction: Agave brittoniana Trel species. subsp. brachypus is characterized by its high content of steroidal saponins and these metabolites have anti-inflammatory properties. However, no previous studies
indicate that extracts rich in saponins from this species have anti-inflammatory effect in vivo models.
Method: Steroidal saponins in n-butanolic extract were obtained from a hydroalcoholic extract of Agave
brittoniana. Phytochemical studies were used to verify the saponins presence. Doses of 25, 50 and 100
mg/kg were used in the acute model of edema induced by carrageenan and in the chronic model of cotton pellet-induced granuloma. Five groups of six male Sprague-Dawley rats each were designed by each
in vivo study: three groups for saponin-enriched fraction at different doses, a normal control group and
a positive control, which was treated with indomethacin. The inhibition percentage of the inflammatory
reaction was the major answer variable.
Results: The acute model of carrageenan-induced rat paw edema indicated that the groups corresponding to the doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg of saponin-enriched fraction showed the highest percentages of
inhibition, after three hours of treatment. According to the chronic model results, saponins-enriched
butanolic extract showed anti-inflammatory activity by reducing the dry weight of the granuloma and
increasing the inhibition percentage.
Conclusions: Saponin-enriched fraction from Agave brittoniana T. subsp. brachypus, have an anti-inflammatory effect in acute and chronic experimental models.Introducción: La especie Agave brittoniana Trel. subsp. brachypus se caracteriza por su alto contenido de
saponinas esteroidales y estos metabolitos presentan propiedades antiinflamatorias. Sin embargo, ningún estudio previo señala que extractos ricos en saponinas de esta especie tienen efecto antiinflamatorio
en modelos in vivo.
Método: Saponinas esteroidales extraídas en n-butanólico fueron obtenidas a partir de un extracto hidroalcohólico de Agave brittoniana. Estudios fitoquímicos se usaron para corroborar la presencia de saponinas. Dosis de 25, 50 y 100 mg/kg fueron usadas en el modelo agudo de edema inducido por carragenina y en el modelo crónico de granuloma inducido por pellet de algodón. Se diseñaron cinco grupos de
seis ratas machos Sprague-Dawley cada uno: tres grupos para la fracción enriquecida de saponinas a las
diferentes dosis, un grupo control normal y un control positivo, el cual fue tratado con indometacina. El
porcentaje de inhibición de la reacción inflamatoria fue la principal variable respuesta.
Resultados: El modelo agudo de edema plantar inducido por carragenina reveló que las dosis de 50 y
100 mg/kg de la fracción enriquecida de saponinas mostraron los mayores porcentajes de inhibición,
después de tres horas de tratamiento. Según los resultados del modelo crónico, el extracto butanólico
enriquecido con saponinas mostró actividad antiinflamatoria por reducción del peso seco del granuloma
e incremento del porcentaje de inhibición. Conclusiones: La fracción enriquecida de saponinas de
Agave brittoniana T. subsp. brachypus, tiene un efecto antiinflammatorio en modelos experimentales agudo y crónico
Experimental model of actinic keratosis due to exposure to ultraviolet A radiation
Las queratosis actínicas son lesiones cutáneas preneoplásicas frecuentes causadas por una exposición crónica a las radiaciones solares. La obtención de modelos animales que contribuyan a
comprender los mecanismos implicados en esta patología y a evaluar nuevas terapias farmacológicas resulta de gran interés para la comunidad científica. Se desarrolló un biomodelo de queratosis actínica en ratones Balb/c, empleando como inductor la radiación UVA. Se aplicaron dos
esquemas de irradiación: Grupo I, expuesto a tres sesiones diarias de radiación de 2 h y Grupo II,
dos sesiones diarias de 4 h, con igual tiempo de receso entre sesiones y durante un período de
14 días. Se evaluaron parámetros macroscópicos y microscópicos, y la frecuencia de aparición
de micronúcleos en sangre periférica. Los animales correspondientes al Grupo I no mostraron
lesiones mascroscópicas y microscópicamente evidenciaron una leve acantosis con ausencia de
displasia; mientras que en los animales del Grupo II se observaron lesiones macroscópicas que
se correlacionan histopatológicamente con la presencia de una queratosis actínica. La frecuencia
