60 research outputs found


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    Estudio sobre los valores individuales de los jóvenes de Puerto Rico

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    This paper presents the results obtained in the research called The values of the young Puerto Ricans. This research aims to expose the value system of the young Puerto Ricans, as well as analyzing its individual dimension. A quantitative research with a descriptive design was conducted in which an ad hoc questionnaire was administered to a representative sample of students of public schools in Puerto Rico. The results reveal the individual values held by the youth in relation to the body, reason, affection, and human singularity: being these individual, moral or esthetic.El artículo que se presenta muestra los resultados obtenidos en la investigación Los valores de los jóvenes de Puerto Rico. La finalidad de este estudio es desvelar el sistema de valores de los jóvenes puertorriqueños y analizarlos en su dimensión individual. Para la consecución de los objetivos propuestos se planteó una metodología cuantitativa de corte descriptivo, aplicándose un cuestionario, elaborado ad hoc, a una muestra representativa de alumnos de escuelas públicas de Puerto Rico. Los resultados nos muestran los valores individuales que presentan estos jóvenes relacionados con el cuerpo, la razón, el afecto y la singularidad humana: individuales, morales y estéticos.

    Enfoque de democratización familiar en melilla-españa: análisis de las representaciones de género y autoridad

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    El presente artículo forma parte, en su fase inicial, de un proyecto de investigación e intervención que se desarrolla en la actualidad en la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla. A partir de los trabajos sobre democratización familiar de la Dra. Beatriz Elba Schmukler, desarrollados durante más de una década en México desde el Instituto Mora, se creó un equipo de investigación con miembros de la Universidad de Granada, España, para adaptar dichos planteamientos a este contexto. El estudio que presentamos se realizó en Melilla, ciudad multicultural española de 12 km cuadrados situada en el norte de África. Esta investigación cualitativa de carácter exploratorio, analiza las representaciones sociales de género y autoridad en las familias, entre el alumnado seleccionado de la Facultad de Educación y Humanidades de Melilla, empleando como técnica los grupos de discusión. De este estudio exploratorio se ha destacado la visión estereotipada de los/las jóvenes sobre género y la desigualdad entre los roles familiares

    Exploring Inequality Through Service Learning in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Review Study

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    Service learning (S-L) is an innovative methodology, which is extensively known worldwide. The implementation of this methodology involves classroom learning and real practice. It is based on a cooperative methodology, integrating community service and learning in a connected way. Its main strength lies in its great potential as a transformative social movement to reduce inequality. The main aim of this study was to understand and describe the field of S-L and inequality in higher education through a bibliometric analysis. A descriptive, retrospective, and cross-sectional methodology is used to describe the information obtained from the 20 references on the topic registered in the Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases using a mixed methodology. The quantitative and qualitative results show that most of the publications are concentrated in 2016, with the United States being the country with the largest amount of scientific production on this subject. It is also worth noting that most of the authors reported this approach as a powerful tool to develop consciousness, commitment, and responsibility toward inequality and social problems

    Three styles to kill the angel of the house. The silence the final point and their voices

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    Recepción: 30 de julio de 2016 | Revisión: 6 de septiembre de 2016 | Aceptado: 26 octubre de 2016Correspondencia: Gracia González-Gijón | Email: [email protected] presente ensayo reflexiona sobre tres obras que simbolizan distintas vías de escape a la dominación patriarcal por medio del enfrentamiento de tres mujeres con este constructo social. En el “El empapelado amarillo” (1892), Charlotte Perkins Gilman, nos muestra al inicio a la protagonista como mujer adoctrinada dentro de la cultura patriarcal. Debido a este rol pasivo, su única vía de escape hacia la libertad es la locura. En Trifles (1916) (traducida como Bagatelas, cosas insignificantes), Susan Gaspell, narra su propio deseo por buscarse a sí misma como ser autónomo. A través de su obra, nos introduce en un estudio psicológico y cultural que demuestra el estatus de la mujer en la sociedad del momento, así como la concepción de los hombres hacia las mujeres como cosas insignificantes. Susan, para acabar con la situación en desventaja de la mujer, presenta a su protagonista como la asesina de su marido, y al mismo tiempo, de la opresión patriarcal. Y finalmente, la historia de Harriet Jacobs, Incidentes en la vida de una joven esclava (1861), describe la lucha incesante de una mujer negra y esclava que consigue superar todos los obstáculos de la vida a través del uso del razonamiento contra su opresor. En definitiva, estas tres obras nos van a guiar en nuestro viaje hacia el descubrimiento de esas voces, que estuvieron silenciadas.This essay reflects on three literary works that symbolize different escape routes from patriarchal domination through the fight of three women against this social construct. In the literary work called The Yellow Wallpaper (1892), Charlotte Perkins Gilman shows us the protagonist as a woman indoctrinated by the patriarchal culture. Due to this passive role, her unique way of escaping to freedom was madness. In Trifles (1916), Susan Glaspell describes her own desire of being a free individual. Within her work, she introduces us to a psychological and cultural study that probes the status of women in society. It also refers to men's view of women as trifles. Glaspell presents her protagonist as the murderess of her husband and at the same time, of patriarchal oppression, in order to end women's disadvantages. Finally, the story of Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the life of a slave girl (1861), describes the eternal struggle of a black slave woman who overcomes all the obstacles in her life as a slave through the use of reasoning against her oppressor. In short, these three literary works will guide us on a journey to discover these voices that were once silenced.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Social. Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCre

