307 research outputs found

    Study of total stimulated saliva flow and hyperpigmentation in the oral mucosa of patients diagnosed with hereditary hemochromatosis. Series of 25 cases

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    Objective: To study lesions in the oral cavity of patients with hereditary hemochromatosis and determine their association with iron overload. Study Design: We took a clinical history, examined the pigmentation of the oral mucosa, and measured total stimulated saliva production. We correlated our results with epidemiological, phenotypic, and genotypic findings. Patients with associated diseases or drug therapy causing xerostomia were excluded. Results: We evaluated 25 patients (20 men, mean age 52 years) over a period of 6 months. No patient complained of xerostomia and pigmentation was not detected in the oral mucosa. The total stimulated salivary flow was reduced in 9 patients who had an average ferritin level of 796.5 ?g/l. The decline in total stimulated salivary flow was significantly correlated with ferritin levels (p=0.002). Patients with ferritin levels within the normal range also had normal stimulated salivary flow. Conclusions: We found no pigmented lesions in the oral mucosa; however, we did observe a decrease in total stimulated salivary flow that correlated with ferritin levels. Therefore, hyposialia caused by functional impairment of the salivary glands may be an early marker of iron deposition. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Análisis estadístico de los presupuestos municipales 2004-2013 de San Rafael y encuesta de opinión

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación es analizar las relaciones entre los recursos y gastos del municipio de San Rafael y aplicar herramientas estadísticas para explicar esas relaciones y así interpretar las más importantes. Otro incentivo de esta investigación fue presuponer una gran desinformación entre los ciudadanos sobre esta temática. Esto motivó la realización de encuestas de opinión al respecto. Aquí, aplicamos en forma conjunta dos temas de nuestra carrera sumamente importantes como la hacienda pública y la estadística, intentando dar una visión objetiva a un tema cotidiano como son los presupuestos municipales. Dado que nuestro trabajo es de tipo exploratorio no partimos de una hipótesis concreta a probar. Concluido el trabajo de exploración sobre los presupuestos municipales, se intentará describir el conocimiento de la población acerca de los mismos y las opiniones sobre la utilización de éstos. Nuestra investigación ha sido realizada en base a dos tipos de fuentes de datos. Una fuente secundaria suministrada por el Municipio de San Rafael. Sobre dichos datos realizamos gráficos y obtuvimos medidas descriptivas. Y finalmente una fuente primaria, a través de las encuestas diseñadas y realizadas por nosotros a los ciudadanos, para la posterior aplicación de herramientas estadísticas apropiadas.Fil: García, Vanesa Inés. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: González, Mayra Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Jiménez, Nicolás Guillermo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Kruger, Norma Carina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Health Promotion for Childhood Obesity: An Approach Based on Self-Tracking of Data

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    [EN]At present, obesity and overweight are a global health epidemic. Traditional interventions for promoting healthy habits do not appear to be e ective. However, emerging technological solutions based on wearables and mobile devices can be useful in promoting healthy habits. These applications generate a considerable amount of tracked activity data. Consequently, our approach is based on the quantified-self model for recommending healthy activities. Gamification can also be used as a mechanism to enhance personalization, increasing user motivation. This paper describes the quantified-self model and its data sources, the activity recommender system, and the PROVITAO App user experience model. Furthermore, it presents the results of a gamified program applied for three years in children with obesity and the process of evaluating the quantified-self model with experts. Positive outcomes were obtained in children’s medical parameters and health habits

    ¿Qué comparten bisabuelos y bisnietos en contextos familiares? Análisis de una nueva relación intergeneracional.

