503 research outputs found

    Properties of electrons near a Van Hove singularity

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    The Fermi surface of most hole-doped cuprates is close to a Van Hove singularity at the M point. A two-dimensional electronic system, whose Fermi surface is close to a Van Hove singularity shows a variety of weak coupling instabilities. It is a convenient model to study the interplay between antiferromagnetism and anisotropic superconductivity. The renormalization group approach is reviewed with emphasis on the underlying physical processes. General properties of the phase diagram and possible deformations of the Fermi surface due to the Van Hove proximity are described.Comment: Proceedings of SNS-01 to appear in the Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, SNS-0

    Spanish fisheries information in Corner Rise Seamount Complex (NAFO Divisions 6GH).

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    The Corner Rise Seamount complex is located in a small area of the NAFO Subarea 6 (34º- 37º N, 47º - 53º W). The aim of this paper is to review and present the Spanish fisheries information available in this area between 2005 and March 2007. Results show that Kükenthal peak, in particular and western Corner Rise part in general seem to have more species diversity and more fishing yield than the other Corner Rise parts. The most important species in the catches were Beryx splendens, Aphanopus carbo and polyprion americanus. Beryx splendens catches length range was 27 – 41 cm in 2007. Males were more abundant for sizes less than 33 cm. while females were more abundant for bigger sizes

    Interspecific Variation between the American Quercus virginiana and Mediterranean Quercus Species in Terms of Seed Nutritional Composition, Phytochemical Content, and Antioxidant Activity

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    This study aimed to evaluate a complete nutritional composition in the seeds Quercus virginiana to compare this nutritional composition with three Mediterranean Quercus species. We analyzed the seed morphometry, proximate composition, phytochemicals, and antioxidant capacity. The seed of Q. virginiana presented the smaller seed size and weight, while Q. suber presented the highest values. Moreover, Q. virginiana seeds showed the highest amounts of sugar and total lipids, digestibility, energy, palmitic acid, and stearic acid. On the other hand, Q. virginiana seeds showed the lowest values of linoleic acid. Moreover, Q. coccifera seeds presented the highest total phenolics and flavonoids contents and antioxidant activity. The clustering analysis revealed a significant similarity in seed morphometry and nutritional composition between the Mediterranean Q. ilex and Q. suber, grouping with the American Q. virginiana, but to a considerable distance; by contrast, the Mediterranean Q. coccifera was the most distant in the clustering analysis. The content of phenolics and flavonoids and digestibility value were the variables that contributed to the separation to a greater extent in the clustering of the four species. The nutritional and biological activity assessment of plant seed may be considered as an essential mission to find new sustainable sources and novel chemical agents. In this sense, Quercus seeds may be an alternative and a competitive food source for the agri-food industry

    Factores asociados con casos esporádicos de salmonelosis en niños de 1 a 7 años. Estudio de casos y controles

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    ObjetivoEl conocimiento de los factores de riesgo de la salmonelosis proviene en gran parte de los estudios de brotes de toxiinfección alimentaria, pero es menos conocida la epidemiología de los casos esporádicos. Sin embargo, muchos de los casos atendidos en el sistema sanitario son esporádicos, especialmente niños. Este estudio pretende aportar conocimientos sobre algunos de los determinantes de esos casos.MétodosEstudio de casos y controles (113 niños) de hospital y atención primaria. Casos incidentes de diarrea en niños de 1 a 7 años ocurridos entre diciembre de 1994 y diciembre de 1995 y con coprocultivo positivo a Salmonella. Controles de igual procedencia pero con coprocultivo positivo a Campylobacter o virus. Se estudian factores alimentarios, del entorno de los casos y antecedentes próximos. Se calculan las Odds Ratio (OR) ajustadas por los factores relacionados, edad, sexo y época del año mediante regresión logística.ResultadosEl consumo de carne picada del comercio durante los tres días previos a la diarrea, OR=4,07 (1,20–13,8) y OR=5,63 (1,34–23,6) para cada grupo control, la posesión de animales domésticos, OR=8,27 (1,96–34,9) y la toma de antibióticos en la semana previa a la diarrea, OR=4,75 (0,84–27,0) estuvieron epidemiológicamente asociados con la enfermedad.ConclusionesLa epidemiología de los casos esporádicos de salmonelosis en niños de esta edad parece diferir de la de los típicamente asociados a brotes de infección alimentaria, y es más compleja. El consumo de carne picada en el comercio, la toma previa de antibióticos y la posesión de animales domésticos pueden suponer un riesgo para la salmonelosis infantil y habrían de ser considerados en futuros estudios sobre esta materia.BackgroundKnowledge about salmonellosis risk factors mainly comes from foodborne outbreaks, and we know little about sporadic cases epidemiology. However most of the cases are sporadic, specially children. This study aims to find out some of determinants of these cases.MethodsA case-control study with incident cases and controls from the same base population (laboratory diagnosed cases). Cases were children 1–7 years old, afected by diarrohea with culture stools positive to Salmonella between decembre 1994 and decembre 1995. Controls from the same source, but positive culture to Campylobacter or viruses. We study food and other environmental risk factors. Odds ratio (OR) are calculated adjusted for age, sex, and year period (cool and cold) by logistic regression.ResultsEating minced meat during three days before symptoms, OR 4,07 (1.20–13.8) and OR 5.63 (1.34–23.6); pets, OR 8.27 (1.96–34.9), and antibiotics the week before symptoms, OR 4.75 (0.84–27.0) were epidemiologicaly associated with salmonelosis diarrohea.ConclusionsEpidemiology of salmonelosis sporadic cases in children seems diferent to the foodborne associated cases and is more complex. Minced meat tree days before symptoms, antibiotics the week before symptoms, and pets could be a risk for this kind of cases. Future studies must also take account of this factors