    Feminism in the literary work of Olga Nolla: the struggle for equality in Puerto Rico

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    La finalidad de este trabajo es dar a conocer la lucha de la mujer puertorriqueña por el reclamo de sus derechos a través de la literatura de Olga Nolla, destacada representante de la literatura puertorriqueña de la Generación del Setenta. Los escritores y las escritoras de esta generación renuevan la literatura puertorriqueña nutriéndose de la crisis de valores que representa el cambio abrupto de una sociedad capitalista burguesa a una sociedad capitalista industrial y por la dependencia política y económica de Puerto Rico con los Estados Unidos. Olga Nolla, igual que otras autoras de su generación, utiliza un discurso de ruptura y transfiguración. Reacciona al heterosexismo del discurso tradicional con un tono desafiante y transgresor. Busca derrotar el pensamiento tradicional y patriarcal para dar paso a una nueva literatura basada en el empleo de un discurso femenino y feminista que privilegia a la mujer como sujeto narrativo.The main aim of this work is to present the struggle of Puerto Rican women to reclaim their rights through the literature of Olga Nolla, an outstanding representative of Puerto Rican women in the area of literature of the Generation of the Seventies. The writers of this generation renewed Puerto Rican literature which was nourished by the crisis of values derived from the change to a capitalist society and by Puerto Rico’s political and economic dependence on the United States. Olga Nolla, as other authors of her generation, uses a discourse of rupture and transfiguration. She reacts to the heterosexism of traditional discourse with a defiant and transgressive tone. She seeks to defeat traditional and patriarchal thinking in order to give way to a new literature based on the use of a feminine and feminist discourse that privileges women as narrative subject

    Revisão sistemática na socialização do género na fase de educação da primeira infância

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    Throughout the early childhood education stage, gender identity is established through the process of socialisation through which boys and girls acquire and construct stereotypes and stereotyped gender roles, in many cases dichotomised and sexist. The general objective guiding this study is to find out about gender socialisation and the acquisition and construction of stereotyped roles and gender stereotypes in boys and girls at the Early Childhood Education stage based on systematic review in the Web of Science, Scopus and Dialnet databases. After a systematic search, 124 documents from all databases made up the final sample. To begin with, a qualitative-quantitative analysis of the selected publications in each of the databases was carried out, followed by a content analysis of the presence of gender roles and/or stereotypes of boys and girls in these studies. We conclude with the identification of a greater number of publications in the Web of Science database on this subject; the existence of a greater number of publications that focus their studies on boys and girls in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education; and the presence of stereotyped roles and gender stereotypes concerning play and toys.A lo largo de la etapa de Educación infantil se configura la identidad de género mediante el proceso de socialización por el cual, niños y niñas adquieren y construyen es­tereotipos y roles estereotipados de género, en muchos casos dicotomizados y sexistas. El objetivo general que guía este estudio es conocer la socialización de género y la adquisición y construcción de roles estereotipados y estereotipos de género en niños y niñas en la etapa de Educación Infantil a partir de la revisión sistemática en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus y Dialnet. Tras una búsqueda sistemática, 124 documentos de todas las bases de datos han conformado la muestra final. Para empezar, se ha realizado un análisis cualitativo-cuanti­tativo de las publicaciones seleccionadas en cada una de las bases de datos para en segundo lugar, realizar un análisis de contenido sobre la presencia de roles y/o estereotipos de género en los niños y niñas en dichos estudios. Se concluye con la identificación de un mayor número de publicaciones en la base de datos Web of Science sobre dicha temática; la existencia de un mayor número de publicaciones que centran sus estudios en niños y niñas del Segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil; y la presencia de roles estereotipados y estereotipos de género en relación al juego y los juguetes.Ao longo da fase da educação infantil, a identidade de género é moldada pelo processo de socialização através do qual rapazes e raparigas adquirem e constroem estereótipos e papéis de género estereotipados, em muitos casos dicotomizados e sexistas. O objetivo geral que norteia este estudo é conhecer a socialização de gênero e a aquisição e construção de papéis estereotipados e estereótipos de gênero em meninos e meninas na etapa da Educação Infantil a partir da análise bibliométrica nas bases de dados Web of Science, Scopus e Dialnet. Após uma pesquisa sistemática, 124 documentos de todas as bases de dados formaram a amostra final. Para começar, foi realizada uma análise qualitativa-quantitativa das publicações seleccionadas em cada uma das bases de dados, seguida de uma análise de conteúdo da presença de papéis e/ou estereótipos de género em rapazes e raparigas nestes estudos. Concluímos com a identificação de um maior número de publicações na base de dados Web of Science sobre este assunto; a existência de um maior número de publicações que focalizam os seus estudos em rapazes e raparigas no segundo ciclo de Educação Infantil; e a presença de papéis estereotipados e estereótipos de género em relação a brincadeiras e brinquedos