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    The main aim of this study was to find out more about the role of great-grandparenthood. A group of participants with great-grandchildren (n=78) was interviewed using a questionnaire containing questions that had been put through a previous pilot study, covering participants’ sociodemographics, the activities that participants shared with their great-grandchildren, and their view of the role of great-grandparent and their related degree of satisfaction. The data were recorded and analyzed both with frequency tables and descriptive statistics and with the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. The results showed several significant relationships between the shared activities and the sociodemographic variables, such as great-grandparents’ age (p ≤ .05), education (p ≤ .01), health status (p ≤ .05), the distance at which they live from their great-grandchildren (p ≤ .05). Also, it was found that participants generally consider the role of great-grandparent to be a continuation of their prior role as grandparent, albeit from the perspective of a formal intergenerational typology, distinct from the informal typology and, above all, opposed to the role of substitute/surrogate. Greater perceived satisfaction was associated with this typical interaction of the formal role (p ≤ .01). Great-grandparents may already be fulfilling a notable function in today’s four-generation families.El objetivo general de este trabajo es conocer mejor el rol de bisabuelidad. Se entrevistó a un grupo de voluntarios con bisnietos (n=78) mediante un cuestionario, cuyo contenido fue pilotado previamente, con preguntas sobre sus características sociodemográficas, las actividades que solían compartir con sus bisnietos y su opinión del rol de bisabuelidad, con la satisfacción asociada. Los datos fueron registrados y analizados tanto con tablas de frecuencia y estadísticos descriptivos, como con la prueba no-paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron numerosas relaciones significativas entre las actividades compartidas y aspectos socio-demográficos de los bisabuelos como la edad (p≤ .05), el nivel educativo (p≤ .01), la salud (p≤ .05), la distancia a la que viven de sus bisnietos (p≤ .05). Además, de mostrar que perciben su rol de bisabuelidad en general como una continuidad del rol anterior de abuelidad, aunque desde una tipología intergeneracional formal, distinta a la tipología informal y, sobre todo, opuesta a la del rol sustituto/subrogado. La mayor satisfacción percibida estaba asociada a esa interacción típica del rol formal (p ≤ .01). Los bisabuelos podrían estar cumpliendo ya alguna función destacable en las familias actuales de cuatro generaciones

    Colorectal cancer recurrence and its impact on survival after curative surgery: an analysis based on multistate models

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    [Abstract] Aim: To investigate the usefulness of multistate models (MSM) for determining colorectal cancer (CRC) recurrence rate, to analyse the effect of different factors on tumour recurrence and death, and to assess the impact of recurrence for CRC prognosis. Methods: Observational follow-up study of incident CRC cases disease-free after curative resection in 2006-2013 (n = 994). Recurrence and mortality were analyzed with MSM, as well as covariate effects on transition probabilities. Results: Cumulative incidence of recurrence at 60 months was 13.7%. Five years after surgery, 70.3% of patients were alive and recurrence-free, and 8.4% were alive after recurrence. Recurrence has a negative impact on prognosis, with 5-year CRC-related mortality increasing from 3.8% for those who are recurrence-free 1-year after surgery to 33.6% for those with a recurrence. Advanced stage increases recurrence risk (HR = 1.53) and CRC-related mortality after recurrence (HR = 2.35). CRC-related death was associated with age in recurrence-free patients, and with comorbidity after recurrence. As expected, age≥75 years was a risk factor for non-CRC-related death with (HR = 7.76) or without recurrence (HR = 4.26), while its effect on recurrence risk was not demonstrated. Conclusions: MSM allows detailed analysis of recurrence and mortality in CRC. Recurrence has a negative impact on prognosis. Advanced stage was a determining factor for recurrence and CRC-death after recurrence.info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/ISCIII/Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia/PI18%2F01676/ES/CARACTERIZACIÓN DE GRANDES SUPERIVIENTES EN CANCER COLORRECTAL: APLICACIÓN DE MODELOS DE CURACIÓN PARA LA ESTIMACIÓN DE LA SUPERVIVENCIA A LARGO PLAZOThe cohort in which the study was based was recruited within the framework of a multicenter project who received two other grants from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Carlos III Institute, Healthcare Research Fund (PI051075 and PS09/0066375)Xunta de Galicia; 08CSA073916P

    Podiatric skin and nail involvement and biomechanical pathology in renal transplant recipients: assessment of the foot as a contributing factor to their health

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    [Abstract] Although several studies show the prevalence of podiatric conditions in people with end-stage renal disease or renal replacement therapy with hemodialysis, there is little scientific literature on this when subjects are undergoing kidney transplantation. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of podiatric skin and nail pathology in renal transplant recipients. A descriptive, observational, prevalence study was conducted at the Nephrology Department of the University Hospital of A Coruña. A total of 371 subjects were studied. The variables studied were sociodemographic (age, sex), anthropometric (Body Mass Index), comorbidity (Charlson Comorbidity Index), and podological (skin and nail alterations). A high presence of skin (83.1%) and nail pathology (85.4%) was observed, with hyperkeratosis (68.8%), onychogryphosis (39.4%), and onychocryptosis (36.9%) being the most predominant alterations. Although it was not significant, patients with a higher risk of presenting podiatric pathology were of female sex and had a high BMI, and both age and the Charlson comorbidity index were significantly associated with this risk. There was an increased risk of both skin and nail pathology at older age and in the presence of diabetes mellitus