    Discriminant Canonical Analysis as a Validation Tool for Multivariety Native Breed Egg Commercial Quality Classification

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    This study aimed to develop a tool to validate multivariety breed egg quality classification depending on quality-related internal and external traits using a discriminant canonical analysis approach. A flock of 60 Utrerana hens (Franciscan, White, Black, and Partridge) and a control group of 10 Leghorn hens were placed in individual cages to follow the traceability of the eggs and perform an individual internal and external quality assessment. Egg groups were determined depending on their commercial size (S, M, L, and XL), laying hen breed, and variety. Egg weight, major diameter, minor diameter, shell b*, albumen height, and the presence or absence of visual defects in yolk and/or albumen showed multicollinearity problems (variance inflation factor (VIF) > 5) and were discarded. Albumen weight, eggshell weight, and yolk weight were the most responsible traits for the differences among egg quality categories (Wilks’ lambda: 0.335, 0.539, and 0.566 for albumen weight, eggshell weight, and yolk weight, respectively). The combination of traits in the first two dimensions explained 55.02% and 20.62% variability among groups, respectively. Shared properties between Partridge and Franciscan varieties may stem from their eggs presenting heavier yolks and slightly lower weights, while White Utrerana and Leghorn hens’ similarities may be ascribed to hybridization reminiscences

    Estructura poblacional del Podenco Andaluz

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    En nuestro país los libros genealógicos caninos están gestionados por la Real Sociedad de Razas Caninas en España, quien delega su mantenimiento y control en las distintas asociaciones de criadores afiliadas. En el caso de la raza Podenco Andaluz, la gestión del libro genealógico es especialmente compleja debido al aislamiento reproductivo entre las distintas variedades existentes que obliga el actual patrón racial. En el presente estudio analizamos la estructura genética de la población del Podenco Andaluz basándonos en los registros genealógicos de los cinco últimos años donde indagamos en los ratios por sexo, ratios por tallas, ratios por edades dentro de talla; su evolución durante este tiempo y su proyección el futuro. Asimismo, profundizamos en una análisis de los niveles de consanguinidad individuales de los ejemplares inscritos, así como del nivel de endogamia media de la población

    Superconducting and pseudogap phases from scaling near a Van Hove singularity

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    We study the quantum corrections to the Fermi energy of a two-dimensional electron system, showing that it is attracted towards the Van Hove singularity for a certain range of doping levels. The scaling of the Fermi level allows to cure the infrared singularities left in the BCS channel after renormalization of the leading logarithm near the divergent density of states. A phase of d-wave superconductivity arises beyond the point of optimal doping corresponding to the peak of the superconducting instability. For lower doping levels, the condensation of particle-hole pairs due to the nesting of the saddle points takes over, leading to the opening of a gap for quasiparticles in the neighborhood of the singular points.Comment: 4 pages, 6 Postscript figures, the physical discussion of the results has been clarifie

    How cost-effective is biofortification in combating micronutrient malnutrition?: An ex-ante assessment

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    "Biofortification is increasingly seen as an additional tool to combat micronutrient malnutrition. This paper presents, for the first time, evidence on the costs and potential benefits of biofortification for a large number of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. We use a modification of the Disability-Adjusted Life Years framework to conclude that the intervention can make a significant impact on the burden of micronutrient deficiencies in the developing world, and can do so in a highly cost-effective manner." Authors' AbstractGeneral Biofortification, Cost-effectiveness, Micronutrient malnutrition,

    Proton pump inhibitors display antitumor effects in barrett's adenocarcinoma cells

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    Recent evidence has reported that proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) can exert antineoplastic effects through the disruption of pH homeostasis by inhibiting vacuolar ATPase (H+-VATPase), a proton pump overexpressed in several tumor cells, but this aspect has not been deeply investigated in EAC yet. In the present study, the expression of H+-VATPase was assessed through the metaplasia-dysplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence in Barrett''s esophagus (BE) and the antineoplastic effects of PPIs and cellular mechanisms involved were evaluated in vitro. H+-VATPase expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry in paraffined-embedded samples or by immunofluorescence in cultured BE and EAC cell lines. Cells were treated with different concentrations of PPIs and parameters of citotoxicity, oxidative stress, and autophagy were evaluated. H+-VATPase expression was found in all biopsies and cell lines evaluated, showing differences in the location of the pump between the cell lines. Esomeprazole inhibited proliferation and cell invasion and induced apoptosis of EAC cells. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) seemed to be involved in the cytotoxic effects observed since the addition of N-acetylcysteine significantly reduced esomeprazole-induced apoptosis in EAC cells. Esomeprazole also reduced intracellular pH of tumor cells, whereas only disturbed the mitochondrial membrane potential in OE33 cells. Esomeprazole induced autophagy in both EAC cells, but also triggered a blockade in autophagic flux in the metastatic cell line. These data provide in vitro evidence supporting the potential use of PPIs as novel antineoplastic drugs for EAC and also shed some light on the mechanisms that trigger PPIs cytotoxic effects, which differ upon the cell line evaluated