1,372 research outputs found

    Correlation of students’ previous ideas in Earth Sciences at european and international level

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    El objeto de este trabajo es comparar las ideas previas sobre algunos aspectos de las Ciencias de la Tierra de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla con las de niños y futuros maestros de otros países europeos, con la finalidad de encontrar los principales obstáculos de aprendizaje y proponer alternativas didácticas para superarlos

    International collaboration projects among teachers in the field of Earth Sciences

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    Las Ciencias de la Tierra tienen una escasa representación en la enseñanza obligatoria. Los profesores, en su mayoría faltos de formación, se sienten inseguros en su actividad diaria. El objeto de este trabajo es presentar una serie de programas internacionales surgidos con el deseo de apoyar al profesorado de Ciencias de la Tierra para dinamizar y mejorar la práctica docente, así como aumentar el interés de los alumnos por el conocimiento del planeta. Se analizan, en particular, el portal XPLORA, de ámbito europeo, el proyecto GLOBE, de ámbito internacional, y el ESSEA de ámbito estadounidense

    British suffragists and the conquest of public space: integration, re-creation and subversion

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    Las sufragistas británicas han sido ampliamente estudiadas en el ámbito historiográfico anglosajón. Este artículo pretende sistematizar algunas de sus características recogiendo las aportaciones bibliográficas fundamentales. Pero este texto no sólo ofrece una síntesis narrativa, sino que incorpora algunas reflexiones sobre la naturaleza de sus estrategias y actitudes frente al espacio público. Pocos movimientos políticos supieron combinar con tanta maestría una vertiente gesellshaft (racional, pragmática y legalista), con una vertiente gemeinshaft (emotiva, pasional, creadora de fuertes lazos identitarios). No hubo otro que consiguiera —como hicieron las sufragistas— alternar la acción legal o violenta, el espectáculo, la publicidad y el consumo del sufragismo: estrategias vinculadas a su afán por integrarse, recrear o subvertir el sistema político y la estructura social.Women’s Suffrage in Britain is a widely researched topic among English-speaking scholars. In this article we shall try to summarise the main characteristics of the movement as they are presented in the essential bibliography. In addition, the paper will put forward some reflections on the strategies employed by the suffragists, and their use of the public arena. Not many political movements have achieved such a skilful blend of the gessellshaft (rational, pragmatist and legalistic) and the gemeinshaft (emotional, cohesive of identities). There is no other movement whose activities embraced legal and violent action, public spectacle and political propaganda so comprehensively, harnessing each of these elements to their goals of integration, subversion or revision of the social and political status quo

    Open source hardware based sensor platform suitable for human gait identification

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    Most initiatives about embedded sensing capabilities in computational systems lead to de- vise an ad hoc sensor platform, usually poorly reusable, as a first stage to prepare a data corpus or production prototype. In this paper, an open source hardware platform for sensing is described. This platform was intended to be used in data acquisition for gait identification, and is designed in a way general enough so many other projects could reuse the design to accelerate prototyping. The platform is based on popular open source hardware and software like Arduino and Raspberry Pi using well known languages and libraries. Some experimental results about the throughput of the overall system are reported showing the feasibility of acquiring data from up to 6 sensors with a sampling frequency no less than 118 Hz

    Is Open Science the Same as Open Source Science?

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    How open source hardware and software can help to level up open science into open research when used for both methods and tools in the research activities

    Identifying users from the interaction with a door handle

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    Ambient intelligence pursues the integration of intelligent approaches on an IoT infrastructure, mainly using everyday objects of the environment. The main hypothesis of the work is that the way in which a user interacts with a door handle is suitable to be used in the identification task. Our proposal contributes with a new method to identify persons in a seamless and un-obstrusive way, suitable to be used in a smart building scenery without the need to bring any additional device. In this case, we embed accelerometers and gyroscopes in a door handle in order to obtain a data set comprising samples of 47 individuals. A parametric approximation is adopted to reduce each sample to a feature vector by using a dynamic time warping technique. A study has been made of the outcomes of different classification techniques over six different feature sets in order to assess the feasibility of this identification challenge. The AUC values observed with the selected feature set show promising results above 0.90 using neural networks and SVM classifiers

    Measuring the coefficient of restitution and more: a simple experiment to promote students’ critical thinking and autonomous work

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    Innovación EducativaAbstract A simple experiment on the determination of the coefficient of restitution of different materials is taken as the basis of an extendable work that can be done by the students in an autonomous way. On the whole, the work described in this paper would involve concepts of kinematics, materials science, air drag and buoyancy, and would help students to think of physics as a whole subject instead of a set of, more or less, isolated parts. The experiment can be done either in teaching laboratories or as an autonomous work by students at home. Students’ smartphones and cheap balls of different materials are the only experimental materials required to do the experiment. The proposed work also permits the students to analyse the limitations of a physical model used in the experiment by analysing the approximations considered in it, and then enhancing their critical thinking