1,263 research outputs found

    Caracterización de rocas calcáreas sobre las que se desarrollan suelos forestales de la reserva de Grazalema (Cádiz)

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    Continuando con trabajos anteriores, se estudian las características químicas y mineralógicas de cuatro tipos de rocas liásicas calcáreas (calcarenitas, calizas tableadas, calizas masivas y margas), sobre las que se desarrollan suelos forestales de la Reserva de Grazalema (Cádiz, España). En todas ellas se presentan calcita, cuarzo y mica, aunque en distintas proporciones. Además, existe dolomita en las calizas masivas y calcarenitas, caolinita en las calizas tableadas y masivas y, por último, esmectitas en las margasContinuing with previous works, we study the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of four types of calcareous liassic rocks (calcarenites, laminated limiestones, lump limestones and calcareous marls), on which are developed the forest soils of the Grazalema Reserva (Cadiz, Spain). In all of these are present calcite, quartz and mida, although in different proportions. Moreover, dolomite, is found in the calcarenites and the lump limestones, kaolinite in the laminated and lump limestones and, finally, smectites in the marls

    Teaching classical mechanics using an applied example: Modelling and Software

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    [EN] We present our experience in using a common mechanism in engineering, such as a slider-crank, to explain classical mechanics in physics and engineering degrees. We also present a graphical user interface that permits the student to visualize the results of different simulations varying the conditions of the numerical experiment.[ES] Presentamos la experiencia docente obtenida al utilizar un mecanismo muy común en ingeniería, como el mecanismo biela-manivela-deslizadera, como un ejemplo práctico en la asignatura ”mecánica clásica” que se imparte en los grados de física e ingeniería. También presentamos una interfaz gráfica que permite al estudiante visualizar los resultados obtenidos al simular en el ordenador el movimiento de dicho mecanismo variando las condiciones en las que se realiza el experimento numérico.García-March, M.; Isidro, J.; Zacarés, M.; Arevalillo, M.; González-Santander, J.; Monreal, L.; López-Javier, C. (2009). Teaching classical mechanics using an applied example: Modelling and Software. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 2:35-43. doi:10.4995/msel.2009.3116SWORD35432H.Goldstein, Mecánica Clásica. Ed. Reverté, Barcelona, (1987). C.Lanczos, The variational principles of mechanics. Dover, New York, (1986).M.A. García-March, I. Orquín, P. Fernández de Córdoba, A. Montero, J. Urchueguía, M.H. Giménez y J.A. Monsoriu, Formulación Lagrangiana del Sistema Biela-Manivela- Deslizadera. Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica. Revista de la Asociación Espa-ola de Ingeniería Mecánica. 2 1077-1086 (2004)

    SkyCDS: A resilient content delivery service based on diversified cloud storage

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    Cloud-based storage is a popular outsourcing solution for organizations to deliver contents to end-users. However, there is a need for contingency plans to ensure service provision when the provider either suffers outages or is going out of business. This paper presents SkyCDS: a resilient content delivery service based on a publish/subscribe overlay over diversified cloud storage. SkyCDS splits the content delivery into metadata and content storage flow layers. The metadata flow layer is based on publish-subscribe patterns for insourcing the metadata control back to content owner. The storage layer is based on dispersal information over multiple cloud locations with which organizations outsource content storage in a controlled manner. In SkyCDS, the content dispersion is performed on the publisher side and the content retrieving process on the end-user side (the subscriber), which reduces the load on the organization side only to metadata management. SkyCDS also lowers the overhead of the content dispersion and retrieving processes by taking advantage of multi-core technology. A new allocation strategy based on cloud storage diversification and failure masking mechanisms minimize side effects of temporary, permanent cloud-based service outages and vendor lock-in. We developed a SkyCDS prototype that was evaluated by using synthetic workloads and a study case with real traces. Publish/subscribe queuing patterns were evaluated by using a simulation tool based on characterized metrics taken from experimental evaluation. The evaluation revealed the feasibility of SkyCDS in terms of performance, reliability and storage space profitability. It also shows a novel way to compare the storage/delivery options through risk assessment. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The work presented in this paper has been partially supported by EU under the COST programme Action IC1305, Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)