    Dating Violence: A Bibliometric Review of the Literature in Web of Science and Scopus

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    FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades/Proyecto (P18-RT-1475).This study has the general purpose of improving the understanding and description of the field of violence in young couple relationships by means of a bibliometric analysis. A descriptive and transversal-retrospective methodology is used, the objective of which is to describe in a quantitative way the information obtained from the production of 842 references registered in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The results show that during 2017 and 2018, the majority of publications were concentrated, highlighting that the United States is the country with the highest amount of scientific production on violence in intimate relationships. It is important to highlight that more and more countries are investigating this subject, highlighting an increase in production from 2015 onwards. The violence that occurs in the relationships of young couples is a global social and health problem that requires research to be able to deepen its knowledge and in the prevention of this social scourge.Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades/Proyecto P18-RT-147

    Study on the types of abuse in young couples as a function of sex

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    This manuscript has been carried out within the framework of the research project entitled “Exploratory study on violence in intimate partner relationships among students of the Education Degrees of the University of Granada” (PP2021.PP-14), funded by the Precompetitive Research Projects programme of the Plan Propio 2021, University of Granada, Spain.This study analyses the types of violence that can occur in intimate partner relationships among young people and their self-perception of abuse. For this purpose, we have used a survey-type methodology, with a quantitative approach. Participants were selected by means of non-probabilistic convenience and consisted of students enrolled in different degree and postgraduate courses in the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada (Spain). The sample consisted of 323 students, with a mean age of 23.8 years (SD = 5.2). Statistical and inferential tests were carried out with the data obtained using the SPSS V26 data analysis programme. The results show that the type of maltreatment most suffered, at some time by the sample participants, is emotional maltreatment, physical maltreatment, and psychological maltreatment. By comparing the means obtained, we can conclude that sex did not influence the violence suffered by young couples, which gives it a bidirectional character.Precompetitive Research Projects programme of the Plan Propio 2021, University of Granada, Spain PP2021.PP-1

    El feminismo en la obra literaria de Olga Nolla: la lucha por la igualdad en Puerto Rico

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    The main aim of this work is to present the struggle of Puerto Rican women to reclaim their rights through the literature of Olga Nolla, an outstanding representative of Puerto Rican women in the area of literature of the Generation of the Seventies. The writers of this generation renewed Puerto Rican literature which was nourished by the crisis of values derived from the change to a capitalist society and by Puerto Rico’s political and economic dependence on the United States. Olga Nolla, as other authors of her generation, uses a discourse of rupture and transfiguration. She reacts to the heterosexism of traditional discourse with a defiant and transgressive tone. She seeks to defeat traditional and patriarchal thinking in order to give way to a new literature based on the use of a feminine and feminist discourse that privileges women as narrative subjects.La finalidad de este trabajo es dar a conocer la lucha de la mujer puertorriqueña por el reclamo de sus derechos a través de la literatura de Olga Nolla, destacada representante de la literatura puertorriqueña de la Generación del Setenta. Los escritores y las escritoras de esta generación renuevan la literatura puertorriqueña nutriéndose de la crisis de valores que representa el cambio abrupto de una sociedad capitalista burguesa a una sociedad capitalista industrial y por la dependencia política y económica de Puerto Rico con los Estados Unidos. Olga Nolla, igual que otras autoras de su ge- neración, utiliza un discurso de ruptura y transfiguración. Reacciona al heterosexismo del discurso tradicional con un tono desafiante y transgresor. Busca derrotar el pensamiento tradicional y patriarcal para dar paso a una nueva literatura basada en el empleo de un discurso femenino y feminista que privilegia a la mujer como sujeto narrativo