    Clarithromycin Effect in Microbial Communities

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    Financiaciado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGA laboratory experiment was carried out to investigate the response of the microbial communities in acid agricultural soils located in the NW Iberian Peninsula to the presence of clarithromycin. Four soils, with different organic C content and similar pH, and seven different concentrations of clarithromycin (0.49, 1.95, 7.81, 31.25, 125, 500 and 2,000 mg kg−1 of soil) were used, and microbial estimates were made after 8 and 42 incubation days. The phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) technique was used to estimate the total microbial biomass and biomass of specific microbial groups as well as the microbial community structure (PLFA pattern). The microbial biomass (total and specific groups) was different in the four studied soils, the lowest values being exhibited by soils with the lowest organic C. The antibiotic addition showed a positive effect on microbial biomass (total and specific groups), especially at the highest dose; the effect being similar or even more accentuated with time passed after the addition (42 days ≥8 days). Principal component analysis (PCA) of the PLFA data carried out with the whole data set showed that the main determining factors of the microbial structure followed the order: soil > time incubation ≥ antibiotic dose. When the PCA was performed individually for each incubation time, the results indicated that microbial communities of the four soils were different. Likewise, for each soil, different microbial communities were observed depending on antibiotic concentration. The microbial biomass and PLFA pattern data were coincidentally showing that the clarithromycin addition favored fungi and G− bacteria more that bacteria and G+ bacteria; the effect being dose-dependent. Our data (microbial biomass, PLFA pattern) also demonstrated that the effect of clarithromycin addition on microbial communities in these four acid agricultural soils persisted even after 42 incubation days.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2022-081Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. RTI2018-099574-B-C21Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. RTI2018-099574-B-C22Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. FPU21/0420

    Characterisation of Long-Term Cancer Survivors and Application of Statistical Cure Models: A Protocol for an Observational Follow-up Study in Patients With Colorectal Cancer

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    Study protocol[Abstract] Background: Improved colorectal cancer (CRC) survival rates have been reported over the last years, with more than half of these patients surviving more than 5 years after the initial diagnosis. Better understanding these so-called long-term survivors could be very useful to further improve their prognosis as well as to detect other problems that may cause a significant deterioration in their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Cure models provide novel statistical tools to better estimate the long-term survival rate for cancer and to identify characteristics that are differentially associated with a short or long-term prognosis. The aim of this study will be to investigate the long-term prognosis of CRC patients, characterise long-term CRC survivors and their HRQoL, and demonstrate the utility of statistical cure models to analyse survival and other associated factors in these patients. Methods: This is a single-centre, ambispective, observational follow-up study in a cohort of n = 1945 patients with CRC diagnosed between 2006 and 2013. A HRQoL sub-study will be performed in the survivors of a subset of n = 485 CRC patients for which baseline HRQoL data from the time of their diagnosis is already available. Information obtained from interviews and the clinical records for each patient in the cohort is already available in a computerised database from previous studies. This data includes sociodemographic characteristics, family history of cancer, comorbidities, perceived symptoms, tumour characteristics at diagnosis, type of treatment, and diagnosis and treatment delay intervals. For the follow-up, information regarding local recurrences, development of metastases, new tumours, and mortality will be updated using hospital records. The HRQoL for long-term survivors will be assessed with the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-CR29 questionnaires. An analysis of global and specific survival (competitive risk models) will be performed. Relative survival will be estimated and mixture cure models will be applied. Finally, HRQoL will be analysed through multivariate regression models. Discussion: We expect the results from this study to help us to more accurately determine the long-term survival of CRC, identify the needs and clinical situation of long-term CRC survivors, and could be used to propose new models of care for the follow-up of CRC patients.This project received a research grant from the Carlos III Institute of Health (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain; reference PI18/01676) which was co-funded with European Union ERDF funds (European Regional Development Fund, “A way to make Europe”). The study has undergone peer-review by the funding body. In addition, the study is also partially supported by the Galician Network for Colorectal Cancer Research (REGICC)