    Aircraft icing: in-cloud measurements and sensitivity to physical parameterizations

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    The prediction of supercooled cloud drops in the atmosphere is a basic tool for aviation safety, owing to their contact with and instant freezing on sensitive locations of the aircraft. One of the main disadvantages for predicting atmospheric icing conditions is the acquisition of observational data. In this study, we used in‐cloud microphysics measurements taken during 10 flights of a C‐212 research aircraft under winter conditions, during which we encountered 37 regions containing supercooled liquid water. To investigate the capability of the Weather Research and Forecasting model to detect regions containing supercooled cloud drops, we propose a multiphysics ensemble approach. We used four microphysics and two planetary boundary layer schemes. The Morrison parameterization yielded superior results, whereas the planetary boundary layer schemes were essential in evaluating the presence of liquid water content. The Goddard microphysics scheme best detected the presence of ice water content but tended to underestimate liquid water content

    Computer based tool for temporal and spectral analysis of electrocardiographic records

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    Along the last years the relationship between autonomic nervous system (ANS) function and cardiovascular mortality has been recognized as a fact. This has lead researchers to focus on quantitative indicators for autonomic balance, which are able to work as markers for several diseases, even at early states. At this point, Heart Rate Variability (HRV) has been reported to be one of the most promising methods for the diagnostic and study of Parkinson disease. In order to obtain quantitative indicators, several temporal and spectral parameters have been proposed. This work introduces a virtual bioinstrument specially designed for its use at neuro-vegetative studies for the diagnostic of Parkinson disease.The authors would like to acknowledge the cooperation of the Parkinson Association of Cartagena and the research boards of both hospitals

    Análisis de los Másteres universitarios españoles relacionados con las ciencias del deporte

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    La finalidad del presente estudio es aportar una visión global del estado de los Másteres españoles relacionados con las ciencias del deporte, conseguir conocerlos en profundidad, para poder establecer marcadores de calidad, que permita obtener de forma rápida y sencilla una valoración general de cada uno de ellos. Los objetivos del presente estudio son: a) analizar la Estructura Académica de los Másteres oficiales universitarios españoles relacionados con las ciencias del deporte; b) analizar las Características del profesorado que imparte su docencia; y c) analizar el Tipo de Evaluación de las asignaturas que lo componen. Para ello, se estudiaron cuarenta y cuatro Másteres localizados en la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA), a través de sus páginas webs oficiales. En cuestiones relacionadas con el profesorado, se utilizó también la base de datos de Tesis Doctorales (TESEO). Los resultados que arroja el estudio señalan que: a) la totalidad de los másteres estudiados son de temática general y gestión, de un año de duración, presenciales, con horario mayoritario de tarde, o mañana/tarde, se desarrollan a lo largo de la semana, y el criterio principal de acceso es el expediente académico; b) la mayoría de los másteres universitarios analizados, no presentan objetivos, ni competencias, ni definen salidas profesionales, ni ofrecen prácticas externas; c) su precio medio es de 5151€, con 34 plazas ofertadas, y ajustados al EESS en cuanto a sus créditos; d) El número de tesis medio por profesor es de dos, con mayoría de hombres en los equipos docentes; y e) en cuanto a las características de las asignaturas, no suelen ser reflejadas en sus guías docentes. Como conclusión se puede señalar que es necesario ajustar estos aspectos para ofrecer un servicio de mayor calidad

    Validación de dos algoritmos para la localización 3D del instrumental laparoscópico a partir de la imagen de vídeo endoscópico

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    Uno de los aspectos fundamentales en un sistema de cirugía guiada por imagen (CGI) es la localización del instrumental quirúrgico con respecto a la anatomía del paciente. Los sistemas basados en sensores ofrecen buenos niveles de precisión, pero son sensibles a distintas fuentes de ruido en el quirófano y contribuyen a la sobrecarga tecnológica del mismo. Una alternativa novedosa es analizar la imagen del vídeo endoscópico para llevar a cabo la detección y localización espacial del instrumental. Se presenta en este trabajo la validación de dos métodos, basados en el diámetro aparente y en la sección transversal del instrumental, para la localización espacial del instrumental a partir de los bordes y la posición 2D de la punta en la imagen. La validación, llevada a cabo en un simulador físico, se realiza comparando los resultados con el sistema Kinescan/IBV. Los resultados muestran para cada método un error medio de 12,7 y 12,8 mm respectivamente. La incorporación de estos algoritmos dentro del paradigma de navegación propuesto en el proyecto THEMIS permitirá al cirujano conocer la posición del instrumental de forma no intrusiva y transparente, sin necesidad de equipamiento adicional en el quirófano