de micronúcleos obtenida en el Grupo II fue significativamente superior a la formación de micronúcleos espontáneos en el Grupo Control. El biomodelo experimental de queratosis actínica
obtenido reproduce el efecto de las radiaciones ultravioletas sobre la piel.Actinic keratoses are frequent preneoplastic skin lesions caused by chronic exposure to solar
radiation. Obtaining animal models that contribute to understanding the mechanisms involved in
this pathology and evaluating new pharmacological therapies is of great interest to the scientific
community. A biomodel of actinic keratosis was developed in Balb/c mice, using UVA radiation
as an inducer. Two irradiation schemes were applied: Group I, exposed to three daily radiation
sessions of 2 h and Group II, two daily sessions of 4 h, with the same break time between sessions and for a period of 14 days. Macroscopic and microscopic parameters were evaluated,
as well as the frequency of appearance of micronuclei in peripheral blood. The animals corresponding to Group I did not show mascroscopic lesions and microscopically they showed a
slight acanthosis with the absence of dysplasia; while in Group II animals macroscopic lesions
were observed that histopathologically correlate with the presence of an actinic keratosis. The
frequency of micronuclei obtained in Group II was significantly higher than the formation of
spontaneous micronuclei in the Control Group. The experimental biomodel of actinic keratosis
obtained reproduces the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin.Ciencias Experimentale
Actividad de la mieloperoxidasa en un modelo experimental de síndrome metabólico
Introduction: the metabolic syndrome is a state of chronic inflammation of low degree in which a set of metabolic alterations coexist. The increased activity of the enzyme myeloperoxidase is considered a sensitive marker of neutrophil infiltration in the inflammatory process.Objective: to determine the activity of the enzyme myeloperoxidase in the serum of Wistar rats with metabolic syndrome induced by the intake of 35% sucrose.Methods: an experimental study was carried out at the Department of Biomedical Experimental Research and the Experimental Toxicology Unit of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara between September 2018 and May 2019. The universe was constituted by Wistar rats from 180 to 200g from the National Center for the Production of Laboratory Animals. We worked with a sample of two experimental groups of 10 male animals each, one subjected to a hyperglycemic diet that developed the metabolic syndrome and the other with healthy conventional food, all of them randomly formed, which were determined the myeloperoxidase in serum, as well as cholesterol, triglycerides and glycemia.Results: myeloperoxidase values in the metabolic syndrome induction group were significantly higher than the healthy one (2.57±0.33 vs 0.78±0.13). A moderate positive correlation of triacylglycerides and glycemia was observed with the activity of the myeloperoxidase enzyme. Cholesterol did not increase in the group with metabolic syndrome.Conclusions: myeloperoxidase activity is increased in animals with metabolic syndrome.Introducción: el síndrome metabólico es un estado de inflamación crónica de bajo grado en el que coexisten un conjunto de alteraciones metabólicas. El aumento de actividad de la enzima mieloperoxidasa se considera un sensible marcador de la infiltración de neutrófilos en el proceso inflamatorio.Objetivo: determinar la actividad de la enzima mieloperoxidasa en el suero de ratas Wistar con síndrome metabólico inducido por la ingesta de sacarosa al 35%.Métodos: se realizó un estudio experimental en el Departamento de investigaciones experimentales biomédicas y en la Unidad de toxicología experimental de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara entre septiembre de 2018 y mayo de 2019. El universo estuvo constituido por ratas Wistar de 180 a 200g procedentes del Centro Nacional de producción de animales de laboratorio, se trabajó con una muestra de dos grupos experimentales de 10 animales machos cada uno, uno sometido a dieta hiperglucídica que desarrolló el síndrome metabólico y otro con alimentación convencional sano, todos formados aleatoriamente, a los que se les determinó la mieloperoxidasa en suero, así como el colesterol, los triglicéridos y la glicemia.Resultados: los valores de la mieloperoxidasa en el grupo de inducción del síndrome metabólico fueron significativamente mayores con respecto al sano (2,57±0,33 vs 0,78±0,13). Se observó una correlación moderada positiva de los triacilglicéridos y la glicemia, con la actividad de la enzima mieloperoxidasa. El colesterol no se incrementó en el grupo con síndrome metabólico.Conclusiones: la actividad de la mieloperoxidasa se encuentra incrementada en animales con síndrome metabólico