    Spatial distribution, inter-annual variability and influence of abiotic factors on molluscan assemblages collected with otter trawl in the northen Alborán Sea

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    Molluscs constitute one of the most diverse and best represented invertebrate groups in the marine environment. In the northern sectors of the Alborán Sea and Gulf of Cádiz 1200 spp. of the 1800 spp. occurring in the Mediterranean Sea, have been found so far highlighting the importance of this area for the european molluscan fauna (Gofas et al., 2011). Molluscs are also the second group in abundance and biomass in demersal fisheries and an important component of soft-bottom benthic communities, including ecologically important and/or commercial mollusc species that are also exposed to an increasing trawling impact (Snelgrove, 1998; Kaiser & De Groot, 1999). Previous studies on molluscs of the Alborán Sea has primarily focused on those from infralittoral habitats, with few studies focussing on the composition, structure and dynamics of circalittoral and bathyal molluscan assemblages ( Rueda et al., 2015). The study of soft bottom molluscan assemblages where trawling fishing fleet operates is important for improving the fisheries evaluation and management, as well as the implementation of ecosystemic and biodiversity conservation measures in the context of the new Marine Strategy Framework Directive. In the present study, the distribution and inter-annual variability of molluscan assemblages of circalittoral and bathyal soft bottoms of the Alborán Sea have been analyzed as well as the relationships of fauna with different environmental variables. Samples were collected in 190 otter trawl hauls performed between “Punta Europa” and “Cabo de Gata”, including the Alborán Ridge, at depths from 30 to 800 m during four MEDITS-ES trawl surveys in spring between 2012 and 2015. Several environmental variables from the water column (temperature and salinity) and sediment samples were taken where each haul was performed in order to elucidate their relationships with the molluscan assemblages. Abundances of each species (individuals . h-1) of each haul and trawl survey were pooled in a matrix for performing multivariate methods in order to contrast molluscan assemblages of different sites and years. The Bray-Curtis similarity index was then used to perform non-parametric multidimensional scaling ordinations (nMDS). A fourth root transformation pretreatment was applied on the quantitative data in order to minimize the contribution of the most abundant species to the analyses. Analyses of similarities (ANOSIM) were carried out for statistical comparisons of groups of samples according to different factors (e.g. year, location). Analyses of similitude percentage (SIMPER) were used to identify those species that contributed to the similarity and dissimilarity between groups of samples according to factors. These multivariate analyses were executed using the PRIMER v6 (Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research). Average values of abundance of molluscs (N), species richness (S), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’: log2), evenness index (J’) and taxonomic distinctness index (Δ*) were calculated for each sample group. Statistical differences between these values were tested with the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis using SPSS software. The relationships between environmental variables and molluscs abundance in the different hauls were only studied for the 2014 trawl survey using a correspondence canonical analysis (CCA). The statistical significance of the adjusted CCA was assessed using a Monte Carlo permutation test. Prior to this, the environmental variables were screened and those which presented a correlation higher than 0.9 (after a Spearman correlation analysis) were not further considered. These analyses were executed using the R software. Three main molluscan assemblages were detected and belonged to the: I) Continental Shelf (30-200 m); II) Upper Continental Slope (201-350 m), and III) Middle Continental Slope (351-800 m). The multivariate analyses revealed geographical differences within the Alborán Sea, being these differences more acute between the Alborán Island, mainly in the shallower assemblages (30-200 m and 201-350 m) and the remaining locations considered. These differences were due to a lower abundance in the island of species that were dominant in the continental margin, such as Alloteuthis media, Sepietta oweniana and Turritella communis and a higher abundance in the island of species that were less abundant in the continental margin, such as Neopycnodonte cochlear, Arca tetragona, Loligo forbesii and Sepia orbignyana. No significant differences of the abundance, biomass, species richness and diversity index were detected in the assemblages over the four years. Nevertheless, significant abundance declines of A. media, S. oweniana, and increases of N. cochlear were detected in the continental shelf over the years as well as abundance declines of Bathypolipus sponsalis and Galeodea rugosa in the slope assemblages. Regarding the environmental variables, the shallower assemblage (30-200 m) showed a significantly higher temperature, lower salinity and wider variety of sediment types than the others, with a predominance of sandy mud textures followed by muddy sand. As depth increases the sedimentary heterogeneity decreases, with dominant muddy sediments. Depth, temperature and mud percentage were the key variables that better explained the variability of the molluscan assemblage in the CCA. In conclusions: (1) Acute geographical differences occurred between the Alborán Island and the locations of the continental margin, due to its location far from the continental influence and, therefore, with lower fisheries activity and a less muddy and more bioclastic sediment, (2) Inter-annual trends in the abundance, biomass, species richness and diversity of assemblages were not detected, but some species displayed inter-annual changes due to biological aspects or accidental catch of gregarious species and (3) depth and some sedimentological variables displayed the most significant relationships with the molluscan assemblages, as previously observed for other invertebrate assemblages in the Alborán Sea