Daño oxidativo en un modelo experimental de hiperglicemia e hiperlipidemia inducida por sacarosa en ratas wistar Oxidative damage in an experimental model of saccharose-induced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats
Se realizó un estudio experimental de casos y controles en el período comprendido entre noviembre de 2010 y mayo de 2011, con el objetivo de caracterizar el comportamiento del daño oxidativo en un modelo experimental de hiperglicemia e hiperlipidemia inducida por sacarosa en ratas wistar en la Unidad de Toxicología Experimental de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Para ello se utilizaron ratas machos como modelo biológico, con el fin de evaluar la actividad oxidativa inducida por sacarosa. El modelo fue establecido a partir de la administración de una dieta rica en sacarosa, para lo cual se determinaron los por cientos de hemólisis, fotohemólisis y la susceptibilidad a sustancias con efectos hemolíticos. Se encontró aumento en los valores de glucemia y triacilglicéridos de las ratas del grupo estudio, con diferencias significativas con respecto al grupo control. Asimismo, se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos estudiados en los test de susceptibilidad a la hemólisis y la fotohemólisis. Se produjo incremento significativo en los niveles de glicemia y triacilglicéridos relacionados con la dieta rica en sacarosa. Se observaron incrementos significativos en los valores de los por cientos de hemólisis en el ensayo de susceptibilidad a la hemólisis y la fotohemólisis y en el primer caso se correspondió con el grupo sometido a la dieta rica en sacarosa. Se observó una fuerte correlación entre los niveles de triglicéridos del grupo estudio en el último mes de experimentación y los valores obtenidos en el test de fotohemólisis.We carried out an experimental research of cases and controls in the period from November 2010 to May 2011, with the objective of characterizing the behavior of the oxidative damage in an experimental model of saccharose-induced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats in the Unit of Experimental Toxicology of the Medical Sciences University of Villa Clara. We used male rats as biological model, with the objective of evaluating the saccharose- induced oxidative activity. The model was set up on the basis of a diet rich in saccharose, and for that there were calculated the hemolysis, photohemolysis percentages and the susceptibility to substances with hemolytic effects. We found an increase in the glycemia and triacilglyceride values of the rats in the studied group, with significant differences in those of the control group. There were also found significant differences between the both studied groups in the tests of susceptibility to the hemolysis and photohemolysis. There it was a significant increase in the glycemia and triacilglycerides levels related with the saccharose-enriched diet. We observed significant increases in the percentages values of the hemolysis in the tests of susceptibility to the hemolysis and photohemolysis, and in the first case it corresponded with the group receiving a saccharose- enriched diet. There it was a strong correlation between the triglycerides level of the studied group in the last month of the research and the values obtained in the photohemolysis test
Enzimas antioxidantes en la hiperglicemia e hiperlipidemia inducida por sacarosa en ratas Wistar Antioxidant enzymes in saccharose-induced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats
El trabajo realizado evaluó la actividad de las enzimas antioxidantes catalasa y superóxido dismutasa en un modelo experimental de hiperlipidemia inducida por sacarosa en ratas Wistar, para lo cual se determinaron los niveles de glicemia y lípidos plasmáticos y los niveles de actividad enzimática específica de la superóxido dismutasa y la catalasa. Se produjeron incrementos significativos en los niveles de glicemia y triacilglicéridos relacionados con la dieta rica en sacarosa. Al cuarto mes del estudio se observó un incremento en la actividad de las enzimas en el grupo con dieta rica en sacarosa, solo con incrementos significativos para la catalasa. Se observó una fuerte correlación entre los niveles de triacilglicéridos del grupo estudio en el último mes de experimentación y los valores obtenidos en la actividad enzimática de la catalasa.<br>The work we accomplished evaluated the activity of the catalase antioxidant and dismutase superoxide enzymes in the experimental model of saccharose induced hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats, for what we determined the glicemia and plasmatic fluids and the levels of dismutase superoxide and catalase specific enzymatic activity. There they were significant increases in glicemia and triacylglycerides related with a saccharose-rich diet. At the fourth month of the study we observed an increase of the enzymes in the group with a saccharose-rich diet, with significant increases only for the catalase. It was observed a strong correlation between the triacylglyceride levels of the studied group in the last month of experimentation and the values obtained in the catalase enzymatic activity
Endothelial damage may contribute to the atheriosclerosis development. Chronic sucrose intake could lead
to the establishment of endothelial damage due to the increase of oxygen reactive species. Although antioxidants vitamins
may be useful to improve the endothelium injury, more experimental designs are required. In the current study, Vitamin
C and E were used with the purpose of evaluating the regression degree of the endothelial damage produced in an induced
model by a sucrose-rich diet in Wistar rats. Four groups were formed (n=6). The endothelium damage was achieved by a
35% of sucrose intake during 18 weeks. Then, the vitamins were supplied for four weeks at 10 mg/kg. Endothelial dysfuntion
were assessed by two indirect methods: Histopathological evaluation of abdominal aorta and the quantification of plasmatic
endothelial cells. Some biochemical and biometric parameters were also determined. It was observed that both vitamins
decreased the plasmatic endothelial cells, being Vitamin C the one with the highest reduction percentage (78.7 % vs
34.8 %). Both vitamin treatments decreased hyperlypemia and the gain of body weight. The histologic analysis of the
abdominal aortic fragments showed a significant regression of the endothelium injury parameters; no-organization of
elastic fibers and small clear vacuoles spread or fusioned in the cellular cytoplasm.The most improved morphometric
parameter was wall thickness: 67.16 ±12.34 µm for vitamin C and 76.28 ± 18.0 µm for vitamin E vs 95.16 ± 42.09 µm for
group without treatment (p<0.001). It is concluded that either Vitamin C or E may improve the endothelium injury
provoked by the chronic supply of sucros
Toxicity study at limit dose of carbide waste in Sprague Dawley rats
El cieno de acetileno se ha venido utilizando en los últimos años en diversas aplicaciones biológicas y se han realizado diversas pruebas para valorar su posible toxicidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es profundizar en los aspectos toxicológicos de este residual El trabajo se desarrolló en la UTEX del ISCM-VC. Se utilizaron 30 ratas Sprague Dawley (15 por sexo) de 6 a 7 semanas de edad. Para cada sexo se conformaron 3 grupos: 1) animales tratados con cieno de acetileno (2 g/Kg peso suspendido en 2 ml de aceite de girasol); 2) animales sólo con vehículo (2 ml de aceite de girasol) y 3) control negativo (se administraron 2 ml de agua destilada). Los animales se pesaron antes de comenzar el experimento y a los 7 y 14 días, momento en que se sacrificaron para su estudio anatomopatológico. A los órganos que presentaron lesiones macroscópicas se le tomaron muestras para histopatología. Durante el período experimental no se produjeron muertes. Los animales del grupo control vehículo tuvieron una ganancia media diaria significativamente inferior a los otros grupos. No se encontraron diferencias entre grupos para el peso de los órganos ni lesiones macro - microscópicas atribuibles al cieno de acetileno.Carbide Waste has been used for several years as treatment of animal diseases and alimentary supplementation. Some assays have shown no toxic effects of this residual. The aim of this work is to go deeply in further investigation in possible toxicity of this product. The present study was carried out at the Experimental Toxicology Unit of the Higher Institute of Medical Science of Villa Clara, Cuba, to assess acetylene mud toxicity when it is used as oral supplement in laboratory rats. Thirty Sprague Dawley rats were used (15 females and 15 males, 6-7 weeks age). Three groups were formed: 1) animals treated with carbide waste (2 g/Kg body weight in 2 ml of vegetal oil); 2) vehicle control (2 ml of vegetal oil), and 3) negative control (sterile water). Animals were weighed before experiment and at 7 and 14 days later, time of slaughter, for morphological study. No animals dead during the experimental period. Treated and control animals had similar weight development and a few cases of organ lesions were detected, in similar proportion in all groups.