    Sentinel-3 MWR Microwave Radiometer – Our contribution to the success of the Copernicus programme

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    Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] The MWR builds, together with the SRAL altimeter, the S3 topography mission. The MWR, developed by EADS CASA Espacio as prime contractor, provides information for tropospheric path correction of SRAL measurements. MWR data can also be used for determining surface emissivity and soil moisture over land, surface energy budget investigations and ice characterization. The MWR instrument is a Noise Injection Radiometer (NIR), working at two frequencies (23.8/36.5 GHz), embarking a dual frequency horn antenna pointing to the cold sky for embedded autonomous calibration.[ES] El radiómetro MWR, desarrollado por EADS CASA Espacio, constituye la misión topográfica de Sentinel-3 (S3) junto al radar altímetro SRAL. Su función es la entrega de información auxiliar para la corrección troposférica de las medidas del SRAL. Sus datos también pueden servir para caracterizar magnitudes físicas del suelo y la criosfera, así como para la evaluación de balances energéticos. El MWR es un radiómetro de inyección de ruido (NIR) que funciona a dos frecuencias (23,8 y 36,5 GHz) e incorpora una bocina para la obtención de la temperatura de brillo del cielo como medio de calibración autónoma.Los autores querrían agradecer el apoyo y la contribución por parte de los clientes del MWR (ESA y TAS-F), así como de los principales subcontratistas, TAS-E, CRISA, TAS-I, CDE, RYMSA, COBHAM, HVS, ABSL, APCO, IABG e ITD.Palacios, M.; Bergadà, M.; González, R.; Gamonal, A.; García-Fernández, J.; Camacho, Y. (2014). El radiómetro de microondas MWR de Sentinel-3: Nuestra contribución al éxito de Copernicus. Revista de Teledetección. (41):79-88. doi:10.4995/raet.2014.2294.SWORD798841Aguirre, M., Berruti, B., Bezy, J.L., Drinkwater, M., Heliere, F., Klein, U., Mavrocordatos, C., Silvestrin, P., Greco, B., Benveniste, J., 2007. Sentinel-3. The Ocean and Medium-Resolution Land Mission for GMES Operational Services. ESA bulletin, 131, 24-29.Guijarro, J., Auriol, A., Costes, M., Jayles, C., Vincent, P., 2000. MWR & DORIS-Supporting Envisat Radar Altimetry Mission, ESA bulletin, 104, 41-46.L'Abbate, M., Bombaci, O., Alberti, G., Femenias, P., 2003. ENVISAT-1 MWR, in flight functional and performance verification. En: Proceedings of Envisat Validation Workshop, Frascati (Italy).Xie, Y., Chen, J., Liu, D., Lv, C., Liu, K., & Miao, J. (2013). DEVELOPMENT AND CALIBRATION OF A K-BAND GROUND-BASED HYPERSPECTRAL MICROWAVE RADIOMETER FOR WATER VAPOR MEASUREMENTS. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 140, 415-438. doi:10.2528/pier1305070