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire
Toxicity of carbide waste administered orally to repeated dose during 28 days to Wistar rats
El trabajo se desarrolló en el Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, con el objetivo de valorar los posibles efectos tóxicos del Cieno de Acetileno administrado por vía oral a dosis repetida durante 28 días. Se utilizaron 80 ratas Wistar de ambos sexos, con edades y pesos similares. Tanto machos como hembras se dividieron en 4 grupos experimentales: Tratamiento, Control Vehículo, Control, y Centinela. Al primer grupo se le suministró durante 28 días 1 g/Kg de peso de Cieno de Acetileno suspendido en aceite de girasol; al segundo grupo se le administró aceite de girasol; el tercer grupo recibió agua destilada. Estos tres grupos fueron sacrificados al día 29º de iniciado el experimento. El cuarto grupo recibió el mismo tratamiento que el primero, pero se mantuvo vivo 4 semanas más. Los animales fueron pesados semanalmente y el día del sacrificio. A todos los animales se les realizó una evaluación de indicadores hematológicos y de bioquímica clínica y se determinó su ganancia media diaria de peso. Se realizaron asimismo, evaluaciones anatomopatológicas macro y microscópicas. La ganancia media diaria mantuvo diferencias estadísticamente significativas solo para el grupo Vehículo dentro de los machos. Los valores hematológicos fueron muy similares en todos los grupos, con algunas diferencias para los Leucocitos Totales (hembras y machos centinela) con mas del 95% de los animales dentro de los rangos fisiológicos.
En la mayoría de los indicadores de bioquímica clínica no se encontraron diferencias en los distintos grupos dentro del sexo. Solamente las aminotransferasas estuvieron por debajo en todos los grupos. Los estudios anatomo e histopatológicos no mostraron diferencias estadísticas significativas entre los grupos. Se concluye que el Cieno de Acetileno administrado a dosis repetidas de 1000 mg/Kg durante 28 días, no produjo efectos tóxicos en los animales experimentales.The work was developed in the Superior Institute of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, with the aim to evaluate the possible toxic effects of Carbide Waste administered orally to repeated dose during 28 days. Eighty Wistar rats of both sexes with similar ages and weight were used. Both, males and females, were divided in 4 experimental groups: Treatment, Control Oil , Control, and Sentry. The first group received 1 g/Kg of Waste suspended in sunflower oil during 28 days; the second group received sunflower oil; the third group received distilled water.
These three groups were killed on day 29 of the experiment. The fourth group received the same treatment that the first one, but they stayed alive for other 4 weeks. The animals were weighed weekly and the day of the sacrifice.
Haematology and of clinical biochemistry evaluations were carried out to all the animals and their daily half gain of weight (g1/2d)was determined; anatomopatologycal evaluations were also carried out. Only the males belonging to the Control Oil group maintained g1/2d values statistically significant. The haematological values were very similar in all the groups, with some differences for Total Leukocytes (females and male sentry) but with 95% of the animals within physiologic ranges. In most of the indicators of clinical biochemistry they were not differences in the different groups within the sex. Only the aminotranspherases were low in all the groups. The anatomopatologycal studies didn't show significant results among the groups. It can be concluded that Carbide Waste administered to repeated dose during 28 days didn't produce toxic effects in the experimental animals.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire